Adding Prettier and fixing up eslint version
[sdc.git] / openecomp-ui / src / sdc-app / onboarding / softwareProduct / attachments / SoftwareProductAttachmentsView.jsx
1 /*!
2  * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
14  * permissions and limitations under the License.
15  */
16 import React, { Component } from 'react';
17 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
18 import accept from 'attr-accept';
19 import { SVGIcon, Tab, Tabs } from 'sdc-ui/lib/react';
20 import { tabsMapping } from './SoftwareProductAttachmentsConstants.js';
21 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
22 import HeatValidation from './validation/HeatValidation.js';
23 import { onboardingOriginTypes } from 'sdc-app/onboarding/softwareProduct/SoftwareProductConstants.js';
24 import Button from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/Button.js';
26 class HeatScreenView extends Component {
27     static propTypes = {
28         isValidationAvailable: PropTypes.bool,
29         goToOverview: PropTypes.bool,
30         setActiveTab: PropTypes.func
31     };
33     componentDidMount() {
34         if (!this.props.goToOverview && this.props.candidateInProcess) {
35             this.props.setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.VALIDATION });
36         }
37     }
39     render() {
40         let {
41             isValidationAvailable,
42             isReadOnlyMode,
43             heatDataExist,
44             onDownload,
45             softwareProductId,
46             onProcessAndValidate,
47             onUploadAbort,
48             candidateInProcess,
49             heatSetup,
50             HeatSetupComponent,
51             onGoToOverview,
52             version,
53             onboardingOrigin,
54             activeTab,
55             setActiveTab,
56             ...other
57         } = this.props;
59         return (
60             <div className="vsp-attachments-view">
61                 <div className="attachments-view-controllers">
62                     {activeTab === tabsMapping.SETUP &&
63                         candidateInProcess && (
64                             <Button
65                                 data-test-id="proceed-to-validation-btn"
66                                 disabled={!isValidationAvailable}
67                                 className="proceed-to-validation-btn"
68                                 onClick={() => this.validate()}>
69                                 {i18n('PROCEED TO VALIDATION')}
70                             </Button>
71                         )}
72                     {candidateInProcess && (
73                         <SVGIcon
74                             onClick={onUploadAbort}
75                             name="close"
76                             className="icon-component abort-btn"
77                             label={i18n('ABORT')}
78                             labelPosition="right"
79                             color="secondary"
80                             data-test-id="abort-btn"
81                         />
82                     )}
83                     {activeTab === tabsMapping.VALIDATION &&
84                         softwareProductId && (
85                             <Button
86                                 btnType="outline"
87                                 data-test-id="go-to-overview"
88                                 disabled={this.props.goToOverview !== true}
89                                 className="go-to-overview-btn"
90                                 onClick={
91                                     this.props.goToOverview
92                                         ? () => onGoToOverview({ version })
93                                         : undefined
94                                 }>
95                                 {i18n('GO TO OVERVIEW')}
96                             </Button>
97                         )}
98                     <div className="separator" />
99                     <SVGIcon
100                         disabled={heatDataExist ? false : true}
101                         name="download"
102                         className="icon-component"
103                         color="dark-gray"
104                         onClick={
105                             heatDataExist
106                                 ? () =>
107                                       onDownload({
108                                           heatCandidate: heatSetup,
109                                           isReadOnlyMode:
110                                               isReadOnlyMode ||
111                                               !candidateInProcess,
112                                           version
113                                       })
114                                 : undefined
115                         }
116                         data-test-id="download-heat"
117                     />
118                     <SVGIcon
119                         name="upload"
120                         className="icon-component"
121                         color="dark-gray"
122                         disabled={isReadOnlyMode || candidateInProcess}
123                         onClick={
124                             isReadOnlyMode
125                                 ? undefined
126                                 : evt =>
128                         }
129                         data-test-id="upload-heat"
130                     />
131                     <input
132                         ref="hiddenImportFileInput"
133                         type="file"
134                         name="fileInput"
135                         accept=".zip, .csar"
136                         onChange={evt => this.handleImport(evt)}
137                     />
138                 </div>
139                 <Tabs
140                     className="attachments-tabs"
141                     type="header"
142                     activeTab={activeTab}
143                     onTabClick={key => this.handleTabPress(key)}>
144                     <Tab
145                         tabId={tabsMapping.SETUP}
146                         title="Setup"
147                         disabled={
148                             onboardingOrigin === onboardingOriginTypes.CSAR
149                         }>
150                         <HeatSetupComponent
151                             heatDataExist={heatDataExist}
152                             changeAttachmentsTab={tab =>
153                                 setActiveTab({ activeTab: tab })
154                             }
155                             onProcessAndValidate={onProcessAndValidate}
156                             softwareProductId={softwareProductId}
157                             isReadOnlyMode={isReadOnlyMode}
158                             version={version}
159                         />
160                     </Tab>
161                     <Tab
162                         tabId={tabsMapping.VALIDATION}
163                         title="Validation"
164                         disabled={!isValidationAvailable || candidateInProcess}>
165                         <HeatValidation {...other} />
166                     </Tab>
167                 </Tabs>
168             </div>
169         );
170     }
172     handleTabPress(key) {
173         let { setActiveTab } = this.props;
174         switch (key) {
175             case tabsMapping.VALIDATION:
176                 setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.VALIDATION });
177                 return;
178             case tabsMapping.SETUP:
179                 setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.SETUP });
180                 return;
181         }
182     }
184     handleImport(evt) {
185         evt.preventDefault();
186         let file = this.refs.hiddenImportFileInput.files[0];
187         if (!(file && file.size && accept(file, ['.zip', '.csar']))) {
188             this.props.onInvalidFileUpload();
189             return;
190         }
191         let { version } = this.props;
192         let formData = new FormData();
193         formData.append('upload', file);
194         this.refs.hiddenImportFileInput.value = '';
195         this.props.onUpload(formData, version);
196     }
197     validate() {
198         let {
199             heatSetup,
200             heatSetupCache,
201             onProcessAndValidate,
202             isReadOnlyMode,
203             version,
204             setActiveTab
205         } = this.props;
206         onProcessAndValidate({
207             heatData: heatSetup,
208             heatDataCache: heatSetupCache,
209             isReadOnlyMode,
210             version
211         }).then(() => setActiveTab({ activeTab: tabsMapping.VALIDATION }));
212     }
213     save() {
214         return this.props.onboardingOrigin === onboardingOriginTypes.ZIP
215             ? this.props.onSave(this.props.heatSetup, this.props.version)
216             : Promise.resolve();
217     }
218 }
220 export default HeatScreenView;