Merge "Wait for service to be listening before running tests"
[multicloud/k8s.git] / kud / tests /
1 #!/bin/bash
2 ENV=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | wc -l)
3 if [[ $ENV -gt 2 ]]; then
4     COMPUTE_NODE=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | grep -v master | awk 'NR==2{print $1}')
5 else
6     COMPUTE_NODE=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | grep master | awk 'NR==1{print $1}')
7 fi
8 cases=("exclusive ${COMPUTE_NODE} 1" "shared ${COMPUTE_NODE} -1")
9 case=(null null 0)
10 num=${#cases[*]}
11 POOL=0
12 NODE=1
13 CORE=2
14 DIR=/tmp
15 pod_name=cmk-test-pod
17 function wait_for_pod_up {
18     status_phase=""
19     while [[ $status_phase != "Running" ]]; do
20         new_phase=$(kubectl get pods "$@" | awk 'NR==2{print $3}')
21         if [[ $new_phase != $status_phase ]]; then
22             echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S) - $@ : $new_phase"
23             status_phase=$new_phase
24         fi
25         if [[ $new_phase == "Running" ]]; then
26             echo "Pod $@ is up and running.."
27         fi
28         if [[ $new_phase == "Err"* ]]; then
29             exit 1
30         fi
31     done
32 }
35 function start_nginx_pod {
36     kubectl delete deployment -n default nginx --ignore-not-found=true
37     kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
38     sleep 2
39     nginx_pod=$(kubectl get pods --all-namespaces| grep nginx | awk 'NR==1{print $2}')
40     wait_for_pod_up $nginx_pod
41     kubectl delete deployment -n default nginx --ignore-not-found=true
42     pod_status="Running"
43     until [[ $pod_status == "" ]]; do
44         pod_status=$(kubectl get pod $nginx_pod --ignore-not-found=true | awk 'NR==2{print $3}')
45     done
46 }
48 rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml
49 kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait
50 echo
51 echo "env is $ENV"
52 echo
53 for ((i=0;i<$num;i++)); do
54     inner_case=(${cases[$i]})
55     num_inner=${#inner_case[*]}
56     for ((j=0;j<$num_inner;j++)); do
57         case[$j]=${inner_case[$j]}
58     done
59     echo "##################################"
60     if [ "${case[$POOL]}" == "exclusive" ]; then
61         echo "TC: to allocate ${case[$CORE]} CPU(s) from pool of ${case[$POOL]} on node of ${case[$NODE]}"
62         TOTAL=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq${case[$POOL]} | jq .cpuLists | awk -F  '{' '{print $(NF)}' | awk -F  '}' '{print $(NF)}' | awk -F  ',' '{print $(NF)}' | grep "\"tasks\": \[" | wc -l)
63             echo "ready to generate yaml"
64 cat << EOF > $DIR/$pod_name.yaml
65     apiVersion: v1
66     kind: Pod
67     metadata:
68       labels:
69         app: cmk-test-pod
70       name: cmk-test-pod
71     spec:
72       nodeName: ${case[$NODE]}
73       containers:
74       - args:
75         - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=exclusive sleep -- 3900"
76         command:
77         - "sh"
78         - "-c"
79         env:
80         - name: CMK_PROC_FS
81           value: "/host/proc"
82         - name: CMK_NUM_CORES
83           value: "${case[$CORE]}"
84         image: ubuntu:18.04
85         imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
86         name: cmk-test
87         volumeMounts:
88         - mountPath: "/host/proc"
89           name: host-proc
90         - mountPath: "/opt/bin"
91           name: cmk-install-dir
92         - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
93           name: cmk-conf-dir
94       restartPolicy: Never
95       volumes:
96       - hostPath:
97           path: "/opt/bin"
98         name: cmk-install-dir
99       - hostPath:
100           path: "/proc"
101         name: host-proc
102       - hostPath:
103           path: "/etc/cmk"
104         name: cmk-conf-dir
105 EOF
107         echo "ready to create pod"
108         kubectl create -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml --validate=false
109         sleep 2
110         echo "waiting for pod up"
111         for pod in $pod_name; do
112             wait_for_pod_up $pod
113         done
114         echo "waiting for CPU allocation finished ..."
115         rest=$TOTAL
116         until [[ $TOTAL -gt $rest ]]; do
117             rest=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq | jq .cpuLists | awk -F  '{' '{print $(NF)}' | awk -F  '}' '{print $(NF)}' | awk -F  ',' '{print $(NF)}' | grep "\"tasks\": \[\]" | wc -l)
118         done
119         let allocated=`expr $TOTAL - $rest`
120         echo "The allocated CPU amount is:" $allocated
121         echo "deploy a nginx pod"
122         start_nginx_pod
123         if [[ $allocated == ${case[$CORE]} ]]; then
124             echo "CPU was allocated as expected, TC passed !!"
125         else
126             echo "failed to allocate CPU, TC failed !!"
127         fi
128         rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml
129         echo "ready to delete pod"
130         kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait
131         echo "Pod was deleted"
132         echo "##################################"
133         echo
134         echo
135     else
136         echo "TC: to allocate CPU(s) from pool of ${case[$POOL]} on node of ${case[$NODE]}"
137         echo "ready to generate yaml"
138 cat << EOF > $DIR/$pod_name.yaml
139 apiVersion: v1
140 kind: Pod
141 metadata:
142   labels:
143     app: cmk-test-pod
144   name: cmk-test-pod
145 spec:
146   nodeName: ${case[$NODE]}
147   containers:
148   - name: share1
149     args:
150     - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=shared sleep -- 3900"
151     command:
152     - "sh"
153     - "-c"
154     env:
155     - name: CMK_PROC_FS
156       value: "/host/proc"
157     - name: CMK_NUM_CORES
158       value: "3"
159     image: ubuntu:18.10
160     imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
161     volumeMounts:
162     - mountPath: "/host/proc"
163       name: host-proc
164     - mountPath: "/opt/bin"
165       name: cmk-install-dir
166     - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
167       name: cmk-conf-dir
168   - name: share2
169     args:
170     - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=shared sleep -- 3300"
171     command:
172     - "sh"
173     - "-c"
174     env:
175     - name: CMK_PROC_FS
176       value: "/host/proc"
177     - name: CMK_NUM_CORES
178       value: "3"
179     image: ubuntu:18.10
180     imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
181     volumeMounts:
182     - mountPath: "/host/proc"
183       name: host-proc
184     - mountPath: "/opt/bin"
185       name: cmk-install-dir
186     - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
187       name: cmk-conf-dir
188   volumes:
189   - hostPath:
190       path: "/opt/bin"
191     name: cmk-install-dir
192   - hostPath:
193       path: "/proc"
194     name: host-proc
195   - hostPath:
196       path: "/etc/cmk"
197     name: cmk-conf-dir
198 EOF
200         echo "ready to create pod"
201         kubectl create -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml --validate=false
202         sleep 2
203         echo "waiting for pod up"
204         for pod in $pod_name; do
205             wait_for_pod_up $pod
206         done
207         echo "waiting for CPU allocation finished ..."
208         rest=0
209         timeout=0
210         until [ $rest == 2 -o $timeout == 180 ]; do
211             rest=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq | jq .cpuLists | awk -F  '{' '{print $(NF)}' | awk -F  '}' '{print $(NF)}' | grep -v "cpus" | grep "  "| grep -v "tasks"| grep -v "\]" | wc -l)
212             sleep -- 1
213             let timeout++
214         done
215         echo "The CPU allocated in shared pool for 2 tasks"
216         echo "deploy a nginx pod"
217         start_nginx_pod
218         if [[ $rest == 2 ]]; then
219             echo "CPU was allocated as expected, TC passed !!"
220         else
221             echo "failed to allocate CPU, TC failed !!"
222         fi
223         rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml
224         echo "ready to delete pod"
225         kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait
226         echo "Pod was deleted"
227         echo "##################################"
228         echo
229         echo
230     fi
231 done