identify macro services without instantiation type in BE by feature flag
[vid.git] / vid-webpack-master / cypress / integration / iFrames / collectionResource.e2e.ts
1 ///<reference path="../../../node_modules/cypress/types/index.d.ts"/>
3 import {JsonBuilder} from "../../support/jsonBuilders/jsonBuilder";
4 import {ServiceModel} from "../../support/jsonBuilders/models/service.model";
6 describe('Drawing board : Collection resource', function () {
8   let jsonBuilderAndMock: JsonBuilder<ServiceModel> = new JsonBuilder<ServiceModel>();
9   const serviceModelId: string = "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44";
10   beforeEach(() => {
11       cy.clearSessionStorage();
12       cy.preventErrorsOnLoading();
13       cy.initAAIMock();
14       cy.initVidMock();
15       cy.login();
16   });
18   afterEach(() => {
19     cy.screenshot();
20   });
23   describe('should show collection resource model correctly', () => {
24     it('collection type + name', () => {
26       const collectionResourceName: string = "CR_sanity 0";
27       initDrawingBoardWithColectionResource(serviceModelId, collectionResourceName);
28       cy.get('.vf-type').contains('CR');
29       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('available-models-tree').getElementByDataTestsId('node-name').contains(collectionResourceName);
30     });
32     it('collection resource component info', () => {
33       const collectionResourceName: string = "CR_sanity 0";
34       const redux = initDrawingBoardWithColectionResource(serviceModelId, collectionResourceName)
35       cy.getElementByDataTestsId(`node-${collectionResourceName}`).click().then(()=>{
36         cy.getElementByDataTestsId('component-info-section-title').contains('Collection Resource INFO');
37         const customizationUuid: string = redux["service"]["serviceHierarchy"][serviceModelId]["collectionResources"][collectionResourceName].customizationUuid;
38         cy.getElementByDataTestsId('model-item-value-Model customization ID').contains(customizationUuid);
39       });
40     });
41   });
43   describe('collection resource in view edit mode',()=>{
44     const SUBSCRIBER_ID: string = "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb";
45     const SERVICE_TYPE: string = "Emanuel";
46     const SERVICE_MODEL_ID: string = "6e0bec91-09f3-43aa-9cf3-e617cd0146be";
47     const SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID: string = "a565e6ad-75d1-4493-98f1-33234b5c17e2";
49     function verifyOnlyStatusDelete(){
50       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('delete-status-type-header').should('exist');
51       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('resume-status-type-header').should('not.exist');
52       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('serviceName').should('have.css', 'text-decoration').and('contain', 'line-through');
53       cy.isNodeDeleted(0);
54       cy.isNodeDeleted(1);
55     }
57     function verifyOnlyStatusResume(){
58       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('resume-status-type-header').should('exist');
59       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('delete-status-type-header').should('not.exist');
60       cy.isNodeNotDeleted(0);
61       cy.isNodeNotDeleted(1);
62     }
64     function verifyEmptyStatus(){
65       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('resume-status-type-header').should('not.exist');
66       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('delete-status-type-header').should('not.exist');
67       cy.isNodeNotDeleted(0);
68       cy.isNodeNotDeleted(1);
69     }
71     function initCrViewEdit() {
72         cy.permissionVidMock();
73         cy.readFile('../vid-app-common/src/test/resources/getTopology/serviceWithCR/getTopologyWithCR.json').then((res) => {
74           jsonBuilderAndMock.basicJson(
75             res,
76             Cypress.config('baseUrl') + `/aai_get_service_instance_topology/${SUBSCRIBER_ID}/${SERVICE_TYPE}/${SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID}`,
77             200, 0,
78             "getTopologyWithCR",
79           )
80         });
83       cy.readFile('../vid-app-common/src/test/resources/getTopology/serviceWithCR/serviceWithCRModel.json').then((res) => {
84           jsonBuilderAndMock.basicJson(
85             res,
86             Cypress.config('baseUrl') + `/rest/models/services/${SERVICE_MODEL_ID}`,
87             200,
88             0,
89             "serviceModelWithCR",
90           )
91         });
92       cy.openIframe(`app/ui/#/servicePlanning/EDIT?serviceModelId=${SERVICE_MODEL_ID}&subscriberId=${SUBSCRIBER_ID}&serviceType=${SERVICE_TYPE}&serviceInstanceId=${SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID}`);
93     }
95     it('should show left and right trees correctly', () => {
96       initCrViewEdit();
97       cy.hasClass('orchStatusValue','tag-status-value');
98       cy.get('.vf-type').contains('CR');
99       const crModelName = "NCM_VLAN_ym161f 0";
100       cy.getElementByDataTestsId('available-models-tree').getElementByDataTestsId('node-name').contains(crModelName);
102       /*
103       Right tree
104       */
106       const rightShouldHaves: { [dataTestId: string]: { [dataTestId: string]: string; }; } = {
107         'node-ce8c98bc-4691-44fb-8ff0-7a47487c11c4-undefined': {
108           'node-type-indicator': 'CR',
109           'node-name': 'NcmVlanSvcYm161f_77_vTSBC Customer Landing Network Collection'
110         },
111         'node-undefined-undefined': {
112           'node-type-indicator': 'NCF',
113           'node-name': 'NcmVlanSvcYm161f_77_vTSBC Customer Landing Network Collection'
114         }
115       };
117       const expectedComponentInfo: { [key: string]: any } = {
118         'node-ce8c98bc-4691-44fb-8ff0-7a47487c11c4-undefined': {
119           labelsAndValues: [
120             //['Model version', "5.0"] //to add once fix in code
121             ['Instance ID', '84a351ae-3601-45e2-98df-878d6c816abc'],
122             ['In maintenance', 'false']
123           ],
124           title: "Collection Resource Instance INFO"
125         },
126         'node-undefined-undefined': {
127           labelsAndValues: [
128             ['Model version', "1"],
129             ['Instance ID', '6b3536cf-3a12-457f-abb5-fa2203e0d923'],
130             ['Instance type', 'L3-NETWORK'],
131             ['In maintenance', 'false'],
132             ['Role', 'SUB_INTERFACE'],
133             ['Collection function', 'vTSBC Customer Landing Network Collection'],
134             ['Number of networks', '1']
135           ],
136           title: "Network Collection Function Instance INFO"
137         }
138       };
140       for (let node in rightShouldHaves) {
141         for (let span in rightShouldHaves[node]) {
142           cy.getElementByDataTestsId(node).find(`[data-tests-id='${span}']`).should('have.text', rightShouldHaves[node][span]);
143         }
144         cy.getElementByDataTestsId(node).click().then(() => {
145           let expected = <any>expectedComponentInfo[node];
146           cy.assertComponentInfoTitleLabelsAndValues(expected['title'], expected['labelsAndValues']);
147         })
148       }
149     });
152     it('resume service with cr', () => {
153       cy.server().route({
154         url: Cypress.config('baseUrl') + '/asyncInstantiation/bulk',
155         method: 'POST',
156         status: 200,
157         response: "[]",
158       }).as("expectedPostAsyncInstantiation");
159       initCrViewEdit();
160       cy.serviceActionDelete();
161       verifyOnlyStatusDelete();
162       cy.serviceActionResume();
163       verifyOnlyStatusResume();
164       cy.serviceActionDelete();
165       verifyOnlyStatusDelete();
166       cy.serviceActionUndoDelete();
167       verifyEmptyStatus();
168       cy.serviceActionResume();
169       cy.serviceActionUndoResume();
170       verifyEmptyStatus();
171       cy.serviceActionResume();
172       cy.getDrawingBoardDeployBtn().click();
173       cy.wait('@expectedPostAsyncInstantiation').then(xhr => {
174         cy.readFile('../vid-app-common/src/test/resources/payload_jsons/resume/feRequestResumeMacroService.json').then((expectedResult) => {
175            cy.deepCompare(xhr.request.body, expectedResult);
176        });
177       });
179     });
180   });
182   function initDrawingBoardWithColectionResource(serviceModelId: string, collectionResourceName: string) {
183       const redux = reduxWithCollectionResource(serviceModelId, collectionResourceName);
184       cy.setReduxState(<any>redux);
185       cy.openIframe(`app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=${serviceModelId}`);
186       return redux;
187   }
190   function reduxWithCollectionResource(serviceModelId: string, collectionResourceName: string) {
191     return {
192       "service": {
193         "serviceHierarchy": {
194           [serviceModelId]: {
195             "service": {
196               "uuid": serviceModelId,
197               "invariantUuid": "cfef8302-d90f-475f-87cc-3f49a62ef14c",
198               "name": "ComplexService",
199               "version": "1.0",
200               "toscaModelURL": null,
201               "category": "Emanuel",
202               "serviceType": "",
203               "serviceRole": "",
204               "description": "ComplexService",
205               "serviceEcompNaming": "true",
206               "instantiationType": "Macro",
207               "inputs": {},
208               "vidNotions": {
209                 "instantiationUI": "legacy",
210                 "modelCategory": "other",
211                 "viewEditUI": "legacy"
212               }
213             },
214             "vnfs": {},
215             "networks": {},
216             "collectionResources": {
217               [collectionResourceName]: {
218                 "uuid": "3467f91f-1a2a-4013-a5ed-8ad99d4e06ad",
219                 "invariantUuid": "d0060da6-82b8-4ca0-9758-5eb2b111b926",
220                 "description": "CR_sanity",
221                 "name": "CR_sanity",
222                 "version": "1.0",
223                 "customizationUuid": "7160c618-9314-4c09-8717-b77f3d29d946",
224                 "inputs": {},
225                 "commands": {},
226                 "properties": {
227                   "cr_sanity..Fixed..0_quantity": "10",
228                   "cr_sanity..NetworkCollection..0_network_collection_function": "ABCD",
229                   "ecomp_generated_naming": "false",
230                   "cr_sanity..NetworkCollection..0_network_collection_description": "ABCD"
231                 },
232                 "type": "CR",
233                 "category": "Network L2-3",
234                 "subcategory": "Infrastructure",
235                 "resourceVendor": "ATT",
236                 "resourceVendorRelease": "2018.06",
237                 "resourceVendorModelNumber": "",
238                 "customizationUUID": "7160c618-9314-4c09-8717-b77f3d29d946",
239                 "networksCollection": {
240                   "cr_sanity..NetworkCollection..0": {
241                     "uuid": "445d7fa8-3e59-4606-bd76-30ba5fc677d3",
242                     "invariantUuid": "9dc623b8-0ae8-47ad-a791-a21b8d8e94a8",
243                     "name": "cr_sanity..NetworkCollection..0",
244                     "version": "1",
245                     "networkCollectionProperties": {
246                       "networkCollectionFunction": "ABCD",
247                       "networkCollectionDescription": "ABCD"
248                     }
249                   }
250                 }
251               }
252             },
253             "configurations": {},
254             "fabricConfigurations": {},
255             "serviceProxies": {},
256             "vfModules": {},
257             "volumeGroups": {},
258             "pnfs": {},
259             "vnfGroups": {}
260           }
261         },
262         "serviceInstance": {
263           "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44": {
264             "action": "Create",
265             "isDirty": true,
266             "vnfs": {},
267             "instanceParams": [
268               {}
269             ],
270             "validationCounter": 0,
271             "existingNames": {
272               "11": "",
273               "yoav": ""
274             },
275             "existingVNFCounterMap": {
276               "91415b44-753d-494c-926a-456a9172bbb9": 1
277             },
278             "existingVnfGroupCounterMap": {},
279             "existingNetworksCounterMap": {},
280             "optionalGroupMembersMap": {},
281             "networks": {},
282             "vnfGroups": {},
283             "bulkSize": 1,
284             "instanceName": "serviceInstanceName",
285             "globalSubscriberId": "e433710f-9217-458d-a79d-1c7aff376d89",
286             "subscriptionServiceType": "TYLER SILVIA",
287             "owningEntityId": "d61e6f2d-12fa-4cc2-91df-7c244011d6fc",
288             "productFamilyId": "d8a6ed93-251c-47ca-adc9-86671fd19f4c",
289             "lcpCloudRegionId": "AAIAIC25",
290             "tenantId": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
291             "aicZoneId": "ATL53",
292             "projectName": "WATKINS",
293             "rollbackOnFailure": "true",
294             "aicZoneName": "AAIATLTE-ATL53",
295             "owningEntityName": "WayneHolland",
296             "testApi": "VNF_API",
297             "tenantName": "USP-SIP-IC-24335-T-01",
298             "modelInfo": {
299               "modelInvariantId": "cfef8302-d90f-475f-87cc-3f49a62ef14c",
300               "modelVersionId": "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44",
301               "modelName": "ComplexService",
302               "modelVersion": "1.0",
303               "uuid": "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44",
304               "modelUniqueId": "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44"
305             },
306             "isALaCarte": false,
307             "name": "ComplexService",
308             "version": "1.0",
309             "description": "ComplexService",
310             "category": "Emanuel",
311             "uuid": "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44",
312             "invariantUuid": "cfef8302-d90f-475f-87cc-3f49a62ef14c",
313             "serviceType": "",
314             "serviceRole": "",
315             "vidNotions": {
316               "instantiationUI": "legacy",
317               "modelCategory": "other",
318               "viewEditUI": "legacy"
319             },
320             "isEcompGeneratedNaming": true,
321             "isMultiStepDesign": false
322           }
323         },
324         "lcpRegionsAndTenants": {
325           "lcpRegionList": [
326             {
327               "id": "AAIAIC25",
328               "name": "AAIAIC25 (AIC)",
329               "isPermitted": true,
330               "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
331             },
332             {
333               "id": "hvf6",
334               "name": "hvf6 (AIC)",
335               "isPermitted": true,
336               "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
337             }
338           ],
339           "lcpRegionsTenantsMap": {
340             "AAIAIC25": [
341               {
342                 "id": "092eb9e8e4b7412e8787dd091bc58e86",
343                 "name": "USP-SIP-IC-24335-T-01",
344                 "isPermitted": true,
345                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
346               }
347             ],
348             "hvf6": [
349               {
350                 "id": "bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054",
351                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-testalexandria",
352                 "isPermitted": true,
353                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
354               },
355               {
356                 "id": "229bcdc6eaeb4ca59d55221141d01f8e",
357                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-STTest2",
358                 "isPermitted": true,
359                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
360               },
361               {
362                 "id": "1178612d2b394be4834ad77f567c0af2",
363                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-SSPtestcustome",
364                 "isPermitted": true,
365                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
366               },
367               {
368                 "id": "19c5ade915eb461e8af52fb2fd8cd1f2",
369                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-UncheckedEcopm",
370                 "isPermitted": true,
371                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
372               },
373               {
374                 "id": "de007636e25249238447264a988a927b",
375                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-dfsdf",
376                 "isPermitted": true,
377                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
378               },
379               {
380                 "id": "62f29b3613634ca6a3065cbe0e020c44",
381                 "name": "AIN/SMS-16-D-Multiservices1",
382                 "isPermitted": true,
383                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
384               },
385               {
386                 "id": "649289e30d3244e0b48098114d63c2aa",
387                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-SSPST66",
388                 "isPermitted": true,
389                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
390               },
391               {
392                 "id": "3f21eeea6c2c486bba31dab816c05a32",
393                 "name": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-ASSPST47",
394                 "isPermitted": true,
395                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
396               },
397               {
398                 "id": "f60ce21d3ee6427586cff0d22b03b773",
399                 "name": "CESAR-100-D-sspjg67246",
400                 "isPermitted": true,
401                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
402               },
403               {
404                 "id": "8774659e425f479895ae091bb5d46560",
405                 "name": "CESAR-100-D-sspjg68359",
406                 "isPermitted": true,
407                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
408               },
409               {
410                 "id": "624eb554b0d147c19ff8885341760481",
411                 "name": "AINWebTool-15-D-iftach",
412                 "isPermitted": true,
413                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
414               },
415               {
416                 "id": "214f55f5fc414c678059c383b03e4962",
417                 "name": "CESAR-100-D-sspjg612401",
418                 "isPermitted": true,
419                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
420               },
421               {
422                 "id": "c90666c291664841bb98e4d981ff1db5",
423                 "name": "CESAR-100-D-sspjg621340",
424                 "isPermitted": true,
425                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
426               },
427               {
428                 "id": "ce5b6bc5c7b348e1bf4b91ac9a174278",
429                 "name": "sspjg621351cloned",
430                 "isPermitted": true,
431                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
432               },
433               {
434                 "id": "b386b768a3f24c8e953abbe0b3488c02",
435                 "name": "AINWebTool-15-D-eteancomp",
436                 "isPermitted": true,
437                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
438               },
439               {
440                 "id": "dc6c4dbfd225474e9deaadd34968646c",
441                 "name": "AINWebTool-15-T-SPFET",
442                 "isPermitted": true,
443                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
444               },
445               {
446                 "id": "02cb5030e9914aa4be120bd9ed1e19eb",
447                 "name": "AINWebTool-15-X-eeweww",
448                 "isPermitted": true,
449                 "cloudOwner": "irma-aic"
450               },
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1587           "FLAG_SHOW_VERIFY_SERVICE": true,
1588           "FLAG_1902_NEW_VIEW_EDIT": true,
1589           "EMPTY_DRAWING_BOARD_TEST": false,
1590           "FLAG_ADD_MSO_TESTAPI_FIELD": true,
1595           "FLAG_DEFAULT_VNF": true,
1596           "FLAG_1810_CR_SOFT_DELETE_ALACARTE_VF_MODULE": true,
1597           "FLAG_ASYNC_ALACARTE_VFMODULE": true,
1599           "FLAG_ASYNC_ALACARTE_VNF": true,
1600           "FLAG_1810_AAI_LOCAL_CACHE": true,
1602           "FLAG_SERVICE_MODEL_CACHE": true,
1603           "FLAG_1902_RETRY_JOB": true,
1605           "CREATE_INSTANCE_TEST": false,
1607           "FLAG_1906_AAI_SUB_DETAILS_REDUCE_DEPTH": true,
1609           "FLAG_SUPPLEMENTARY_FILE": true,
1610           "FLAG_5G_IN_NEW_INSTANTIATION_UI": true,
1611           "FLAG_RESTRICTED_SELECT": false,
1613         },
1614         "drawingBoardStatus": "CREATE",
1615         "type": "UPDATE_DRAWING_BOARD_STATUS"
1616       }
1617     }
1618   }
1619 });