webpack 4 upgrade
[sdc.git] / openecomp-ui / src / sdc-app / onboarding / userNotifications / UserNotifications.jsx
1 /*!
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
14  * permissions and limitations under the License.
15  */
17 import React from 'react';
18 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
19 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
20 import classnames from 'classnames';
21 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
22 import { notificationType } from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
23 import ShowMore from 'react-show-more-text';
25 const Notification = ({
26     notification,
27     users,
28     onActionClicked,
29     getNotificationTypeDesc
30 }) => {
31     const { eventType, read, eventAttributes, dateTime } = notification;
32     const {
33         itemName,
34         userId,
35         description,
36         versionName,
37         permission,
38         granted
39     } = eventAttributes;
40     const { fullName: userName } = users.find(user => user.userId === userId);
41     return (
42         <div className={classnames('notification', { unread: !read })}>
43             <div className="notification-data">
44                 <div className="item-name">
45                     {itemName}
46                     {versionName && (
47                         <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v{versionName}</span>
48                     )}
49                     {!read && <div className="unread-circle-icon" />}
50                 </div>
51                 <div className="flex-items">
52                     <div className="type">
53                         {getNotificationTypeDesc(
54                             eventType,
55                             permission,
56                             granted
57                         )}
58                     </div>
59                     <div className="separator" />
60                     <div className="user-name">{`${i18n(
61                         'By'
62                     )} ${userName}`}</div>
63                 </div>
64                 {(description || versionName) && (
65                     <div className="description">
66                         {description && (
67                             <ShowMore
68                                 anchorClass="more-less"
69                                 lines={2}
70                                 more={i18n('More')}
71                                 less={i18n('Less')}>
72                                 {description}
73                             </ShowMore>
74                         )}
75                         {eventType === notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT && (
76                             <div>
77                                 <div>
78                                     {i18n(
79                                         'Version {versionName} was submitted.',
80                                         { versionName: versionName }
81                                     )}
82                                 </div>
83                             </div>
84                         )}
85                     </div>
86                 )}
87                 <div className="date">{dateTime}</div>
88             </div>
89             <div className="notification-action">
90                 <div
91                     className={classnames('action-button', { hidden: read })}
92                     onClick={() => onActionClicked(notification)}>
93                     {eventType === notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED ||
94                     eventType === notificationType.ITEM_DELETED ||
95                     eventType === notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED ||
96                     eventType === notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED
97                         ? i18n('OK')
98                         : i18n('Sync')}
99                 </div>
100             </div>
101         </div>
102     );
103 };
105 function getNotificationTypeDesc(eventType, permission, granted) {
106     switch (eventType) {
107         case notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED:
108             const grantedStr = granted ? i18n('Granted') : i18n('Taken');
109             return `${i18n('Permission')} ${grantedStr}: ${permission}`;
110         case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.COMMIT:
111             return i18n('Your Copy Is Out Of Sync');
112         case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT:
113             return i18n('Version Submitted');
114         case notificationType.ITEM_DELETED:
115             return i18n('Item was deleted');
116         case notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED:
117             return i18n('Item was archived');
118         case notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED:
119             return i18n('Item was restored from archive');
120     }
121 }
123 class UserNotifications extends React.Component {
124     static propTypes = {
125         currentScreen: PropTypes.object,
126         notificationsList: PropTypes.array,
127         usersList: PropTypes.array,
128         lastScanned: PropTypes.string,
129         endOfPage: PropTypes.string,
130         onLoadPrevNotifications: PropTypes.func,
131         onSync: PropTypes.func,
132         updateNotification: PropTypes.func,
133         onLoadItemsLists: PropTypes.func
134     };
136     render() {
137         const {
138             notificationsList = [],
139             usersList,
140             lastScanned,
141             endOfPage
142         } = this.props;
144         return (
145             <div className="user-notifications">
146                 <div className="notifications-title">
147                     {i18n('Notifications')}
148                 </div>
149                 <div
150                     className="notifications-list"
151                     ref="notificationList"
152                     onScroll={() =>
153                         this.loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage)
154                     }>
155                     {notificationsList.map(notification => (
156                         <Notification
157                             key={notification.eventId}
158                             notification={notification}
159                             users={usersList}
160                             onActionClicked={notification =>
161                                 this.onActionClicked(notification)
162                             }
163                             getNotificationTypeDesc={getNotificationTypeDesc}
164                         />
165                     ))}
166                 </div>
167             </div>
168         );
169     }
171     onActionClicked(notification) {
172         const {
173             onSync,
174             updateNotification,
175             currentScreen,
176             onLoadItemsLists
177         } = this.props;
178         const {
179             eventType,
180             eventAttributes: { itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName }
181         } = notification;
182         if (
183             eventType !== notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED &&
184             eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_DELETED &&
185             eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED &&
186             eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED
187         ) {
188             onSync({ itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen });
189         } else {
190             onLoadItemsLists();
191         }
192         updateNotification(notification);
193     }
195     loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage) {
196         if (endOfPage && lastScanned) {
197             let element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs['notificationList']);
198             const { onLoadPrevNotifications } = this.props;
200             if (
201                 element &&
202                 element.clientHeight + element.scrollTop ===
203                     element.scrollHeight
204             ) {
205                 onLoadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage);
206             }
207         }
208     }
209 }
211 export default UserNotifications;