Obtain and control VSP package upload status
[sdc.git] / openecomp-ui / resources / scss / modules / _softwareProductLandingPage.scss
1 /*!
2  * -
3  *  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
4  *  Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
5  *  Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation.
6  *  ================================================================================
7  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  *  limitations under the License.
18  *
19  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
20  *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
21  */
23 .upload-modal-body-content {
24     padding-left: 30px;
25     padding-right: 30px;
26     padding-bottom: 10px;
27     .title {
28         @extend .body-1-semibold;
29     }
30     .file-name {
31         padding-left: 5px;
32         @extend .body-1-semibold;
33     }
34 }
36 .software-product-view {
37     display: flex;
38     height: 100%;
40     .description {
41         @extend .body-1;
42         padding-right: 20px;
44         .missing-license {
45             display: flex;
46             align-items: baseline;
47             .svg-icon {
48                 margin-right: 7px;
49                 margin-left: 3px;
50                 &.__exclamationTriangleFull {
51                     fill: $orange;
52                     width: 17px;
53                     height: 17px;
54                 }
55             }
56             .warning-text {
57                 position: relative;
58                 top: -2px;
59             }
60         }
61     }
62     .name {
63         @extend .body-1-semibold;
64     }
65     .software-product-landing-view-right-side {
66         @extend .flex;
67         overflow-y: hidden;
68         .list-editor-view {
69             .list-editor-view-title {
70                 margin-bottom: 0;
71             }
72         }
73     }
74     .software-product-landing-view {
75         padding-bottom: 50px;
77         .software-product-landing-view-top {
78             .details-container {
79                 @extend .flex-column;
81                 .single-detail-section {
82                     @extend .flex-column;
83                     &.title-section {
84                         flex: 0.8;
85                         @extend .heading-5-semibold;
86                     }
87                     &.title-text {
88                         margin-bottom: 24px;
89                     }
90                     .description {
91                         @include multiline-ellipsis();
92                     }
93                 }
94                 .title {
95                     @extend .body-3;
96                     color: $gray;
97                     &.extra-large {
98                         min-width: 130px;
99                     }
100                 }
101                 .details-section {
102                     display: flex;
103                 }
104                 .multiple-details-section {
105                     @extend .flex-column;
106                     justify-content: space-between;
107                     .detail-col {
108                         padding-bottom: 10px;
109                     }
110                 }
111             }
112             .row {
113                 margin: 0;
114                 display: flex;
115                 .details-panel {
116                     flex: 1;
117                     margin-right: 50px;
118                     &:last-child {
119                         margin-right: 0;
120                     }
121                     .software-product-landing-view-top-block-col-upl {
122                         height: 225px;
123                         width: initial;
124                     }
125                 }
126                 .col-md-6 {
127                     padding: 0;
129                     overflow-wrap: break-word;
130                     &:first-child {
131                         padding-right: 25px;
132                     }
133                     &:last-child {
134                         padding-left: 25px;
135                     }
136                 }
137                 .title {
138                     @extend .body-1-semibold;
139                 }
140                 .software-product-landing-view-heading-title {
141                     @extend .section-title;
142                     color: $dark-gray;
143                     padding-bottom: 20px;
144                     &:first-child {
145                         padding-bottom: 20px;
146                     }
147                 }
148                 .software-product-landing-view-top-block {
149                     &.clickable {
150                         cursor: pointer;
151                         &:hover {
152                             @extend .box-hover;
153                         }
154                     }
155                     border: 1px solid $light-gray;
156                     padding: 20px 18px 0 18px;
157                     min-height: 285px;
158                     height: 100%;
159                     display: flex;
160                     justify-content: space-between;
161                     background-color: $white;
163                     .col-md-6 {
164                         @extend .body-1;
165                     }
166                     .software-product-landing-view-top-block-col {
167                         @extend .body-1;
168                         flex: 0.8;
169                         display: flex;
170                         justify-content: space-between;
171                         flex-direction: column;
172                         .description {
173                             overflow: hidden;
174                             padding-right: 20px;
175                         }
176                         .attachment-details {
177                             padding-bottom: 10px;
178                         }
179                         .attachment-details-count {
180                             color: $light-blue;
181                         }
182                     }
183                 }
185                 .software-product-landing-view-top-block-col-upl {
186                     @extend .flex;
187                     height: 225px;
188                     text-align: center;
189                     flex-direction: column;
190                     justify-content: center;
191                     border: 2px dashed $light-gray;
192                     margin-bottom: 20px;
193                     @extend .body-1;
194                     align-items: center;
195                     .upload-btn {
196                         padding: 15px 55px;
197                     }
198                     .drag-text {
199                         color: $blue;
200                         @extend .body-1-semibold;
201                     }
202                     .upload-status-text {
203                         color: $blue;
204                         @extend .body-1-semibold;
205                     }
206                     .or-text {
207                         margin-top: 10px;
208                         margin-bottom: 10px;
209                         color: $light-gray;
210                     }
211                     .upload {
212                         width: 50%;
213                         border: 0px !important;
214                     }
215                     .vnfRepo {
216                         width: 50%;
217                         cursor: pointer;
218                         .searchRepo-text {
219                             color: $blue;
220                             @extend .body-1-semibold;
221                             width: 72px;
222                             line-height: 24px;
223                             margin-left: auto;
224                             margin-right: auto;
225                         }
226                         .svg-icon-wrapper {
227                             .svg-icon.__search {
228                                 width: 34px;
229                                 height: 34px;
230                                 margin-top: 10px;
231                             }
232                             &.__positive {
233                                 fill: $blue;
234                                 color: $blue;
235                             }
236                         }
237                     }
238                     .verticalLine {
239                         height: 90%;
240                         border-left: 1px solid $light-gray;
241                     }
242                 }
243                 .showVnf {
244                     flex-direction: row;
245                 }
246             }
247         }
248     }
249     .licenceLabel {
250         float: right;
251         margin-left: 5px;
252     }
253 }
255 .vsp-details-page {
256     .grid-section-general {
257         padding-bottom: 30px;
258     }
259     .vsp-general-tab {
260         .validation-form-content {
261             margin: 0;
262         }
263         .validation-buttons {
264             margin: 43px 0;
265             padding: 0 52px;
266         }
267         .validation-form-content {
268             .vsp-general-tab-inline-section {
269                 display: flex;
271                 .vsp-general-tab-sub-section:not(:last-of-type) {
272                     margin-right: 40px;
273                 }
274                 .field-section {
275                     width: 440px;
276                 }
277                 .form-group textarea {
278                     height: 192px;
279                 }
280                 select optgroup[label] {
281                     color: $dark-blue;
282                 }
283                 option {
284                     color: $dark-gray;
285                 }
286                 .Select,
287                 .input-options {
288                     width: 440px;
289                 }
290             }
291         }
292         .validation-buttons {
293             position: fixed;
294             display: block;
295             bottom: 0;
296             width: 66%;
297         }
298         .validation-input-wrapper {
299             select.form-control {
300                 width: 100%;
301             }
302         }
303     }
304 }