Fix for Penetration test _ Session and cookie management
[vid.git] / vid-webpack-master / src / app / shared / components / auditInfoModal / auditInfoModal.component.html
1 <div class="modal fade" bsModal #auditInfoModal="bs-modal" [config]="{backdrop: 'static'}"
2      tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialog-static-name">
3   <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="audit-info-modal" class=""
4        [ngStyle]="style" mwlResizable [enableGhostResize]="true"
5        [resizeEdges]="{ bottom: true, right: true, top: true, left: true, bottomRight : true, bottomLeft : true, topLeft : true, topRight : true }" (resizeEnd)="onResizeEnd($event)"
6        [validateResize]="validate">
7     <div class="modal-content">
8       <div class="modal-header">
9         <button type="button" class="close" (click)="onCancelClick()">&times;</button>
10         <span []="'audit-info-title'" class="modal-title">{{title}}</span>
11         <br>
13         <span style="font-size: 16px;">
14           <!-- ServiceInstanceName(ServiceModelName/ServiceModelId) -->
15           <span title="Service Instance name">{{serviceInstanceName }} </span><span *ngIf= "serviceInstanceId" title="Service Instance ID"> | {{serviceInstanceId}}</span>
16           <span title="Service Model name"> ({{serviceModelName}}/</span>
17           <span title="Service Model version">{{serviceModelVersion}})</span>
18         </span>
19       </div>
20       <div class="modal-body row" style="height: 515px">
22         <div class="col-md-8 right-panel">
24           <div class="row">
25             <div class="col-md-6 leftColumn"><span class="table-title">MSO status</span></div>
26             <div class="col-md-6 rightColumn">
27               <span>
28                 <a id="glossary_link" target="_blank" href="#" (click)="onNavigate()">Building Block (BB) glossary</a>
29               </span>
30               &nbsp;
31               <span *ngIf="showMoreAuditInfoLink">
32                 <a id="full_screen_link" target="_parent" title="Go to drawing board" [href]="readOnlyRetryUrl()">
33                   <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>
34                 </a>
35             </span>
36             </div>
37           </div>
38           <div style="max-height: 90%;overflow-y: scroll; max-width: 100%;overflow-x: scroll;">
39             <table id="service-instantiation-audit-info-mso" class="table table-bordered"  style="min-width: 950px;overflow-x: auto;">
40               <thead class="thead-dark row">
41               <tr class="row">
42                 <th scope="col" class="request-id">Request ID</th>
43                 <th *ngIf="isAlaCarte&&isALaCarteFlagOn" id="instanceName" class="col-md-2" scope="col" >Instance Name | <br>Instance ID</th>
44                 <th>Model Type</th>
45                 <th>Request Type</th>
46                 <th>Start Time</th>
47                 <th>Finish Time</th>
48                 <th scope="col">Request Status</th>
49                 <th class="col-md-2" scope="col">Additional info</th>
50               </tr>
51               </thead>
52               <tbody>
53               <tr class="row" *ngFor="let data of msoInfoData">
54                 <td id="msoRequestId" style="width: 12%">
55                   <custom-ellipsis [id]="data?.requestId" [value]="data?.requestId" []="'requestId'"></custom-ellipsis>
56                 </td>
57                 <td id="msoInstanceName" *ngIf="isAlaCarte && isALaCarteFlagOn" class="msoInstanceName" style="width: 10%">
58                   <custom-ellipsis [id]="data?.instanceId" [value]="data?.instanceColumn"></custom-ellipsis>
59                 </td>
60                 <td id="msoModelType" style="width: 7%">
61                   <custom-ellipsis [value]="data?.modelType"></custom-ellipsis>
62                 </td>
63                 <td id="msoInstanceType" style="width: 10%">
64                   <custom-ellipsis [value]="data?.instanceType"></custom-ellipsis>
65                 </td>
66                 <td id="msostartTime" style="width: 10%">
67                   <custom-ellipsis [value]="data?.startTime"></custom-ellipsis>
68                 </td>
69                 <td id="msoFinishTime" style="width: 10%">
70                   <custom-ellipsis [value]="data?.finishTime"></custom-ellipsis>
71                 </td >
72                 <td id="msoJobStatus" style="width: 8%">
73                   <custom-ellipsis [id]="data?.jobStatus" [value]="data?.jobStatus | capitalizeAndFormat" []="'jobStatus'"></custom-ellipsis>
74                 </td>
75                 <td id="msoAdditionalInfo" style="width: 33%">
76                                 <span [innerHtml]="data?.additionalInfo"></span>
77                 </td>
78               </tr>
79               </tbody>
80             </table>
81             <div class="no-result" *ngIf="!isLoading && msoInfoData?.length == 0">There is no data.</div>
82           </div>
83         </div>
84       </div>
85       <div class="modal-footer row">
86         <button *ngIf="exportMSOStatusFeatureEnabled" style= "font-size: 12px" id="exportButton" type="button" class="btn btn-default cancel"
87                 (click)="exportMsoStatusTable()" []="'export-button'">
88           Export
89         </button>
90         <button style= "font-size: 12px" id="refreshButton" type="button" class="btn btn-default cancel"
91                  []="'refresh-button'"
92                  [ngClass]="{'spin' : !dataIsReady}" (click)="refreshData();">
93           Refresh
94         </button>
95         <button style= "font-size: 12px" id="cancelButton" type="button" class="btn btn-default cancel" (click)="onCancelClick()" []="'close-button'">
96           Close
97         </button>
98       </div>
99     </div>
100   </div>
101 </div>