[ccsdk/features.git] / sdnr / wt / devicemanager / provider / src / main / resources / elasticsearch / plugins / head / src / app / lang / en_strings.js
1 /**
2  * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 i18n.setKeys({
17         "General.Elasticsearch": "Elasticsearch",
18         "General.LoadingAggs": "Loading Aggregations...",
19         "General.Searching": "Searching...",
20         "General.Search": "Search",
21         "General.Help": "Help",
22         "General.HelpGlyph": "?",
23         "General.CloseGlyph": "X",
24         "General.RefreshResults": "Refresh",
25         "General.ManualRefresh": "Manual Refresh",
26         "General.RefreshQuickly": "Refresh quickly",
27         "General.Refresh5seconds": "Refresh every 5 seconds",
28         "General.Refresh1minute": "Refresh every minute",
29         "AliasForm.AliasName": "Alias Name",
30         "AliasForm.NewAliasForIndex": "New Alias for {0}",
31         "AliasForm.DeleteAliasMessage": "type ''{0}'' to delete {1}. There is no undo",
32         "AnyRequest.DisplayOptions" : "Display Options",
33         "AnyRequest.AsGraph" : "Graph Results",
34         "AnyRequest.AsJson" : "Show Raw JSON",
35         "AnyRequest.AsTable" : "Show Search Results Table",
36         "AnyRequest.History" : "History",
37         "AnyRequest.RepeatRequest" : "Repeat Request",
38         "AnyRequest.RepeatRequestSelect" : "Repeat request every ",
39         "AnyRequest.Transformer" : "Result Transformer",
40         "AnyRequest.Pretty": "Pretty",
41         "AnyRequest.Query" : "Query",
42         "AnyRequest.Request": "Request",
43         "AnyRequest.Requesting": "Requesting...",
44         "AnyRequest.ValidateJSON": "Validate JSON",
45         "Browser.Title": "Browser",
46         "Browser.ResultSourcePanelTitle": "Result Source",
47         "Command.DELETE": "DELETE",
48         "Command.SHUTDOWN": "SHUTDOWN",
49         "Command.DeleteAliasMessage": "Delete Alias?",
50         "ClusterOverView.IndexName": "Index Name",
51         "ClusterOverview.NumShards": "Number of Shards",
52         "ClusterOverview.NumReplicas": "Number of Replicas",
53         "ClusterOverview.NewIndex": "New Index",
54         "IndexActionsMenu.Title": "Actions",
55         "IndexActionsMenu.NewAlias": "New Alias...",
56         "IndexActionsMenu.Refresh": "Refresh",
57         "IndexActionsMenu.Flush": "Flush",
58         "IndexActionsMenu.Optimize": "Optimize...",
59         "IndexActionsMenu.Snapshot": "Gateway Snapshot",
60         "IndexActionsMenu.Analyser": "Test Analyser",
61         "IndexActionsMenu.Open": "Open",
62         "IndexActionsMenu.Close": "Close",
63         "IndexActionsMenu.Delete": "Delete...",
64         "IndexInfoMenu.Title": "Info",
65         "IndexInfoMenu.Status": "Index Status",
66         "IndexInfoMenu.Metadata": "Index Metadata",
67         "IndexCommand.TextToAnalyze": "Text to Analyse",
68         "IndexCommand.ShutdownMessage": "type ''{0}'' to shutdown {1}. Node can NOT be restarted from this interface",
69         "IndexOverview.PageTitle": "Indices Overview",
70         "IndexSelector.NameWithDocs": "{0} ({1} docs)",
71         "IndexSelector.SearchIndexForDocs": "Search {0} for documents where:",
72         "FilterBrowser.OutputType": "Output Results: {0}",
73         "FilterBrowser.OutputSize": "Number of Results: {0}",
74         "Header.ClusterHealth": "cluster health: {0} ({1} of {2})",
75         "Header.ClusterNotConnected": "cluster health: not connected",
76         "Header.Connect": "Connect",
77         "Nav.AnyRequest": "Any Request",
78         "Nav.Browser": "Browser",
79         "Nav.ClusterHealth": "Cluster Health",
80         "Nav.ClusterState": "Cluster State",
81         "Nav.ClusterNodes": "Nodes Info",
82         "Nav.Info": "Info",
83         "Nav.NodeStats": "Nodes Stats",
84         "Nav.Overview": "Overview",
85         "Nav.Indices": "Indices",
86         "Nav.Plugins": "Plugins",
87         "Nav.Status": "Indices Stats",
88         "Nav.Templates": "Templates",
89         "Nav.StructuredQuery": "Structured Query",
90         "NodeActionsMenu.Title": "Actions",
91         "NodeActionsMenu.Shutdown": "Shutdown...",
92         "NodeInfoMenu.Title": "Info",
93         "NodeInfoMenu.ClusterNodeInfo": "Cluster Node Info",
94         "NodeInfoMenu.NodeStats": "Node Stats",
95         "NodeType.Client": "Client Node",
96         "NodeType.Coord": "Coordinator",
97         "NodeType.Master": "Master Node",
98         "NodeType.Tribe": "Tribe Node",
99         "NodeType.Worker": "Worker Node",
100         "NodeType.Unassigned": "Unassigned",
101         "OptimizeForm.OptimizeIndex": "Optimize {0}",
102         "OptimizeForm.MaxSegments": "Maximum # Of Segments",
103         "OptimizeForm.ExpungeDeletes": "Only Expunge Deletes",
104         "OptimizeForm.FlushAfter": "Flush After Optimize",
105         "OptimizeForm.WaitForMerge": "Wait For Merge",
106         "Overview.PageTitle" : "Cluster Overview",
107         "Output.JSON": "JSON",
108         "Output.Table": "Table",
109         "Output.CSV": "CSV",
110         "Output.ShowSource": "Show query source",
111         "Preference.SortCluster": "Sort Cluster",
112         "Sort.ByName": "By Name",
113         "Sort.ByAddress": "By Address",
114         "Sort.ByType": "By Type",
115         "Preference.SortIndices": "Sort Indices",
116         "SortIndices.Descending": "Descending",
117         "SortIndices.Ascending": "Ascending",
118         "Preference.ViewAliases": "View Aliases",
119         "ViewAliases.Grouped": "Grouped",
120         "ViewAliases.List": "List",
121         "ViewAliases.None": "None",
122         "Overview.IndexFilter": "Index Filter",
123         "TableResults.Summary": "Searched {0} of {1} shards. {2} hits. {3} seconds",
124         "QueryFilter.AllIndices": "All Indices",
125         "QueryFilter.AnyValue": "any",
126         "QueryFilter-Header-Indices": "Indices",
127         "QueryFilter-Header-Types": "Types",
128         "QueryFilter-Header-Fields": "Fields",
129         "QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from": "From : {0}",
130         "QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.to": "  To : {0}",
131         "Query.FailAndUndo": "Query Failed. Undoing last changes",
132         "StructuredQuery.ShowRawJson": "Show Raw JSON"
133 });
135 i18n.setKeys({
136         "AnyRequest.TransformerHelp" : "\
137                 <p>The Result Transformer can be used to post process the raw json results from a request into a more useful format.</p>\
138                 <p>The transformer should contain the body of a javascript function. The return value from the function becomes the new value passed to the json printer</p>\
139                 <p>Example:<br>\
140                   <code>return root.hits.hits[0];</code> would traverse a result set to show just the first match<br>\
141                   <code>return Object.keys(root.nodes).reduce(function(tot, node) { return tot + root.nodes[node].os.mem.used_in_bytes; }, 0);</code> would return the total memory used across an entire cluster<br></p>\
142                 <p>The following functions are available and can be useful processing arrays and objects<br>\
143                 <ul>\
144                         <li><i>Object.keys</i>(object) := array</li>\
145                         <li>array.<i>forEach</i>(function(prop, index))</li>\
146                         <li>array.<i>map</i>(function(prop, index)) := array</li>\
147                         <li>array.<i>reduce</i>(function(accumulator, prop, index), initial_value) := final_value</li>\
148                 </ul>\
149                 <p>When Repeat Request is running, an extra parameter called prev is passed to the transformation function. This allows comparisons, and cumulative graphing</p>\
150                 <p>Example:<br>\
151                 <code>var la = [ root.nodes[Object.keys(root.nodes)[0]].os.load_average[0] ]; return prev ? la.concat(prev) : la;</code> would return the load average on the first cluster node over the last minute\
152                 This could be fed into the Graph to produce a load graph for the node\
153                 "
154 });
156 i18n.setKeys({
157         "AnyRequest.DisplayOptionsHelp" : "\
158                 <p>Raw Json: shows complete results of the query and transformation in raw JSON format </p>\
159                 <p>Graph Results: To produce a graph of your results, use the result transformer to produce an array of values</p>\
160                 <p>Search Results Table: If your query is a search, you can display the results of the search in a table.</p>\
161                 "
162 });
164 i18n.setKeys({
165         "QueryFilter.DateRangeHelp" : "\
166                 <p>Date fields accept a natural language query to produce a From and To date that form a range that the results are queried over.</p>\
167                 <p>The following formats are supported:</p>\
168                 <ul>\
169                         <li><b>Keywords / Key Phrases</b><br>\
170                                 <code>now<br> today<br> tomorrow<br> yesterday<br> last / this / next + week / month / year</code><br>\
171                                 searches for dates matching the keyword. <code>last year</code> would search all of last year.</li>\
172                         <li><b>Ranges</b><br>\
173                                 <code>1000 secs<br> 5mins<br> 1day<br> 2days<br> 80d<br> 9 months<br> 2yrs</code> (spaces optional, many synonyms for range qualifiers)<br>\
174                                 Create a search range centered on <code>now</code> extending into the past and future by the amount specified.</li>\
175                         <li><b>DateTime and Partial DateTime</b><br>\
176                                 <code>2011<br> 2011-01<br> 2011-01-18<br> 2011-01-18 12<br> 2011-01-18 12:32<br> 2011-01-18 12:32:45</code><br>\
177                                 these formats specify a specific date range. <code>2011</code> would search the whole of 2011, while <code>2011-01-18 12:32:45</code> would only search for results in that 1 second range</li>\
178                         <li><b>Time and Time Partials</b><br>\
179                                 <code>12<br> 12:32<br> 12:32:45</code><br>\
180                                 these formats search for a particular time during the current day. <code>12:32</code> would search that minute during today</li>\
181                         <li><b>Date Ranges</b><br>\
182                                 <code>2010 -&gt; 2011<br> last week -&gt; next week<br> 2011-05 -&gt;<br> &lt; now</code><br>\
183                                 A Date Range is created by specifying two dates in any format (Keyword / DateTime / Time) separated by &lt; or -&gt; (both do the same thing). If either end of the date range is missing, it is the same as having no constraint in that direction.</li>\
184                         <li><b>Date Range using Offset</b><br>\
185                                 <code>2010 -> 1yr<br> 3mins < now</code>\
186                                 Searches the specified date including the range in the direction specified.</li>\
187                         <li><b>Anchored Ranges</b><br>\
188                                 <code>2010-05-13 05:13 <> 10m<br> now <> 1yr<br> lastweek <> 1month</code><br>\
189                                 Similar to above except the range is extend in both directions from the anchor date</li>\
190                 </ul>\
191         "
192 });