Merge "Add external tls info to bpgenerator and component spec schema"
[dcaegen2/platform.git] / mod / bpgenerator / TestCases / TlsInfo / blueprint_withTlsTrueAndNoExternalTls.yaml
2 #description: Test component spec
3 #blueprint_version: 1.0.1
4 ---
5 tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3
6 imports:
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 inputs:
11   always_pull_image:
12     type: boolean
13     description: Set to true if the image should always be pulled
14     default: true
15   envs:
16     default: {}
17   external_port_0:
18     type: string
19     default: "80"
20   external_port_1:
21     type: string
22     default: "99"
23   image:
24     type: string
25     default: "test.tester"
26   location_id:
27     type: string
28     default: ""
29   replicas:
30     type: integer
31     description: number of instances
32     default: 1
33   service_component_name_override:
34     type: string
35     default: ""
36   test.component.spec_cpu_limit:
37     type: string
38     default: "250m"
39   test.component.spec_cpu_request:
40     type: string
41     default: "250m"
42   test.component.spec_memory_limit:
43     type: string
44     default: "128Mi"
45   test.component.spec_memory_request:
46     type: string
47     default: "128Mi"
48   use_tls:
49     type: boolean
50     description: flag to indicate tls enable/disable
51     default: true
52 node_templates:
53   test.component.spec:
54     type: dcae.nodes.ContainerizedServiceComponent
55     interfaces:
56       cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
57         start:
58           inputs:
59             ports:
60             - concat: ["80:", {get_input: external_port_0}]
61             - concat: ["99:", {get_input: external_port_1}]
62             envs:
63               get_input: envs
64     properties:
65       application_config:
66         service_calls: []
67         streams_publishes: {}
68         streams_subscribes: {}
69         service_component_name_override:
70           get_input: service_component_name_override
71       docker_config:
72         healthcheck:
73           interval: 300s
74           timeout: 120s
75           script: /etc/init.d/nagios status
76           type: docker
77       image:
78         get_input: image
79       location_id:
80         get_input: location_id
81       service_component_type: test-component-spec
82       replicas:
83         get_input: replicas
84       tls_info:
85         cert_directory: /opt/app/dcae-certificate/
86         use_tls:
87           get_input: use_tls
88       resource_config:
89         limits:
90           cpu:
91             get_input: test.component.spec_cpu_limit
92           memory:
93             get_input: test.component.spec_memory_limit
94         requests:
95           cpu:
96             get_input: test.component.spec_cpu_request
97           memory:
98             get_input: test.component.spec_memory_request
99       always_pull_image:
100         get_input: always_pull_image
101     relationships: []