[COMMON] Allow to set default password complexity
[oom.git] / kubernetes / so / values.yaml
1 # Copyright © 2018 AT&T USA
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
14 #################################################################
15 # Global configuration defaults.
16 #################################################################
17 global:
18   nodePortPrefix: 302
19   nodePortPrefixExt: 304
20   repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
21   readinessRepository: oomk8s
22   readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.2
23   loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co
24   loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0
25   soBaseImage: onap/so/base-image:1.0
26   mariadbGalera:
27     nameOverride: mariadb-galera
28     serviceName: mariadb-galera
29     servicePort: "3306"
30     # mariadbRootPassword: secretpassword
31     # rootPasswordExternalSecret: some secret
32     #This flag allows SO to instantiate its own mariadb-galera cluster,
33     #serviceName and nameOverride should be so-mariadb-galera if this flag is enabled
34     localCluster: false
35   persistence:
36     mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
37   #This configuration specifies Service and port for SDNC OAM interface
38   sdncOamService: sdnc-oam
39   sdncOamPort: 8282
40   #This configuration will run the migration. The configurations are for backing up the data
41   #from DB and then restoring it to the present versions preferred DB.
42   migration:
43     enabled: false
44     dbHost: mariadb-galera
45     dbPort: 3306
46     dbUser: root
47     dbPassword: secretpassword
48     # dbCredsExternalSecret: some secret
49   msbEnabled: true
50   security:
51     aaf:
52       enabled: false
53   aaf:
54     auth:
55       header: Basic c29Ac28ub25hcC5vcmc6ZGVtbzEyMzQ1Ngo=
56       encrypted: 3EDC974C5CD7FE54C47C7490AF4D3B474CDD7D0FFA35A7ACDE3E209631E45F428976EAC0858874F17390A13149E63C90281DD8D20456
57   app:
58     siteName: onapheat
59     auth: 3EDC974C5CD7FE54C47C7490AF4D3B474CDD7D0FFA35A7ACDE3E209631E45F428976EAC0858874F17390A13149E63C90281DD8D20456
60     defaultCloudOwner: onap
61     cadi:
62       cadiLoglevel: DEBUG
63       cadiKeyFile: /app/client/org.onap.so.keyfile
64       cadiTrustStore: /app/client/org.onap.so.trust.jks
65       cadiTruststorePassword: enc:MFpuxKeYK6Eo6QXjDUjtOBbp0FthY7SB4mKSIJm_RWC
66       cadiLatitude: 38.4329
67       cadiLongitude: -90.43248
68       aafEnv: IST
69       aafApiVersion: 2.1
70       aafRootNs: org.onap.so
71       aafLocateUrl: https://aaf-locate.onap:8095
72       aafUrl: https://aaf-locate.onap:8095/locate/org.osaaf.aaf.service:2.1
73     msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
74   client:
75     certs:
76       truststore: /app/client/org.onap.so.trust.jks
77       keystore: /app/client/org.onap.so.jks
78       trustStorePassword: LHN4Iy5DKlcpXXdWZ0pDNmNjRkhJIzpI
79       keyStorePassword: c280b25hcA==
80   certificates:
81     path: /etc/ssl/certs
82     share_path: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
84 #################################################################
85 # Secrets metaconfig
86 #################################################################
87 secrets:
88   - uid: db-root-pass
89     name: &dbRootPassSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-so-db-root-pass'
90     type: password
91     externalSecret: '{{ ternary .Values.global.mariadbGalera.rootPasswordExternalSecret (default (include "common.mariadb.secret.rootPassSecretName" (dict "dot" . "chartName" .Values.global.mariadbGalera.nameOverride)) .Values.global.mariadbGalera.rootPasswordExternalSecret) .Values.global.mariadbGalera.localCluster }}'
92     password: '{{ .Values.global.mariadbGalera.mariadbRootpassword }}'
93   - uid: db-backup-creds
94     name: &dbBackupCredsSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-so-db-backup-creds'
95     type: basicAuth
96     externalSecret: '{{ ternary .Values.global.migration.dbCredsExternalSecret "migrationDisabled" .Values.global.migration.enabled }}'
97     login: '{{ ternary .Values.global.migration.dbUser "migrationDisabled" .Values.global.migration.enabled }}'
98     password: '{{ ternary .Values.global.migration.dbPassword "migrationDisabled" .Values.global.migration.enabled }}'
99     passwordPolicy: required
100     annotations:
101       helm.sh/hook: pre-upgrade,pre-install
102       helm.sh/hook-weight: "0"
103       helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation
104   - uid: db-user-creds
105     name: &dbUserCredsSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-so-db-user-creds'
106     type: basicAuth
107     externalSecret: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.userCredsExternalSecret }}'
108     login: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.userName }}'
109     password: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.userPassword }}'
110     passwordPolicy: generate
111   - uid: db-admin-creds
112     name: &dbAdminCredsSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-so-db-admin-creds'
113     type: basicAuth
114     externalSecret: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.adminCredsExternalSecret }}'
115     login: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.adminName }}'
116     password: '{{ .Values.dbCreds.adminPassword }}'
117     passwordPolicy: generate
118   - uid: "so-onap-certs"
119     name: &so-certs '{{ include "common.release" . }}-so-certs'
120     externalSecret: '{{ tpl (default "" .Values.certSecret) . }}'
121     type: generic
122     filePaths:
123       - resources/config/certificates/onap-ca.crt
124       - resources/config/certificates/msb-ca.crt
126 #################################################################
127 # Application configuration defaults.
128 #################################################################
130 dbSecrets: &dbSecrets
131   userCredsExternalSecret: *dbUserCredsSecretName
132   adminCredsExternalSecret: *dbAdminCredsSecretName
134 # unused in this, just to pass to subcharts
135 dbCreds:
136   userName: so_user
137   adminName: so_admin
139 repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
140 image: onap/so/api-handler-infra:1.6.4
141 pullPolicy: Always
142 replicaCount: 1
143 minReadySeconds: 10
144 containerPort: 8080
145 logPath: ./logs/apih/
146 app: api-handler-infra
147 service:
148     type: NodePort
149     nodePort: 77
150     internalPort: 8080
151     externalPort: 8080
152     portName: so-apih-port
153 updateStrategy:
154     type: RollingUpdate
155     maxUnavailable: 1
156     maxSurge: 1
157 # Resource Limit flavor -By Default using small
158 flavor: small
159 # Segregation for Different environment (Small and Large)
160 persistence:
161   certificatesPath: /certificates
162 resources:
163   small:
164     limits:
165       cpu: 2000m
166       memory: 4Gi
167     requests:
168       cpu: 500m
169       memory: 1Gi
170   large:
171     limits:
172       cpu: 4000m
173       memory: 8Gi
174     requests:
175       cpu: 1000m
176       memory: 2Gi
177   unlimited: {}
178 livenessProbe:
179     path: /manage/health
180     scheme: HTTP
181     initialDelaySeconds: 600
182     periodSeconds: 60
183     timeoutSeconds: 10
184     successThreshold: 1
185     failureThreshold: 3
187 nodeSelector: {}
188 affinity: {}
190 # application configuration
191 config:
192   logstashServiceName: log-ls
193   logstashPort: 5044
195 #Used only if localCluster is enabled. Instantiates SO's own cassandra cluster
196 #helm deploy demo local/onap --namespace onap --verbose --set so.enabled=true \
197 #                                                       --set so.global.mariadbGalera.localCluster=true \
198 #                                                       --set so.global.mariadbGalera.nameOverride=so-mariadb-galera \
199 #                                                       --set so.global.mariadbGalera.serviceName=so-mariadb-galera
200 mariadb-galera:
201   config:
202     mariadbRootPasswordExternalSecret: *dbRootPassSecretName
203   nameOverride: so-mariadb-galera
204   replicaCount: 1
205   service:
206     name: so-mariadb-galera
207   persistence:
208     mountSubPath: so/mariadb-galera/data
209     enabled: true
211 ingress:
212   enabled: false
213   service:
214     - baseaddr: "so.api"
215       name: "so"
216       port: 8080
217   config:
218     ssl: "none"
220 mso:
221   adapters:
222     requestDb:
223       auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
224   config:
225     cadi:
226       aafId: so@so.onap.org
227       aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
228       apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.apihPerm
229       noAuthn: /manage/health
230   camundaAuth: AE2E9BE6EF9249085AF98689C4EE087736A5500629A72F35068FFB88813A023581DD6E765071F1C04075B36EA4213A
231   sdc:
232     client:
233       auth: 878785F4F31BC9CFA5AB52A172008212D8845ED2DE08AD5E56AF114720A4E49768B8F95CDA2EB971765D28EDCDAA24
234   aai:
235     auth: 6E081E10B1CA43A843E303733A74D9B23B601A6E22A21C7EF2C7F15A42F81A1A4E85E65268C2661F71321052C7F3E55B96A8E1E951F8BF6F
236   so:
237     operationalEnv:
238       dmaap:
239         auth: 51EA5414022D7BE536E7516C4D1A6361416921849B72C0D6FC1C7F262FD9F2BBC2AD124190A332D9845A188AD80955567A4F975C84C221EEA8243BFD92FFE6896CDD1EA16ADD34E1E3D47D4A
240   health:
241     auth: basic bXNvX2FkbWlufHBhc3N3b3JkMSQ=
243 so-bpmn-infra:
244   certSecret: *so-certs
245   db:
246     <<: *dbSecrets
247   cds:
248     auth: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==
249   aai:
250     auth: 221187EFA3AD4E33600DE0488F287099934CE65C3D0697BCECC00BB58E784E07CD74A24581DC31DBC086FF63DF116378776E9BE3D1325885
251   mso:
252     key: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
253     adapters:
254       requestDb:
255         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
256       db:
257         auth: A3745B5DBE165EFCF101D85A6FC81C211AB8BF604F8861B6C413D5DC90F8F30E0139DE44B8A342F4EF70AF
258         password: wLg4sjrAFUS8rfVfdvTXeQ==
259       po:
260         auth: A3745B5DBE165EFCF101D85A6FC81C211AB8BF604F8861B6C413D5DC90F8F30E0139DE44B8A342F4EF70AF
261     config:
262       cadi:
263         aafId: so@so.onap.org
264         aaafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
265         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.bpmnPerm
266         noAuthn: /manage/health
267     sdnc:
268       password: 1D78CFC35382B6938A989066A7A7EAEF4FE933D2919BABA99EB4763737F39876C333EE5F
269     sniro:
270       auth: test:testpwd
271       endpoint: http://replaceme:28090/optimizationInstance/V1/create
272     oof:
273       auth: test:testpwd
274   so:
275     vnfm:
276       adapter:
277         auth: Basic dm5mbTpwYXNzd29yZDEk
279 so-catalog-db-adapter:
280   certSecret: *so-certs
281   db:
282     <<: *dbSecrets
283   mso:
284     config:
285       cadi:
286         aafId: so@so.onap.org
287         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
288         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.catalogDbAdapterPerm
289         noAuthn: /manage/health
290     adapters:
291       db:
292         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
294 so-monitoring:
295   certSecret: *so-certs
296   db:
297     <<: *dbSecrets
299 so-openstack-adapter:
300   certSecret: *so-certs
301   db:
302     <<: *dbSecrets
303   aaf:
304     auth:
305       encrypted: 7F182B0C05D58A23A1C4966B9CDC9E0B8BC5CD53BC8C7B4083D869F8D53E9BDC3EFD55C94B1D3F
306   aai:
307     auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
308   org:
309     onap:
310       so:
311         adapters:
312           bpelauth: D1A67FA93B6A6419132D0F83CC771AF774FD3C60853C50C22C8C6FC5088CC79E9E81EDE9EA39F22B2F66A0068E
313           valet:
314             basic_auth: bXNvOkphY2tkYXdzIGxvdmUgbXkgYmlnIHNwaGlueCBvZiBxdWFydHouCg==
315   mso:
316     msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
317     auth: BEA8637716A7EB617DF472BA6552D22F68C1CB17B0D094D77DDA562F4ADAAC4457CAB848E1A4
318     basicUser: poBpmn
319     config:
320       cadi:
321         aafId: so@so.onap.org
322         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
323         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.openStackAdapterPerm
324         noAuthn: /manage/health
325     db:
326       auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
328 so-request-db-adapter:
329   certSecret: *so-certs
330   db:
331     <<: *dbSecrets
332   mso:
333     config:
334       cadi:
335         aafId: so@so.onap.org
336         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
337         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.requestDbAdapterPerm
338         noAuthn: /manage/health
339     adapters:
340       requestDb:
341         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
343 so-sdc-controller:
344   certSecret: *so-certs
345   db:
346     <<: *dbSecrets
347   aai:
348     auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
349   mso:
350     msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
351     config:
352       cadi:
353         aafId: so@so.onap.org
354         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
355         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.sdcControllerPerm
356         noAuthn: /manage/health
357     asdc:
358       config:
359         key: 566B754875657232314F5548556D3665
360     requestDb:
361       auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
362     asdc-connections:
363       asdc-controller1:
364         password: 76966BDD3C7414A03F7037264FF2E6C8EEC6C28F2B67F2840A1ED857C0260FEE731D73F47F828E5527125D29FD25D3E0DE39EE44C058906BF1657DE77BF897EECA93BDC07FA64F
366 so-sdnc-adapter:
367   certSecret: *so-certs
368   db:
369     <<: *dbSecrets
370   org:
371     onap:
372       so:
373         adapters:
374           sdnc:
375             bpelauth: 4C18603C5AE7E3A42A6CED95CDF9C0BA9B2109B3725747662E5D34E5FDF63DA9ADEBB08185098F14699195FDE9475100
376             sdncauth: ED07A7EE5F099FA53369C3DF2240AD68A00154676EEDBC6F8C16BAA83B1912941B8941ABD48683D2C1072DA7040659692DE936A59BBF42A038CF71DE67B4A375190071EC76EA657801B033C135
377             network:
378                 encryptionKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
379   mso:
380     config:
381       cadi:
382         aafId: so@so.onap.org
383         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
384         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.sdncAdapterPerm
385         noAuthn: /manage/health
386     adapters:
387       requestDb:
388         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
389     rest:
390       aafEncrypted: 3EDC974C5CD7FE54C47C7490AF4D3B474CDD7D0FFA35A7ACDE3E209631E45F428976EAC0858874F17390A13149E63C90281DD8D20456
392 so-ve-vnfm-adapter:
393   certSecret: *so-certs
395 so-vfc-adapter:
396   certSecret: *so-certs
397   db:
398     <<: *dbSecrets
399   mso:
400     config:
401       cadi:
402         aafId: so@so.onap.org
403         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
404         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.vfcAdapterPerm
405         noAuthn: /manage/health
406     adapters:
407       requestDb:
408         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
410 so-nssmf-adapter:
411   certSecret: *so-certs
412   db:
413     <<: *dbSecrets
414   aaf:
415     auth:
416       username: so@so.onap.org
417       password: 8DB1C939BFC6A35C3832D0E52E452D0E05AE2537AF142CECD125FF827C05A972FDD0F4700547DA
418   aai:
419     auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
420   mso:
421     key: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
422     config:
423       cadi:
424         aafId: so@so.onap.org
425         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
426         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.nssmfAdapterPerm
427         noAuthn: /manage/health
428     adapters:
429       requestDb:
430         auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
432 so-vnfm-adapter:
433   certSecret: *so-certs
434   aaf:
435     auth:
436       username: so@so.onap.org
437       password: 8DB1C939BFC6A35C3832D0E52E452D0E05AE2537AF142CECD125FF827C05A972FDD0F4700547DA
438   aai:
439     auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
440   sdc:
441     username: mso
442     password: 76966BDD3C7414A03F7037264FF2E6C8EEC6C28F2B67F2840A1ED857C0260FEE731D73F47F828E5527125D29FD25D3E0DE39EE44C058906BF1657DE77BF897EECA93BDC07FA64F
443     key: 566B754875657232314F5548556D3665
444   mso:
445     key: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
446     config:
447       cadi:
448         aafId: so@so.onap.org
449         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
450         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.vnfmAdapterPerm
451         noAuthn: /manage/health
453 so-etsi-nfvo-ns-lcm:
454   certSecret: *so-certs
455   aai:
456     auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
457   mso:
458     key: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
459   so:
460     sol003:
461       adapter:
462         auth: Basic dm5mbTpwYXNzd29yZDEk
464 so-mariadb:
465   db:
466     rootPasswordExternalSecretLocalDb: *dbRootPassSecretName
467     rootPasswordExternalSecret: '{{ ternary .Values.db.rootPasswordExternalSecretLocalDb (include "common.mariadb.secret.rootPassSecretName" (dict "dot" . "chartName" .Values.global.mariadbGalera.nameOverride)) .Values.global.mariadbGalera.localCluster }}'
468     backupCredsExternalSecret: *dbBackupCredsSecretName
469     userCredsExternalSecret: *dbUserCredsSecretName
470     adminCredsExternalSecret: *dbAdminCredsSecretName
471 so-appc-orchestrator:
472   certSecret: *so-certs
473   db:
474     <<: *dbSecrets
475   mso:
476     basicUser: poBpmn
477     auth: BEA8637716A7EB617DF472BA6552D22F68C1CB17B0D094D77DDA562F4ADAAC4457CAB848E1A4
478     config:
479       cadi:
480         aafId: so@so.onap.org
481         aafPassword: enc:EME-arXn2lx8PO0f2kEtyK7VVGtAGWavXorFoxRmPO9
482         apiEnforcement: org.onap.so.openStackAdapterPerm
483         noAuthn: /manage/health
484   appc:
485     client:
486       topic:
487         read:
488           name: APPC-LCM-WRITE
489           timeout: 360000
490         write: APPC-LCM-READ
491         sdnc:
492           read: SDNC-LCM-WRITE
493           write: SDNC-LCM-READ
494       response:
495         timeout: 3600000
496       key: VIlbtVl6YLhNUrtU
497       secret: 64AG2hF4pYeG2pq7CT6XwUOT
498       service: ueb
499   auth:
500     rest:
501       aaf: Basic c29Ac28ub25hcC5vcmc6ZGVtbzEyMzQ1Ngo=
502       aafEncrypted: 3EDC974C5CD7FE54C47C7490AF4D3B474CDD7D0FFA35A7ACDE3E209631E45F428976EAC0858874F17390A13149E63C90281DD8D20456