Updated the schematics models of the HAS API
[optf/osdf.git] / test / placement-tests / response.json
1 {
2   "transactionId": "xxx-xxx-xxxx",
3   "requestId": "yyy-yyy-yyyy",
4   "requestStatus": "completed",
5   "statusMessage": "Success!",
6   "solutions": {
7     "placementSolutions": [
8       [
9       {
10         "resourceModuleName": "vGMuxInfra",
11         "serviceResourceId": "someResourceId",
12         "solution": {
13             "identifierType": "serviceInstanceId",
14             "identifiers": ["gjhd-098-fhd-987"]
15         },
16         "assignmentInfo": [
17           { "key": "cloudOwner", "value": "amazon" },
18           { "key": "vnfHostName", "value": "ahr344gh" },
19           { "key": "isRehome", "value": "False" },
20           { "key": "cloudRegionId", "value": "1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d" },
21           { "key":"flavors", "value": { "flavorLabel1": "vimFlavorX", "flavorLabel2": "vimFlavorY"}}
22         ]
23       },
24       {
25         "resourceModuleName": "vG",
26         "serviceResourceId": "someResourceId",
27         "solution": {
28             "identifierType": "cloudRegionId",
29             "cloudOwner": "amazon",
30             "identifiers": ["gjhd-098-fhd-987"]
31         },
32         "assignmentInfo": [
33           { "key": "cloudOwner", "value": "amazon" },
34           { "key": "cloudRegionId", "value": "1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d" }
35         ]
36       }
37       ]
38     ],
39     "licenseSolutions": [
40       {
41         "resourceModuleName": "vGMuxInfra",
42         "serviceResourceId": "someResourceId",
43         "entitlementPoolUUID": ["1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d", "834fc71fb8-ad43-4fh7-9459-c3f372b8236f"],
44         "licenseKeyGroupUUID": ["1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d", "834fc71fb8-ad43-4fh7-9459-c3f372b8236f"],
45         "entitlementPoolInvariantUUID": ["1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d", "834fc71fb8-ad43-4fh7-9459-c3f372b8236f"],
46         "licenseKeyGroupInvariantUUID": ["1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d", "834fc71fb8-ad43-4fh7-9459-c3f372b8236f"]
47       }
48     ]
49   }
50 }