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[integration/csit.git] / tests / optf-has / has / data / plan_with_short_distance_constraint.json
1 {
2    "name":"onap template with short distance constraint",
3    "template":{
4       "homing_template_version":"2017-10-10",
5       "parameters":{
6          "service_name":"Residential vCPE",
7          "service_id":"vcpe_service_id",
8          "customer_lat":25.395968,
9          "customer_long":-51.135344,
10          "physical_location":"DLLSTX233",
11          "REQUIRED_MEM":4,
12          "REQUIRED_DISK":100,
13          "pnf_id":"some_pnf_id"
14       },
15       "locations":{
16          "customer_loc":{
17             "latitude":{
18                "get_param":"customer_lat"
19             },
20             "longitude":{
21                "get_param":"customer_long"
22             }
23          }
24       },
25       "demands":{
26          "vG":[
27             {
28                "inventory_provider":"aai",
29                "inventory_type":"cloud"
30             }
31          ]
32       },
33       "constraints":{
34          "distance-vg":{
35             "type":"distance_to_location",
36             "demands":[
37                "vG"
38             ],
39             "properties":{
40                "distance":"< 1 km",
41                "location":"customer_loc"
42             }
43          }
44       },
45       "optimization":{
46     "minimize": {
47       "sum": [
48         {
49           "distance_between": [
50             "customer_loc",
51             "vG"
52           ]
53         },
54         {
55           "distance_between": [
56             "customer_loc",
57             "vG"
58           ]
59         }
60       ]
61     }
62       }
63    }
64 }