Prevent adding same type of Op policy
[clamp.git] / ui-react / src / components / dialogs / Loop / __snapshots__ / OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap
1 // Jest Snapshot v1,
3 exports[`Verify OpenLoopModal Test the render method 1`] = `
4 <Styled(Bootstrap(Modal))
5   onHide={[Function]}
6   show={true}
7   size="xl"
8 >
9   <ModalHeader
10     closeButton={true}
11     closeLabel="Close"
12   >
13     <ModalTitle>
14       Open Model
15     </ModalTitle>
16   </ModalHeader>
17   <ModalBody>
18     <FormGroup
19       as={
20         Object {
21           "$$typeof": Symbol(react.forward_ref),
22           "defaultProps": Object {
23             "noGutters": false,
24           },
25           "render": [Function],
26         }
27       }
28       controlId="formPlaintextEmail"
29     >
30       <FormLabel
31         column={true}
32         sm="2"
33         srOnly={false}
34       >
35         Model Name
36       </FormLabel>
37       <Col
38         sm="10"
39       >
40         <StateManager
41           defaultInputValue=""
42           defaultMenuIsOpen={false}
43           defaultValue={null}
44           onChange={[Function]}
45           options={Array []}
46         />
47       </Col>
48     </FormGroup>
49     <FormGroup
50       controlId="formPlaintextEmail"
51     >
52       <styled.div
53         dangerouslySetInnerHTML={
54           Object {
55             "__html": "",
56           }
57         }
58         value=""
59       />
60     </FormGroup>
61     <FormGroup
62       controlId="formBasicChecbox"
63     >
64       <FormCheck
65         disabled={false}
66         inline={false}
67         isInvalid={false}
68         isValid={false}
69         title=""
70         type="checkbox"
71       >
72         <FormCheckLabel>
73           Read Only
74         </FormCheckLabel>
75         <Styled(FormCheckInput)
76           type="checkbox"
77         />
78       </FormCheck>
79     </FormGroup>
80   </ModalBody>
81   <ModalFooter>
82     <Button
83       active={false}
84       disabled={false}
85       onClick={[Function]}
86       type="null"
87       variant="secondary"
88     >
89       Cancel
90     </Button>
91     <Button
92       active={false}
93       disabled={false}
94       onClick={[Function]}
95       type="submit"
96       variant="primary"
97     >
98       Open
99     </Button>
100   </ModalFooter>
101 </Styled(Bootstrap(Modal))>
102 `;