Add another Network to the new view/edit screen
[vid.git] / vid-app-common / src / test / resources / payload_jsons / vrfEntry / service_with_vrf_instantiation_request.json
1 {
2   "requestDetails": {
3     "modelInfo": {
4       "modelInvariantId": "dfc2c44c-2429-44ca-ae26-1e6dc1f207fb",
5       "modelVersionId": "f028b2e2-7080-4b13-91b2-94944d4c42d8",
6       "modelName": "infraVPN",
7       "modelVersion": "1.0",
8       "modelType": "service"
9     },
10     "cloudConfiguration": {
11       "cloudOwner": "irma-aic",
12       "lcpCloudRegionId": "lcpCloudRegionId",
13       "tenantId": "4b273bc5-0ae6-4088-aa5d-5a862d84cab2"
14     },
15     "owningEntity": {
16       "owningEntityId": "d61e6f2d-12fa-4cc2-91df-7c244011d6fc",
17       "owningEntityName": "WayneHolland"
18     },
19     "project": {
20       "projectName": "WATKINS"
21     },
22     "subscriberInfo": {
23       "globalSubscriberId": "e433710f-9217-458d-a79d-1c7aff376d89",
24       "subscriberName": "SILVIA ROBBINS"
25     },
26     "requestInfo": {
27       "instanceName": "dfd",
28       "productFamilyId": "ddf9cc0f-6331-4d35-bed0-a37f2d5e9cb3",
29       "source": "VID",
30       "suppressRollback": false,
31       "requestorId": "az2016"
32     },
33     "requestParameters": {
34       "subscriptionServiceType": "TYLER SILVIA",
35       "aLaCarte": false,
36       "userParams": []
37     },
38     "relatedInstanceList": [
39       {
40         "relatedInstance": {
41           "instanceId": "7e971d5c-6ddf-4f02-be8a-95dcbc7daf83",
42           "instanceName": "justFakeVPN",
43           "modelInfo": {
44             "modelType": "vpnBinding"
45           }
46         }
47       },
48       {
49         "relatedInstance": {
50           "instanceId": "884b373f-41c0-4a96-9785-7f075cb4ae9d",
51           "instanceName": "myBestNetwork",
52           "modelInfo": {
53             "modelType": "network"
54           }
55         }
56       }
57     ]
58   }
59 }