react 16 upgrade
[sdc.git] / openecomp-ui / src / sdc-app / onboarding / softwareProduct / deployment / editor / SoftwareProductDeploymentEditorView.jsx
1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 import React from 'react';
17 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
18 import Input from 'nfvo-components/input/validation/Input.jsx';
19 import Form from 'nfvo-components/input/validation/Form.jsx';
20 import GridSection from 'nfvo-components/grid/GridSection.jsx';
21 import GridItem from 'nfvo-components/grid/GridItem.jsx';
22 import SelectInput from 'nfvo-components/input/SelectInput.jsx';
23 import SelectActionTable from 'nfvo-components/table/SelectActionTable.jsx';
24 import SelectActionTableRow from 'nfvo-components/table/SelectActionTableRow.jsx';
25 import SelectActionTableCell from 'nfvo-components/table/SelectActionTableCell.jsx';
26 import Validator from 'nfvo-utils/Validator.js';
28 export default class SoftwareProductDeploymentEditorView extends React.Component {
29     render() {
30         let {
31             data,
32             isEdit,
33             onClose,
34             onDataChanged,
35             isReadOnlyMode,
36             selectedFeatureGroupsList,
37             componentsList,
38             computesList,
39             genericFieldInfo
40         } = this.props;
41         let {
42             model,
43             description,
44             featureGroupId,
45             componentComputeAssociations = []
46         } = data;
47         let featureGroupsExist = selectedFeatureGroupsList.length > 0;
48         return (
49             <div>
50                 {genericFieldInfo && (
51                     <Form
52                         ref="validationForm"
53                         hasButtons={true}
54                         labledButtons={true}
55                         isReadOnlyMode={isReadOnlyMode}
56                         onSubmit={() => this.submit()}
57                         submitButtonText={
58                             isEdit ? i18n('Save') : i18n('Create')
59                         }
60                         onReset={() => onClose()}
61                         onValidateForm={() => this.validate()}
62                         isValid={this.props.isFormValid}
63                         formReady={this.props.formReady}
64                         className="vsp-deployment-editor"
65                         btnClassName="sdc-modal__footer">
66                         <GridSection hasLastColSet>
67                             <GridItem colSpan={1}>
68                                 <Input
69                                     onChange={model =>
70                                         onDataChanged(
71                                             { model },
72                                             {
73                                                 model: model =>
74                                                     this.validateName(model)
75                                             }
76                                         )
77                                     }
78                                     label={i18n('Model')}
79                                     value={model}
80                                     data-test-id="deployment-model"
81                                     isValid={genericFieldInfo.model.isValid}
82                                     errorText={genericFieldInfo.model.errorText}
83                                     isRequired={true}
84                                     type="text"
85                                 />
86                             </GridItem>
87                             <GridItem colSpan={3} lastColInRow>
88                                 <Input
89                                     onChange={description =>
90                                         onDataChanged({ description })
91                                     }
92                                     label={i18n('Description')}
93                                     value={description}
94                                     data-test-id="deployment-description"
95                                     isValid={
96                                         genericFieldInfo.description.isValid
97                                     }
98                                     errorText={
99                                         genericFieldInfo.description.errorText
100                                     }
101                                     type="text"
102                                 />
103                             </GridItem>
104                         </GridSection>
105                         <GridSection
106                             className={`deployment-feature-groups-section${
107                                 !featureGroupsExist ? ' no-feature-groups' : ''
108                             }`}
109                             title={i18n('License Details')}
110                             hasLastColSet>
111                             <GridItem colSpan={1}>
112                                 <SelectInput
113                                     data-test-id="deployment-feature-groups"
114                                     label={i18n('Feature Group')}
115                                     value={featureGroupId}
116                                     onChange={featureGroup =>
117                                         onDataChanged({
118                                             featureGroupId: featureGroup
119                                                 ? featureGroup.value
120                                                 : null
121                                         })
122                                     }
123                                     type="select"
124                                     clearable={true}
125                                     disabled={
126                                         isReadOnlyMode || !featureGroupsExist
127                                     }
128                                     className="field-section"
129                                     options={selectedFeatureGroupsList}
130                                 />
131                             </GridItem>
132                         </GridSection>
133                         {!featureGroupsExist && (
134                             <GridSection className="deployment-feature-group-warning-section">
135                                 <GridItem colSpan={3}>
136                                     <span>
137                                         {i18n(
138                                             'Please assign Feature Groups in VSP General'
139                                         )}
140                                     </span>
141                                 </GridItem>
142                             </GridSection>
143                         )}
144                         <GridSection
145                             title={i18n('Assign VFCs and Compute Flavors')}
146                             className="vfc-table"
147                             hasLastColSet>
148                             <GridItem colSpan={4} lastColInRow>
149                                 <SelectActionTable
150                                     columns={[
151                                         'Virtual Function Components',
152                                         'Compute Flavors'
153                                     ]}
154                                     numOfIcons={0}>
155                                     {
156                                         (association, index) => (
157                                             <SelectActionTableRow
158                                                 key={association.componentId}>
159                                                 <SelectActionTableCell
160                                                     options={
161                                                         component => ({
162                                                             value:,
163                                                             label:
164                                                                 component.displayName
165                                                         })
166                                                     )}
167                                                     selected={
168                                                         association.componentId
169                                                     }
170                                                     onChange={componentId => {
171                                                         let newAssociations = [
172                                                             ...componentComputeAssociations
173                                                         ];
174                                                         newAssociations[
175                                                             index
176                                                         ] = {
177                                                             ...newAssociations[
178                                                                 index
179                                                             ],
180                                                             componentId
181                                                         };
182                                                         onDataChanged({
183                                                             componentComputeAssociations: newAssociations
184                                                         });
185                                                     }}
186                                                     disabled={true}
187                                                 />
188                                                 <SelectActionTableCell
189                                                     options={computesList
190                                                         .filter(
191                                                             compute =>
192                                                                 compute.componentId ===
193                                                                 association.componentId
194                                                         )
195                                                         .map(compute => ({
196                                                             value:
197                                                                 compute.computeFlavorId,
198                                                             label:
199                                                         }))}
200                                                     selected={
201                                                         association.computeFlavorId
202                                                     }
203                                                     onChange={computeFlavorId => {
204                                                         let newAssociations = [
205                                                             ...componentComputeAssociations
206                                                         ];
207                                                         newAssociations[
208                                                             index
209                                                         ] = {
210                                                             ...newAssociations[
211                                                                 index
212                                                             ],
213                                                             computeFlavorId
214                                                         };
215                                                         onDataChanged({
216                                                             componentComputeAssociations: newAssociations
217                                                         });
218                                                     }}
219                                                     disabled={isReadOnlyMode}
220                                                 />
221                                             </SelectActionTableRow>
222                                         )
223                                     )}
224                                 </SelectActionTable>
225                             </GridItem>
226                         </GridSection>
227                     </Form>
228                 )}
229             </div>
230         );
231     }
233     validateName(value) {
234         const { data: { id = '' }, DFNames } = this.props;
235         const isExists = Validator.isItemNameAlreadyExistsInList({
236             itemId: id,
237             itemName: value,
238             list: DFNames
239         });
241         return !isExists
242             ? { isValid: true, errorText: '' }
243             : {
244                   isValid: false,
245                   errorText: i18n(
246                       "Deployment flavor by the name '" +
247                           value +
248                           "' already exists. Deployment flavor name must be unique"
249                   )
250               };
251     }
253     submit() {
254         let { isEdit, onCreate, onEdit, onClose, data } = this.props;
255         if (isEdit) {
256             onEdit(data);
257         } else {
258             onCreate(data);
259         }
260         onClose();
261     }
263     validate() {
264         this.props.onValidateForm();
265     }
266 }