[ccsdk/apps.git] / sdnr / wireless-transport / code-Carbon-SR1 / apps / devicemanager / impl / src / main / resources / elasticsearch / index / mwtn / modelDescription / G.874.1-ForMicrowave.json
1 {
2         "schema-information": {
3                 "OTN_CurrentData": {
4                         "id": "OTN_CurrentData",
5                         "uml-id": "_OxyHAOGJEeGhaeLtr7IxXg",
6                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
7                         "is-read-only": false,
8                         "description": [
9                                 "This object class is an abstract class from which the OTN layer-specific CurrentData object classes are inherited. This object class is a subclass of the Q.822 CurrentData object class, which in turn is a subclass of X.739 Scanner object class. It inherits the following attributes: scannerId, operationalState, granularityPeriod, administrativeState, suspectIntervalFlag, elapsedTime, observedObjectClass, and observedObjectInstance."
10                         ]
11                 },
12                 "timestamp": {
13                         "id": "timestamp",
14                         "uml-id": "_bGwfoOGJEeGhaeLtr7IxXg",
15                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
16                         "type": "_X-HZUNwbEeGoneTbGt8X0A",
17                         "order-number": 1,
18                         "is-read-only": false,
19                         "description": [
20                                 "The timestamp associated with when the current data was collected."
21                         ]
22                 },
23                 "OTN_HistoryData": {
24                         "id": "OTN_HistoryData",
25                         "uml-id": "_dQ2mYOGOEeGhaeLtr7IxXg",
26                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
27                         "is-read-only": false,
28                         "description": [
29                                 "This object class is an abstract class from which the OTN layer-specific HistoryData object classes are inherited."
30                         ]
31                 },
32                 "«Q.822»-CurrentData": {
33                         "id": "«Q.822»-CurrentData",
34                         "uml-id": "_M8IDMceIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
35                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
36                         "is-read-only": false
37                 },
38                 "suspectIntervalFlag": {
39                         "id": "suspectIntervalFlag",
40                         "uml-id": "_M8IDNceIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
41                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
42                         "type": "pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/UMLPrimitiveTypes.library.uml#Boolean",
43                         "order-number": 1,
44                         "is-read-only": false,
45                         "description": [
46                                 "This attribute is used to indicate that the performance data for the current period may not be reliable. Some reasons for this to occur are:- Suspect data were detected by the actual resource doing data collection.- Transition of the administrativeState attribute to/from the 'lock' state.- Transition of the operationalState to/from the 'disabled' state.- Scheduler setting that inhibits the collection function.- The performance counters were reset during the interval.- The currentData (or subclass) object instance was created during the monitoring period."
47                         ]
48                 },
49                 "elapsedTime": {
50                         "id": "elapsedTime",
51                         "uml-id": "_M8IDOMeIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
52                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
53                         "type": "pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/UMLPrimitiveTypes.library.uml#Integer",
54                         "order-number": 2,
55                         "is-read-only": false
56                 },
57                 "«Q.822»-HistoryData": {
58                         "id": "«Q.822»-HistoryData",
59                         "uml-id": "_M8IDVMeIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
60                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
61                         "is-read-only": false
62                 },
63                 "historyDataId": {
64                         "id": "historyDataId",
65                         "uml-id": "_M8IDWMeIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
66                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
67                         "type": "pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/UMLPrimitiveTypes.library.uml#String",
68                         "order-number": 1,
69                         "is-read-only": false,
70                         "is-key": 1
71                 },
72                 "periodEndTime": {
73                         "id": "periodEndTime",
74                         "uml-id": "_M8IDWceIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
75                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
76                         "type": "../OnfModel-CoreModel/CoreModel.uml#_oGqi1lLNEeO75dO39GbF8Q",
77                         "order-number": 2,
78                         "is-read-only": false
79                 },
80                 "«X.739»-Scanner": {
81                         "id": "«X.739»-Scanner",
82                         "uml-id": "_7wb90ceIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
83                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
84                         "is-read-only": false
85                 },
86                 "scannerId": {
87                         "id": "scannerId",
88                         "uml-id": "_7wb91ceIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
89                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
90                         "type": "pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/UMLPrimitiveTypes.library.uml#String",
91                         "order-number": 1,
92                         "is-read-only": false,
93                         "is-key": 1
94                 },
95                 "granularityPeriod": {
96                         "id": "granularityPeriod",
97                         "uml-id": "_M8IDWseIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
98                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
99                         "type": "_Y6WUEEamEeabNPX3o7rjtw",
100                         "order-number": 2,
101                         "is-read-only": false
102                 },
103                 "administrativeState": {
104                         "id": "administrativeState",
105                         "uml-id": "_7wb92seIEeSfd5vyUJsimg",
106                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
107                         "type": "../OnfModel-CoreModel/CoreModel.uml#_KSKOYLEuEeSZUdYfPSdgew",
108                         "order-number": 3,
109                         "is-read-only": false
110                 },
111                 "«X.721»-Top": {
112                         "id": "«X.721»-Top",
113                         "uml-id": "_BMJ0EceTEeS6-cawxfHpnA",
114                         "uml-type": "uml:Class",
115                         "is-read-only": false,
116                         "description": [
117                                 "This is the top level of managed object class hierarchy and every other managed object class is a specialization of either this generic class (top) or a specialization of subclass of top. The parameter miscellaneousError is to be used when a processing failure has occurred and the error condition encountered does not match any of object's defined specific error types."
118                         ]
119                 },
120                 "objectClass": {
121                         "id": "objectClass",
122                         "uml-id": "_BMJ0FceTEeS6-cawxfHpnA",
123                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
124                         "type": "_ltGzFMeUEeS6-cawxfHpnA",
125                         "order-number": 1,
126                         "is-read-only": false,
127                         "description": [
128                                 "ObjectClass ::= CHOICE{ globalForm [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localForm [1] INTEGER}"
129                         ]
130                 },
131                 "nameBinding": {
132                         "id": "nameBinding",
133                         "uml-id": "_BMJ0F8eTEeS6-cawxfHpnA",
134                         "uml-type": "ownedAttribute",
135                         "type": "_ltGzFMeUEeS6-cawxfHpnA",
136                         "order-number": 2,
137                         "is-read-only": false
138                 },
139                 "DateAndTime": {
140                         "id": "DateAndTime",
141                         "uml-id": "_X-HZUNwbEeGoneTbGt8X0A",
142                         "uml-type": "uml:DataType",
143                         "description": [
144                                 "This primitive type defines the date and time according to the following structure:  yyyyMMddhhmmss.s[Z|{+|-}HHMm]  where: yyyy  0000 .. 9999  year MM  01 .. 12  month dd  01 .. 31  day hh  00 .. 23  hour mm  00 .. 59  minute ss  00 .. 59  second s  .0 .. .9  tenth of second (set to  .0  if EMS or NE cannot support this granularity) Z  Z  indicates UTC (rather than local time) {+|-}  +  or  -  delta from UTC HH  00 .. 23  time zone difference in hours Mm  00 .. 59  time zone difference in minutes."
145                         ]
146                 },
147                 "_5G6YQOo-EeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
148                         "id": "Directionality",
149                         "uml-id": "_5G6YQOo-EeCjNNLZCc6mew",
150                         "enum": [
151                                 "SINK",
152                                 "SOURCE",
153                                 "BIDIRECTIONAL"
154                         ],
155                         "is-read-only": false,
156                         "description": [
157                                 "The enumeration with the options for directionality of the termination point."
158                         ]
159                 },
160                 "_rU8aMOpfEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
161                         "id": "GccAccess",
162                         "uml-id": "_rU8aMOpfEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
163                         "enum": [
164                                 "GCC1",
165                                 "GCC2",
166                                 "GCC1_AND_GCC2"
167                         ],
168                         "is-read-only": false,
169                         "description": [
170                                 "This enumeration indicates the GCC access represented by the entity."
171                         ]
172                 },
173                 "_W7-1oOpiEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
174                         "id": "OperationalState",
175                         "uml-id": "_W7-1oOpiEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
176                         "enum": [
177                                 "ENABLED",
178                                 "DISABLED"
179                         ],
180                         "is-read-only": false,
181                         "description": [
182                                 "The list of valid operational states for the connection."
183                         ]
184                 },
185                 "_g0zCsOsDEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
186                         "id": "OperType",
187                         "uml-id": "_g0zCsOsDEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
188                         "enum": [
189                                 "REVERTIVE",
190                                 "NON-REVERTIVE"
191                         ],
192                         "is-read-only": [
193                                 "The operation type associated with the protection mechanism (either non-revertive or revertive)."
194                         ]
195                 },
196                 "_Jl09gOsKEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
197                         "id": "ExtCmdOperation",
198                         "uml-id": "_Jl09gOsKEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
199                         "enum": [
200                                 "EXERCISE",
201                                 "MANUAL_SWITCH",
202                                 "FORCED_SWITCH",
203                                 "LOCKOUT",
204                                 "RELEASE_OF_MANUAL_SWITCH",
205                                 "RELEASE_OF_FORCED_SWITCH",
206                                 "RELEASE_OF_LOCKOUT"
207                         ],
208                         "is-read-only": false,
209                         "description": [
210                                 "This enumeration contains the options for the actions that instruct the protection system for performing specific protection switching operations."
211                         ]
212                 },
213                 "_bwxBQOw5EeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
214                         "id": "AdministrativeState",
215                         "uml-id": "_bwxBQOw5EeCjNNLZCc6mew",
216                         "enum": [
217                                 "UNLOCKED",
218                                 "LOCKED",
219                                 "SHUTTING_DOWN"
220                         ],
221                         "is-read-only": false,
222                         "description": [
223                                 "For more information on Administrative State, See ITU-T Recs. X.731 and M.3100."
224                         ]
225                 },
226                 "_ChQ5oOw-EeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
227                         "id": "OCTk_NimKBitRate",
228                         "uml-id": "_ChQ5oOw-EeCjNNLZCc6mew",
229                         "enum": [
230                                 "2.5_G",
231                                 "10_G",
232                                 "40_G",
233                                 "100_G"
234                         ],
235                         "is-read-only": false,
236                         "description": [
237                                 "Provides an enumeration with the meaning of each  k  value."
238                         ]
239                 },
240                 "_ZBtyUOw_EeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
241                         "id": "TimDetMo",
242                         "uml-id": "_ZBtyUOw_EeCjNNLZCc6mew",
243                         "enum": [
244                                 "DAPI",
245                                 "SAPI",
246                                 "BOTH"
247                         ],
248                         "is-read-only": false,
249                         "description": [
250                                 "List of modes for trace identifier mismatch detection."
251                         ]
252                 },
253                 "_HF864OxAEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
254                         "id": "OCTk_NimProblemList",
255                         "uml-id": "_HF864OxAEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
256                         "enum": [
257                                 "LOS_P",
258                                 "OCI",
259                                 "SSF_P",
260                                 "SSF_O",
261                                 "SSF",
262                                 "TIM",
263                                 "DEG",
264                                 "BDI"
265                         ],
266                         "is-read-only": false,
267                         "description": [
268                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
269                         ]
270                 },
271                 "_WPoNoO3eEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
272                         "id": "TcmMonitoring",
273                         "uml-id": "_WPoNoO3eEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
274                         "enum": [
275                                 "INTRUSIVE",
276                                 "NON-INTRUSIVE"
277                         ],
278                         "is-read-only": false,
279                         "description": [
280                                 "Monitoring types for the tandem connection monitoring function."
281                         ]
282                 },
283                 "_OI-7wO6QEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
284                         "id": "TcmMode",
285                         "uml-id": "_OI-7wO6QEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
286                         "enum": [
287                                 "OPERATIONAL",
288                                 "TRANSPARENT",
289                                 "MONITOR"
290                         ],
291                         "is-read-only": false,
292                         "description": [
293                                 "List of value modes for the sink side of the tandem connection monitoring function."
294                         ]
295                 },
296                 "_ZnM8cO6ZEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
297                         "id": "OPSMnk_TtpKBitRate",
298                         "uml-id": "_ZnM8cO6ZEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
299                         "enum": [
300                                 "40_G",
301                                 "100_G"
302                         ],
303                         "is-read-only": false,
304                         "description": [
305                                 "Provides an enumeration with the meaning of each  k  value."
306                         ]
307                 },
308                 "_pV-F8O6aEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
309                         "id": "OPSMnk_TtpProblemList",
310                         "uml-id": "_pV-F8O6aEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
311                         "enum": [
312                                 "LOS",
313                                 "LOL"
314                         ],
315                         "is-read-only": false,
316                         "description": [
317                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
318                         ]
319                 },
320                 "_QW1SYO6bEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
321                         "id": "OPSn_TtpProblemList",
322                         "uml-id": "_QW1SYO6bEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
323                         "enum": [
324                                 "LOS"
325                         ],
326                         "is-read-only": false,
327                         "description": [
328                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
329                         ]
330                 },
331                 "_o-oukO6bEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
332                         "id": "OTM-n_KBitRates",
333                         "uml-id": "_o-oukO6bEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
334                         "enum": [
335                                 "2.5_G",
336                                 "10_G",
337                                 "40_G",
338                                 "2.5_10_G",
339                                 "10_40_G",
340                                 "2.5_10_40_G"
341                         ],
342                         "is-read-only": false,
343                         "description": [
344                                 "Provides an enumeration with the meaning of each  k  value."
345                         ]
346                 },
347                 "_KRCG4O6dEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
348                         "id": "DomainInterface",
349                         "uml-id": "_KRCG4O6dEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
350                         "enum": [
351                                 "INTRA_DOMAIN",
352                                 "INTER_DOMAIN"
353                         ],
354                         "is-read-only": false,
355                         "description": [
356                                 "This enumeration provides the options for the interface associated with OTMn."
357                         ]
358                 },
359                 "_EOPyIO6qEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
360                         "id": "OTM-n_OpticalReach",
361                         "uml-id": "_EOPyIO6qEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
362                         "enum": [
363                                 "INTRA_OFFICE",
364                                 "SHORTHAUL",
365                                 "LONGHAUL"
366                         ],
367                         "is-read-only": false,
368                         "description": [
369                                 "The valid options for reach of the optical cable."
370                         ]
371                 },
372                 "_6Bt3QO6qEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
373                         "id": "AprStatus",
374                         "uml-id": "_6Bt3QO6qEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
375                         "enum": [
376                                 "ON",
377                                 "OFF"
378                         ],
379                         "is-read-only": false,
380                         "description": [
381                                 "The enumeration of the options for the Automatic Power Reduction Status."
382                         ]
383                 },
384                 "_FLzNQO6vEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
385                         "id": "OTSn_TtpProblemList",
386                         "uml-id": "_FLzNQO6vEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
387                         "enum": [
388                                 "BDI_P",
389                                 "BDI_O",
390                                 "BDI",
391                                 "TIM",
392                                 "LOS_P",
393                                 "LOS_O",
394                                 "LOS"
395                         ],
396                         "is-read-only": false,
397                         "description": [
398                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
399                         ]
400                 },
401                 "_NAElYO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
402                         "id": "OTUk_CtpAdaptation",
403                         "uml-id": "_NAElYO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
404                         "enum": [
405                                 "REGULAR",
406                                 "NONE",
407                                 "VENDOR_SPECIFIC",
408                                 "FUNCTIONALLY_STANDARDIZED"
409                         ],
410                         "is-read-only": false,
411                         "description": [
412                                 "The adaptation options for OTUk_ConnectionTermationPoints."
413                         ]
414                 },
415                 "_wgRHcO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
416                         "id": "OTUk_CtpKBitRate",
417                         "uml-id": "_wgRHcO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
418                         "enum": [
419                                 "2.5_G",
420                                 "10_G",
421                                 "40_G",
422                                 "100_G"
423                         ],
424                         "is-read-only": false,
425                         "description": [
426                                 "Provides an enumeration with the meaning of each  k  value."
427                         ]
428                 },
429                 "_6Y_gEO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
430                         "id": "OTUk_CtpProblemList",
431                         "uml-id": "_6Y_gEO6wEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
432                         "enum": [
433                                 "LOF",
434                                 "AIS",
435                                 "LOM"
436                         ],
437                         "is-read-only": false,
438                         "description": [
439                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
440                         ]
441                 },
442                 "_xHNWMO6xEeCjNNLZCc6mew": {
443                         "id": "OTUk_TtpProblemList",
444                         "uml-id": "_xHNWMO6xEeCjNNLZCc6mew",
445                         "enum": [
446                                 "TIM",
447                                 "DEG",
448                                 "BDI",
449                                 "SSF"
450                         ],
451                         "is-read-only": false,
452                         "description": [
453                                 "The valid list of problems for the entity."
454                         ]
455                 },
456                 "_KRQ3MK8KEeG_zYhfU3oMYg": {
457                         "id": "MonitoredDirection",
458                         "uml-id": "_KRQ3MK8KEeG_zYhfU3oMYg",
459                         "enum": [
460                                 "SINK",
461                                 "SOURCE"
462                         ],
463                         "is-read-only": false,
464                         "description": [
465                                 "The enumeration with the options for directionality for nonintrusive monitoring."
466                         ]
467                 },
468                 "_qBme4LuYEeGeqZLpdvU3BA": {
469                         "id": "DegThrType",
470                         "uml-id": "_qBme4LuYEeGeqZLpdvU3BA",
471                         "enum": [
472                                 "PERCENTAGE",
473                                 "NUMBER_ERRORED_BLOCKS"
474                         ],
475                         "is-read-only": false,
476                         "description": [
477                                 "<p>The value of the threshold can be provisioned in terms of number of errored blocks or in terms of percentage of errored blocks. For percentage-based specification, in order to support provision of less than 1%, the specification consists of two fields. The first field indicates the granularity of percentage. For examples, in 1%, in 0.1%, or in 0.01%, etc. The second field indicates the multiple of the granularity. For number of errored block based, the value is a positive integer.</p>"
478                         ]
479                 },
480                 "_Parz8NwAEeGoneTbGt8X0A": {
481                         "id": "LinkType",
482                         "uml-id": "_Parz8NwAEeGoneTbGt8X0A",
483                         "enum": [
484                                 "DWDM",
485                                 "CWDM",
486                                 "NO_WDM"
487                         ],
488                         "is-read-only": false
489                 },
490                 "_V1TuANwAEeGoneTbGt8X0A": {
491                         "id": "ApplicationIdentifierType",
492                         "uml-id": "_V1TuANwAEeGoneTbGt8X0A",
493                         "enum": [
494                                 "STANDARD",
495                                 "PROPRIETARY"
496                         ],
497                         "is-read-only": false
498                 },
499                 "_yt7S4PzgEeG3u-aQKIiCtg": {
500                         "id": "ApsChannel",
501                         "uml-id": "_yt7S4PzgEeG3u-aQKIiCtg",
502                         "enum": [
503                                 "PATH",
504                                 "TCM1",
505                                 "TCM2",
506                                 "TCM3",
507                                 "TCM4",
508                                 "TCM5",
509                                 "TCM6",
510                                 "SECTION"
511                         ],
512                         "is-read-only": false
513                 },
514                 "_LG3yQOVVEeKyU85eduW_rA": {
515                         "id": "DelayMeasurementRole",
516                         "uml-id": "_LG3yQOVVEeKyU85eduW_rA",
517                         "enum": [
518                                 "CONTROLLER",
519                                 "RESPONDER"
520                         ],
521                         "is-read-only": false
522                 },
523                 "_7fy9sJSCEeOLxKCUIYtzCg": {
524                         "id": "ResizeOperationType",
525                         "uml-id": "_7fy9sJSCEeOLxKCUIYtzCg",
526                         "enum": [
527                                 "INCREASE_BW",
528                                 "DECREASE_BW"
529                         ],
530                         "is-read-only": false
531                 },
532                 "_Y6WUEEamEeabNPX3o7rjtw": {
533                         "id": "GranularityPeriodType",
534                         "uml-id": "_Y6WUEEamEeabNPX3o7rjtw",
535                         "enum": [
536                                 "UNKNOWN",
537                                 "PERIOD_15MIN",
538                                 "PERIOD_24HOURS"
539                         ],
540                         "is-read-only": false,
541                         "description": [
542                                 "The enumeration with the options for granularity period of the performance data."
543                         ]
544                 }
545         }
546 }