react 16 upgrade
[sdc.git] / openecomp-ui / src / sdc-app / onboarding / permissions / PermissionsManager.jsx
1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2016-2018 European Support Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 import React from 'react';
17 import Form from 'nfvo-components/input/validation/Form.jsx';
18 import Select from 'nfvo-components/input/SelectInput.jsx';
19 import SVGIcon from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/SVGIcon.js';
20 import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger.js';
21 import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip.js';
22 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
24 import { permissionTypes, changeOwnerMessage } from './PermissionsConstants.js';
26 export const askForRightsMsg = () => {
27     return (
28         <div>
29             <p>{i18n('Send a Contributor rights reguest to Owner')}</p>
30         </div>
31     );
32 };
34 class Permissions extends React.Component {
35     constructor(props) {
36         super(props);
37         this.state = {
38             itemUsers: props.itemUsers,
39             newOwnerId: '',
40             showChangeOwner: false
41         };
42     }
44     buildUserOptions() {
45         let { users, owner } = this.props;
46         return users.filter(user => user.userId !== owner.userId).map(item => {
47             return { label: item.fullName, value: item.userId };
48         });
49     }
51     render() {
52         let { onCancel, owner } = this.props;
53         let { newOwnerId } = this.state;
54         return (
55             <div className="manage-permissions-page">
56                 <Form
57                     hasButtons={true}
58                     onSubmit={() => this.onsaveItemUsers()}
59                     onReset={() => onCancel()}
60                     labledButtons={true}
61                     btnClassName="sdc-modal__footer">
62                     <div className="manage-permissions-title">
63                         {i18n('Owner')}
64                     </div>
65                     <div className="owner-details">
66                         <span>{owner.fullName}</span>
67                         <span
68                             className="change-owner"
69                             onClick={() =>
70                                 this.setState({
71                                     showChangeOwner: !this.state.showChangeOwner
72                                 })
73                             }>
74                             {i18n('Change Owner')}
75                         </span>
76                     </div>
77                     {this.state.showChangeOwner && (
78                         <div className="change-owner-wrapper">
79                             <div className="change-owner-title">
80                                 <span
81                                     className="manage-permissions-title"
82                                     data-test-id="change-owner">
83                                     {i18n('Change Owner')}
84                                 </span>
85                                 <OverlayTrigger
86                                     placement="right"
87                                     trigger="click"
88                                     overlay={
89                                         <Tooltip
90                                             id="manage-permissions-owner-tooltip"
91                                             className="manage-permissions-owner-tooltip">
92                                             {i18n(changeOwnerMessage)}
93                                         </Tooltip>
94                                     }>
95                                     <SVGIcon name="questionMark" />
96                                 </OverlayTrigger>
97                             </div>
98                             <Select
99                                 data-test-id="selected-owner"
100                                 value={newOwnerId}
101                                 onChange={item =>
102                                     this.setState({
103                                         newOwnerId: item ? item.value : ''
104                                     })
105                                 }
106                                 options={this.buildUserOptions()}
107                             />
108                         </div>
109                     )}
110                     <div className="manage-permissions-title">
111                         {i18n('Contributors')}
112                     </div>
113                     <Select
114                         data-test-id="selected-contributors"
115                         value={ => item.userId)}
116                         className="options-input contributors-select"
117                         clearable={false}
118                         onMultiSelectChanged={value => {
119                             this.onChangeItemUsers({ itemUsers: value });
120                         }}
121                         options={this.buildUserOptions()}
122                         multi
123                     />
124                 </Form>
125             </div>
126         );
127     }
129     onChangeItemUsers({ itemUsers }) {
130         this.setState({
131             itemUsers: => {
132                 let contributorFromProps = this.props.itemUsers.find(
133                     user => user.userId === contributor.userId
134                 );
135                 return {
136                     userId: contributor.value,
137                     fullName: contributor.label,
138                     permission: contributorFromProps
139                         ? contributorFromProps.permission
140                         : permissionTypes.CONTRIBUTOR
141                 };
142             })
143         });
144     }
146     onsaveItemUsers() {
147         let { itemUsers: newUsers, newOwnerId } = this.state;
148         let { itemUsers: oldUsers, onSubmit, itemId, users } = this.props;
149         let addedUsersIds = newUsers
150             .filter(
151                 newUser =>
152                     !oldUsers
153                         .map(oldUser => oldUser.userId)
154                         .includes(newUser.userId)
155             )
156             .map(user => user.userId);
157         let removedUsersIds = oldUsers
158             .filter(
159                 oldUser =>
160                     !newUsers
161                         .map(newUser => newUser.userId)
162                         .includes(oldUser.userId)
163             )
164             .map(user => user.userId);
165         onSubmit({
166             itemId,
167             addedUsersIds,
168             removedUsersIds,
169             allUsers: users,
170             newOwnerId
171         });
172     }
173 }
175 export default Permissions;