[ccsdk/cds.git] / ms / controllerblueprints / modules / blueprint-core / load / model_type / node_type / component-config-generator.json
1 {
2         "description": "This is Generate Configuration Component API",
3         "version": "1.0.0",
4         "capabilities": {
5                 "component-node": {
6                         "type": "tosca.capabilities.Node"
7                 }
8         },
9         "interfaces": {
10                 "org-onap-ccsdk-config-generator-service-ConfigGeneratorNode": {
11                         "operations": {
12                                 "process": {
13                                         "inputs": {
14                                                 "template-data": {
15                                                         "description": "Conditional : JSON string which is used to mash with template. Either template-data or ( resource-id and resource-type ) should be present",
16                                                         "required": false,
17                                                         "type": "string"
18                                                 },
19                                                 "template-content": {
20                                                         "description": "Conditional : Dynamic Template used to generate Configuration.",
21                                                         "required": false,
22                                                         "type": "string"
23                                                 },
24                                                 "resource-type": {
25                                                         "description": "Conditional : resource-type used to pull the data content from the data base. Either template-data or ( resource-id and resource-type ) should be present",
26                                                         "required": false,
27                                                         "type": "string"
28                                                 },
29                                                 "request-id": {
30                                                         "description": "Request Id used to store the generated configuration, in the database along with the template-name",
31                                                         "required": true,
32                                                         "type": "string"
33                                                 },
34                                                 "resource-id": {
35                                                         "description": "Conditional : Id used to pull the data content from the data base. Either template-data or ( resource-id and resource-type ) should be present",
36                                                         "required": false,
37                                                         "type": "string"
38                                                 },
39                                                 "action-name": {
40                                                         "description": "Conditional : Action Name to get from Database, Either (message & mask-info ) or ( resource-id & resource-type & action-name & template-name ) should be present. Message will be given higest priority",
41                                                         "required": false,
42                                                         "type": "string"
43                                                 },
44                                                 "template-name": {
45                                                         "description": "Conditional : Name of the Artifact Node Template, to get the template Content. If template-content is present, then content wont be reterived from the Artifact Node Template.",
46                                                         "required": true,
47                                                         "type": "string"
48                                                 }
49                                         },
50                                         "outputs": {
51                                                 "generated-config": {
52                                                         "description": "Generated Configuration for the Template adn Resource Data",
53                                                         "required": true,
54                                                         "type": "string"
55                                                 },
56                                                 "mask-info": {
57                                                         "description": "If template contains mask encription keys, then this mask-info field will be generated, This JSON Content alligns to the bean org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core.data.custom.MaskInfo ",
58                                                         "required": false,
59                                                         "type": "string"
60                                                 },
61                                                 "status": {
62                                                         "description": "Status of the Component Execution ( success or failure )",
63                                                         "required": true,
64                                                         "type": "string"
65                                                 }
66                                         }
67                                 }
68                         }
69                 }
70         },
71         "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
72 }