[Babel] Add Widget Type mappings
[oom.git] / kubernetes / so / charts / so-openstack-adapter / resources / config / overrides / override.yaml
1 # Copyright © 2018 AT&T USA
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
14 server:
15   port: {{ index .Values.containerPort }}
16 spring:
17   security:
18     usercredentials:
19     -
20       username: sdnc
21       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
22       role: SDNC-Client
23     -
24       username: sitecontrol
25       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
26       role: SiteControl-Client
27     -
28       username: bpel
29       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
30       role: BPEL-Client
31     -
32       username: sniro
33       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
34       role: SNIRO-Client
35     -
36       username: apih
37       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
38       role: MSO-Client
39     -
40       username: mso_admin
41       password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
42       role: ACTUATOR
43 org:
44   onap:
45     so:
46       adapters:
47         default_keystone_url_version: /v2.0
48         default_keystone_reg_ex: "/[vV][0-9]"
49         vnf:
50           bpelauth: D1A67FA93B6A6419132D0F83CC771AF774FD3C60853C50C22C8C6FC5088CC79E9E81EDE9EA39F22B2F66A0068E
51           checkRequiredParameters: true
52           addGetFilesOnVolumeReq: false
53           sockettimeout: 30
54           connecttimeout: 30
55           retrycount: 5
56           retryinterval: -15
57           retrylist: 408,429,500,502,503,504,900
58           valet_enabled: false
59           fail_requests_on_valet_failure: false
60         network:
61           bpelauth: D1A67FA93B6A6419132D0F83CC771AF774FD3C60853C50C22C8C6FC5088CC79E9E81EDE9EA39F22B2F66A0068E
62           sockettimeout: 5
63           connecttimeout: 5
64           retrycount: 5
65           retryinterval: -15
66           retrylist: 408,429,500,502,503,504,900
67         tenant:
68           default_keystone_url_version: /v2.0
69           default_keystone_reg_ex: "/[vV][0-9]"
70           default_tenant_description: Tenant
71           default_region_type: single
72           default_user_role: admin
73           default_success_status_string: Success
74           default_no_regions_status_string: no regions
75           default_quota_value: 10
76           set_default_quota: false
77 ecomp:
78   mso:
79     adapters:
80       po:
81         retryCodes: 504
82         retryDelay: 5
83         retryCount: 3
84         pollTimeout: 7500
85         pollInterval: 15
86 mso:
87   auth: D1A67FA93B6A6419132D0F83CC771AF774FD3C60853C50C22C8C6FC5088CC79E9E81EDE9EA39F22B2F66A0068E
88   logPath: ./logs/openstack
89   workflow:
90     endpoint: http://so-bpmn-infra.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8081/sobpmnengine
91   msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
92   config:
93     cadi:
94       aafId: poBpmn
95   catalog:
96     db:
97       spring:
98         endpoint: http://so-catalog-db-adapter.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:8082
99   db:
100     auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
101   site-name: localDevEnv
102   async:
103     core-pool-size: 50
104     max-pool-size: 50
105     queue-capacity: 500