Merge "Add check to maven pom.xml for verifying integrity of ui-react-lib"
[clamp.git] / ui-react / src / __snapshots__ / OnapClamp.test.js.snap
1 // Jest Snapshot v1,
3 exports[`Verify OnapClamp Test the render method 1`] = `
4 <ThemeProvider
5   theme={
6     Object {
7       "backgroundColor": "#eeeeee",
8       "fontDanger": "#eb238e",
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14       "fontSize": "16px",
15       "fontWarning": "#eb238e",
16       "loopLogsHeaderBackgroundColor": "white",
17       "loopLogsHeaderFontColor": "black",
18       "loopViewerBackgroundColor": "white",
19       "loopViewerFontColor": "yellow",
20       "loopViewerHeaderBackgroundColor": "#337ab7",
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30 >
31   <styled.div
32     id="main_div"
33   >
34     <Route
35       path="/uploadToscaPolicyModal"
36       render={[Function]}
37     />
38     <Route
39       path="/viewToscaPolicyModal"
40       render={[Function]}
41     />
42     <Route
43       path="/ViewLoopTemplatesModal"
44       render={[Function]}
45     />
46     <Route
47       path="/ManageDictionaries"
48       render={[Function]}
49     />
50     <Route
51       path="/policyModal/:policyInstanceType/:policyName"
52       render={[Function]}
53     />
54     <Route
55       path="/createLoop"
56       render={[Function]}
57     />
58     <Route
59       path="/openLoop"
60       render={[Function]}
61     />
62     <Route
63       path="/loopProperties"
64       render={[Function]}
65     />
66     <Route
67       path="/modifyLoop"
68       render={[Function]}
69     />
70     <Route
71       path="/userInfo"
72       render={[Function]}
73     />
74     <Route
75       path="/closeLoop"
76       render={[Function]}
77     />
78     <Route
79       path="/submit"
80       render={[Function]}
81     />
82     <Route
83       path="/stop"
84       render={[Function]}
85     />
86     <Route
87       path="/restart"
88       render={[Function]}
89     />
90     <Route
91       path="/delete"
92       render={[Function]}
93     />
94     <Route
95       path="/undeploy"
96       render={[Function]}
97     />
98     <Route
99       path="/deploy"
100       render={[Function]}
101     />
102     <Route
103       path="/refreshStatus"
104       render={[Function]}
105     />
106     <Route
107       path="/logout"
108       render={[Function]}
109     />
110     <GlobalStyleComponent />
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112       <Alert
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118           Object {
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126             },
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128             "render": [Function],
129           }
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132       />
133       <Alert
134         closeLabel="Close alert"
135         dismissible={true}
136         onClose={[Function]}
137         show={false}
138         transition={
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149             "render": [Function],
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155     <Navbar
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157       expand={true}
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159     >
160       <NavbarBrand>
161         <img
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164           src={null}
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166         />
167         <styled.a>
168           CLAMP
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171       <NavbarToggle
172         aria-controls="responsive-navbar-nav"
173         label="Toggle navigation"
174       />
175       <MenuBar
176         loopName="Empty (NO loop loaded yet)"
177       />
178       <NavbarText>
179         <styled.a>
180           Signed in as: 
181         </styled.a>
182         <Styled(Link)
183           to="/userInfo"
184         />
185         <Styled(Link)
186           to="/logout/"
187         >
188            (logout)
189         </Styled(Link)>
190       </NavbarText>
191     </Navbar>
192     <styled.div>
193       <styled.div>
194         Loop Viewer - 
195         Empty (NO loop loaded yet)
196          - (
197         )
198       </styled.div>
199       <styled.div>
200         <withRouter(SvgGenerator)
201           clickable={true}
202           generatedFrom="INSTANCE"
203           loopCache={
204             LoopCache {
205               "loopJsonCache": Object {},
206             }
207           }
208         />
209         <LoopStatus
210           loopCache={
211             LoopCache {
212               "loopJsonCache": Object {},
213             }
214           }
215         />
216         <LoopLogs
217           loopCache={
218             LoopCache {
219               "loopJsonCache": Object {},
220             }
221           }
222         />
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224     </styled.div>
225   </styled.div>
226 </ThemeProvider>
227 `;