Upgrade the H2 database to the latest version
[policy/pap.git] / main / src / test / resources / application-test.yaml
1 spring:
2   security:
3     user:
4       name: policyadmin
5       password: zb!XztG34
6   http:
7     converters:
8       preferred-json-mapper: gson
9   datasource:
10     url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
11     driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
12   jpa:
13 #    show-sql: true
14     properties:
15       hibernate:
16         dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
17 #        format_sql: true
18     hibernate:
19       ddl-auto: create-drop
20       naming:
21         physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
22         implicit-strategy: org.onap.policy.common.spring.utils.CustomImplicitNamingStrategy
24 server:
25   port: 6969
27 pap:
28   name: "PapGroup"
29   aaf: false
30   topic:
31     pdp-pap.name: POLICY-PDP-PAP
32     notification.name: POLICY-NOTIFICATION
33     heartbeat.name: POLICY-HEARTBEAT
34   pdpParameters:
35     updateParameters:
36       maxRetryCount: 1
37       maxWaitMs: 3000
38     stateChangeParameters:
39       maxRetryCount: 1
40       maxWaitMs: 3000
41     heartBeatMs: 6000
42     maxMessageAgeMs: 20000
43   savePdpStatisticsInDb: true
44   topicParameterGroup:
45     topicSources:
46     - topic: ${pap.topic.pdp-pap.name}
47       servers:
48       - message-router
49       topicCommInfrastructure: noop
50     - topic: ${pap.topic.heartbeat.name}
51       effectiveTopic: ${pap.topic.pdp-pap.name}
52       consumerGroup: policy-pap
53       servers:
54       - message-router
55       topicCommInfrastructure: noop
56     topicSinks:
57     - topic: ${pap.topic.pdp-pap.name}
58       servers:
59       - message-router
60       topicCommInfrastructure: noop
61     - topic: ${pap.topic.notification.name}
62       servers:
63       - message-router
64       topicCommInfrastructure: noop
65   healthCheckRestClientParameters:
66   - clientName: api
67     hostname: policy-api
68     port: 6969
69     userName: policyadmin
70     password: zb!XztG34
71     useHttps: true
72     basePath: policy/api/v1/healthcheck
73   - clientName: distribution
74     hostname: policy-distribution
75     port: 6969
76     userName: healthcheck
77     password: zb!XztG34
78     useHttps: true
79     basePath: healthcheck
80   - clientName: dmaap
81     hostname: message-router
82     port: 3905
83     useHttps: true
84     basePath: topics
86 management:
87   metrics:
88     export:
89       prometheus:
90         enabled: true
91   endpoints:
92     web:
93       base-path: /
94       exposure:
95         include: health, metrics, prometheus
96       path-mapping.metrics: plain-metrics
97       path-mapping.prometheus: metrics