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[clamp.git] / ui-react / src / components / dialogs / Tosca / __snapshots__ / ViewToscaPolicyModal.test.js.snap
1 // Jest Snapshot v1,
3 exports[`Verify ViewToscaPolicyModal Test the tosca model view render method 1`] = `
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88         Object {
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90           "lastUpdatedDate": "05-07-2019 19:09:42",
91           "policyType": "mtca",
92           "toscaModelName": "DCAE_MTCAConfig",
93           "toscaModelYaml": "MTCA",
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143     />
144     <div>
145       <styled.textarea
146         onChange={[Function]}
147         value="Please select Tosca model to view the details"
148       />
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158     >
159       Close
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162 </Styled(Bootstrap(Modal))>
163 `;