Refactor network create logic
[vfc/gvnfm/vnflcm.git] / lcm / lcm / nf / vnfs / tests /
1 # # Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
2 # #
3 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 # #
7 # #
8 # #
9 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # # limitations under the License.
14 # import uuid
15 #
16 # import mock
17 # from django.test import TestCase, Client
18 # from rest_framework import status
19 #
20 # from import TermVnf
21 # from import NfInstModel, JobStatusModel, VmInstModel, NetworkInstModel, SubNetworkInstModel, \
22 #     PortInstModel, NfvoRegInfoModel
23 # from import JobUtil
24 # from import now_time
25 #
26 #
27 # class TestNFTerminate(TestCase):
28 #     def setUp(self):
29 #         self.client = Client()
30 #         VmInstModel.objects.create(vmid="1", vimid="1", resouceid="11", insttype=0, instid="1111", vmname="test_01",
31 #                                    is_predefined=1, operationalstate=1)
32 #         VmInstModel.objects.create(vmid="2", vimid="2", resouceid="22", insttype=0, instid="1111",
33 #                                    is_predefined=1, vmname="test_02", operationalstate=1)
34 #         NetworkInstModel.objects.create(networkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1', name='pnet_network',
35 #                                         is_predefined=1, tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1111')
36 #         SubNetworkInstModel.objects.create(subnetworkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1', networkid='1',
37 #                                            is_predefined=1, name='sub_pnet', tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1111')
38 #         PortInstModel.objects.create(portid='1', networkid='1', subnetworkid='1', vimid='1', resouceid='1',
39 #                                      is_predefined=1, name='aaa_pnet_cp', tenant='admin', insttype=0, instid='1111')
40 #
41 #     def tearDown(self):
42 #         VmInstModel.objects.all().delete()
43 #         NetworkInstModel.objects.all().delete()
44 #         SubNetworkInstModel.objects.all().delete()
45 #         PortInstModel.objects.all().delete()
46 #
47 #     def assert_job_result(self, job_id, job_progress, job_detail):
48 #         jobs = JobStatusModel.objects.filter(
49 #             jobid=job_id,
50 #             progress=job_progress,
51 #             descp=job_detail)
52 #         self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs))
53 #
54 #     def test_delete_vnf_identifier(self):
55 #         NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', mnfinstid='1111', nf_name='2222',
56 #                                    package_id='todo', vnfm_inst_id='todo', version='', vendor='',
57 #                                    producttype='', netype='', vnfd_model='',
58 #                                    instantiationState='VNF_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='', vnfdid='',
59 #                                    vnfSoftwareVersion='', vnfConfigurableProperties='todo',
60 #                                    localizationLanguage='EN_US', create_time=now_time())
61 #         response = self.client.delete("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/1111")
62 #         self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, response.status_code)
63 #         self.assertEqual(None,
64 #
65 #     def test_delete_vnf_identifier_when_vnf_not_exist(self):
66 #         response = self.client.delete("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/1111")
67 #         self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response.status_code)
68 #         self.assertEqual("VnfInst(1111) does not exist",["error"])
69 #
70 #     def test_delete_vnf_identifier_when_instantiationState_check_failed(self):
71 #         NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', mnfinstid='1111', nf_name='2222',
72 #                                    package_id='todo', vnfm_inst_id='todo', version='', vendor='',
73 #                                    producttype='', netype='', vnfd_model='',
74 #                                    instantiationState='NOT_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='', vnfdid='',
75 #                                    vnfSoftwareVersion='', vnfConfigurableProperties='todo',
76 #                                    localizationLanguage='EN_US', create_time=now_time())
77 #         response = self.client.delete("/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/1111")
78 #         self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response.status_code)
79 #         self.assertEqual("No instantiated vnf",["error"])
80 #
81 #     @mock.patch.object(TermVnf, 'run')
82 #     def test_terminate_vnf(self, mock_run):
83 # = None
84 #         response ="/openoapi/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/12/terminate", data={}, format='json')
85 #         self.failUnlessEqual(status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED, response.status_code)
86 #
87 #     def test_terminate_vnf_when_inst_id_not_exist(self):
88 #         data = {"terminationType": "GRACEFUL",
89 #                 "gracefulTerminationTimeout": 120}
90 #         self.nf_inst_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
91 #         self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id)
92 #         JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY")
93 #         TermVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run()
94 #         self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "VnfInst(%s) does not exist" % self.nf_inst_id)
95 #
96 #     def test_instantiate_vnf_when_get_nfvo_config_failed(self):
97 #         NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', mnfinstid='1111', nf_name='2222',
98 #                                    package_id='todo', vnfm_inst_id='todo', version='', vendor='',
99 #                                    producttype='', netype='', vnfd_model='',
100 #                                    instantiationState='VNF_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='', vnfdid='',
101 #                                    vnfSoftwareVersion='', vnfConfigurableProperties='todo',
102 #                                    localizationLanguage='EN_US', create_time=now_time())
103 #         data = {"terminationType": "FORCEFUL",
104 #                 "gracefulTerminationTimeout": 120}
105 #         self.nf_inst_id = '1111'
106 #         self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id)
107 #         JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY")
108 #         TermVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run()
109 #         self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 255, "Nfvo was not registered")
110 #
111 #     def test_terminate_vnf_success(self):
112 #         NfInstModel.objects.create(nfinstid='1111', mnfinstid='1111', nf_name='2222',
113 #                                    package_id='todo', vnfm_inst_id='todo', version='', vendor='',
114 #                                    producttype='', netype='', vnfd_model='',
115 #                                    instantiationState='VNF_INSTANTIATED', nf_desc='', vnfdid='',
116 #                                    vnfSoftwareVersion='', vnfConfigurableProperties='todo',
117 #                                    localizationLanguage='EN_US', create_time=now_time())
118 #         NfvoRegInfoModel.objects.create(nfvoid='nfvo111', vnfminstid='vnfm111', apiurl='',
119 #                                         nfvouser='root', nfvopassword='root123')
120 #         data = {"terminationType": "FORCEFUL",
121 #                 "gracefulTerminationTimeout": 120}
122 #         self.nf_inst_id = '1111'
123 #         self.job_id = JobUtil.create_job('NF', 'CREATE', self.nf_inst_id)
124 #         JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, 0, "INST_VNF_READY")
125 #         TermVnf(data, nf_inst_id=self.nf_inst_id, job_id=self.job_id).run()
126 #         self.assert_job_result(self.job_id, 100, "Terminate Vnf success.")