Add missing groupId
[ccsdk/cds.git] / ms / cds-sdc-listener / distribution / pom.xml
1 <!--
2   ~ Copyright (C) 2019 Bell Canada. All rights reserved.
3   ~
4   ~ NOTICE:  All the intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are
5   ~ proprietary to Bell Canada and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
6   ~ Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited.
7   -->
8 <project xmlns=""
9   xmlns:xsi=""
10   xsi:schemaLocation="">
11   <parent>
12     <artifactId>cds-sdc-listener</artifactId>
13     <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.apps</groupId>
14     <version>0.4.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
15   </parent>
17   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
18   <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.apps</groupId>
19   <artifactId>cds-sdc-listener-distribution</artifactId>
20   <name>CDS-SDC Listener Distribution</name>
22   <properties>
23     <>onap/ccsdk-cdssdclistener</>
24     <docker.push.phase>deploy</docker.push.phase>
25   </properties>
27   <build>
28     <plugins>
29       <plugin>
30         <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
31         <version>2.6</version>
32         <executions>
33           <execution>
34             <id>copy-dockerfile</id>
35             <goals>
36               <goal>copy-resources</goal>
37             </goals>
38             <phase>validate</phase>
39             <configuration>
40               <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</outputDirectory>
41               <resources>
42                 <resource>
43                   <directory>src/main/docker</directory>
44                   <includes>
45                     <include>*</include>
46                   </includes>
47                   <filtering>true</filtering>
48                 </resource>
49               </resources>
50             </configuration>
51           </execution>
52         </executions>
53       </plugin>
54     </plugins>
55   </build>
57   <profiles>
58     <profile>
59       <id>docker</id>
60       <build>
61         <plugins>
62           <plugin>
63             <!-- Maven plugin for managing docker images and containers -->
64             <groupId>io.fabric8</groupId>
65             <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId>
66             <version>0.26.1</version>
67             <inherited>false</inherited>
68             <configuration>
69               <images>
70                 <image>
71                   <name>${}</name>
72                   <build>
73                     <cleanup>try</cleanup>
74                     <dockerFileDir>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</dockerFileDir>
75                     <tags>
76                       <tag>${project.version}</tag>
77                       <tag>${project.version}-STAGING-${}</tag>
78                     </tags>
79                   </build>
80                 </image>
81               </images>
82               <verbose>true</verbose>
83             </configuration>
84             <executions>
85               <execution>
86                 <id>generate-images</id>
87                 <phase>package</phase>
88                 <goals>
89                   <goal>build</goal>
90                 </goals>
91               </execution>
92               <execution>
93                 <id>push-images</id>
94                 <phase>${docker.push.phase}</phase>
95                 <goals>
96                   <goal>build</goal>
97                   <goal>push</goal>
98                 </goals>
99               </execution>
100             </executions>
101           </plugin>
102         </plugins>
103       </build>
104     </profile>
105   </profiles>
107 </project>