Initial OpenECOMP A&AI commit
[aai/aai-service.git] / pom.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
3         <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
5         <parent>
6                 <artifactId>ajsc-archetype-parent</artifactId>
7                 <groupId>com.att.ajsc</groupId>
8                 <version>2.0.0</version>
9         </parent>
10         <groupId>org.openecomp.aai.aai-service</groupId>
11         <artifactId>aai-service</artifactId>
12         <version>${openecomp.release}</version>
13         <name>aai</name>
14         <packaging>pom</packaging>
15         <modules>
16                 <module>aai-schema</module>
17                 <module>annotations</module>
18                 <module>ajsc-aai</module>
19         </modules>
20         <properties>
21                 <>1.8</>
22                 <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source>
23                 <>ActiveAndAvailableInventory-CloudNetwork</>
24                 <module.ajsc.namespace.version>v1</module.ajsc.namespace.version>
25         <openecomp.release>1.0.0</openecomp.release>
26         <docker.nexusurl>${docker_nexusurl}</docker.nexusurl>
27                 <ajscRuntimeVersion>2.0.0</ajscRuntimeVersion>
29                 <!-- This will be the Absolute Root of the Project and should contain NO 
30                         Versioning -->
31                 <absoluteDistFilesRoot>/opt/app/ajsc-aai</absoluteDistFilesRoot>
33                 <!-- For Versioning upon installation, add /${openecomp.release} to distFilesRoot. 
34                         For NO Versioning, leave as is -->
35                 <!-- example: /appl/${project.artifactId}/${openecomp.release}. Also, add 
36                         ${openecomp.release} to ${runAjscHome} for running locally. -->
37                 <distFilesRoot>/opt/app/ajsc-aai/${openecomp.release}</distFilesRoot>
38                 <aaiAppHome>${basedir}/ajsc-aai</aaiAppHome>
39                 <runAjscHome>${aaiAppHome}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}</runAjscHome>
41                 <!-- For SOA Cloud Installation -->
42                 <installOwnerUser>aaiadmin</installOwnerUser>
43                 <installOwnerGroup>aaiadmin</installOwnerGroup>
44                 <ownerManagementGroup></ownerManagementGroup>
46                 <!-- Port Selection. A value of 0 will allow for dynamic port selection. 
47                         For local testing, you may choose to hardcode this value to something like 
48                         8080 -->
49                 <serverPort>8080</serverPort>
50                 <sslport>8443</sslport>
52                 <testRouteOffer>workstation</testRouteOffer>
53                 <testEnv>DEV</testEnv>
55                 <!-- For using CXF with Maven -->
56                 <cxf.version>3.0.4</cxf.version>
57         </properties>
59         <!-- The standard build tasks for this project are inherited from the parent. 
60                 Please do not override the build tasks. However tasks and/or profiles can 
61                 be included here as well as additional dependencies for your service. Any 
62                 runtime or compile scope dependencies will be copied to the INSTALLATION_PATH/extJars 
63                 folder and will be made available on the AJSC classpath for your service. 
64                 Please, NOTE: DME2 and CSM related dependencies are EXTERNALIZED within the 
65                 CSI environment. Therefore, they are provided within this project as "provided" 
66                 dependencies. In order for the AJSC to run properly, locally, the CSM and 
67                 DME2 dependencies will be copied into the target/commonLibs folder and will 
68                 be made available to the classpath of the AJSC through the use of the system 
69                 property, "AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS". This system property needs to be set 
70                 in the "runAjsc" maven profile within the pom.xml (and, is defaulted to do 
71                 so).   -->
72         <dependencies>  
73                 <dependency>    
74                         <groupId>dom4j</groupId>
75                                   <artifactId>dom4j</artifactId>
76                                   <version>1.6.1</version>
77                                   <scope>provided</scope>
78                   </dependency>
79                   <dependency>
80                                   <groupId>com.att.aft</groupId>
81                                   <artifactId>dme2</artifactId>
82                                   <version>3.1.200</version>
83                                   <scope>provided</scope>
84                 </dependency>
85                 <dependency>
86                         <groupId>com.att.ajsc</groupId>
87                         <artifactId>ajsc-runner</artifactId>
88                         <version>${ajscRuntimeVersion}</version>
89                         <scope>runtime</scope>
90                 </dependency>
91                 <dependency>
92                         <groupId>com.att.ajsc</groupId>
93                         <artifactId>ajsc-core</artifactId>
94                         <version>${ajscRuntimeVersion}</version>
95                         <scope>provided</scope>
96                 </dependency>
97         </dependencies>
98         <profiles>
99                 <profile>
100                         <id>jenkins-properties</id>
101                         <activation>
102                                 <os>
103                                         <family>unix</family>
104                                 </os>
105                         </activation>
106                 </profile>
107                 <profile>
108                         <id>runAjsc</id>
109                         <build>
110                                 <defaultGoal>initialize</defaultGoal>
111                                 <plugins>
113                                         <plugin>
114                                                 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
115                                                 <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
116                                                 <version>1.3.2</version>
117                                                 <executions>
118                                                         <execution>
119                                                                 <id>run ajsc</id>
120                                                                 <phase>initialize</phase>
121                                                                 <goals>
122                                                                         <goal>java</goal>
123                                                                 </goals>
124                                                                 <configuration>
125                                                                         <!-- In order to better mimic a SOA cloud installation of AJSC (and 
126                                                                                 to help eliminate Maven/Eclipse/AJSC classpath issues that may be difficult 
127                                                                                 to diagnose), within this profile used to run locally, we are NOT including 
128                                                                                 project dependencies. These will be loaded by AJSC from $AJSC_HOME/extJars. 
129                                                                                 The only jar needed to run AJSC is the ajsc-runner.jar, and therefore is 
130                                                                                 the only dependency required by this profile to run locally. -->
131                                                                         <includeProjectDependencies>false</includeProjectDependencies>
132                                                                         <includePluginDependencies>true</includePluginDependencies>
133                                                                         <executable>java</executable>
134                                                                         <mainClass>com.att.ajsc.runner.Runner</mainClass>
135                                                                         <executableDependency>
136                                                                                 <groupId>com.att.ajsc</groupId>
137                                                                                 <artifactId>ajsc-runner</artifactId>
138                                                                         </executableDependency>
140                                                                         <environmentVariables>
141                                                                                 <AJSC_HOME>${runAjscHome}</AJSC_HOME>
142                                                                         </environmentVariables>
143                                                                         <additionalClasspathElements>
144                                                                                 <additionalClasspathElement>${runAjscHome}/extJars/logback-access-1.1.7.jar</additionalClasspathElement>
145                                                                                 <additionalClasspathElement>${runAjscHome}/extJars/logback-core-1.1.7.jar</additionalClasspathElement>
146                                                                                 <additionalClasspathElement>${runAjscHome}/extJars/aai-custom.jar</additionalClasspathElement>
147                                                                         </additionalClasspathElements>
149                                                                         <!-- Main AJSC System Properties below (necessary for proper startup) -->
150                                                                         <systemProperties>
151                                                                                 <systemProperty>
152                                                                                         <key>AJSC_HOME</key>
153                                                                                         <value>${runAjscHome}</value>
154                                                                                 </systemProperty>
155                                                                                 <systemProperty>
156                                                                                         <key>AFT_HOME</key>
157                                                                                         <value>${runAjscHome}/bundleconfig/</value>
158                                                                                 </systemProperty>
159                                                                                 <systemProperty>
160                                                                                         <key>AJSC_CONF_HOME</key>
161                                                                                         <value>${aaiAppHome}/bundleconfig-local</value>
162                                                                                 </systemProperty>
163                                                                                 <systemProperty>
164                                                                                         <key>logback.configurationFile</key>
165                                                                                         <value>${aaiAppHome}/ajsc-shared-config/etc/logback.xml</value>
166                                                                                 </systemProperty>
167                                                                                 <systemProperty>
168                                                                                         <key>AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG</key>
169                                                                                         <value>${aaiAppHome}/ajsc-shared-config</value>
170                                                                                 </systemProperty>
171                                                                                 <systemProperty>
172                                                                                         <key>file.separator</key>
173                                                                                         <value>/</value>
174                                                                                 </systemProperty>
176                                                                                 <!-- Please, NOTE: The following 2 system properties will normally 
177                                                                                         be set within the file once deployed to a node. We are 
178                                                                                         setting them HERE to run locally to make more efficient use of maven variable 
179                                                                                         replacement for ${basedir} -->
180                                                                                 <!-- AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS represents the particular jars that 
181                                                                                         will be externalized on a CSI node. This includes dme2 and csm related artifact. -->
182                                                                                 <sysproperty>
183                                                                                         <key>AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS</key>
184                                                                                         <value>${aaiAppHome}/target/commonLibs</value>
185                                                                                 </sysproperty>
186                                                                                 <!-- AJSC_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_FOLDERS represents the particular 
187                                                                                         files that may need to be added to the classpath. These files will be externalized 
188                                                                                         on a CSI node. This includes dme2 and csm related artifact (such as 
189                                                                                         Failure to have these files on the classpath may result in errors thrown 
190                                                                                         by csm framework. -->
191                                                                                 <sysproperty>
192                                                                                         <key>AJSC_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_FOLDERS</key>
193                                                                                         <value>${aaiAppHome}/ajsc-shared-config/etc</value>
194                                                                                 </sysproperty>
196                                                                                 <systemProperty>
197                                                                                         <key>AJSC_SERVICE_NAMESPACE</key>
198                                                                                         <value>${}</value>
199                                                                                 </systemProperty>
200                                                                                 <systemProperty>
201                                                                                         <key>AJSC_SERVICE_VERSION</key>
202                                                                                         <value>${module.ajsc.namespace.version}</value>
203                                                                                 </systemProperty>
204                                                                                 <systemProperty>
205                                                                                         <key>SOACLOUD_SERVICE_VERSION</key>
206                                                                                         <value>${project.version}</value>
207                                                                                 </systemProperty>
208                                                                                 <systemProperty>
209                                                                                         <key>server.port</key>
210                                                                                         <value>${serverPort}</value>
211                                                                                 </systemProperty>
212                                                                         </systemProperties>
214                                                                         <!-- Command Line Arguments to add to the java command. Here, you 
215                                                                                 can specify the port as well as the Context you want your service to run 
216                                                                                 in. Use context=/ to run in an unnamed Context (Root Context). The default 
217                                                                                 configuration of the AJSC is to run under the / Context. Setting the port 
218                                                                                 here can aid during the development phase of your service. However, you can 
219                                                                                 leave this argument out entirely, and the AJSC will default to using an Ephemeral 
220                                                                                 port. -->
221                                                                         <arguments>
222                                                                                 <argument>context=/</argument>
223                                                                                 <argument>port=${serverPort}</argument>
224                                                                                 <argument>sslport=${sslport}</argument>
225                                                                         </arguments>
226                                                                 </configuration>
227                                                         </execution>
228                                                 </executions>
229                                                 <configuration>
230                                                         <executable>java</executable>
231                                                 </configuration>
232                                                 <dependencies>
233                                                         <dependency>
234                                                                 <groupId>com.att.ajsc</groupId>
235                                                                 <artifactId>ajsc-runner</artifactId>
236                                                                 <version>${ajscRuntimeVersion}</version>
237                                                         </dependency>
238                                                 </dependencies>
239                                         </plugin>
240                                 </plugins>
241                         </build>
242                 </profile>
243         </profiles>
244         <build>
245         <plugins>
246                 <!-- license plugin -->         
247             <plugin>
248             <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
249             <artifactId>license-maven-plugin</artifactId>
250             <version>1.10</version>
251             <configuration>
252                 <addJavaLicenseAfterPackage>false</addJavaLicenseAfterPackage>
253                 <licenseName>apache_v2</licenseName>
254                 <inceptionYear>2017</inceptionYear>
255                 <organizationName>AT&amp;T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.</organizationName>
256                 <projectName>org.openecomp.aai</projectName>
257                 <canUpdateCopyright>true</canUpdateCopyright>
258                 <canUpdateDescription>true</canUpdateDescription>
259                 <canUpdateLicense>true</canUpdateLicense>
260                 <emptyLineAfterHeader>true</emptyLineAfterHeader>
261                 <processStartTag>============LICENSE_START=======================================================</processStartTag>
262                 <processEndTag>============LICENSE_END=========================================================</processEndTag>
263                 <sectionDelimiter>================================================================================</sectionDelimiter>
264                 <includes>
265                         <include>**/*.java</include>
266                         <include>**/*.ksh</include>
267                         <include>**/*.sh</include>
268                         <include>**/*.ftl</include>
269                         <include>**/*.xsd</include>
270                         <include>**/*.xjb</include>
271                         <include>**/aai*.xml</include>
272                         <include>**/*logback*.xml</include>
273                         <include>**/*aaiconfig*.properties</include>
274                         <include>**/*titan*.properties</include>
275                 </includes>          
276                 </configuration>
277             <executions>
278                 <execution>
279                      <id>first</id>
280                       <goals>
281                           <goal>update-file-header</goal>
282                       </goals>
283                           <phase>process-sources</phase>
284                  </execution>
285               </executions>
286            </plugin>
287         <plugin>
288                         <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
289                         <artifactId>sonar-maven-plugin</artifactId>
290                         <version>3.2</version>
291                 </plugin>
292         <plugin>
293             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
294             <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
295             <version>3.6</version>
296             <dependencies>
297               <dependency>
298                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
299                 <artifactId>wagon-webdav-jackrabbit</artifactId>
300                 <version>2.10</version>
301               </dependency>
302             </dependencies>
303         </plugin>
304         </plugins>
305 </build>
307     <reporting>
308       <plugins>
309         <plugin>
310           <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
311           <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
312           <version>2.10.4</version>
313           <configuration>
314             <failOnError>false</failOnError>
315             <doclet>org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc</doclet>
316             <docletArtifact>
317               <groupId>org.umlgraph</groupId>
318               <artifactId>umlgraph</artifactId>
319               <version>5.6</version>
320             </docletArtifact>
321             <additionalparam>-views</additionalparam>
322             <useStandardDocletOptions>true</useStandardDocletOptions>
323           </configuration>
324         </plugin>
325       </plugins>
326     </reporting>
328 <distributionManagement>
329     <site>
330       <id>aai-javadoc</id>
331       <url>dav:https://${docker.nexusurl}/repository/aai-javadoc/${openecomp.release}/</url>
332     </site>
333 </distributionManagement>
334 </project>