[vid.git] / vid-app-common / src / main / webapp / app / vid / scripts / view-models / createInstanceServiceModels.htm
1 <!--\r
2   ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\r
3   VID\r
4   ================================================================================\r
5   Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.\r
6   ================================================================================\r
7   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
8   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
9   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
10   \r
11        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
12   \r
13   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
14   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
15   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
16   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
17   limitations under the License.\r
18   ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\r
19   -->\r
20 \r
21 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="app/vid/styles/serviceModels.css" />\r
22 <div popup-window class="popupContents" ngx-show="{{popup.isVisible}}" ng-cloak>\r
23         <div ng-include="'app/vid/scripts/view-models/creationDialog.htm'"/>\r
24 </div>\r
25 <div >\r
26 \r
27         <span class="statusLine" ng-class="{true:'smcVisible', false:'smcHidden'}[isSpinnerVisible]">\r
28                         <img src="app/vid/images/spinner.gif"></img>\r
29                         </span>\r
30                         <span class="statusLine" ng-class="{true:'progVisible', false:'progHidden'}[isProgressVisible]">\r
31                         <label>Status:</label><span class="status"><span ng-show="error"><font color='red'><b>Error: </b></font></span>{{status}}</span>\r
32                 </span>\r
33         <br><br>\r
34         \r
35         \r
36         <table> \r
37                 \r
38                 <tr>\r
39                                 <td >\r
40                                 <div class="fn-ebz-container">  \r
41                                         <label  class="fn-ebz-text-label" >Subscriber Name :</label>\r
42                                 </div>\r
43                                 </td>\r
44                                 <td style="width:80%" nowrap>\r
45                                         <div class="fn-ebz-container">\r
46                                         <textarea style=" height: 15px  width: 100% border: none resize: none  overflow: hidden background-color: #ddd outline: none" ng-model="createSubscriberName">{{createSubscriberName}}</textarea>\r
47                                                 \r
48                                         </div>\r
49                                 </td>\r
50                         \r
51                         </tr>\r
52                         <tr>\r
53                                 <td >\r
54                                 <div class="fn-ebz-container">  \r
55                                         <label  class="fn-ebz-text-label" >Service Type :</label>\r
56                                 </div>\r
57                                 </td>\r
58                                 <td style="width:80%" nowrap>\r
59                                         <div class="fn-ebz-container">\r
60                                         <textarea style=" height: 15px  width: 100% border: none resize: none  overflow: hidden background-color: #ddd outline: none" ng-model="serviceTypeName">{{serviceTypeName}}</textarea>\r
61                                                 \r
62                                         </div>\r
63                                 </td>\r
64                         \r
65                         </tr>\r
66                          \r
67     </table>                    \r
68         \r
69         <div class="fn-ebz-container">\r
70                          Filter:\r
71                           <input class="fn-ebz-text" type="text" ng-model="searchString" size="20" style="width: 250px;">\r
72         </div>\r
73 \r
74         <!-- <h1 class="heading1" style="margin-top:20px;">Browse SDC Service Models</h1> -->\r
75         <div style="margin-top:30px" ng-init="getAaiServiceModelsList();">\r
76                 \r
77                 <table att-table table-data="services" view-per-page="viewPerPage" current-page="currentPage" search-category="searchCategory" search-string="searchString" total-page="totalPage">\r
78                     <thead  att-table-row type="header">\r
79                                 <tr>\r
80                                         <th att-table-header key="action">Action</th>\r
81                                         <th att-table-header key="serviceInstanceName">Service Name</th>\r
82                                         <th att-table-header key="serviceDescription">Service Description</th>\r
83                                         <th att-table-header key="serviceType">Service Type</th>\r
84                             <th att-table-header key="serviceUuid">Service UUID</th>\r
85                             <th att-table-header key="serviceInvariantUuid">Service Invariant UUID</th>\r
86                             <th att-table-header key="serviceVersion">Service Version</th>\r
87                             <th att-table-header key="actions">Action</th>\r
88                         </tr>\r
89                     </thead>\r
90                     <tbody att-table-row type="body" row-repeat="service in services">\r
91                        <tr>\r
92                                 <td att-table-body ><button type=button ng-click="deployService(service,true)" att-button btn-type="primary" size="small">Deploy</button></td>\r
93                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][2]['property-value']"></td>\r
94                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][0]['property-value']"></td>\r
95                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][3]['property-value']"></td>\r
96                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][1]['property-value']"></td>\r
97                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][4]['property-value']"></td>\r
98                         <td att-table-body ng-bind="service['extra-properties']['extra-property'][6]['property-value']"></td>\r
99                         <td att-table-body ><button type=button ng-click="deploService(service)" att-button btn-type="primary" size="small">Previous Versions</button></td>\r
100                         </tr>\r
101                     </tbody>      \r
102                 </table>\r
103                 <div >  \r
104                         <center><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" size="small" ng-click="cancelCreateSIType();">Cancel</button></center>\r
105                 </div>\r
106                 <table width='100%'>\r
107                         <tr>\r
108                                         <td width='33%' valign='middle'>\r
109                                                 <span style="cursor: pointer" ng-if="currentPage>1"><button att-button size="small" ng-click="prevPage();">&lt; prev page</button></span>\r
110                                         </td>\r
111                                         <td width='33%' valign='middle'>\r
112                                                 Jump to page:\r
113                                         <input class="fn-ebz-text" type="text" ng-model="currentPage" size="5" style="width: 47px;">\r
114                                         Results per page: <span style="cursor: pointer" ng-click="viewPerPage = 10" ng-style="viewPerPage === 10 && {'textDecoration':'underline','text-color':'black'}">10</span> \r
115                                         | <span style="cursor: pointer" ng-click="viewPerPage = 25" ng-style="viewPerPage === 25 && {'textDecoration':'underline','text-color':'black'}">25</span> \r
116                                         | <span style="cursor: pointer" ng-click="viewPerPage = 50" ng-style="viewPerPage === 50 && {'textDecoration':'underline','text-color':'black'}">50</span> \r
117                                 </td>\r
118                                 <td width='34%' align='right' valign='middle'>\r
119                                         <span style="cursor: pointer" ng-if="currentPage<totalPage"><button att-button size="small" ng-click="nextPage();">next page &gt;</button></span>\r
120                                         </td>\r
121                         </tr>\r
122                 </table>\r
123                 \r
124         </div>\r
125         </div>\r
126 \r