Containerization feature of SO
[so.git] / mso-api-handlers / mso-api-handler-infra / src / main / resources / static / readme / testing.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en">
3 <head>
4         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./readme.css" >
5         <title>Read Me</title>
6         <script src="//"></script>
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9         <div id="page-wrapper">
10                 <div id="page-setup"></div>
11                 <div id="right-col">
12                         <ul>
13                                 <li class="title">
14                                         <p>Testing</p>
15                                 </li>
16                                 <li class="info-title">
17                                         <p>JUnitParams: JUnit Parameterized Tests</p>
18                                 </li>
19                                 <li class="info">
20                                         <p>Using JUnitParams allows for the inclusion of tests running with multiple sets of parameters. A class utilizing 
21                                         JUnitParams will specify @RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class) above the class declaration. To indicate that a test will 
22                                         be using sets of parameters, include the annotation: @Parameters(method = "nameOfMethodContainingParameters").</p>
23                                 </li>
24                                 <li class="info">
25                                         <p>The test method signature includes the order of the parameters that it will be receiving; it will run with 
26                                         each set of parameters provided to it. The method containing the sets of parameters to be sent to the test method is 
27                                         indicated using the annotation: @Parameters. This method will return a collection of objects that is passed to the 
28                                         test method.</p>
29                                 </li>
30                         </ul>
31                 </div>
32         </div>
33         <script>
34                 $.get("page.html", function(data){
35                         $("#page-setup").replaceWith(data);
36                 });
37                 $(window).load(function() {
38                         $("body").fadeIn(.5);
39                 });
40         </script>
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