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[policy/models.git] / models-examples / src / main / resources / policytypes / onap.policies.monitoring.dcae-pm-subscription-handler.yaml
1 tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0
2 policy_types:
3    onap.policies.Monitoring:
4       derived_from: tosca.policies.Root
5       version: 1.0.0
6       name: onap.policies.Monitoring
7       description: a base policy type for all policies that govern monitoring provisioning
8    onap.policies.monitoring.dcae-pm-subscription-handler:
9       derived_from: onap.policies.Monitoring
10       version: 1.0.0
11       properties:
12          subscription:
13             type: map
14             description: PM Subscription Handler Subscription
15             entry_schema:
16                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.subscription
17 data_types:
18    onap.datatypes.monitoring.subscription:
19       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
20       properties:
21          subscriptionName:
22             type: string
23             description: Name of the subscription
24             required: true
25          administrativeState:
26             type: string
27             description: State of the subscription
28             required: true
29             constraints:
30             -  valid_values:
31                - LOCKED
32                - UNLOCKED
33          fileBasedGP:
34             type: integer
35             description: File based granularity period
36             required: true
37          fileLocation:
38             type: string
39             description: ROP file location
40             required: true
41          nfTypeModelInvariantId:
42             type: string
43             description: Network function invariant ID
44             required: true
45          nfFilter:
46             type: map
47             description: Network function filter
48             required: true
49             entry_schema:
50                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.nfFilter
51          measurementGroups:
52             type: list
53             description: Measurement Groups
54             required: true
55             entry_schema:
56                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroups
57    onap.datatypes.monitoring.nfFilter:
58       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
59       properties:
60          nfNames:
61             type: list
62             description: List of network functions
63             required: true
64             #default: []
65             entry_schema:
66                type: string
67          swVersions:
68             type: list
69             description: List of software versions
70             required: true
71             #default: []
72             entry_schema:
73                type: string
74    onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroups:
75       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
76       properties:
77          measurementGroup:
78             type: map
79             description: Measurement Group
80             required: true
81             entry_schema:
82                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroup
83    onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroup:
84       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
85       properties:
86          measurementTypes:
87             type: list
88             description: List of measurement types
89             required: true
90             #default: []
91             entry_schema:
92                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementTypes
93          managedObjectDNsBasic:
94             type: list
95             description: List of managed object distinguished names
96             required: true
97             #default: []
98             entry_schema:
99                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasics
100    onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementTypes:
101       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
102       properties:
103          measurementType:
104             type: map
105             description: Measurement type object
106             required: true
107             entry_schema:
108                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementType
109    onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementType:
110       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
111       properties:
112          measurementType:
113             type: string
114             description: Measurement type
115             required: true
116    onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasics:
117       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
118       properties:
119          managedObjectDNsBasic:
120             type: map
121             description: Managed object distinguished name object
122             required: true
123             entry_schema:
124                type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasic
125    onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasic:
126       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
127       properties:
128          DN:
129             type: string
130             description: Managed object distinguished name
131             required: true