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[oom.git] / kubernetes / dcaegen2-services / resources / external / schemas / sa88-rel16 / PerDataFileReportMnS.yaml
1 openapi: 3.0.1
2 info:
3   title: TS 28.532 Performance data file reporting Service
4   version: 16.4.0
5   description: >-
6     OAS 3.0.1 specification of the Performance data file reporting Management Service © 2020,
7     3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC). All
8     rights reserved.
9 externalDocs:
10   description: 3GPP TS 28.532 V16.4.0; Generic management services
11   url: ''
12 servers:
13   - url: '{MnSRoot}/PerfDataFileReportMnS/v1640'
14     variables:
15       MnSRoot:
16         description: See subclause 4.4 of TS 32.158
17         default:
18 paths:
19   /Files:
20     get:
21       summary: Read resources of information of available files
22       description: 'With HTTP GET, resources of information of available files are read. The resources to be read are identified with the path component (base resource) and the query component (managementDataType, beginTime and endTime) of the URI. The fields query component allows to select the resource properties to be returned.'
23       parameters:
24         - name: managementDataType
25           in: query
26           description: This parameter identifies the type of management data that the file contains to select the resources from the collection resources identified with the path component of the URI.
27           required: true
28           $ref: '#/components/schemas/managementDataType-Type'
29         - name: beginTime
30           in: query
31           description: This parameter identifies the time stamp no later than which the file became available to select the resources from the collection resources identified with the path component of the URI.
32           required: true
33           $ref: '#/components/schemas/dateTime-Type'
34         - name: endTime
35           in: query
36           description: This parameter identifies the time stamp no earlier than which the file became available to select the resources from the collection resources identified with the path component of the URI.
37           required: true
38           $ref: '#/components/schemas/dateTime-Type'
39       responses:
40         '200':
41           description: 'Success case ("200 OK"). The resources identified in the request for retrieval are returned in the response message body. In case the fields query parameter is used, the selected resources are returned.'
42           content:
43             application/json:
44               schema:
45                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/fileInfoRetrieval-ResponseType'
46         default:
47           description: Error case.
48           content:
49             application/json:
50               schema:
51                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
52   /subscriptions:
53     post:
54       summary: Create a subscription
55       description: To create a subscription the representation of the subscription is POSTed on the /subscriptions collection resource.
56       requestBody:
57         required: true
58         content:
59           application/json:
60             schema:
61               $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription-RequestType'
62       responses:
63         '201':
64           description: Success case ("201 Created"). The representation of the newly created subscription resource shall be returned.
65           content:
66             application/json:
67               schema:
68                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription-ResponseType'
69         default:
70           description: Error case.
71           content:
72             application/json:
73               schema:
74                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
75       callbacks:
76         notifyFileReady:
77           '{request.body#/consumerReference}':
78             post:
79               requestBody:
80                 required: true
81                 content:
82                   application/json:
83                     schema:
84                       $ref: '#/components/schemas/notifyFileReady-NotifType'
85               responses:
86                 '204':
87                   description: Success case ("204 No Content"). The notification is successfully delivered. The response message body is absent.
88                 default:
89                   description: Error case.
90                   content:
91                     application/json:
92                       schema:
93                         $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
94         notifyFilePreparationError:
95           '{request.body#/consumerReference}':
96             post:
97               requestBody:
98                 required: true
99                 content:
100                   application/json:
101                     schema:
102                       $ref: '#/components/schemas/notifyFilePreparationError-NotifType'
103               responses:
104                 '204':
105                   description: Success case ("204 No Content"). The notification is successfully delivered. The response message body is absent.
106                 default:
107                   description: Error case.
108                   content:
109                     application/json:
110                       schema:
111                         $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
112     delete:
113       summary: Delete all subscriptions made with a specific consumerReferenceId
114       description: The subscriptions are deleted by deleting the corresponding subscription resources. The resources to be deleted are identified with the path component of the URI pointing to the /subscription collection resource and filtering on the consumerReferenceId provided in the query part.
115       parameters:
116         - name: consumerReferenceId
117           in: query
118           description: Identifies the subscriptions to be deleted.
119           required: true
120           schema:
121             $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerReferenceId-QueryType'
122       responses:
123         '204':
124           description: Success case ("204 No Content"). The subscription resources have been deleted. The response message body is absent.
125         default:
126           description: Error case.
127           content:
128             application/json:
129               schema:
130                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
131   '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}':
132     delete:
133       summary: Delete a single subscription
134       description: The subscription is deleted by deleting the corresponding subscription resource. The resource to be deleted is identified with the path component of the URI.
135       parameters:
136         - name: subscriptionId
137           in: path
138           description: Identifies the subscription to be deleted.
139           required: true
140           schema:
141             $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionId-PathType'
142       responses:
143         '204':
144           description: Success case ("204 No Content"). The subscription resource has been deleted. The response message body is absent.
145         default:
146           description: Error case.
147           content:
148             application/json:
149               schema:
150                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/error-ResponseType'
151 components:
152   schemas:
153     dateTime-Type:
154       type: string
155       format: date-Time
156     uri-Type:
157       type: string
158     long-Type:
159       type: string
160       format: long
161     additionalText-Type:
162       type: string
163     reason-Type:
164       type: string
165     fileInfoRetrieval-ResponseType:
166       type: object
167       properties:
168         data:
169           type: array
170           items:
171             $ref: '#/components/schemas/fileInfo-Type'
172     fileInfo-Type:
173       type: object
174       properties:
175         fileLocation:
176           $ref: '#/components/schemas/uri-Type'
177         fileSize:
178           $ref: '#/components/schemas/long-Type'
179         fileReadyTime:
180           $ref: '#/components/schemas/dateTime-Type'
181         fileExpirationTime:
182           $ref: '#/components/schemas/dateTime-Type'
183         fileCompression:
184           type: string
185         fileFormat:
186           type: string
187     error-ResponseType:
188       type: object
189       properties:
190         error:
191           type: object
192           properties:
193             errorInfo:
194               type: string
195     managementDataType-Type:
196       type: string
197       enum:
198         - PM
199     header-Type:
200       description: Header used in notifications as notification header
201       type: object
202       properties:
203         uri:
204           $ref: '#/components/schemas/uri-Type'
205         notificationId:
206           $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationId-Type'
207         notificationType:
208           $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationType-Type'
209         eventTime:
210           $ref: '#/components/schemas/dateTime-Type'
211     subscriptionId-PathType:
212       type: string
213     filter-Type:
214       type: string
215     notificationId-Type:
216       $ref: '#/components/schemas/long-Type'
217     notificationType-Type:
218       type: string
219       enum:
220         - notifyFileReady
221         - notifyFilePreparationError
222     subscription-ResourceType:
223       type: object
224       properties:
225         consumerReference:
226           $ref: '#/components/schemas/uri-Type'
227         timeTick:
228           $ref: '#/components/schemas/long-Type'
229         filter:
230           $ref: '#/components/schemas/filter-Type'
231     subscription-RequestType:
232       type: object
233       properties:
234         data:
235           $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription-ResourceType'
236     subscription-ResponseType:
237       type: object
238       properties:
239         data:
240           $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription-ResourceType'
241     consumerReferenceId-QueryType:
242       $ref: '#/components/schemas/uri-Type'
243     notifyFileReady-NotifType:
244       type: object
245       properties:
246         header:
247           $ref: '#/components/schemas/header-Type'
248         body:
249           type: object
250           properties:
251             fileInfoList:
252               type: array
253               items:
254                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/fileInfo-Type'
255             additionalText:
256               $ref: '#/components/schemas/additionalText-Type'
257     notifyFilePreparationError-NotifType:
258       type: object
259       properties:
260         header:
261           $ref: '#/components/schemas/header-Type'
262         body:
263           type: object
264           properties:
265             fileInfoList:
266               type: array
267               items:
268                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/fileInfo-Type'
269             reason:
270               $ref: '#/components/schemas/reason-Type'
271             additionalText:
272               $ref: '#/components/schemas/additionalText-Type'