Exclude code location from code base URL
[integration.git] / test / postman / 12_NS_Instance.postman_collection.json
1 {
2   "info": {
3     "_postman_id": "305afb68-6632-49a7-8a6d-9d9d57699f6e",
4     "name": "Ns_Instance",
5     "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
6   },
7   "item": [
8     {
9       "name": "ns_instance",
10       "item": [
11         {
12           "name": "ns_create",
13           "request": {
14             "method": "POST",
15             "header": [
16               {
17                 "key": "content-type",
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20               },
21               {
22                 "key": "accept",
23                 "value": " application/json",
24                 "type": "text"
25               }
26             ],
27             "body": {
28               "mode": "raw",
29               "raw": "{\r\n    \"context\": {\r\n        \"globalCustomerId\": \"global-customer-id-test1\",\r\n        \"serviceType\": \"service-type-test1\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"csarId\": \"d5d678dc-80ef-461e-8630-d105f43b0a18\",\r\n    \"nsName\": \"ns_vsn\",\r\n    \"description\": \"description\"\r\n}"
30             },
31             "url": {
32               "raw": "",
33               "protocol": "http",
34               "host": [
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36                 "30",
37                 "3",
38                 "104"
39               ],
40               "port": "30280",
41               "path": [
42                 "api",
43                 "nslcm",
44                 "v1",
45                 "ns"
46               ]
47             }
48           },
49           "response": []
50         },
51         {
52           "name": "ns_inst",
53           "request": {
54             "method": "POST",
55             "header": [
56               {
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64                 "type": "text"
65               }
66             ],
67             "body": {
68               "mode": "raw",
69               "raw": "{\r\n    \"additionalParamForNs\": {\r\n        \"sdnControllerId\": \"2\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"locationConstraints\": [{\r\n        \"vnfProfileId\": \"45711f40-3f43-415b-bb45-46e5c6940735\",\r\n        \"locationConstraints\": {\r\n            \"vimId\": \"CPE-DC_RegionOne\"\r\n        }\r\n    }]\r\n}\r\n"
70             },
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72               "raw": "",
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82                 "api",
83                 "nslcm",
84                 "v1",
85                 "ns",
86                 "f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec",
87                 "instantiate"
88               ]
89             }
90           },
91           "response": []
92         },
93         {
94           "name": "ns_terminate",
95           "request": {
96             "method": "POST",
97             "header": [
98               {
99                 "key": "content-type",
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107               }
108             ],
109             "body": {
110               "mode": "raw",
111               "raw": "{\r\n   \"gracefulTerminationTimeout\": 600, \r\n   \"terminationType\": \"FORCEFUL\"\r\n}"
112             },
113             "url": {
114               "raw": "",
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118                 "30",
119                 "3",
120                 "104"
121               ],
122               "port": "30280",
123               "path": [
124                 "api",
125                 "nslcm",
126                 "v1",
127                 "ns",
128                 "f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec",
129                 "terminate"
130               ]
131             },
132             "description": "generate:\"jobId\": \"NS-terminate_ns-f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec-6f12ca34-f7a2-11e8-8c7e-02bf457e51f9\"\n\ninstid:f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec"
133           },
134           "response": []
135         },
136         {
137           "name": "ns_delete",
138           "request": {
139             "method": "DELETE",
140             "header": [],
141             "body": {
142               "mode": "raw",
143               "raw": ""
144             },
145             "url": {
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151                 "3",
152                 "104"
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154               "port": "30280",
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156                 "api",
157                 "nslcm",
158                 "v1",
159                 "ns",
160                 "f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec"
161               ]
162             },
163             "description": "ns/instid:f0b4c09f-c653-438a-b091-5218b0f806ec\nInstid after ns, fill in according to the actual situation"
164           },
165           "response": []
166         },
167         {
168           "name": "ns_heal",
169           "request": {
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181               }
182             ],
183             "body": {
184               "mode": "raw",
185               "raw": "{\r\n    \"vnfInstanceId\": \"044b705c-e44d-4733-ab64-987f46d9b567\",\r\n    \"cause\": \"restartvm\",\r\n    \"additionalParams\": {\r\n      \"action\": \"restartvm\",\r\n      \"actionvminfo\": {\r\n        \"vmid\": \"1623cd25-ae6f-4880-8132-15914367e47b\",\r\n        \"vduid\": \"\",\r\n        \"vmname\": \"1623cd25-ae6f-4880-8132-15914367e47b\"\r\n      }\r\n    }"
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202                 "5443e9f8-7993-479d-8d7a-34e422eabc8f",
203                 "heal"
204               ]
205             }
206           },
207           "response": []
208         }
209       ],
210       "event": [
211         {
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221         {
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