Merge "Remove the root user id to use default user"
[oom.git] / kubernetes / aai / templates / aai-resources-deployment.yaml
1 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
2 kind: Deployment
3 metadata:
4   name: aai-resources
5   namespace: "{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}-aai"
6 spec:
7   selector:
8     matchLabels:
9       app: aai-resources
10   template:
11     metadata:
12       labels:
13         app: aai-resources
14       name: aai-resources
15       annotations:
16 '[
17           {
18               "args": [
19                   "--container-name",
20                   "hbase"
21               ],
22               "command": [
23                   "/root/"
24               ],
25               "env": [
26                   {
27                       "name": "NAMESPACE",
28                       "valueFrom": {
29                           "fieldRef": {
30                               "apiVersion": "v1",
31                               "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"
32                           }
33                       }
34                   }
35               ],
36               "image": "{{ .Values.image.readiness }}",
37               "imagePullPolicy": "{{ .Values.pullPolicy }}",
38               "name": "aai-resources-readiness"
39           }
40         ]'
41     spec:
42       containers:
43       - name: aai-resources
44         image: "{{ .Values.image.aaiResourcesImage }}:{{ .Values.image.aaiResourcesVersion}}"
45         imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.pullPolicy }}
46         env:
47         - name: CHEF_BRANCH
48           value: master
49         - name: AAI_CHEF_ENV
50           value: simpledemo
51         - name: AAI_CORE_VERSION
52           value: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
53         - name: AAI_CHEF_LOC
54           value: /var/chef/aai-data/environments
55         - name: CHEF_GIT_URL
56           value:
58           value: "60"
59         volumeMounts:
60         - mountPath: /etc/localtime
61           name: localtime
62           readOnly: true
63         - mountPath: /var/chef/aai-data/
64           name: aai-data
65         - mountPath: /var/log/onap
66           name: aai-resources-logs
67         - mountPath: /opt/app/aai-resources/bundleconfig/etc/logback.xml
68           name: aai-resources-log-conf
69           subPath: logback.xml
70         ports:
71         - containerPort: 8447
72         readinessProbe:
73           tcpSocket:
74             port: 8447
75           initialDelaySeconds: 5
76           periodSeconds: 10
77       - name: filebeat-onap-aai-resources
78         image: {{ .Values.image.filebeat }}
79         imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.pullPolicy }}
80         volumeMounts:
81         - mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
82           name: filebeat-conf
83         - mountPath: /var/log/onap
84           name: aai-resources-logs
85         - mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/data
86           name: aai-resources-filebeat
87       volumes:
88       - name: localtime
89         hostPath:
90           path: /etc/localtime
91       - name: aai-data
92         hostPath:
93           path: "/dockerdata-nfs/{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}/aai/aai-data/"
94       - name: filebeat-conf
95         hostPath:
96           path: /dockerdata-nfs/{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}/log/filebeat/log4j/filebeat.yml
97       - name: aai-resources-logs
98         emptyDir: {}
99       - name: aai-resources-filebeat
100         emptyDir: {}
101       - name: aai-resources-log-conf
102         configMap:
103          name: aai-resources-configmap
104       restartPolicy: Always
105       imagePullSecrets:
106       - name: "{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}-docker-registry-key"
107 ---
108 apiVersion: v1
109 kind: ConfigMap
110 metadata:
111   name: aai-resources-configmap
112   namespace: {{ .Values.nsPrefix }}-aai
113 data:
114 {{ (.Files.Glob "resources/resources/conf/logback.xml").AsConfig | indent 2 }}