Add resources field to all addon charts
[multicloud/k8s.git] / kud / deployment_infra / helm / cpu-manager / templates / webhook.yaml
1 {{- if .Values.webhook.enabled -}}
2 {{- $altNames := list "cmk-webhook-service" ( printf "cmk-webhook-service.%s" .Release.Namespace ) ( printf "cmk-webhook-service.%s.svc" .Release.Namespace ) -}}
3 {{- $cert := genSelfSignedCert ( printf "cmk-webhook-service.%s.svc" .Release.Namespace ) nil $altNames 36500 -}}
4 apiVersion: v1
5 kind: Secret
6 metadata:
7   name: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-certs
8   labels:
9     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
10 data:
11   cert.pem: {{ $cert.Cert | b64enc }}
12   key.pem: {{ $cert.Key | b64enc }}
13 type: Opaque
14 ---
15 apiVersion: v1
16 kind: ConfigMap
17 metadata:
18   name: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-configmap
19   labels:
20     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
21 data:
22   server.yaml: |
23     server:
24       binding-address: ""
25       port: {{ .Values.webhook.service.port }}
26       cert: "/etc/ssl/cert.pem"
27       key: "/etc/ssl/key.pem"
28       mutations: "/etc/webhook/mutations.yaml"
29   mutations.yaml: |
30     mutations:
31       perPod:
32         metadata:
33           annotations:
34    "true"
35         spec:
36           serviceAccount: {{ include "cpu-manager.serviceAccountName" . }}
37           tolerations:
38           - operator: Exists
39           volumes:
40           - name: cmk-host-proc
41             hostPath:
42               path: "/proc"
43           - name: cmk-config-dir
44             hostPath:
45               path: {{ .Values.configDir | quote }}
46           - name: cmk-install-dir
47             hostPath:
48               path: {{ .Values.installDir | quote }}
49       perContainer:
50         env:
51         - name: CMK_PROC_FS
52           value: "/host/proc"
53         volumeMounts:
54         - name: cmk-host-proc
55           mountPath: /host/proc
56           readOnly: true
57         - name: cmk-config-dir
58           mountPath: /etc/cmk
59         - name: cmk-install-dir
60           mountPath: /opt/bin
61 ---
62 apiVersion: v1
63 kind: Service
64 metadata:
65   name: cmk-webhook-service
66   labels:
67     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
68     app: cmk-webhook-app
69 spec:
70   ports:
71   - port: {{ .Values.webhook.service.port }}
72     targetPort: 443
73   selector:
74     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
75     app: cmk-webhook-app
76 ---
77 apiVersion: apps/v1
78 kind: Deployment
79 metadata:
80   labels:
81     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
82     app: cmk-webhook-app
83   name: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-deployment
84 spec:
85   replicas: {{ .Values.webhook.replicaCount }}
86   selector:
87     matchLabels:
88       {{- include "cpu-manager.selectorLabels" . | nindent 6 }}
89       app: cmk-webhook-app
90   template:
91     metadata:
92       labels:
93         {{- include "cpu-manager.selectorLabels" . | nindent 8 }}
94         app: cmk-webhook-app
95       annotations:
96         {{- toYaml .Values.webhook.annotations | nindent 8 }}
97     spec:
98       {{- with .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
99       imagePullSecrets:
100         {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
101       {{- end }}
102       securityContext:
103         {{- toYaml .Values.podSecurityContext | nindent 8 }}
104       tolerations:
105       - operator: "Exists"
106       containers:
107       - args:
108         - "/cmk/ webhook --conf-file /etc/webhook/server.yaml"
109         command:
110         - "/bin/bash"
111         - "-c"
112         image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
113         imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
114         name: cmk-webhook
115         resources:
116           {{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 10 }}
117         securityContext:
118           {{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 10 }}
119         volumeMounts:
120         - mountPath: /etc/webhook
121           name: cmk-webhook-configmap
122         - mountPath: /etc/ssl
123           name: cmk-webhook-certs
124           readOnly: True
125       volumes:
126       - name: cmk-webhook-configmap
127         configMap:
128           name: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-configmap
129       - name: cmk-webhook-certs
130         secret:
131           secretName: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-certs
132 ---
133 apiVersion:
134 kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
135 metadata:
136   labels:
137     {{- include "cpu-manager.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
138     app: cmk-webhook-app
139   name: {{ include "cpu-manager.fullname" . }}-webhook-config
140 webhooks:
141 - clientConfig:
142     caBundle: {{ $cert.Cert | b64enc }}
143     service:
144       name: cmk-webhook-service
145       namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }}
146       path: /mutate
147   failurePolicy: Ignore
148   name:
149   rules:
150   - apiGroups:
151     - ""
152     apiVersions:
153     - v1
154     operations:
155     - CREATE
156     resources:
157     - pods
158 {{- end }}