Create on boarding docker
[sdc.git] / test-apis-ci / sdc-api-tests / chef-repo / cookbooks / sdc-api-tests / templates / default / sdc-sanity.yaml.erb
1 outputFolder: <%= @target_path %>
2 reportName: index.html
3 esHost:         eshost
4 disributionClientHost: disClient
5 catalogFeHost:  <%= @webportal_ip %>
6 catalogFePort:  <%= @webportal_port %>
7 catalogBeHost:  <%= @catalogBE_ip %>
8 catalogBePort:  <%= @catalogBE_port %>
9 onboardingBeHost:  <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE_VIP'] %>
10 <% if node[:disableHttp] -%>
11 sdcHttpMethod: https
12 onboardingBePort:  <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:https_port] %>
13 <% else %>
14 sdcHttpMethod: http
15 onboardingBePort:  <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:http_port] %>
16 <% end -%>
17 disributionClientPort: 8181
18 esPort: 9200
21 resourceConfigDir: <%= @tests_path_ci %>
22 componentsConfigDir: <%= @components_path %>
23 importResourceConfigDir: <%= @importResourceConfigDir %>
24 importResourceTestsConfigDir: <%= @importResourceTestsConfigDir %>
25 errorConfigurationFile: <%= @errorConfigurationFile %>
26 configurationFile: <%= @ConfigurationFile %>
27 importTypesConfigDir: <%= @importTypesDir %>
28 titanPropertiesFile: <%= @titan_file %>
29 systemUnderDebug: true
31 cassandraHost: <%= @CASSANDRA_IP %>
32 cassandraAuthenticate: true
33 cassandraUsername: <%= @CASSANDRA_USR %>
34 cassandraPassword: <%= @CASSANDRA_PWD %>
35 cassandraSsl: false
36 cassandraTruststorePath : /tmp/.truststore
37 cassandraTruststorePassword : Aa123456
38 cassandraAuditKeySpace: sdcAudit
39 cassandraArtifactKeySpace: sdcArtifact
41 localDataCenter: DC-Automate01
43 stopOnClassFailure: false
45 #List of non-abstract resources to keep during titan cleanup between tests
46 #Only 1.0 version will be kept
47 resourcesNotToDelete:
48      - Compute
49      - Database
50      - ObjectStorage
51      - BlockStorage
52      - LoadBalancer
53      - Port
54      - Network
55      - Root
56      - ContainerApplication
57      - ContainerRuntime
58      - DBMS
59      - SoftwareComponent
60      - WebApplication
61      - WebServer
62      - CinderVolume
63      - ContrailVirtualNetwork
64      - NeutronNet
65      - NeutronPort
66      - NovaServer
67      - AbstractSubstitute
68      - ContrailAbstractSubstitute
69      - ContrailCompute
70      - ContrailNetworkRules
71      - ContrailPort
72      - ContrailV2NetworkRules
73      - ContrailV2VirtualMachineInterface
74      - ContrailV2VirtualNetwork
75      - ContrailVirtualNetwork
76      - VL ELINE
77      - SecurityRules
78      - VL
79 #Resource categories to keep (including all their subcategories)
80 resourceCategoriesNotToDelete:
81      - Generic
82      - Network L2-3
83      - Network L4+
84      - Application L4+
85      - Network Connectivity
86      - DcaeComponent
88 #Service categories to keep
89 serviceCategoriesNotToDelete:
90      - Mobility
91      - Network L1-3
92      - Network L4+
93      - VoIP Call Control