Fix for Penetration test _ Session and cookie management
[vid.git] / epsdk-app-onap / src / main / webapp / app / fusion / external / ebz / angular_js / ui-charts-tpls.js
1 /*Sandbox version 0.0.41a*/\r
2 angular.module("att.charts", ["att.charts.tpls", "att.charts.utilities","att.charts.areachartD3","att.charts.barchartD3","att.charts.coschartD3","att.charts.coschartwithbarD3","att.charts.cosdeletionD3","att.charts.cosmultichartD3","att.charts.donutD3","att.charts.donutFusion","att.charts.horseshoeD3","att.charts.radialguageD3","att.charts.stackedBarchart","att.charts.stackedareachart"]);\r
3 angular.module("att.charts.tpls", ["template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html","template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html","template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html","template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html","template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html","template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html","template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html","template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html","template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html","template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html"]);\r
4 angular.module('att.charts.utilities', [])\r
5         .factory('$extendObj', [function () {\r
6                 var _extendDeep = function (dst) {\r
7                     angular.forEach(arguments, function (obj) {\r
8                         if (obj !== dst) {\r
9                             angular.forEach(obj, function (value, key) {\r
10                                 if (dst[key] && dst[key].constructor && dst[key].constructor === Object) {\r
11                                     _extendDeep(dst[key], value);\r
12                                 } else {\r
13                                     dst[key] = value;\r
14                                 }\r
15                             });\r
16                         }\r
17                     });\r
18                     return dst;\r
19                 };\r
20                 return {\r
21                     extendDeep: _extendDeep\r
22                     \r
23                 };\r
24             }]);\r
25 \r
26 angular.module('att.charts.areachartD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
27         .constant("areaChartConfig",\r
28                 {\r
29                     "chartcolor": {\r
30                         "areaChartColor": ["#bff1ec", "#bbf0eb", "#00c7b2"],\r
31                         "lineChartColor": ["#444444", "#444444"],\r
32                         "overageColor": ["#b8509e"]\r
33                     },\r
34                     "gridLineColor": "#808080",\r
35                     "lineCurveType": 'cardinal',\r
36                     "yAxisMaxTicks": 4,\r
37                     "chartHeight": "200",\r
38                     "dataType": "GB",\r
39                     "lineStroke": 3,\r
40                     "opacityOnHover": "0.5",\r
41                     "circleRadius": 3.5,\r
42                     "yearLabelPos": [5, -5],\r
43                     "tooltipTopMargin": 105,\r
44                     "tooltipLeftMargin": 28,\r
45                     "amountKDivision": 1000,\r
46                     "amountKText": "K",\r
47                     "amountMDivision": 1000000,\r
48                     "amountMText": "M"\r
49                 })\r
50         .directive('attAreaChart', ['areaChartConfig', '$extendObj', '$timeout', function (areaChartConfig, $extendObj, $timeout) {\r
51                 return {\r
52                     restrict: 'A',\r
53                     scope: {\r
54                         chartData: '=',\r
55                         chartColor: "=",\r
56                         legendLabel: "=",\r
57                         refreshChart: "=",\r
58                         chartConfig: "="\r
59                     },\r
60                     templateUrl: "template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html",\r
61                     replace: true,\r
62                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
63                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
64                                 areaChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(areaChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig);\r
65                             }\r
66                             $scope.dataType = areaChartConfig.dataType;\r
67                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
68                         }],\r
69                     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {\r
70                         scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
71                         scope.overageFlag = false;\r
72                         scope.underageFlag = false;\r
73                         var startColor, stopColor, lineColor, xAxisticks, dataObj, margin = {top: 30, right: 15, bottom: 30, left: 40},\r
74                         width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10),\r
75                                 height = areaChartConfig.chartHeight,\r
76                                 parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse,\r
77                                 tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"),\r
78                                 labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y");\r
79                         var legendColors = [];\r
80                         legendColors = (scope.chartColor) ? scope.chartColor : areaChartConfig.chartcolor;\r
81                         startColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[0];\r
82                         stopColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[1];\r
83                         lineColor = legendColors.lineChartColor[0];\r
84                         scope.areaLegendColor = legendColors.areaChartColor[2];\r
85                         scope.lineLegendColor = legendColors.lineChartColor[1];\r
86                         scope.overageLegend = legendColors.overageColor[0];\r
87                         var oldIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 8.0') !== -1;\r
88                         scope.addLegendColor = function (id) {\r
89                             var bgColor = null;\r
90                             switch (id) {\r
91                                 case 0:\r
92                                     bgColor = {"background-color": scope.areaLegendColor, "border-radius": "100%"};\r
93                                     break;\r
94                                 case 1:\r
95                                     bgColor = {"background-color": scope.lineLegendColor};\r
96                                     break;\r
97                                 case 2:\r
98                                     bgColor = {"background-color": scope.overageLegend, "border-radius": "100%"};\r
99                                     break;\r
100                             }\r
101                             return bgColor;\r
102                         };\r
103 \r
104                         attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) {\r
105                             if (val === 'true') {\r
106                                 scope.showLegend = true;\r
107                             }\r
108                             else {\r
109                                 scope.showLegend = false;\r
110                             }\r
111                         });\r
112 \r
113                         scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) {\r
114                             if (value === false) {\r
115                                 return;\r
116                             }\r
117                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
118                                 areaChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(areaChartConfig, scope.chartConfig);\r
119                             }\r
120                   "svg#" +;\r
121                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
122                             d3.selectAll("div#areaChartContainer" + " > div").remove();\r
123                             xAxisticks = scope.chartData.length;\r
124                             dataObj = scope.chartData;\r
125                             var yearLabel = '', monthArr = {}, isSingleMonth, singleMonthName;\r
126 \r
127                             //  On selecting same month in From and To dropdowns, User should be getting graph                            \r
128                             if (dataObj.length === 1) {\r
129                                 isSingleMonth = true;\r
130                                 var tmp1 = "01-" + dataObj[0].month;\r
131                                 var tmp = parseDate(tmp1);\r
132                                 singleMonthName = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1];\r
133                                 tmp.setMonth(tmp.getMonth() + 1);\r
134                                 var nextMonth = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1] + "-" + tmp.getFullYear();\r
135                                 dataObj.push({month: nextMonth, usage: dataObj[0].usage, available: dataObj[0].available, usageDataType: dataObj[0].usageDataType, availableDataType: dataObj[0].availableDataType});\r
136                             }\r
137 \r
138                             dataObj.forEach(function (d) {\r
139                                 var tmp = "01-" + d.month;\r
140                                 d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp);\r
141                                 d.usage = +d.usage;\r
142                                 d.available = +d.available;\r
143                                 monthArr[labelFormat(d.numericMonth)] = labelFormat(d.numericMonth);\r
144                             });\r
145 \r
146                             for (var key in monthArr) {\r
147                                 var label = monthArr[key];\r
148                                 if (!yearLabel) {\r
149                                     yearLabel = label;\r
150                                 }\r
151                                 else {\r
152                                     if (!isSingleMonth) {\r
153                                         yearLabel = yearLabel + "-" + label;\r
154                                     }\r
155                                 }\r
156                             }\r
157 \r
158                             //X-Axis Range        \r
159                             var xRange = d3.time.scale()\r
160                                     .range([0, width]);\r
161 \r
162                             //Y-Axis Range \r
163                             var yRange = d3.scale.linear()\r
164                                     .range([height, 0]);\r
165 \r
166                             //X-Axis Domain  \r
167                             xRange.domain(d3.extent(dataObj, function (d) {\r
168                                 return d.numericMonth;\r
169                             }));\r
170 \r
171                             //Y-Axis Domain\r
172                             var yDomainData = [], yAxisData = [];\r
173                             for (var b = 0; b < dataObj.length; b++) {\r
174                                 var usageVal = Math.round(parseInt(dataObj[b].usage, 10) / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks);\r
175                                 var availableVal = Math.round(parseInt(dataObj[b].available, 10) / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks);\r
176                                 var val;\r
177                                 if (usageVal > availableVal) {\r
178                                     val = usageVal;\r
179                                 }\r
180                                 else {\r
181                                     val = availableVal;\r
182                                 }\r
183                                 var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1);\r
184                                 yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc});\r
185                             }\r
186 \r
187                             //Y-Axis Domain\r
188                             yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) {\r
189                                     return (d.yAxisVal);\r
190                                 })]);\r
191 \r
192                             var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) {\r
193                                 return d.yAxisVal;\r
194                             });\r
195 \r
196                             yTick = yTick / areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks;\r
197                             for (var x = 0; x <= areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; x++) {\r
198                                 yAxisData.push(yTick * x);\r
199                             }\r
200                             var formatData = function (d) {\r
201                                 if (d >= areaChartConfig.amountMDivision) {\r
202                                     return d / areaChartConfig.amountMDivision + areaChartConfig.amountMText;\r
203                                 } else if (d >= areaChartConfig.amountKDivision) {\r
204                                     return d / areaChartConfig.amountKDivision + areaChartConfig.amountKText;\r
205                                 } else {\r
206                                     return d;\r
207                                 }\r
208                             };\r
209                             var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months);\r
210                             var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(areaChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatData);\r
211 \r
212                             //Draw Line\r
213                             var line = d3.svg.line()\r
214                                     .x(function (d) {\r
215                                         return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
216                                     })\r
217                                     .y(function (d) {\r
218                                         return yRange(d.available);\r
219                                     }).interpolate(areaChartConfig.lineCurveType);\r
220 \r
221                             //Draw Area        \r
222                             var area = d3.svg.area()\r
223                                     .x(function (d) {\r
224                                         return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
225                                     })\r
226                                     .y0(height)\r
227                                     .y1(function (d) {\r
228                                         return yRange(d.usage);\r
229                                     }).interpolate(areaChartConfig.lineCurveType);\r
230 \r
231                             //Plot Chart\r
232                             var drawChart ="#areaChartContainer")\r
233                                     .append("svg")\r
234                                     .attr("id",\r
235                                     .data(dataObj)\r
236                                     .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)\r
237                                     .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10))\r
238                                     .append("g")\r
239                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");\r
240 \r
241                             //Apply gradients \r
242                             if (!oldIE) {\r
243                                 var svgDefs = drawChart.append("defs")\r
244                                         .append("linearGradient")\r
245                                         .attr("id", "areaGradient")\r
246                                         .attr('x1', '0%').attr('y1', '0%')\r
247                                         .attr('x2', '0%').attr('y2', '100%');\r
248 \r
249                                 //Fill gradient      \r
250                                 svgDefs.append('stop')\r
251                                         .attr('stop-color', startColor)\r
252                                         .attr("offset", "0%")\r
253                                         .attr("stop-opacity", "1");\r
254                                 svgDefs.append('stop')\r
255                                         .attr('stop-color', stopColor)\r
256                                         .attr("offset", "100%")\r
257                                         .attr("stop-opacity", "1");\r
258                             }\r
259 \r
260                             //Draw X Axis        \r
261                             drawChart.append("g")\r
262                                     .attr("class", "x axis")\r
263                                     .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")\r
264                                     .call(xAxis).selectAll("text")\r
265                                     .attr("dy", "1.2em");\r
266 \r
267 \r
268                             if (isSingleMonth) {\r
269                                 drawChart.selectAll('.x.axis').selectAll('.tick').selectAll('text')[1][0].textContent = singleMonthName;\r
270                             }\r
271 \r
272                             //Plot Area\r
273                             var areaPath = drawChart.append("path")\r
274                                     .datum(dataObj)\r
275                                     .attr("class", "area")\r
276                                     .attr("d", area).style("fill", "url(#areaGradient)").append("title").text(function () {\r
277                                 return scope.legendLabel[0].series;\r
278                             });\r
279 \r
280                             var newDataObj = dataObj;\r
281                             if (isSingleMonth) {\r
282                                 newDataObj = dataObj.slice(0, 1);\r
283                             }\r
284 \r
285                             //Draw Data Points for Area Chart\r
286                             var circle = drawChart.selectAll(".dot")\r
287                                     .data(newDataObj)\r
288                                     .enter().append("circle")\r
289                                     .attr("class", "dot")\r
290                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
291                                     .style("fill", function (d) {\r
292                                         if (d.usage > d.available) {\r
293                                             return scope.overageLegend;\r
294                                         }\r
295                                         else {\r
296                                             return scope.areaLegendColor;\r
297                                         }\r
298                                     })\r
299                                     .attr("r", areaChartConfig.circleRadius)\r
300                                     .attr("cx", function (d) {\r
301                                         return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
302                                     })\r
303                                     .attr("cy", function (d) {\r
304                                         return yRange(d.usage);\r
305                                     }).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
306                                 var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx"));\r
307                                 show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
308                                 var offsetY = Math.round("cy"));\r
309                       'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover);\r
310                                 mouseOver(d, offsetX - 3, offsetY - 3);\r
311                             }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
312                                 hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
313                       'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1");\r
314                                 scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
315                                 scope.$apply();\r
316                             });\r
317                             circle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
318                                 return(addTitle(d));\r
319                             });\r
320 \r
321                             //Draw Line Chart\r
322                             drawChart.append("path")\r
323                                     .attr("class", "line")\r
324                                     .style("stroke", lineColor)\r
325                                     //.style("stroke-dasharray", (areaChartConfig.lineStroke, areaChartConfig.lineStroke))\r
326                                     .attr("d", line(dataObj)).append("title").text(function () {\r
327                                 return scope.legendLabel[1].series;\r
328                             });\r
329 \r
330                             //Draw data points for Line Chart\r
331                             if (!oldIE) {\r
332                                 var squaredot = drawChart.selectAll(".square-dot")\r
333                                         .data(newDataObj).enter().append("rect")\r
334                                         .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
335                                         .style("fill", scope.lineLegendColor)\r
336                                         .attr("class", "square-dot")\r
337                                         .attr("x", function (d) {\r
338                                             var tmp = xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
339                                             tmp = tmp - 2.5;\r
340                                             return tmp;\r
341                                         })\r
342                                         .attr("y", function (d) {\r
343                                             var tmp = yRange(d.available);\r
344                                             tmp = tmp - 2.5;\r
345                                             return tmp;\r
346                                         })\r
347                                         .attr("width", "5px")\r
348                                         .attr("height", "5px")\r
349                                         .on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
350                                             var offsetX = Math.ceil("x"));\r
351                                             show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x");\r
352                                             var offsetY = Math.round("y"));\r
353                                   'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover);\r
354                                             mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
355                                         }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
356                                     hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x");\r
357                           'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1");\r
358                                     scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
359                                     scope.$apply();\r
360                                 });\r
361                                 squaredot.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
362                                     return(addTitle(d));\r
363                                 });\r
364                             }\r
365                             else {\r
366                       "fill", startColor);\r
367                                 var squareDot = drawChart.selectAll(".square-dot")\r
368                                         .data(newDataObj).enter().append("circle")\r
369                                         .attr("class", "square-dot")\r
370                                         .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
371                                         .style("fill", scope.areaLegendColor)\r
372                                         .attr("r", areaChartConfig.circleRadius)\r
373                                         .attr("cx", function (d) {\r
374                                             return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
375                                         })\r
376                                         .attr("cy", function (d) {\r
377                                             return yRange(d.available);\r
378                                         }).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
379                                     var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx"));\r
380                                     var offsetY = Math.round("cy"));\r
381                                     show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
382                           'svg#' +"fill-opacity", areaChartConfig.opacityOnHover);\r
383                                     mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
384                                 }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
385                                     hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
386                           'svg#' +"fill-opacity", "1");\r
387                                     scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
388                                     scope.$apply();\r
389                                 });\r
390                                 squareDot.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
391                                     return(addTitle(d));\r
392                                 });\r
393                             }\r
394 \r
395                             //Draw Y Axis\r
396                             var yAxisNodes = drawChart.append("g")\r
397                                     .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", "yAxisId")\r
398                                     .call(yAxis);\r
399 \r
400                             yAxisNodes.selectAll("text")\r
401                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
402                                         return ("yAxisText" + i);\r
403                                     });\r
404 \r
405                             //Append Year Label \r
406                             yAxisNodes.append("text")\r
407                                     .attr("transform", "rotate(0)")\r
408                                     .attr("y", areaChartConfig.yearLabelPos[1])\r
409                                     .attr("x", areaChartConfig.yearLabelPos[0]).attr("class", "yearLabel")\r
410                                     .text(yearLabel);\r
411                             //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis\r
412                   "#yAxisText0").remove();\r
413 \r
414                             // Draw the x Grid lines\r
415                             drawChart.append("g")\r
416                                     .attr("class", "grid")\r
417                                     .attr("id", "xGrid")\r
418                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
419                                     .call(make_x_axis()\r
420                                             .tickSize(-height, 0)\r
421                                             .tickFormat(""));\r
422 \r
423                             // function for the x grid lines\r
424                             function make_x_axis() {\r
425                                 return d3.svg.axis()\r
426                                         .scale(xRange)\r
427                                         .orient("top")\r
428                                         .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months);\r
429                             }\r
430 \r
431                             //"#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", areaChartConfig.gridLineColor);\r
432                   "#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "none");\r
433                   "#xGrid").selectAll("line")\r
434                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
435                                         return ("xAxisLine" + i);\r
436                                     });\r
437 \r
438                             //Add title for NVDA screen reader\r
439                             function addTitle(d) {\r
440                                 return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "Used" + d.usage + d.usageDataType + "Available" + d.available + d.availableDataType);\r
441                             }\r
442 \r
443                             //Show Gridline on Mouse Hover        \r
444                             function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) {\r
445                                 try {\r
446                                     for (var i = 0; i < xAxisticks; i++) {\r
447                                         var circle = drawChart.selectAll(shape);\r
448                                         if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
449                                   "#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", areaChartConfig.gridLineColor);\r
450                                         }\r
451                                     }\r
452                                 } catch (e) {\r
453                                 }\r
454                             }\r
455 \r
456                             //Hide Gridline on Mouse Hover  \r
457                             function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) {\r
458                                 try {\r
459                                     for (var i = 0; i < xAxisticks; i++) {\r
460                                         var circle = drawChart.selectAll(shape);\r
461                                         if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
462                                   "#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent");\r
463                                         }\r
464                                     }\r
465                                 } catch (e) {\r
466                                 }\r
467                             }\r
468 \r
469                             //Mouse Hover\r
470                             function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) {\r
471                                 scope.underageFlag = false;\r
472                                 scope.overageFlag = false;\r
473                                 if (d.usage > d.available) {\r
474                                     scope.overageFlag = true;\r
475                                 }\r
476                                 if (d.usage < d.available) {\r
477                                     scope.underageFlag = true;\r
478                                 }\r
479                                 scope.dataPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' '), "dataUsed": d.usage, "dataAvailable": d.available, "overage": d.overage, "usageDataType": d.usageDataType, "availableDataType": d.availableDataType, "underage": d.underage};\r
480                                 scope.$apply();\r
481                                 $timeout(function () {\r
482                                     offsetY = offsetY - areaChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin;\r
483                                     var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2);\r
484                                     var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth;\r
485                                     if (isSingleMonth) {\r
486                                         offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + areaChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2);\r
487                                     } else {\r
488                                         offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + areaChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin;\r
489                                     }\r
490                                     scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"};\r
491                                     scope.tooltipFlag = true;\r
492                                 },0);\r
493                             }\r
494                             scope.refreshChart = false;\r
495                         });\r
496                     }\r
497                 };\r
498             }])\r
499         .filter('filterInput', function () {\r
500             return function (input) {\r
501                 return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase();\r
502             };\r
503         });\r
504 angular.module('att.charts.barchartD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
505         \r
506         .constant("BarChartD3Config",\r
507                 {\r
508                     "barChartColor": "#0081C2",\r
509                     "gridLineColor": "#808080",\r
510                                         "yaxisGridLineColor": "#000000",\r
511                     "margin": {\r
512                             top  : 40, \r
513                             right: 20,\r
514                             bottom: 30,\r
515                             left: 40\r
516                     },\r
517                     "attributes": {\r
518                         "userName": "name",\r
519                         "phoneNumber": "phoneNumber",\r
520                         "charges": "charges"\r
521                     },\r
522                     "yAxisMaxTicks": 4,\r
523                     "chartHeight": 160,\r
524                     "amountFormat" : "$0,000",\r
525                     "amountKDivision" : 1000,\r
526                     "amountKText" : "K",\r
527                     "amountMDivision" : 1000000,    \r
528                     "amountMText" : "M",\r
529                     "xAxistickSize":0,\r
530                     "tooltipTopMargin":69,\r
531                     "tooltipLeftMargin":59,\r
532                     "xAxisTextTopMargin":15,\r
533                     "xAxisTextLeftMargin":7,\r
534                     "barChartSize":25,\r
535                     "barHoverOpacity":0.2\r
536                 }) \r
537                 \r
538         .directive('attBarChart', ['BarChartD3Config','$extendObj', function(BarChartD3Config,$extendObj) {\r
539                 return {\r
540                     restrict: 'A',\r
541                     scope: {\r
542                         chartData: '=',\r
543                         chartConfig: '=',\r
544                         refreshChart: "="\r
545                     },                   \r
546                     templateUrl: "template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html",\r
547                     replace: true,\r
548                     link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {\r
549                                              \r
550                         scope.$watch('refreshChart', function() {\r
551                         if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
552                                 BarChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(BarChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig);\r
553                         }\r
554 \r
555                         var width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10),\r
556                             chartColor = BarChartD3Config.barChartColor,\r
557                             height = BarChartD3Config.chartHeight,\r
558                             userName = BarChartD3Config.attributes.userName,\r
559                             charges = BarChartD3Config.attributes.charges,\r
560                             phoneNumber = BarChartD3Config.attributes.phoneNumber,\r
561                             formatCharges = d3.format(BarChartD3Config.amountFormat),\r
562                             isSingleDataObj = false, padding = 20;\r
563                         var barChartData, yDomainData = [],yAxisData = [];\r
564                         scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
565                         var compare = function compare(a, b) {\r
566                             if (parseInt(a[charges], 10) > parseInt(b[charges], 10)) {\r
567                                 return -1;\r
568                             }\r
569                             if (parseInt(a[charges], 10) < parseInt(b[charges], 10)) {\r
570                                 return 1;\r
571                             }\r
572                             return 0;\r
573                         };\r
574 \r
575 \r
576                   "svg#" +;\r
577                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
578                             d3.selectAll("div#barChartContainer" + " > div").remove();\r
579 \r
580                             barChartData = scope.chartData.sort(compare);\r
581                             barChartData = barChartData.slice(0,BarChartD3Config.barChartSize);\r
582                             if (barChartData.length === 1) {\r
583                                 isSingleDataObj = true;\r
584                             }\r
585                             var x = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeBands([0, width]);\r
586 \r
587                             var y = d3.scale.linear()\r
588                                     .range([height, 0]);\r
589 \r
590                             x.domain(, i) {\r
591                                 return i + 1;\r
592                             }));\r
593                            \r
594                             for(var b=0; b < barChartData.length; b++){\r
595                                 var val = Math.round(parseInt(barChartData[b].charges, 10)/BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks); \r
596                                 var Calc =  Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1);\r
597                                 yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal':Calc});\r
598                             }\r
599                             \r
600                             //Y-Axis Domain\r
601                             y.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function(d) {\r
602                                 return (d.yAxisVal);\r
603                             })]);\r
604                             \r
605                             var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function(d) {return d.yAxisVal;});\r
606                             \r
607                             yTick = yTick/BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks;\r
608                             for(var z = 0; z <= BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks; z++){\r
609                                 yAxisData.push(yTick * z);\r
610                             }\r
611                             var formatMoney = function(d) {\r
612                                 if (d >= BarChartD3Config.amountMDivision) {\r
613                                     return "$" + d / BarChartD3Config.amountMDivision + BarChartD3Config.amountMText;\r
614                                 }  else if (d >= BarChartD3Config.amountKDivision) {\r
615                                     return "$" + d / BarChartD3Config.amountKDivision + BarChartD3Config.amountKText;\r
616                                 } else {\r
617                                     return "$" + d;\r
618                                 }\r
619                             };\r
620 \r
621                             var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()\r
622                                     .scale(x)\r
623                                     .orient("bottom")\r
624                                     .tickSize(BarChartD3Config.xAxistickSize);\r
625 \r
626                             var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatMoney);\r
627 \r
628                             var svg ="#barChartContainer")\r
629                                     .append("svg")\r
630                                     .attr("id",\r
631                                     .attr("width", width + BarChartD3Config.margin.left + BarChartD3Config.margin.right)\r
632                                     .attr("height", height + + BarChartD3Config.margin.bottom)\r
633                                     .append("g")\r
634                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + BarChartD3Config.margin.left + "," + + ")");\r
635                             \r
636                             svg.append("g")\r
637                                     .attr("class", "x axis")\r
638                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((x(2) - x(1)) / 2 - BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextTopMargin) + "," + (height + BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextLeftMargin) + ")")\r
639                                     .call(xAxis);\r
640                             \r
641                             var formatPhNumber = function(phoneNum) {\r
642                                 if (phoneNum.indexOf("-") === -1) {\r
643                                     return phoneNum.substr(0, 3) + '-' + phoneNum.substr(3, 3) + '-' + phoneNum.substr(6);\r
644                                 } else {\r
645                                     return phoneNum;\r
646                                 }\r
647                             };\r
648                             \r
649                             var rectBarGroup = svg.append("g")\r
650                                     .attr("class", "group").attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
651                                 return ("barGroup" + i);\r
652                             }).attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleDataObj === true? ((width / 2) + 11):10) + ",0)");\r
653                             \r
654                             var rectBars = rectBarGroup.selectAll(".bar")\r
655                                     .data(barChartData)\r
656                                     .enter().append("rect")\r
657                                     .attr("style", "fill:" + chartColor)\r
658                                     .attr("class", "bar")\r
659                                     .attr("x", function(d, i) {\r
660                                         return Math.round(x(i + 1));\r
661                                     })\r
662                                     .attr("width", 10)\r
663                                     .attr("y", function(d) {\r
664                                         return y(d[charges]);\r
665                                     })\r
666                                     .attr("height", function(d) {\r
667                                          return (height - y(d[charges]));\r
668                                     })\r
669                                     .on("mouseover", function(d) {\r
670                                         var offsetX = Math.round("x"));\r
671                                         show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX);\r
672                                         var offsetY = Math.round("y"));\r
673                               ".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "transparent");\r
674                                         svg.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity",BarChartD3Config.barHoverOpacity);\r
675                               "fill-opacity","1");\r
676                                         mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
677                                     })\r
678                                     .on("mouseout", function() {\r
679                                         var offsetX = Math.round("x"));\r
680                                         hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX);\r
681                                         scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
682                               ".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.gridLineColor);\r
683                                         svg.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity","1");\r
684                                         scope.$apply();\r
685                                     });\r
686                             rectBars.append('desc').append('title').text(function(d){ return (d[userName] + "-- Wireless Number" + formatPhNumber(d[phoneNumber]) + "Charges-" + d[charges]);});\r
687                             \r
688                             var yAxisNodes = svg.append("g")\r
689                                     .attr("class", "y axis")\r
690                                     .call(yAxis);\r
691 \r
692                             yAxisNodes.selectAll("text")\r
693                                     .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
694                                         return ("yAxisText" + i);\r
695                                     });\r
696 \r
697                             yAxisNodes.selectAll("line")\r
698                                     .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
699                                         return ("yAxisLine" + i);\r
700                                     });\r
701 \r
702                             //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis\r
703                   "#yAxisText0").remove();\r
704                   "#yAxisLine0").remove();\r
705                   "path").remove();\r
706 \r
707                             // Draw the y Grid lines\r
708                             svg.append("g")\r
709                                 .attr("class", "grid")\r
710                                 .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")\r
711                                 .call(make_y_axis()\r
712                                         .tickSize(-width + x(2) - x(1), 0, 0)\r
713                                         .tickFormat(""));\r
714                   ".grid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.gridLineColor);\r
715                             // function for the y grid lines\r
716                             function make_y_axis() {\r
717                                 return d3.svg.axis()\r
718                                         .scale(y)\r
719                                         .orient("left")\r
720                                         .ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks).tickValues(yAxisData);\r
721                             }\r
722                             // Draw the x Grid lines\r
723                             svg.append("g")\r
724                                     .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "xGrid")\r
725                                     .call(make_x_axis()\r
726                                         .tickSize(-height , 0)\r
727                                         .tickFormat("")).selectAll("line").attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((x(2) - x(1)) / 2 - BarChartD3Config.xAxisTextTopMargin) + ",0)")\r
728                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
729                                         return ("xAxisLine" + i);\r
730                                     });\r
731 \r
732                             \r
733                             // function for the x grid lines\r
734                             function make_x_axis() {\r
735                                 return d3.svg.axis()\r
736                                         .scale(x)\r
737                                         .orient("top")\r
738                                         .ticks(BarChartD3Config.yAxisMaxTicks)\r
739                                         ;\r
740                             }\r
741                   "#xGrid").selectAll("line")\r
742                                     .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
743                                         return ("xAxisLine" + i);\r
744                                     });\r
745                                     \r
746                             function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX){\r
747                                  for (var i = 0; i < barChartData.length; i++) {\r
748                                      if(Math.round(x(i+1))===offsetX){\r
749                                "#xAxisLine"+i).style("stroke", BarChartD3Config.yaxisGridLineColor);\r
750                                      }\r
751                                 }\r
752                             }\r
753                             \r
754                             function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX){\r
755                                  for (var i = 0; i < barChartData.length; i++) {\r
756                                      if(Math.round(x(i+1))===offsetX){\r
757                                "#xAxisLine"+i).style("stroke", "transparent");\r
758                                      }\r
759                                 }\r
760                             }\r
761                             function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) {\r
762                                 offsetY = offsetY - BarChartD3Config.tooltipTopMargin;\r
763                                 if (isSingleDataObj) {\r
764                                     offsetX = offsetX - BarChartD3Config.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2);\r
765                                 } else {\r
766                                     offsetX = offsetX - BarChartD3Config.tooltipLeftMargin;\r
767                                 }\r
768                                 scope.tooltipFlag = true;\r
769                                 scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"};\r
770                                 scope.dataPoint = {"name": d[userName], "phoneNumber": formatPhNumber(d[phoneNumber]), "charges": formatCharges(d[charges])};\r
771                                 scope.$apply();\r
772                             }\r
773                             scope.refreshChart = false;\r
774                         });\r
775                     }\r
776                 };\r
777             }]);\r
778 angular.module('att.charts.coschartD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
779         .constant("CosChartD3Config",\r
780                 {\r
781                     "chartcolor": {\r
782                         "paletteColors": ["#097cb5", "#FEFFF7"] //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor,\r
783 \r
784                     },\r
785                     "defaultcenterlabel": "COS 1",\r
786                     "defaultcentercategory": "Real Time",\r
787                     "zoomLevel": "25",\r
788                     "doughnutratio": 20,\r
789                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
790                     "animduration": "300",\r
791                     "legendposition": "top",\r
792                     "centerTextValueDy": "0",\r
793                     "centerTextValueDx": "0",\r
794                     "centerTextPercentDx": "20",\r
795                     "centerTextPercentDy": "-10",\r
796                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
797                     "centerTextLabelDx": "0",\r
798                     "arcOverMargin": 5\r
799                 })\r
800         .directive('attCosd3Chart', ['CosChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
801                 return {\r
802                     restrict: 'A',\r
803                     scope: {\r
804                         chartConfig: '=',\r
805                         initVal: '='\r
806                     },\r
807                     templateUrl: 'template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html',\r
808                     transclude: true,\r
809                     replace: true,\r
810                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
811                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
812                                 CosChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
813                             }\r
814                             var legendColor = [];\r
815                             legendColor = CosChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors;\r
816                             $scope.addLegendColor = function () {\r
817                                 return {"color": legendColor[0]};\r
818                             };\r
819                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
820                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) {\r
821                                 $scope.legendRequired = CosChartD3Config.legendreqd;\r
822                             } else {\r
823                                 $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired;\r
824                             }\r
825                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) {\r
826                                 $scope.legendPosition = CosChartD3Config.legendposition;\r
827                             } else {\r
828                                 $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition;\r
829                             }\r
830                         }],\r
831                     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {\r
832                         // var radius = Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2,\r
833                         var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(CosChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors),\r
834                                 zoom = parseInt(CosChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),data,\r
835                                 margin = {// optionally set margins\r
836                                     top: zoom,\r
837                                     right: zoom,\r
838                                     bottom: zoom,\r
839                                     left: zoom\r
840                                 },\r
841                         width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
842                                 height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
843                                 radius = Math.min(\r
844                                         width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
845                                         height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2;\r
846                         scope.LegendLabel = CosChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel;\r
847                         scope.LegendCategory = CosChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory;\r
848                         scope.$watch('initVal', function (value) {\r
849                             if(!angular.isDefined(scope.initVal)){\r
850                                 return;\r
851                             }\r
852                   "svg#" +;\r
853                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
854                             var cosval = parseInt(scope.initVal.value, 10);\r
855                             scope.cosval = cosval + "%";\r
856                             if(cosval>100){\r
857                                 data = [\r
858                                         {"name": "cos1", "value": 100},\r
859                                         {"name": "rest", "value": 0}\r
860                                         ];\r
861                                 }else{\r
862                                         data = [\r
863                                         {"name": "cos1", "value": cosval},\r
864                                         {"name": "rest", "value": 100 - (parseInt(cosval, 10))}\r
865                                 ];\r
866                             }\r
867                             var sliderpercent = parseInt(cosval, 10);\r
868                             if (angular.isDefined(sliderpercent)) {\r
869                                 sliderpercent = 0;\r
870                             }\r
871                             element[0].querySelector('.cosd3Container').setAttribute('id',;\r
872                             // build chart\r
873                             var svg =".cosd3Container#" +\r
874                                     .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
875                                     .append("svg")\r
876                                     .attr("id",\r
877                                     .attr("width", "100%")\r
878                                     .attr("height", "100%")\r
879                                     .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
880                                     .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
881                                     .append("g")\r
882                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
883                             // set radius\r
884                             var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
885                                     .innerRadius(radius - CosChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
886                                     .outerRadius(radius);\r
887                             // set hovered radius\r
888                             var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
889                                     .innerRadius(radius - CosChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
890                                     .outerRadius(radius + CosChartD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
891 \r
892                             // add center text element\r
893                             var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
894                                     .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy)\r
895                                     .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx)\r
896                                     .attr("class", "coschartcenterValue");\r
897                             var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text")\r
898                                     .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDx)\r
899                                     .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDy)\r
900                                     .attr("class", "coschartcenterPercent");\r
901                             var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
902                                     .attr("y", CosChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
903                                     .attr("x", CosChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx)\r
904                                     .attr("class", "coschartcenterLabel");\r
905                             centerTextValue.text(cosval);\r
906                             centerTextPercent.text("%");\r
907                             centerTextLabel.text(CosChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + CosChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")");\r
908 \r
909                             var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
910                                     .sort(null)\r
911                                     .startAngle(3.2 * Math.PI)\r
912                                     .endAngle(5.2 * Math.PI)\r
913                                     .value(function (d) {\r
914                                         return d.value;\r
915                                     });\r
916 \r
917                             // set chart attributes and bind hover events\r
918                             var g = svg.selectAll(".arc")\r
919                                     .data(pie(data))\r
920                                     .enter()\r
921                                     .append("g")\r
922                                     .attr("class", "arc")\r
923                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
924                                         return "cosarc-" + i;\r
925                                     })\r
926                                     .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
927 \r
928                             g.append("path")\r
929                                     .style("fill", function (d) {\r
930                                         return color(;\r
931                                     })\r
932                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
933                                         return "cospath-" + i;\r
934                                     })\r
935                                     .on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
936                               \r
937                                                 .duration(CosChartD3Config.animduration)\r
938                                                 .attr("d", arcOver);\r
939                                     })\r
940                                     .on("mouseout", function (d) {\r
941                               \r
942                                                 .duration(CosChartD3Config.animduration)\r
943                                                 .attr("d", arc);\r
944                                     })\r
945                                     .transition()\r
946                                     .ease("exp")\r
947                                     .duration(0)\r
948                                     .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
949 \r
950                             // animate function\r
951                             function tweenPie(b) {\r
952                                 var i = d3.interpolate({\r
953                                     startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI,\r
954                                     endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI\r
955                                 }, b);\r
956                                 return function (t) {\r
957                                     return arc(i(t));\r
958                                 };\r
959                             }\r
960                             if(cosval>0 && cosval<100){\r
961                       ".cosd3Container path#cospath-1").style('stroke', 'black');\r
962                             }\r
963                             \r
964 \r
965 \r
966                         });\r
967                     }\r
968                 };\r
969             }]);\r
970 angular.module('att.charts.coschartwithbarD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
971 .constant("CosChartWithBarD3Config",\r
972         {\r
973             "chartcolor": {\r
974                 "paletteColors": ["#0574ac", "#44c8f5", "#4ca90c", "#da0081", "#ff9900", "#81017e"], //["#097cb5", "#FEFFF7"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor,\r
975                 "zeroColor": "#ffffff",\r
976                 "borderColor": "#666666"\r
977             },\r
978             "zoomLevel": "25",\r
979             "doughnutratio": 20,\r
980             "barreqd": "true",\r
981             "barHeight": 50,\r
982             "barWidth": 150,\r
983             "barCornerRadius": 9,\r
984             //"barTextValueDy": "250",\r
985             //"barTextValueDx": "0",\r
986             //"barTextPercentDx": "20",\r
987             //"barTextPercentDy": "-250",\r
988             //"barTextLabelDy": "60",\r
989             //"barTextLabelDx": "-80",\r
990             //"defaultbarlabel": "CoS 2V/CoS 2/CoS 3/CoS 4/CoS 5",\r
991             "animduration": "300",   \r
992             "centerText": {\r
993                 'defaultCenterLabel': 'COS 1',\r
994                 'defaultCenterCategory': 'Real Time',\r
995                 'textValueDy': '0',\r
996                 'textValueDx': '0',\r
997                 'textPercentDx': '20',\r
998                 'textPercentDy': '-10',\r
999                 'textLabelDx': '0',\r
1000                 'textLabelDy': '20',\r
1001                 'color': '#666666',\r
1002                 'size': '36px',\r
1003                 'font': 'omnes_att_light'\r
1004             },\r
1005             "centerTextValueDy": "0",\r
1006             "centerTextValueDx": "0",\r
1007             "centerTextPercentDx": "20",\r
1008             "centerTextPercentDy": "-10",\r
1009             "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
1010             "centerTextLabelDx": "0",\r
1011             "arcOverMargin": 5\r
1012         })\r
1013 .directive('attCosBarD3Chart', ['CosChartWithBarD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosChartWithBarD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {return {\r
1014             restrict: 'A',\r
1015             scope: {\r
1016                 chartConfig: '=',\r
1017                 chartData: '=',\r
1018                 totalCos: '=',\r
1019                 remainingCos: '=',\r
1020                 mouseOver: '=?'\r
1021             },\r
1022             templateUrl: 'template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html',\r
1023             transclude: true,\r
1024             replace: true,\r
1025             controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
1026                 if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1027                     CosChartWithBarD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosChartWithBarD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
1028                 }\r
1029 \r
1030                 $scope.chartID = $;\r
1031                 if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.barRequired)) {\r
1032                     $scope.barRequired = CosChartWithBarD3Config.barreqd;\r
1033                 } else {\r
1034                     $scope.barRequired = $attrs.barRequired;\r
1035                 }\r
1036 \r
1037                 }],\r
1038             link: function (scope, element, attrs) {\r
1039                 /*\r
1040                     x: x-coordinate\r
1041                     y: y-coordinate\r
1042                     w: width\r
1043                     h: height\r
1044                     r: corner radius\r
1045                     tl: top_left rounded?\r
1046                     tr: top_right rounded?\r
1047                     bl: bottom_left rounded?\r
1048                     br: bottom_right rounded?\r
1049                  */\r
1050                 function rounded_rect(x, y, w, h, r, tl, tr, bl, br) {\r
1051                     var retval;\r
1052                     retval  = "M" + (x + r) + "," + y;\r
1053                     retval += "h" + (w - 2*r);\r
1054                     if (tr) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + r; }\r
1055                     else { retval += "h" + r; retval += "v" + r; }\r
1056                     retval += "v" + (h - 2*r);\r
1057                     if (br) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + r; }\r
1058                     else { retval += "v" + r; retval += "h" + -r; }\r
1059                     retval += "h" + (2*r - w);\r
1060                     if (bl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + -r; }\r
1061                     else { retval += "h" + -r; retval += "v" + -r; }\r
1062                     retval += "v" + (2*r - h);\r
1063                     if (tl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + -r; }\r
1064                     else { retval += "v" + -r; retval += "h" + r; }\r
1065                     retval += "z";\r
1066                     return retval;\r
1067                 }\r
1068 \r
1069                 var radScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 2 * Math.PI]);\r
1070 \r
1071                  \r
1072                 var zoom = parseInt(CosChartWithBarD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),data,\r
1073                     margin = {// optionally set margins\r
1074                         top: zoom,\r
1075                         right: zoom,\r
1076                         bottom: zoom,\r
1077                         left: zoom\r
1078                     },\r
1079                     width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
1080                     height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
1081                     radius = Math.min(\r
1082                             width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1083                             height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2;\r
1084 \r
1085 \r
1086                 scope.$watchCollection('chartData', function (value) {\r
1087                     var j = 0; // index for for-loops\r
1088 \r
1089                     if(!angular.isDefined(scope.chartData) || scope.chartData.length < 1){\r
1090                         return;\r
1091                     }\r
1092 \r
1093           "svg#" +;\r
1094                     d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
1095 \r
1096                     // SnickrBar\r
1097           "svg#" + scope.snickrbarId).remove();\r
1098                     d3.selectAll("svg#" + scope.snickrbarId + " > *").remove();\r
1099 \r
1100                     var cosval = scope.chartData[0];\r
1101                     var remainingCosVal = 0, restCosVal = 0;\r
1102 \r
1103                     for(j = 1; j < scope.chartData.length; j++)\r
1104                     {\r
1105                         remainingCosVal += parseInt(scope.chartData[j], 10); //parseInt allows strings to be passed in\r
1106                     }\r
1107                     restCosVal = 100 - cosval - remainingCosVal;\r
1108                     scope.totalCos = cosval + remainingCosVal;\r
1109                     scope.remainingCos = remainingCosVal;\r
1110 \r
1111                     var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData);\r
1112                     if (angular.isDefined(restCosVal)) {\r
1113                         data.push(restCosVal);\r
1114                     }\r
1115 \r
1116                     element[0].querySelector('.cosd3Container').setAttribute('id',;\r
1117                     // build chart\r
1118                     var svg =".cosd3Container#" +\r
1119                             .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
1120                             .append("svg")\r
1121                             .attr("id",\r
1122                             .attr("width", "100%")\r
1123                             .attr("height", "100%")\r
1124                             .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
1125                             .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
1126                             .append("g")\r
1127                             .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
1128 \r
1129                     scope.snickrbarId = + 'snickrbar';\r
1130                     var snickrbar =".snickrBar")\r
1131                         .attr('style', 'margin-left:' + Math.floor(CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth/3) + ';')\r
1132                         .style({'background-color': CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor, 'width': CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth + 'px', 'border': '1px solid #777', 'border-radius': '10px'})\r
1133                         .append("svg")\r
1134                         .attr("id", scope.snickrbarId)\r
1135                         .attr("width", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth + "px")\r
1136                         .attr("height", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight + "px")\r
1137                         .append("g");\r
1138 \r
1139                     // set radius\r
1140                     var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
1141                             .innerRadius(radius - CosChartWithBarD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1142                             .outerRadius(radius);\r
1143 \r
1144                     // set hovered radius\r
1145                     var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
1146                             .innerRadius(radius - CosChartWithBarD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1147                             .outerRadius(radius + CosChartWithBarD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
1148 \r
1149                     // add center text element\r
1150                     var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
1151                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textValueDy)\r
1152                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textValueDx)\r
1153                             .attr("class", "coschartcenterValue");\r
1154                     var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text")\r
1155                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textPercentDx)\r
1156                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textPercentDy)\r
1157                             .attr("class", "coschartcenterPercent");\r
1158                     var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
1159                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textLabelDy)\r
1160                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.textLabelDx)\r
1161                             .attr("class", "coschartcenterLabel");\r
1162                     centerTextValue.text(cosval);\r
1163                     centerTextPercent.text("%");\r
1164                     centerTextLabel.text(CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.defaultCenterLabel + "(" + CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerText.defaultCenterCategory + ")");\r
1165 \r
1166                     var scale = function(d) {\r
1167                         if (d <= 0) {\r
1168                             return 0;\r
1169                         } else {\r
1170                             var r = (d * CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth) / 100;\r
1171                             if (isNaN(r)) { r = 0; }\r
1172                             else if (!isFinite(r)) { r = CosChartWithBarD3Config.barWidth; }\r
1173 \r
1174                             return r;\r
1175                         }\r
1176                     };\r
1177 \r
1178                     // Only executed when totalCos is 0\r
1179                     if (cosval <= 0) {\r
1180                         arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * Math.PI); //just radians\r
1181                         svg.append("path")\r
1182                                 .attr("d", arc)\r
1183                                 .attr("fill", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor)\r
1184                                 .style("stroke", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.borderColor)\r
1185                                 .style("stroke-width", 1);\r
1186                     } else {\r
1187 \r
1188                         // JVM: This code is temp for just snicker's bar release\r
1189                         var temp = 100-data[0];\r
1190                         var newData = [];\r
1191                         newData.push({'value':data[0]});\r
1192                         newData.push({'value':temp});\r
1193 \r
1194                         /*for(j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {\r
1195                             var obj = angular.extend({}, data[j]);\r
1196                             obj.value = data[j];\r
1197                             newData.push(obj);\r
1198                         }*/\r
1199 \r
1200 \r
1201                         //======================================================\r
1202 \r
1203 \r
1204                         var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
1205                             .sort(null)\r
1206                             .value(function (d,index) {\r
1207                                 var r = d.value;\r
1208                                 if (d.value <= 0) { r = 0; }\r
1209                                 return r;\r
1210                             });\r
1211 \r
1212                         // set chart attributes and bind hover events\r
1213                         var g = svg.selectAll(".arc")\r
1214                                 .data(pie(newData))\r
1215                                 .enter()\r
1216                                 .append("g")\r
1217                                 .attr("class", "arc")\r
1218                                 .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
1219                                     return "cosarc-" + i;\r
1220                                 })\r
1221                                 .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
1222 \r
1223                         g.append("path")\r
1224                                 .style("fill", function (d, i) {\r
1225                                     if (i === CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors.length || i === newData.length-1 || === 0) {\r
1226                                         return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor;\r
1227                                     }\r
1228 \r
1229                                     return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[i];\r
1230                                 })\r
1231                                 .style("stroke", "white")\r
1232                                 .style("stroke-width", function(d,index) { if (cosval >= 100) { return 0; } else { return 1; } })\r
1233                                 .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
1234                                     return "cospath-" + i;\r
1235                                 })\r
1236                                 .on("mouseover", function (d, index) {\r
1237                                     if (index < newData.length-1) {\r
1238                               \r
1239                                             .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1240                                             .attr("d", arcOver);\r
1241                                     }\r
1242                                 })\r
1243                                 .on("mouseout", function (d, index) {\r
1244                                     if (index < newData.length-1) {\r
1245                               \r
1246                                                 .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1247                                                 .attr("d", arc);\r
1248                                     }\r
1249                                 })\r
1250                                 .transition()\r
1251                                 .ease("exp")\r
1252                                 .duration(0)\r
1253                                 .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
1254                     } // end of else\r
1255 \r
1256                     if (!CosChartWithBarD3Config.barreqd) { return; }\r
1257                     var snickrData = [];\r
1258                     var d = scope.chartData.slice(1, scope.chartData.length);\r
1259                     for (j = 0; j < d.length; j++) {\r
1260                         if (d[j] !== 0) {\r
1261                             var obj = {};\r
1262                    = d[j];\r
1263                             obj.color = CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[j+1];\r
1264                             snickrData.push(obj);    \r
1265                         }\r
1266                     }\r
1267 \r
1268                     var prevWidth = 0;\r
1269                     var nextX = function(d, i) {\r
1270                         if (i === 0) {\r
1271                             prevWidth = scale(d);\r
1272                             return 0;\r
1273                         } else {\r
1274                             var p = prevWidth;\r
1275                             prevWidth += scale(d);\r
1276                             return p;\r
1277                         }\r
1278                     };\r
1279 \r
1280                     var rect = snickrbar.selectAll("path")\r
1281                         .data(snickrData)\r
1282                         .enter()\r
1283                         .append("path")\r
1284                         .style("fill", function(d, i) { \r
1285                             if (i >= CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors.length || === 0) {\r
1286                                 return CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor;\r
1287                             }\r
1288 \r
1289                             return d.color;\r
1290                         })\r
1291                         .attr("d", function(d, index) {\r
1292                             if (index === 0) {\r
1293                                 // Left rounded rectangle\r
1294                                 return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barCornerRadius, true, false, true, false);\r
1295                             } else if (index === snickrData.length-1 && remainingCosVal >= 100) {\r
1296                                 // Right rounded rectangle\r
1297                                 return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barCornerRadius, false, true, false, true);\r
1298                             } else {\r
1299                                 console.log('normal rect at ' + index);\r
1300                                 return rounded_rect(nextX(, index), 0, scale(, CosChartWithBarD3Config.barHeight, 0, false, false, false, false); \r
1301                             }\r
1302                         });\r
1303 \r
1304                     if (remainingCosVal === 0) {\r
1305                         snickrbar.attr("fill", CosChartWithBarD3Config.chartcolor.zeroColor);\r
1306                     }\r
1307 \r
1308                     // add bar text element\r
1309                     /*var snickerText ='.snickrBar svg')\r
1310                         .append("g")\r
1311                         .style("fill", "black");\r
1312 \r
1313                     var barTextValue = snickerText.append("text")\r
1314                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextValueDy)\r
1315                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextValueDx)\r
1316                             .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterValue");\r
1317                     var barTextPercent = snickerText.append("text")\r
1318                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextPercentDx)\r
1319                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.centerTextPercentDy)\r
1320                             .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterPercent");\r
1321                     var barTextLabel = snickerText.append("text")\r
1322                             .attr("y", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextLabelDy)\r
1323                             .attr("x", CosChartWithBarD3Config.barTextLabelDx)\r
1324                             .attr("class", "coschartbarcenterLabel");\r
1325                     barTextValue.text(cosval);\r
1326                     barTextPercent.text("%");\r
1327                     barTextLabel.text(CosChartWithBarD3Config.defaultbarlabel);*/\r
1328 \r
1329                     \r
1330 \r
1331                     // animate function\r
1332                     function tweenPie(b) {\r
1333                         var i = d3.interpolate({\r
1334                             startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI,\r
1335                             endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI\r
1336                         }, b);\r
1337                         return function (t) {\r
1338                             return arc(i(t));\r
1339                         };\r
1340                     }\r
1341 \r
1342                     scope.$watch('mouseOver', function(val) {\r
1343                         if (!angular.isDefined(scope.mouseOver)) { return; }\r
1344                         var id = scope.mouseOver.split('-')[1];\r
1345                         if (scope.mouseOver.split('-')[0] === 'true') {\r
1346                             if (id === '0') {\r
1347                       "#cospath-" + id).transition()\r
1348                                     .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1349                                     .attr("d", arcOver);\r
1350                             } else {\r
1351                                 for (var i = 0; i < newData.length-1; i++) {\r
1352                           "#cospath-" + (i+1)).transition()\r
1353                                         .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1354                                         .attr("d", arcOver);\r
1355                                 }\r
1356                             }\r
1357                         } else {\r
1358                             if (id === '0') {\r
1359                       "#cospath-" + id).transition()\r
1360                                     .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1361                                     .attr("d", arc);\r
1362                             } else {\r
1363                                 for (j = 0; j < newData.length-1; j++) {\r
1364                           "#cospath-" + (j+1)).transition()\r
1365                                         .duration(CosChartWithBarD3Config.animduration)\r
1366                                         .attr("d", arc);\r
1367                                 }\r
1368                             }\r
1369                         }\r
1370                     });\r
1371 \r
1372                 });\r
1373 \r
1374             }\r
1375         };\r
1376     }]);\r
1377 angular.module('att.charts.cosdeletionD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
1378         .constant("CosdeletionD3Config",\r
1379                 {\r
1380                     "chartcolor": {\r
1381                         "MaxBandwidthReached": "#d3d3d3",\r
1382                         "ZeroBandwidthSelected": "#FEFFF7",\r
1383                         "RemainingBandwidthColor": "#ffffff",\r
1384                         "RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor": "#d3d3d3",\r
1385                         "RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth": 1.5,\r
1386                         "UsedBandwidthColor": "#0574AC",\r
1387                         "UsedBandwidthStrokeColor":"#efefef", //white\r
1388                         "UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth":"1"\r
1389                     },\r
1390                     "defaultcenterlabel": "Kbps",\r
1391                     "zoomLevel": "10",\r
1392                     "doughnutratio": 21,\r
1393                     "animduration": "300",\r
1394                     "guageStartAngle":4,\r
1395                     "guageEndAngle":8.56,\r
1396                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
1397                     "initduration": "1000",\r
1398                     "legendposition": "top",\r
1399                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
1400                     "centerTextValueDy": "0",\r
1401                     "centerTextValueDx": "-30",\r
1402                     "centerTextLabelDx": "-10",\r
1403                     "maxbandwidthTextDx": "25",\r
1404                     "maxbandwidthTextDy": "70",\r
1405                     "arcOverMargin": 5\r
1406                 })\r
1407         .directive('attCosdeletiond3Chart', ['CosdeletionD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function(CosdeletionD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
1408                 return {\r
1409                     restrict: 'A',\r
1410                     scope: {\r
1411                         maxValue: '=',\r
1412                         chartData: '=',\r
1413                         chartConfig: '=',\r
1414                         resetChart: '=',\r
1415                         removeArcs: '='\r
1416                     },\r
1417                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs) {\r
1418                         if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1419                             CosdeletionD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosdeletionD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
1420                         }\r
1421 \r
1422                         }],\r
1423                     link: function(scope, element, attrs) {\r
1424                         var zoom = parseInt(CosdeletionD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),\r
1425                                 margin = {// optionally set margins\r
1426                                     top: zoom,\r
1427                                     right: zoom,\r
1428                                     bottom: zoom,\r
1429                                     left: zoom\r
1430                                 },\r
1431                         width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
1432                                 height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
1433                                 radius = Math.min(\r
1434                                         width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1435                                         height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2,arcPath;\r
1436                         // set radius\r
1437                         var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
1438                                 .innerRadius(radius - CosdeletionD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1439                                 .outerRadius(radius);\r
1440                         var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
1441                                         .innerRadius(radius - CosdeletionD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1442                                         .outerRadius(radius + CosdeletionD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
1443                        \r
1444                         // Browser onresize event\r
1445                         window.onresize = function() {\r
1446                             scope.$apply();\r
1447                         };\r
1448                         scope.$watch('resetChart', function(newValue, oldValue) {\r
1449                             if(scope.resetChart === true){\r
1450                                 scope.resetChart = false;\r
1451                                 return;\r
1452                             }\r
1453                             return scope.render(newValue, oldValue);\r
1454                         });\r
1455                         scope.render = function(newValue, oldValue) {\r
1456                   "svg#" +;\r
1457                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
1458                             if (!scope.chartData)\r
1459                             {\r
1460                                 return;\r
1461                             }\r
1462                             var data=angular.copy(scope.chartData);\r
1463                             data=data.reverse();\r
1464                             var totalBandwidth=0,totalUsed=0,remainingBandwidth=0,dynamicColorRange=[],noCheckBoxSelected=true,selectedBandwidth=0,selectedElem=[];\r
1465                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.maxValue)) {\r
1466                                 totalBandwidth = parseInt(scope.maxValue, 0);\r
1467                             }\r
1468                             for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {\r
1469                                 totalUsed = (totalUsed + parseInt(data[j].value, 0));\r
1470                                 if(angular.equals(data[j].status, true)){\r
1471                                     noCheckBoxSelected=false;\r
1472                                     selectedBandwidth=selectedBandwidth+data[j].value;\r
1473                                     \r
1474                                     data[j].value=0;\r
1475                                     dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.MaxBandwidthReached);\r
1476                                    \r
1477                                 }else{\r
1478                                     selectedElem.push({index: data[j].id, value: data[j].value});\r
1479                                     dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor);\r
1480                                 }\r
1481                             }\r
1482                            if(scope.removeArcs){\r
1483                                 while(data.length > 0) {\r
1484                                     data.pop();\r
1485                                 }\r
1486                               dynamicColorRange=[];\r
1487                               data.push({name: "totalUsed", value: totalUsed-selectedBandwidth,id:"totalUsed"});\r
1488                               dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor);\r
1489                               scope.removeArcs=false;\r
1490                            }\r
1491                             if(totalUsed>0 && totalUsed<totalBandwidth){\r
1492                                 remainingBandwidth=totalBandwidth-totalUsed;\r
1493                                 if(!noCheckBoxSelected){\r
1494                                     data.push({name: "selectedBandwidth", value: selectedBandwidth,id:"selectedBandwidth"});\r
1495                                     dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.MaxBandwidthReached);\r
1496                                 }\r
1497                                 data.push({name: "remaining", value: remainingBandwidth,id:"remaining"});\r
1498                                 dynamicColorRange.push(CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthColor);\r
1499                             }\r
1500                             element[0].setAttribute('id',;\r
1501                             var svg =[0])\r
1502                                     .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
1503                                     .append("svg")\r
1504                                     .attr("id",\r
1505                                     .attr("radius", radius)\r
1506                                     .attr("width", attrs.chartWidth)\r
1507                                     .attr("height", attrs.chartHeight)\r
1508                                     .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
1509                                     .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
1510                                     .append("g")\r
1511                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
1512 \r
1513                             var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
1514                                     .attr("y", CosdeletionD3Config.centerTextValueDy)\r
1515                                     .attr("x", CosdeletionD3Config.centerTextValueDx)\r
1516                                     .attr("class", "cosdeletioncenterValue");\r
1517                             var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
1518                                     .attr("y", CosdeletionD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
1519                                     .attr("x", CosdeletionD3Config.centerTextLabelDx)\r
1520                                     .attr("class", "cosdeletioncenterLabel");\r
1521                             var maxbandwidthText = svg.append("text")\r
1522                                     .attr("y", CosdeletionD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDy)\r
1523                                     .attr("x", CosdeletionD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDx)\r
1524                                     .attr("class", "cosdeletionmaxbandwidthText");\r
1525                          \r
1526                             var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(dynamicColorRange);\r
1527                             centerTextValue.text(totalUsed-selectedBandwidth);\r
1528                             centerTextLabel.text(CosdeletionD3Config.defaultcenterlabel);\r
1529                             maxbandwidthText.text(totalBandwidth + " " + CosdeletionD3Config.defaultcenterlabel);\r
1530                             \r
1531                             var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
1532                                     .sort(null)\r
1533                                     .startAngle(CosdeletionD3Config.guageStartAngle)\r
1534                                     .endAngle(CosdeletionD3Config.guageEndAngle)\r
1535                                     .value(function(d) {\r
1536                                         return d.value;\r
1537                                     });\r
1538                               \r
1539                             var g = svg.selectAll(".arc")\r
1540                                     .data(pie(data))\r
1541                                     .enter()\r
1542                                     .append("g")\r
1543                                     .attr("class", "arc")\r
1544                                     .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
1545                                         return "cosdeletionarc-" +;\r
1546                                     })\r
1547                                     .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
1548                             \r
1549                             arcPath = g.append("path")\r
1550                                         .style("fill", function(d) {\r
1551                                             return color(;\r
1552                                         }).attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
1553                                             return "cosdeletionpath-" +;\r
1554                                         })\r
1555                                         .transition()\r
1556                                         .ease("exp")\r
1557                                         .duration(0)\r
1558                                         .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
1559                                 \r
1560                             arcPath = arcPath[0];\r
1561                             for (var i = 0; i < arcPath.length; i++) {\r
1562                                     var id = arcPath[i].id;\r
1563                                     if (id !== 'cosdeletionpath-remaining' && id !== 'cosdeletionpath-selectedBandwidth') {\r
1564                               "path#" + id).transition().attr("d", arcOver);\r
1565                                     }\r
1566                                 }\r
1567                           \r
1568                             if (remainingBandwidth > 0) {\r
1569                                 if(angular.isDefined(newValue) && angular.isDefined(oldValue)){\r
1570                                     for (var k = 0; k < selectedElem.length; k++) {\r
1571                                          var index =selectedElem[k].index;\r
1572                               "path#cosdeletionpath-" + index).style('stroke', CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth);\r
1573                                     }\r
1574                                 }\r
1575                       "#" + + " path#cosdeletionpath-remaining").style('stroke', CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", CosdeletionD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth);\r
1576                             } \r
1577                         };\r
1578                         \r
1579                         function tweenPie(b) {\r
1580                                 var i = d3.interpolate({\r
1581                                     startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI,\r
1582                                     endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI\r
1583                                 }, b);\r
1584                                 return function(t) {\r
1585                                     return arc(i(t));\r
1586                                 };\r
1587                             }\r
1588                     }\r
1589                 };\r
1590             }]);\r
1591 angular.module('att.charts.cosmultichartD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
1592         .constant("CosMultiChartD3Config",\r
1593                 {\r
1594                     "chartcolor": {\r
1595                         "paletteColors": ["#44c6f7", "#4ba90b", "#d70e80", "#ff9900", "#81017e", "#cccccc"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor,\r
1596                         "zeroTicketColor": ["#d3d3d3"]\r
1597                     },\r
1598                     "defaultcenterlabel": "CoS",\r
1599                     "defaultcentercategory": "2V/2/3/4/5",\r
1600                     "zoomLevel": "25",\r
1601                     "doughnutratio": 20,\r
1602                     "animduration": "300",\r
1603                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
1604                     "initduration": "1000",\r
1605                     "legendposition": "top",\r
1606                     "centerTextValueDy": "0",\r
1607                     "centerTextValueDx": "0",\r
1608                     "centerTextPercentDx": "22",\r
1609                     "centerTextPercentDy": "-8",\r
1610                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
1611                     "centerTextLabelDx": "0",\r
1612                     "arcOverMargin": 5\r
1613                 })\r
1614         .directive('attCosmultid3Chart', ['CosMultiChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (CosMultiChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
1615                 return {\r
1616                     restrict: 'A',\r
1617                     scope: {\r
1618                         chartData: '=',\r
1619                         chartConfig: '='\r
1620                     },\r
1621                     templateUrl: 'template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html',\r
1622                     transclude: true,\r
1623                     replace: true,\r
1624                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
1625 \r
1626                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1627                                 CosMultiChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosMultiChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
1628                             }\r
1629 \r
1630                             $scope.addLegendColor = function (id, item) {\r
1631                                 return {"color": CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[id]};\r
1632                             };\r
1633 \r
1634                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
1635                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) {\r
1636                                 $scope.legendRequired = CosMultiChartD3Config.legendreqd;\r
1637                             } else {\r
1638                                 $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired;\r
1639                             }\r
1640                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) {\r
1641                                 $scope.legendPosition = CosMultiChartD3Config.legendposition;\r
1642                             } else {\r
1643                                 $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition;\r
1644                             }\r
1645                         }],\r
1646                     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {\r
1647                         var zoom = parseInt(CosMultiChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),\r
1648                                 pi = Math.PI,\r
1649                                 margin = {// optionally set margins\r
1650                                     top: zoom,\r
1651                                     right: zoom,\r
1652                                     bottom: zoom,\r
1653                                     left: zoom\r
1654                                 },\r
1655                         width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
1656                                 height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
1657                                 radius = Math.min(\r
1658                                         width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1659                                         height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2;\r
1660 \r
1661                         function renderChart() {\r
1662                             var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors);\r
1663                   "svg#" +;\r
1664                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
1665                             var totalCosVal = 0, remainingCosVal;\r
1666                             for (var j = 0; j < scope.chartData.length; j++) {\r
1667                                 var chartObj = scope.chartData[j];\r
1668                                 totalCosVal = (totalCosVal + parseInt(chartObj.value, 10));\r
1669                             }\r
1670                             remainingCosVal = 100 - parseInt(totalCosVal, 10);\r
1671                             var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData);\r
1672                             if (angular.isDefined(remainingCosVal)) {\r
1673                                 data.push({name: "rest", value: remainingCosVal});\r
1674                             }\r
1675                             element[0].querySelector('.cosmultid3Container').setAttribute('id',;\r
1676                             // build chart\r
1677                             var svg =".cosmultid3Container#" +\r
1678                                     .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
1679                                     .append("svg")\r
1680                                     .attr("id",\r
1681                                     .attr("width", "100%")\r
1682                                     .attr("height", "100%")\r
1683                                     .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
1684                                     .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
1685                                     .append("g")\r
1686                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
1687                             // set radius\r
1688                             var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
1689                                     .innerRadius(radius - CosMultiChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1690                                     .outerRadius(radius);\r
1691                             // set hovered radius\r
1692                             var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
1693                                     .innerRadius(radius - CosMultiChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
1694                                     .outerRadius(radius + CosMultiChartD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
1695                             // add center text element\r
1696                             var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
1697                                     .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy)\r
1698                                     .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx)\r
1699                                     .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterValue");\r
1700                             var centerTextPercent = svg.append("text")\r
1701                                     .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDx)\r
1702                                     .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextPercentDy)\r
1703                                     .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterPercent");\r
1704                             var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
1705                                     .attr("y", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
1706                                     .attr("x", CosMultiChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx)\r
1707                                     .attr("class", "cosmultichartcenterLabel");\r
1708                             centerTextValue.text(totalCosVal);\r
1709                             centerTextPercent.text("%");\r
1710                             centerTextLabel.text(CosMultiChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel +"  " + CosMultiChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory);\r
1711 \r
1712                             if (totalCosVal <= 0) {\r
1713                                 arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * pi); //just radians\r
1714                                 svg.append("path")\r
1715                                         .attr("d", arc)\r
1716                                         .attr("fill", CosMultiChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor);\r
1717                             } else {\r
1718                                 var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
1719                                         .sort(null)\r
1720                                         .startAngle(3.2 * Math.PI)\r
1721                                         .endAngle(5.2 * Math.PI)\r
1722                                         .value(function (d) {\r
1723                                             return d.value;\r
1724                                         });\r
1725 \r
1726                                 var g = svg.selectAll(".arc")\r
1727                                         .data(pie(data))\r
1728                                         .enter()\r
1729                                         .append("g")\r
1730                                         .attr("class", "arc")\r
1731                                         .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
1732                                             return "cosmultiarc-" + i;\r
1733                                         })\r
1734                                         .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
1735 \r
1736                                 g.append("path")\r
1737                                         .style("fill", function (d) {\r
1738                                             return color(;\r
1739                                         })\r
1740                                         .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
1741                                             return "cosmultipath-" + i;\r
1742                                         })\r
1743                                         .style("stroke", "white")\r
1744                                         .style("stroke-width", 1)\r
1745                                         .on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
1746                                   \r
1747                                                     .duration(CosMultiChartD3Config.animduration)\r
1748                                                     .attr("d", arcOver);\r
1749                                         })\r
1750                                         .on("mouseout", function (d) {\r
1751                                   \r
1752                                                     .duration(CosMultiChartD3Config.animduration)\r
1753                                                     .attr("d", arc);\r
1754                                         })\r
1755                                         .transition()\r
1756                                         .ease("exp")\r
1757                                         .duration(0)\r
1758                                         .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
1759 \r
1760 \r
1761                             }\r
1762                             function tweenPie(b) {\r
1763                                 var i = d3.interpolate({\r
1764                                     startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI,\r
1765                                     endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI\r
1766                                 }, b);\r
1767                                 return function (t) {\r
1768                                     return arc(i(t));\r
1769                                 };\r
1770                             }\r
1771                         }\r
1772 \r
1773                         scope.$watch('chartConfig', function(value) {\r
1774                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1775                                 CosMultiChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(CosMultiChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig);\r
1776                             }\r
1777 \r
1778                             renderChart();\r
1779                         }, true);\r
1780 \r
1781                         scope.$watch('chartData', function (value) {\r
1782                             renderChart();\r
1783                         });\r
1784                     }\r
1785                 };\r
1786             }]);\r
1787 angular.module('att.charts.donutD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
1788         .constant("DonutChartD3Config",\r
1789                 {\r
1790                     "chartcolor": {\r
1791                         "paletteColors": ["#676767", "#96B1D0", "#0B2477", "#FF9900", "#81017D", "#B6BF00", "#DA0081", "#00C7B2"], //default color options for rendering chart\r
1792                         "zeroTicketColor": ["#d3d3d3"],\r
1793                         "centerTicketCountHoverColor":["#0574AC"]\r
1794                     },\r
1795                     "zoomlevel": "25",\r
1796                     "defaultcenterlabel": "Total",\r
1797                     "donutratio": "1.5",\r
1798                     "initduration": "1000",\r
1799                     "animduration": "300",\r
1800                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
1801                     "legendposition": "right",\r
1802                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
1803                     "clipMargin": "400",\r
1804                     "arcOverMargin":10\r
1805                 })\r
1806         .directive('attDonutd3Chart', ['DonutChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (DonutChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
1807                 return {\r
1808                     restrict: 'A',\r
1809                     scope: {\r
1810                         chartData: '=',\r
1811                         chartColor: '=',\r
1812                         chartConfig: '=',\r
1813                         refreshChart: '=',\r
1814                         onclickcallback: '&',\r
1815                         legendclickcallback: '&',\r
1816                         centerclickcallback: '&'\r
1817                     },\r
1818                     templateUrl: 'template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html',\r
1819                     transclude: true,\r
1820                     replace: true,\r
1821                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
1822                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1823                                 DonutChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(DonutChartD3Config,$scope.chartConfig);\r
1824                             }\r
1825                             var legendColors = [];\r
1826                             legendColors = ($scope.chartColor) ? $scope.chartColor : DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors;\r
1827                             $scope.addLegendColor = function (id, item) {\r
1828                                 if (item.value > 0) {\r
1829                                     return {"color": legendColors[id]};\r
1830                                 } else {\r
1831                                     return {"color": DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor};\r
1832                                 }\r
1833                             };\r
1834                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
1835                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) {\r
1836                                 $scope.legendRequired = DonutChartD3Config.legendreqd;\r
1837                             } else {\r
1838                                 $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired;\r
1839                             }\r
1840                             if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) {\r
1841                                 $scope.legendPosition = DonutChartD3Config.legendposition;\r
1842                             } else {\r
1843                                 $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition;\r
1844                             }\r
1845                             $scope.addStyle = function (elem) {\r
1846                                 if ($scope.legendRequired && angular.isDefined($scope.legendPosition)) {\r
1847                                     if ($attrs.legendPosition === "right") {\r
1848                                         return "floatLeft";\r
1849                                     } else {\r
1850                                         if (elem === 'chartLegend')\r
1851                                         {\r
1852                                             return "floatLeft";\r
1853                                         }\r
1854                                         else\r
1855                                         {\r
1856                                             return "floatRight";\r
1857                                         }\r
1858                                     }\r
1859                                 } else {\r
1860                                     return "floatLeft";\r
1861                                 }\r
1862                             };\r
1863                         }],\r
1864                     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {\r
1865                         scope.$watch('refreshChart', function () {\r
1866                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.refreshChart)) {\r
1867                                 if (scope.refreshChart !== true)\r
1868                                 {\r
1869                                     return;\r
1870                                 } else {\r
1871                                     for (var j = 0; j < scope.chartData.length; j++) {\r
1872                                         var chartObj =scope.chartData[j];\r
1873                                         var className = ( /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
1874                                         angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).removeClass("active");\r
1875                                     }\r
1876                                     \r
1877                                 }\r
1878 \r
1879                             }\r
1880                             \r
1881                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
1882                                 DonutChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(DonutChartD3Config, scope.chartConfig);\r
1883                             }\r
1884                   "svg#" +;\r
1885                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
1886                             var selectedPath = "",\r
1887                                     lastSelected,\r
1888                                     pi = Math.PI;\r
1889                             var zoom = parseInt(DonutChartD3Config.zoomlevel, 0),\r
1890                                     coloroptions = (scope.chartColor) ? scope.chartColor : DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors,\r
1891                                     defaultcenterlabel = DonutChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel,\r
1892                                     totalcount = 0,\r
1893                                     margin = {// optionally set margins\r
1894                                         top: zoom,\r
1895                                         right: zoom,\r
1896                                         bottom: zoom,\r
1897                                         left: zoom\r
1898                                     },\r
1899                             // set height and width plus margin so zoomed area is not clipped\r
1900                            /* width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 0) - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1901                                     height = parseInt(attrs.chartHeight, 0) - ( + margin.bottom),\r
1902                                     radius = Math.min(\r
1903                                             width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1904                                             height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2,*/\r
1905                              width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
1906                                     height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
1907                                     radius = Math.min(\r
1908                                             width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
1909                                             height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2, \r
1910                                     color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(coloroptions);\r
1911                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) {\r
1912                                 for (var i in scope.chartData) {\r
1913                                     if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData[i].value)) {\r
1914                                         totalcount = (totalcount + parseInt(scope.chartData[i].value, 10));\r
1915                                     }\r
1916                                 }\r
1917                             }\r
1918                             \r
1919                             var data=[];\r
1920                             for (var z = 0; z < scope.chartData.length; z++) {\r
1921                                 var chartElem =scope.chartData[z];\r
1922                                 if(chartElem.value <= 0){\r
1923                                     data.push({index: z, value: chartElem.value});\r
1924                                 }      \r
1925                             }\r
1926                             var chartStyle =".chartContainer#" +\r
1927                                     .attr("style");\r
1928                             var chart =".chartContainer#" +\r
1929                                     .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;width:" + attrs.chartWidth + "px;")\r
1930                                     .append("svg")\r
1931                                     .attr("id",\r
1932                                     .attr("width", '100%')\r
1933                                     .attr("height", '100%')\r
1934                                     .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
1935                                     .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
1936                                     .append("g")\r
1937                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
1938                             // set radius\r
1939                             var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
1940                                     .innerRadius(radius / DonutChartD3Config.donutratio)\r
1941                                     .outerRadius(radius);\r
1942                             // add center text element\r
1943                             var centerTextValue = chart.append("text")\r
1944                                     .attr("class", "donutcenterValue")\r
1945                                     .attr("id", + "count")\r
1946                                     .on("click", function (d) {\r
1947                                         var value ="g > text#" + + "count").text();\r
1948                                         var label ="g > text#" + + "category").text();\r
1949                                         if (angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)) {\r
1950                                             scope.centerclickcallback({count: value, category: label});\r
1951                                         }\r
1952                                     });\r
1953                             var centerTextLabel = chart.append("text")\r
1954                                     .attr("y", DonutChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
1955                                     .attr("class", "donutcenterLabel")\r
1956                                     .attr("id", + "category");\r
1957 \r
1958                             centerTextValue.text(totalcount);\r
1959                             centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel);\r
1960                             if (totalcount <= 0) {\r
1961                                 arc.startAngle(0).endAngle(2 * pi); //just radians\r
1962                                 chart.append("path")\r
1963                                         .attr("d", arc)\r
1964                                         .attr("fill", DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.zeroTicketColor);\r
1965                             } else {\r
1966                                 // set hovered radius\r
1967                                 var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
1968                                         .innerRadius(radius / DonutChartD3Config.donutratio)\r
1969                                         .outerRadius(radius + DonutChartD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
1970                                 var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
1971                                         .sort(null)\r
1972                                         .startAngle(1.1 * Math.PI)\r
1973                                         .endAngle(3.1 * Math.PI)\r
1974                                         .value(function (d) {\r
1975                                             return d.value;\r
1976                                         });\r
1977                                 var g = chart.selectAll(".arc")\r
1978                                         .data(pie(scope.chartData))\r
1979                                         .enter()\r
1980                                         .append("g")\r
1981                                         .attr("class", "arc")\r
1982                                         .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
1983                                 // set fill color and animate tween\r
1984                                 g.append("path")\r
1985                                         .style("fill", function (d) {\r
1986                                             return color(;\r
1987                                         })\r
1988                                         .attr("path-id",function (d, i) {\r
1989                                             return "b-" + i;\r
1990                                         })\r
1991                                         .style("stroke", "white")\r
1992                                         .style("stroke-width", 1)\r
1993                                         .on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
1994                                   \r
1995                                                     .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration)\r
1996                                                     .attr("d", arcOver);\r
1997                                             \r
1998                                             centerTextValue.text(;\r
1999                                             centerTextLabel.text(;\r
2000                                             var className = /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2001                                             angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).addClass("active");\r
2002                                         })\r
2003                                         .on("mouseout", function (d) {\r
2004                                             if (!this.getAttribute("clicked")) {\r
2005                                       \r
2006                                                         .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration)\r
2007                                                         .attr("d", arc);\r
2008                                                 if (selectedPath.length === 0) {\r
2009                                                     centerTextValue.text(totalcount);\r
2010                                                     centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel);\r
2011                                                 } else {\r
2012                                                     centerTextValue.text(selectedPath.datum().data.value);\r
2013                                                     centerTextLabel.text(selectedPath.datum();\r
2014                                                 }\r
2015                                                 var className = /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2016                                                 angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "]")).removeClass("active");\r
2017                                             } else if (angular.isDefined(lastSelected) && lastSelected!=="") {\r
2018                                                 lastSelected.transition()\r
2019                                                         .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration)\r
2020                                                         .attr("d", arc);\r
2021                                                 if (angular.isDefined(lastSelected)) {\r
2022                                                     var prevclassName = lastSelected.datum() /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2023                                                     angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + prevclassName + "]")).removeClass("active");\r
2024                                                 }\r
2025                                             }\r
2026                                         })\r
2027                                         .on("click", function (d, i) {\r
2028                                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)) {\r
2029                                                 scope.onclickcallback({name:, value:});\r
2030                                             }\r
2031                                             if (!this.getAttribute("clicked")) {\r
2032                                                 this.setAttribute("clicked", "clicked");\r
2033                                                 if (selectedPath !== "") {\r
2034                                                     lastSelected = selectedPath;\r
2035                                                     selectedPath[0][0].removeAttribute("clicked");\r
2036                                                 }\r
2037                                                 selectedPath =;\r
2038                                             } else {\r
2039                                                 if (this.getAttribute("path-id") === selectedPath.attr("path-id")) {\r
2040                                                     selectedPath[0][0].removeAttribute("clicked");\r
2041                                                     selectedPath = "";\r
2042                                                 }\r
2043                                             }\r
2044 \r
2045                                         })\r
2046                                         .transition()\r
2047                                         .ease("exp")\r
2048                                         .duration(DonutChartD3Config.initduration)\r
2049                                         .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
2050                                 // animate function\r
2051                                 scope.legendMouseOver = function (item, id, e) {\r
2052                                         selectedId="b-"+id;\r
2053                                     if (item.value > 0) {\r
2054                                         scope.LegendClass = "";\r
2055                                         this.LegendClass = "active";\r
2056                                         centerTextValue.text(item.value);\r
2057                                         centerTextLabel.text(;\r
2058                                         d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) {\r
2059                                              if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==selectedId){\r
2060                                        \r
2061                                                 .duration(DonutChartD3Config.animduration)\r
2062                                                 .attr("d", arcOver);\r
2063                                              }\r
2064                                         });\r
2065                                         \r
2066                               "#TicketGraphcount").style('fill',DonutChartD3Config.chartcolor.centerTicketCountHoverColor);  \r
2067                                     }\r
2068                                 };\r
2069                                 scope.legendMouseLeave = function (item, id, e) {\r
2070                                     selectedId="b-"+id;\r
2071                                     hoveredLegendItem=this;\r
2072                                     if (item.value > 0) {\r
2073                                         if (selectedPath.length === 0) {\r
2074                                             centerTextValue.text(totalcount);\r
2075                                             centerTextLabel.text(defaultcenterlabel);\r
2076                                         } else {\r
2077                                             centerTextValue.text(selectedPath.datum().data.value);\r
2078                                             centerTextLabel.text(selectedPath.datum();\r
2079                                         }\r
2080                                         d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) {\r
2081                                              if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==selectedId){\r
2082                                                 if(this.getAttribute("clicked")===null){\r
2083                                                     hoveredLegendItem.LegendClass = "";\r
2084                                           "d", arc); \r
2085                                                 }\r
2086                                              }\r
2087                                         });\r
2088                               "#TicketGraphcount").style('fill', "#000");\r
2089 \r
2090                                     }\r
2091                                 };\r
2092                             }\r
2093                             function tweenPie(b) {\r
2094                                 var i = d3.interpolate({\r
2095                                     startAngle: 1.1 * Math.PI,\r
2096                                     endAngle: 1.1 * Math.PI\r
2097                                 }, b);\r
2098                                 return function (t) {\r
2099                                     return arc(i(t));\r
2100                                 };\r
2101                             }\r
2102                             $timeout(function () {\r
2103                                 var h = element.find("ul")[0].clientHeight,\r
2104                                         fHeight = (parseInt(height, 10) - h),\r
2105                                         className = scope.addStyle('chartContainer');\r
2106                                 fHeight = (fHeight < 0) ? 0 : fHeight;     \r
2107                                 angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.chartContainer')).addClass(className);\r
2108                                 angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".chartLegend")).css({\r
2109                                     "margin-top": (fHeight / 2) + "px"\r
2110                                 });\r
2111                             }, 200);\r
2112                             for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) {\r
2113                                 var index =data[k].index;\r
2114                                 var zeroValIndex="b-"+index;\r
2115                                 if(data[k].value <= 0){\r
2116                                  removeStrokelines(zeroValIndex);\r
2117                                 }\r
2118                                        \r
2119                             }\r
2120                             \r
2121                             function removeStrokelines(zeroValIndex){\r
2122                                 d3.selectAll(".chartContainer#"" "+"path").each(function(d, i) {\r
2123                                              if(this.getAttribute("path-id")==zeroValIndex){\r
2124                                       'stroke', "").style("stroke-width", "");\r
2125                                              }\r
2126                                   });\r
2127                             }\r
2128                             scope.refreshChart = false;\r
2129                         });\r
2130 \r
2131                     }\r
2132                 };\r
2133             }])\r
2134         .filter('filterData', function () {\r
2135             return function (input) {\r
2136                 return input.replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2137             };\r
2138         });\r
2139 angular.module('att.charts.donutFusion', [])\r
2140         .constant("DonutChartFusionConfig",\r
2141                 {\r
2142                     "chart": {\r
2143                         "caption": "Tickets",\r
2144                         "startingAngle": 0,\r
2145                         "theme": "fist",\r
2146                         "captionPadding": "0",\r
2147                         "paletteColors": "#FF0066,#00CCFF,#00CC66,#6699FF,#000099,#660066,#FF6600,#4D4D4D", //default color options for rendering chart\r
2148                         "enableSmartLabels": "0",\r
2149                         "enableMultiSlicing": "1",\r
2150                         "donutRadius": "65",\r
2151                         "pieRadius": "110",\r
2152                         "showLabels": "0",\r
2153                         "showValues": "0",\r
2154                         "showBorder": "0",\r
2155                         "showpercentintooltip": "0",\r
2156                         "bgcolor": "#FFFFFF",\r
2157                         "defaultCenterLabel": "Total",\r
2158                         "showshadow": 0,\r
2159                         "centerLabel": "$value $label",\r
2160                         "plotHoverEffect": 1,\r
2161                         "plotBorderHoverDashGap": "50",\r
2162                         "enableRotation": "0",\r
2163                         "baseFont": "Arial",\r
2164                         "baseFontColor": "#666666",\r
2165                         "use3DLighting": "0",\r
2166                         "numbersuffix": "",\r
2167                         "defaultAnimation": "0",\r
2168                         "showValuesOnHover": 0\r
2169                     }\r
2170                 })\r
2171         .directive('attDonutfusionChart', ['DonutChartFusionConfig', '$timeout', function (DonutChartFusionConfig, $timeout) {\r
2172                 'use strict';\r
2173                 return {\r
2174                     restrict: 'A',\r
2175                     scope: {\r
2176                         chartData: '=',\r
2177                         onclickcallback: '&'\r
2178                     },\r
2179                     templateUrl: 'template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html',\r
2180                     transclude: true,\r
2181                     replace: true,\r
2182                     link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller, transclude) {\r
2183                         var totalItems = 0;\r
2184                         if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) {\r
2185                             for (var i in scope.chartData) {\r
2186                                 if(angular.isDefined(scope.chartData[i].value)){\r
2187                                 totalItems = (totalItems + parseInt(scope.chartData[i].value, 10));\r
2188                             }\r
2189                             }\r
2190                         }\r
2191                = scope.chartData;\r
2192                         var donutChartDataSource = DonutChartFusionConfig;\r
2193                         var defaultCenterLabelText;\r
2194                         defaultCenterLabelText = totalItems + ' ' + DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel;\r
2195                         donutChartDataSource.chart.defaultCenterLabel = defaultCenterLabelText;\r
2196 \r
2197                         var initChart = function () {\r
2198                             FusionCharts.ready(function () {\r
2199                                 var donutChart = new FusionCharts({\r
2200                                     type: 'doughnut2d',\r
2201                                     renderAt: "donutFusionChart",\r
2202                                     //width: '100%',\r
2203                                     width: attrs.chartWidth,\r
2204                                     height: attrs.chartHeight,\r
2205                                     dataFormat: 'json',\r
2206                                     dataSource: donutChartDataSource,\r
2207                                     events: {\r
2208                                         //dataPlotRollOver event is raised whenever you hover over a data plot (column, anchor of line or area, pie etc.)\r
2209                                         "dataPlotRollOver": function (evtObj, argumentsObject) {\r
2210                                             var selectedLabelArr = argumentsObject.toolText.split(",");\r
2211                                             var className = selectedLabelArr[0].replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2212                                             angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "_fusion" + "]")).addClass("active");\r
2213                                         },\r
2214                                         "dataPlotRollOut": function (evtObj, argObj) {\r
2215                                             var selectedLabelArr = argObj.toolText.split(",");\r
2216                                             var className = selectedLabelArr[0].replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2217                                             angular.element(document.querySelector("[chart-legend-id=" + className + "_fusion" + "]")).removeClass("active");\r
2218                                         },\r
2219                                         "dataPlotClick": function (evtObj, argObj) {\r
2220                                             if(angular.isDefined(scope.onclickcallback)){\r
2221                                             scope.onclickcallback({evtObj:evtObj, argObj:argObj});\r
2222                                             }\r
2223                                         }\r
2224                                     }\r
2225                                 });\r
2226                                 donutChart.render();\r
2227                                 DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel = DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.defaultCenterLabel;\r
2228                             });\r
2229                         };\r
2230                         initChart();\r
2231                         $timeout(function () {\r
2232                             var w = element.find("ul")[0].clientHeight,\r
2233                                     fWidth = (parseInt(attrs.chartHeight, 10) - w);\r
2234                             element.find("ul").css("margin-top", (fWidth / 2) + "px");\r
2235 \r
2236                         }, 200);\r
2237                     },\r
2238                     controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {\r
2239                         var legendColors = [];\r
2240                         legendColors = DonutChartFusionConfig.chart.paletteColors.split(",");\r
2241                         $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) {\r
2242                             return {"color": legendColors[id]};\r
2243                         };\r
2244                         $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired;\r
2245 \r
2246                         $scope.addStyle = function (elem) {\r
2247                             if ($scope.legendRequired && angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) {\r
2248                                 if ($attrs.legendPosition === "right") {\r
2249                                     if (elem === 'chartLegend')\r
2250                                     {\r
2251                                         return {"float": "left"};\r
2252                                     }\r
2253                                     else\r
2254                                     {\r
2255                                         return {"float": "left"};\r
2256                                     }\r
2257                                 } else {\r
2258                                     if (elem === 'chartLegend')\r
2259                                     {\r
2260                                         return {"float": "left"};\r
2261                                     }\r
2262                                     else\r
2263                                     {\r
2264                                         return {"float": "right"};\r
2265                                     }\r
2266                                 }\r
2267                             } else {\r
2268                                 return {"float": "left"};\r
2269                             }\r
2270                         };\r
2271                     }\r
2272                 };\r
2273             }])\r
2274         .filter('filterData', function () {\r
2275             return function (input) {\r
2276                 return input.replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase();\r
2277             };\r
2278         });\r
2279 angular.module('att.charts.horseshoeD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
2280         .constant("HorseShoeChartD3Config",\r
2281                 {\r
2282                     "chartcolor": {\r
2283                         "paletteColors": ["#1072b8", "#FEFFF7"], //default color options for rendering chart baseColor and NeedleColor,\r
2284                         "paletteBorderColors": ["#1072b8", "#000"]\r
2285                     },\r
2286                     "defaultcenterlabel": "COS 1",\r
2287                     "defaultcentercategory": "Real Time",\r
2288                     "animduration": 500,\r
2289                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
2290                     "legendposition": "top",\r
2291                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20"\r
2292                 })\r
2293         .directive('attHorseshoed3Chart', ['HorseShoeChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function (HorseShoeChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
2294                 return {\r
2295                     restrict: 'A',\r
2296                     scope: {\r
2297                         chartConfig: '=',\r
2298                         initVal: '=',\r
2299                         horseShoeId: '@'\r
2300                     },\r
2301                     templateUrl: 'template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html',\r
2302                     transclude: true,\r
2303                     replace: true,\r
2304                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs',function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
2305                         if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
2306                             HorseShoeChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(HorseShoeChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
2307                         }\r
2308                         var legendColor = [];\r
2309                         legendColor = HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors;\r
2310                         $scope.addLegendColor = function () {\r
2311                             return {"color": legendColor[0]};\r
2312                         };\r
2313                         if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendRequired)) {\r
2314                             $scope.legendRequired = HorseShoeChartD3Config.legendreqd;\r
2315                         } else {\r
2316                             $scope.legendRequired = $attrs.legendRequired;\r
2317                         }\r
2318                         if (!angular.isDefined($attrs.legendPosition)) {\r
2319                             $scope.legendPosition = HorseShoeChartD3Config.legendposition;\r
2320                         } else {\r
2321                             $scope.legendPosition = $attrs.legendPosition;\r
2322                         }\r
2323                     }],\r
2324                     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {\r
2325                         var radius = Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2;\r
2326                         scope.LegendLabel = HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel;\r
2327                         scope.LegendCategory = HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory;\r
2328                         var duration = HorseShoeChartD3Config.animduration,\r
2329                                 guageVal = parseInt(scope.initVal.value, 10);\r
2330                         scope.guageVal = guageVal + "%";\r
2331                         var dataset = {\r
2332                             lower: calcPercent(0),\r
2333                             upper: calcPercent(guageVal)\r
2334                         },\r
2335                         pie = d3.layout.pie().sort(null),\r
2336                                 format = d3.format(".0%");\r
2337                         var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
2338                                 .innerRadius(radius - 20)\r
2339                                 .outerRadius(radius)\r
2340                                 .startAngle(function (d) {\r
2341                                     return d.startAngle + 2.6 * Math.PI / 2;\r
2342                                 })\r
2343                                 .endAngle(function (d) {\r
2344                                     return d.endAngle + 2.6 * Math.PI / 2;\r
2345                                 });\r
2346 \r
2347                         element[0].querySelector('.horseshoed3Container').setAttribute('id', scope.horseShoeId);\r
2348 \r
2349                         var svg =".horseshoed3Container#" + scope.horseShoeId)\r
2350                                 .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
2351                                 .append("svg")\r
2352                                 .attr("id", scope.horseShoeId)\r
2353                                 .attr("width", "100%")\r
2354                                 .attr("height", "100%")\r
2355                                 .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) + ' ' + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight))\r
2356                                 .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
2357                                 .append("g")\r
2358                                 .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2 + "," + Math.min(attrs.chartWidth, attrs.chartHeight) / 2 + ")");\r
2359                         var path = svg.selectAll("path")\r
2360                                 .data(pie(dataset.lower))\r
2361                                 .enter().append("path")\r
2362                                 .attr("class", function (d, i) {\r
2363                                     return "color" + i;\r
2364                                 })\r
2365                                 .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[1])\r
2366                                 .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[1])\r
2367                                 .attr("d", arc)\r
2368                                 .each(function (d) {\r
2369                                     this._current = d;\r
2370                                 }); // store the initial values\r
2371                         // add center text element\r
2372                         var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
2373                                 .attr("class", "horseshoecenterValue");\r
2374                         var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
2375                                 .attr("y", HorseShoeChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
2376                                 .attr("class", "horseshoecenterLabel");\r
2377                         if (typeof (guageVal) === "string") {\r
2378                             centerTextValue.text(guageVal);\r
2379                             centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")");\r
2380                         }\r
2381                         else {\r
2382                             var progress = 0;\r
2383                             var timeout = setTimeout(function () {\r
2384                                 clearTimeout(timeout);\r
2385                                 path =; // update the data\r
2386                                 path.transition().duration(duration).attrTween("d", function (a, index) {\r
2387                                     angular.element(this)\r
2388                                             .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[index])\r
2389                                             .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[index]);\r
2390 \r
2391                                     var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a);\r
2392                                     var i2 = d3.interpolate(progress, guageVal);\r
2393                                     this._current = i(0);\r
2394                                     return function (t) {\r
2395                                         centerTextValue.text(format(i2(t) / 100));\r
2396                                         centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")");\r
2397                                         return arc(i(t));\r
2398                                     };\r
2399                                 }); // redraw the arcs\r
2400 \r
2401                             }, 200);\r
2402                         }\r
2403                         scope.$watch('initVal', function (value) {\r
2404                             scope.guageVal = value.value + "%";\r
2405                   ;\r
2406                             path.transition().duration(duration).attrTween("d", function (a, index) {\r
2407                                 angular.element(this)\r
2408                                         .attr("fill", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteColors[index])\r
2409                                         .attr("stroke", HorseShoeChartD3Config.chartcolor.paletteBorderColors[index]);\r
2410 \r
2411                                 var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a);\r
2412                                 var i2 = d3.interpolate(progress, value.value);\r
2413                                 this._current = i(0);\r
2414                                 return function (t) {\r
2415                                     centerTextValue.text(format(i2(t) / 100));\r
2416                                     centerTextLabel.text(HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel + "(" + HorseShoeChartD3Config.defaultcentercategory + ")");\r
2417                                     return arc(i(t));\r
2418                                 };\r
2419                             }); // redraw the arcs\r
2420 \r
2421                         });\r
2422                         function calcPercent(guageVal) {\r
2423                             return [guageVal, 100 - guageVal];\r
2424                         }\r
2425 \r
2426                     }\r
2427                 };\r
2428             }]);\r
2429 angular.module('att.charts.radialguageD3', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
2430         .constant("RadialGuageChartD3Config",\r
2431                 {\r
2432                     "chartcolor": {\r
2433                         "MaxBandwidthReached": ["#efefef"],\r
2434                         "ZeroBandwidthSelected": ["#FEFFF7"],\r
2435                         "RemainingBandwidthColor": ["#FEFFF7"],\r
2436                         "RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor": ["#000000"],\r
2437                         "UsedBandwidthColor": ["#1072b8"],\r
2438                         "MouseOverArcFillColor": ["#0091d9"],\r
2439                         "RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth":1,\r
2440                         "UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth":1,\r
2441                         "UsedBandwidthStrokeColor":["#efefef"]\r
2442                     },\r
2443                     "defaultcenterlabel": "Kbps",\r
2444                     "maxAllowedUnitsLabel": "Kbps",\r
2445                     "zoomLevel": "25",\r
2446                     "doughnutratio": 20,\r
2447                     "animduration": "300",\r
2448                     "guageStartAngle":4,\r
2449                     "guageEndAngle":8.56,\r
2450                     "legendreqd": "false",\r
2451                     "legendposition": "top",\r
2452                     "centerTextLabelDy": "20",\r
2453                     "centerTextValueDy": "0",\r
2454                     "centerTextValueDx": "0",\r
2455                     "centerTextLabelDx": "0",\r
2456                     "maxbandwidthTextDx": "65",\r
2457                     "maxbandwidthTextDy": "100",\r
2458                     "arcOverMargin": 5\r
2459                 })\r
2460         .directive('attRadialguaged3Chart', ['RadialGuageChartD3Config', '$timeout','$extendObj', function(RadialGuageChartD3Config, $timeout,$extendObj) {\r
2461                 return {\r
2462                     restrict: 'A',\r
2463                     scope: {\r
2464                         maxValue: '=',\r
2465                         chartData: '=',\r
2466                         chartConfig: '=',\r
2467                         resetChart: '=',\r
2468                         mouseOver: '=?'\r
2469                     },\r
2470                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs) {\r
2471                         if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
2472                             RadialGuageChartD3Config = $extendObj.extendDeep(RadialGuageChartD3Config, $scope.chartConfig);\r
2473                         }\r
2474 \r
2475                         }],\r
2476                     link: function(scope, element, attrs) {\r
2477                         var zoom = parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.zoomLevel, 0),\r
2478                                 margin = {// optionally set margins\r
2479                                     top: zoom,\r
2480                                     right: zoom,\r
2481                                     bottom: zoom,\r
2482                                     left: zoom\r
2483                                 },\r
2484                         width = attrs.chartWidth,\r
2485                                 height = attrs.chartHeight,\r
2486                                 radius = Math.min(\r
2487                                         width - (margin.left + margin.right),\r
2488                                         height - ( + margin.bottom)) / 2;\r
2489                         // set radius\r
2490                         var arc = d3.svg.arc()\r
2491                                 .innerRadius(radius - RadialGuageChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
2492                                 .outerRadius(radius);\r
2493                         // set hovered radius\r
2494                         var arcOver = d3.svg.arc()\r
2495                                 .innerRadius(radius - RadialGuageChartD3Config.doughnutratio)\r
2496                                 .outerRadius(radius + RadialGuageChartD3Config.arcOverMargin);\r
2497                         // Browser onresize event\r
2498                         window.onresize = function() {\r
2499                             scope.$apply();\r
2500                         };\r
2501 \r
2502                         scope.$watch('mouseOver', function(val) {\r
2503                             if (!angular.isDefined(scope.mouseOver)) { return; }\r
2504                             var id = parseInt(scope.mouseOver.split('-')[1], 10);\r
2505                             if (scope.mouseOver.split('-')[0] === 'true') {\r
2506                       'path#radialguagepath-' + (id)).transition()\r
2507                                     .duration(parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration,10))\r
2508                                     .attr('d', arcOver);\r
2509                                 \r
2510                             } else {\r
2511                       'path#radialguagepath-' + (id)).transition()\r
2512                                     .duration(parseInt(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration,10))\r
2513                                     .attr('d', arc);\r
2514                             }\r
2515                         });\r
2516 \r
2517                         scope.$watch('resetChart', function() {\r
2518                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.resetChart)) {\r
2519                                 if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData)) {\r
2520                                     scope.render(scope.chartData, scope.chartData);\r
2521                                 }\r
2522                                 scope.resetChart = false;\r
2523                             }\r
2524                         });\r
2525                         scope.$watch('chartData', function(newValue, oldValue) {\r
2526                             return scope.render(newValue, oldValue);\r
2527                         }, true);\r
2528                         scope.render = function(newValue, oldValue) {\r
2529                   "svg#" +;\r
2530                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
2531                             if (!scope.chartData)\r
2532                             {\r
2533                                 return;\r
2534                             }\r
2535                             var color, selectedSlider, totalBandwidth = 0, totalUsed = 0, remainingBandwidth = 0;\r
2536                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.maxValue)) {\r
2537                                 totalBandwidth = parseInt(scope.maxValue, 0);\r
2538                             }\r
2539                             angular.forEach(newValue, function(val, key) {\r
2540                                 totalUsed = (totalUsed + parseInt(val.value, 10));\r
2541                                 if (newValue[key].value !== oldValue[key].value) {\r
2542                                     selectedSlider = key;\r
2543                                 }\r
2544                             });\r
2545                             var data = angular.copy(scope.chartData);\r
2546                             if (totalUsed < totalBandwidth) {\r
2547                                 remainingBandwidth = totalBandwidth - parseInt(totalUsed, 0);\r
2548                                 data.push({name: "remaining", value: remainingBandwidth});\r
2549                             }\r
2550                             element[0].setAttribute('id',;\r
2551                             var svg =[0])\r
2552                                     .attr("style", "height: " + attrs.chartHeight + "px;")\r
2553                                     .append("svg")\r
2554                                     .attr("id",\r
2555                                     .attr("width", "100%")\r
2556                                     .attr("height", "100%")\r
2557                                     .attr('viewBox', '0 0 ' + Math.min(width, height) + ' ' + Math.min(width, height))\r
2558                                     .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin')\r
2559                                     .append("g")\r
2560                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + "," + Math.min(width, height) / 2 + ")");\r
2561 \r
2562                             var centerTextValue = svg.append("text")\r
2563                                     .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextValueDy)\r
2564                                     .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextValueDx)\r
2565                                     .attr("class", "radialguagecenterValue");\r
2566                             var centerTextLabel = svg.append("text")\r
2567                                     .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDy)\r
2568                                     .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.centerTextLabelDx)\r
2569                                     .attr("class", "radialguagecenterLabel");\r
2570                             var maxbandwidthText = svg.append("text")\r
2571                                     .attr("y", RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDy)\r
2572                                     .attr("x", RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxbandwidthTextDx)\r
2573                                     .attr("class", "radialmaxbandwidthText");\r
2574                             if (totalUsed > totalBandwidth) {\r
2575                                 totalUsed = totalBandwidth;\r
2576                                 data = [\r
2577                                     {\r
2578                                         name: "totalUsed",\r
2579                                         value: "100"\r
2580                                     }\r
2581                                 ];\r
2582                                 color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.MaxBandwidthReached);\r
2583                             } else if (totalUsed <= 0) {\r
2584                                 data = [\r
2585                                     {\r
2586                                         name: "totalUnUsed",\r
2587                                         value: "100"\r
2588                                     }\r
2589                                 ];\r
2590                                 color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.ZeroBandwidthSelected);\r
2591 \r
2592                             } else {\r
2593                                 var Colorpalette = [];\r
2594                                 if (newValue === oldValue) {\r
2595                                     data = [\r
2596                                         {\r
2597                                             name: "totalUsed",\r
2598                                             value: totalUsed\r
2599                                         }\r
2600                                     ];\r
2601                                     if (remainingBandwidth > 0) {\r
2602                                         data.push({name: "remaining", value: remainingBandwidth});\r
2603                                     }\r
2604                                 }\r
2605                                 for (var j = 0; j < data.length - 1; j++) {\r
2606                                     Colorpalette[j] = RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthColor;\r
2607                                 }\r
2608                                 if (remainingBandwidth > 0) {\r
2609                                     Colorpalette.push(RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthColor);\r
2610                                 }\r
2611                                 color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(Colorpalette);\r
2612                             }\r
2613 \r
2614                             centerTextValue.text(totalUsed);\r
2615                             centerTextLabel.text(RadialGuageChartD3Config.defaultcenterlabel);\r
2616                             maxbandwidthText.text(totalBandwidth + " " + RadialGuageChartD3Config.maxAllowedUnitsLabel);\r
2617                             var pie = d3.layout.pie()\r
2618                                     .sort(null)\r
2619                                     .startAngle(RadialGuageChartD3Config.guageStartAngle)\r
2620                                     .endAngle(RadialGuageChartD3Config.guageEndAngle)\r
2621                                     .value(function(d) {\r
2622                                         return d.value;\r
2623                                     });\r
2624 \r
2625                             var g = svg.selectAll(".arc")\r
2626                                     .data(pie(data))\r
2627                                     .enter()\r
2628                                     .append("g")\r
2629                                     .attr("class", "arc")\r
2630                                     .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
2631                                         return "radialguagearc-" + i;\r
2632                                     })\r
2633                                     .style("cursor", "pointer");\r
2634 \r
2635                             if (newValue === oldValue) {\r
2636                                 g.append("path")\r
2637                                         .style("fill", function(d) {\r
2638                                             return color(;\r
2639                                         })\r
2640                                         .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
2641                                             return "radialguagepath-" + i;\r
2642                                         })\r
2643                                         .transition()\r
2644                                         .ease("exp")\r
2645                                         .duration(0)\r
2646                                         .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
2647                             } else {\r
2648                                 g.append("path")\r
2649                                         .style("fill", function(d) {\r
2650                                             return color(;\r
2651                                         })\r
2652                                         .attr("id", function(d, i) {\r
2653                                             return "radialguagepath-" + i;\r
2654                                         })\r
2655                                         .style("stroke", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthColor)\r
2656                                         .style("stroke-width", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.UsedBandwidthStrokeWidth)\r
2657                                         .transition()\r
2658                                         .ease("exp")\r
2659                                         .duration(0)\r
2660                                         .attrTween("d", tweenPie);\r
2661                             }\r
2662                             if (totalUsed === totalBandwidth || remainingBandwidth > 0) {\r
2663                                 var count = data.length - 1;\r
2664                       "#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + count).style('stroke', RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeColor).style("stroke-width", RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.RemainingBandwidthStrokeWidth);\r
2665                             }\r
2666                             if (angular.isDefined(selectedSlider) && remainingBandwidth > 0) {\r
2667 \r
2668                       "#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + selectedSlider).transition()\r
2669                                         .duration(RadialGuageChartD3Config.animduration)\r
2670                                         .attr("d", arcOver);\r
2671                       "#" + + " path#radialguagepath-" + selectedSlider).style('fill', RadialGuageChartD3Config.chartcolor.MouseOverArcFillColor);\r
2672                             }\r
2673                             function tweenPie(b) {\r
2674                                 var i = d3.interpolate({\r
2675                                     startAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI,\r
2676                                     endAngle: 2.1 * Math.PI\r
2677                                 }, b);\r
2678                                 return function(t) {\r
2679                                     return arc(i(t));\r
2680                                 };\r
2681                             }\r
2682 \r
2683                         };\r
2684 \r
2685 \r
2686                     }\r
2687                 };\r
2688             }]);\r
2689 angular.module('att.charts.stackedBarchart', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
2690         .constant("stackBarChartConfig",\r
2691                 {\r
2692                     "chartcolor": ["#B2B2B2", "#00CC00"],\r
2693                     "gridLineColor": "#CCCCCC",\r
2694                     "yAxisMaxTicks": 4,\r
2695                     "chartHeight": "200",\r
2696                     "chartOpacity": 0.3,\r
2697                     "amountKDivision": 1000,\r
2698                     "amountKText": "K",\r
2699                     "amountMDivision": 1000000,\r
2700                     "amountMText": "M",\r
2701                     "yearLabelPos": {"x": 10, "y": 15},\r
2702                     "tooltipTopMargin": 110,\r
2703                     "tooltipLeftMargin": 54,\r
2704                     "margin": {\r
2705                         top: 20,\r
2706                         right: 80,\r
2707                         bottom: 30,\r
2708                         left: 52\r
2709                     }\r
2710                 })\r
2711         .directive('stackedBarChart', ['stackBarChartConfig', '$extendObj', '$timeout', function (stackBarChartConfig, $extendObj, $timeout) {\r
2712                 return {\r
2713                     restrict: 'A',\r
2714                     scope: {\r
2715                         chartData: '=',\r
2716                         legendRequired: "=",\r
2717                         refreshChart: "=",\r
2718                         chartConfig: "="\r
2719                     },\r
2720                     templateUrl: "template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html",\r
2721                     replace: true,\r
2722                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
2723                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
2724                                 stackBarChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackBarChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig);\r
2725                             }\r
2726                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
2727                             $scope.legendColors = stackBarChartConfig.chartcolor;\r
2728                             $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) {\r
2729                                 var bgColor = null;\r
2730                                 bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id]};\r
2731                                 return bgColor;\r
2732                             };\r
2733                         }],\r
2734                     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {\r
2735                         scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
2736                         var dataObj, idx = 0, xAxisTicks, margin = stackBarChartConfig.margin,\r
2737                                 width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10),\r
2738                                 height = parseInt(stackBarChartConfig.chartHeight, 10),\r
2739                                 padding = 20,\r
2740                                 parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse,\r
2741                                 tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"),\r
2742                                 labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y");\r
2743                         attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) {\r
2744                             if (val === 'true') {\r
2745                                 scope.showLegend = true;\r
2746                             }\r
2747                             else {\r
2748                                 scope.showLegend = false;\r
2749                             }\r
2750                         });\r
2751                         scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) {\r
2752                             if (value === false) {\r
2753                                 return;\r
2754                             }\r
2755 \r
2756                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
2757                                 stackBarChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackBarChartConfig, scope.chartConfig);\r
2758                             }\r
2759 \r
2760                   "svg#" +;\r
2761                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
2762                             d3.selectAll("div#stackBarChartContainer" + " > div").remove();\r
2763                             if (scope.chartData[0].values.length === 0) {\r
2764                                 scope.refreshChart = false;\r
2765                                 return;\r
2766                             }\r
2767 \r
2768                             var xMonth = [], yDomainData = [], yAxisData = [], yValue = [], tempData = [], tooltipData = {}, yearArr = {}, isSingleMonth = false;\r
2769 \r
2770                             //X-Axis Range        \r
2771                             var xRange = d3.time.scale().range([padding, width - padding * 2]);\r
2772 \r
2773                             //Y-Axis Range \r
2774                             var yRange = d3.scale.linear().range([height - padding, padding]);\r
2775 \r
2776                             dataObj = scope.chartData;\r
2777 \r
2778                             dataObj.forEach(function (data) {\r
2779                                 var obj = data.values;\r
2780                                 xAxisTicks = obj.length;\r
2781                                 if (obj.length == 1) {\r
2782                                     isSingleMonth = true;\r
2783                                 }\r
2784                                 obj.forEach(function (d) {\r
2785                                     var tmp = "01-" + d.month;\r
2786                                     d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp);\r
2787                                     yValue.push({'value': +d.value});\r
2788                                     d.value = +d.value;\r
2789                                     xMonth.push({'numericMonth': d.numericMonth});\r
2790                                 });\r
2791                             });\r
2792 \r
2793                             //ToolTip Data\r
2794                             for (var z = 0; z < dataObj.length; z++) {\r
2795                                 var tempSeries = dataObj[z].series;\r
2796                                 for (var j = 0; j < dataObj[z].values.length; j++) {\r
2797                                     var months = dataObj[z].values[j].month;\r
2798                                     var tempVal = dataObj[z].values[j].value;\r
2799                                     var percent = dataObj[z].values[j].percent;\r
2800                                     tempData.push({"month": months, "series": tempSeries, "value": tempVal, "percent": percent});\r
2801                                 }\r
2802                             }\r
2803 \r
2804                             for (var k = 0; k < tempData.length; k++) {\r
2805                                 var seriesName = tempData[k].series;\r
2806                                 var seriesVal = tempData[k].value;\r
2807                                 var seriesPer = tempData[k].percent;\r
2808                                 var tempObj = tooltipData[tempData[k].month];\r
2809                                 if (!(tempObj)) {\r
2810                                     tempObj = [];\r
2811                                     tooltipData[tempData[k].month] = tempObj;\r
2812                                     tooltipData[tempData[k].month]['seriesPer'] = seriesPer;\r
2813                                 }\r
2814                                 tempObj.push({seriesName: seriesName, seriesVal: seriesVal});\r
2815                             }\r
2816 \r
2817                             //X-Axis Domain  \r
2818                             xRange.domain(d3.extent(xMonth, function (d) {\r
2819                                 return d.numericMonth;\r
2820                             }));\r
2821 \r
2822                             for (var b = 0; b < tempData.length; b++) {\r
2823                                 var val = Math.round(parseInt(tempData[b].value, 10) / stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks);\r
2824                                 var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1);\r
2825                                 yDomainData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc});\r
2826                             }\r
2827 \r
2828                             //Y-Axis Domain\r
2829                             yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) {\r
2830                                     return (d.yAxisVal);\r
2831                                 })]);\r
2832 \r
2833                             var yTick = d3.max(yDomainData, function (d) {\r
2834                                 return d.yAxisVal;\r
2835                             });\r
2836 \r
2837                             yTick = yTick / stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks;\r
2838                             for (var x = 0; x <= stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; x++) {\r
2839                                 yAxisData.push(yTick * x);\r
2840                             }\r
2841 \r
2842                             var formatMoney = function (d) {\r
2843                                 if (d >= stackBarChartConfig.amountMDivision) {\r
2844                                     return d / stackBarChartConfig.amountMDivision + stackBarChartConfig.amountMText;\r
2845                                 } else if (d >= stackBarChartConfig.amountKDivision) {\r
2846                                     return d / stackBarChartConfig.amountKDivision + stackBarChartConfig.amountKText;\r
2847                                 } else {\r
2848                                     return d;\r
2849                                 }\r
2850                             };\r
2851                             var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months);\r
2852                             var xAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("top").ticks(d3.time.months).tickFormat('').tickSize(-height + 2 * padding, 0);\r
2853 \r
2854                             var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatMoney);\r
2855                             var yAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yAxisData).ticks(stackBarChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickSize(-width, 0, 0);\r
2856 \r
2857 \r
2858                             //Calculate values for Stack\r
2859                             var stack = d3.layout.stack()\r
2860                                     .values(function (d) {\r
2861                                         return d.values;\r
2862                                     })\r
2863                                     .x(function (d) {\r
2864                                         return d.numericMonth;\r
2865                                     })\r
2866                                     .y(function (d) {\r
2867                                         return d.value;\r
2868                                     });\r
2869 \r
2870                             //Plot Chart\r
2871                             var drawBarChart ="#stackBarChartContainer")\r
2872                                     .append("svg")\r
2873                                     .attr("id",\r
2874                                     .data(dataObj)\r
2875                                     .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)\r
2876                                     .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10))\r
2877                                     .append("g")\r
2878                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");\r
2879 \r
2880                             //Draw X Axis        \r
2881                             drawBarChart.append("g")\r
2882                                     .attr("class", "x axis")\r
2883                                     .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (height - padding) + ")")\r
2884                                     .call(xAxis);\r
2885 \r
2886                             if (isSingleMonth) {\r
2887                       ".x").select(".tick").attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * (width / 2 + 20) + ",0)");\r
2888                             }\r
2889 \r
2890                             //Draw Y Grid Lines\r
2891                             var yGrid = drawBarChart.append("g")\r
2892                                     .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "stackBarYGrid")\r
2893                                     .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")\r
2894                                     .call(yAxisGrid);\r
2895                             yGrid.selectAll("line").style("stroke", stackBarChartConfig.gridLineColor);\r
2896                             yGrid.selectAll("text").remove();\r
2897 \r
2898                             //Plot Bars for multiple Stacks\r
2899                             var barGroup = drawBarChart.selectAll(".group")\r
2900                                     .data(stack(dataObj))\r
2901                                     .enter().append("g")\r
2902                                     .attr("class", "group").attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
2903                                 return ("stackBar" + i);\r
2904                             })\r
2905                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)");\r
2906 \r
2907                             barGroup.append("title").text(function (d) {\r
2908                                 return d.series;\r
2909                             });\r
2910 \r
2911                             var bars = barGroup.selectAll("rect")\r
2912                                     .data(function (d) {\r
2913                                         return d.values;\r
2914                                     })\r
2915                                     .enter().append("rect")\r
2916                                     .attr("class", "bar")\r
2917                                     .attr("x", function (d) {\r
2918                                         return (xRange(d.numericMonth) - 10);\r
2919                                     })\r
2920                                     .attr("y", function (d) {\r
2921                                         return yRange(d.value);\r
2922                                     })\r
2923                                     .attr("width", "20")\r
2924                                     .attr("height", function (d) {\r
2925                                         return ((height - yRange(d.value)) - padding);\r
2926                                     }).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
2927                                 var offsetX ="x");\r
2928                                 var offsetY ="y");\r
2929                                 show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, "x");\r
2930                                 drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity", stackBarChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
2931                       "fill-opacity", "1");\r
2932                                 mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
2933                             }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
2934                                 hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "x");\r
2935                                 scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
2936                                 drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar").style("fill-opacity", "1");\r
2937                                 scope.$apply();\r
2938                             });\r
2939 \r
2940                             bars.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
2941                                 var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month];\r
2942                                 return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d));\r
2943                             });\r
2944 \r
2945                             //Fill color in Bars\r
2946                             for (var a = 0; a < dataObj.length; a++) {\r
2947                                 var rectBars ='#stackBar' + a).selectAll('rect');\r
2948                                 rectBars.attr('fill', scope.legendColors[a]).attr("fill-opacity", "1");\r
2949                             }\r
2950 \r
2951                             // Draw the x Grid lines\r
2952                             var xGrid = drawBarChart.append("g")\r
2953                                     .attr("class", "grid").attr("id", "stackBarXGrid")\r
2954                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
2955                                     .call(xAxisGrid);\r
2956 \r
2957                             xGrid.selectAll("line").attr("transform", "translate(" + -Math.ceil((xRange(2) - xRange(1)) / 2) + "," + padding + ")")\r
2958                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
2959                                         return ("xGridLine" + i);\r
2960                                     });\r
2961 \r
2962                             //Draw dual Y axis on change of Year\r
2963                             var yAxisObj = dataObj[0].values, yAxisIdx = 0;\r
2964                             for (var i = 0; i < yAxisObj.length; i++) {\r
2965                                 var tmpObj = [];\r
2966 \r
2967                                 tmpObj.push({"year": labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth), "transform": xRange(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)});\r
2968                                 if (!yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)]) {\r
2969                                     yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)] = tmpObj;\r
2970                                 }\r
2971                             }\r
2972                             for (var key in yearArr) {\r
2973                                 var obj = yearArr[key];\r
2974                                 var yAxisNodes = drawBarChart.append("g")\r
2975                                         .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", yAxisId(yAxisIdx))\r
2976                                         .attr("transform", "translate(" + (obj[0].transform - padding) + ",0)")\r
2977                                         .call(yAxis);\r
2978 \r
2979                                 yAxisNodes.selectAll("text").attr('class', 'ticktext');\r
2980 \r
2981                                 //Append Year Label \r
2982                                 yAxisNodes.append("text")\r
2983                                         .attr("transform", "rotate(0)")\r
2984                                         .attr("y", stackBarChartConfig.yearLabelPos.y)\r
2985                                         .attr("x", stackBarChartConfig.yearLabelPos.x)\r
2986                                         .text(obj[0].year).attr("class", "yearLabel");\r
2987                                 yAxisIdx++;\r
2988                             }\r
2989 \r
2990                             function yAxisId(yAxisIdx) {\r
2991                                 return ("yAxis" + yAxisIdx);\r
2992                             }\r
2993 \r
2994                             //function to select first element\r
2995                             d3.selection.prototype.first = function () {\r
2996                                 return[0][0]);\r
2997                             };\r
2998 \r
2999                             //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis\r
3000                             var tickLabels ="#yAxis0").selectAll('.ticktext');\r
3001                             //tickLabels.first().remove();\r
3002                   "#yAxis1").selectAll('.ticktext').remove();\r
3003 \r
3004                             //Add title for NVDA screen reader\r
3005                             function addTitle(nvdaObj, d) {\r
3006                                 var temp = "";\r
3007                                 for (var y = 0; y < nvdaObj.length; y++) {\r
3008                                     temp = temp + nvdaObj[y].seriesName + nvdaObj[y].seriesVal;\r
3009                                 }\r
3010                                 return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "--" + temp + "Retainibility Percentage" + nvdaObj.seriesPer);\r
3011                             }\r
3012 \r
3013                             //MouseOver Event\r
3014                             function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) {\r
3015                                 for (var key in tooltipData) {\r
3016                                     if (key == d.month) {\r
3017                                         scope.stackDataPoint = tooltipData[key];\r
3018                                         break;\r
3019                                     }\r
3020                                 }\r
3021                                 scope.monthPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' ')};\r
3022                                 scope.$apply();\r
3023                                 $timeout(function () {\r
3024                                     offsetY = offsetY - stackBarChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin;\r
3025                                     var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2);\r
3026                                     var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth;\r
3027                                     if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3028                                         offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + stackBarChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2);\r
3029                                     } else {\r
3030                                         offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth / 2) + stackBarChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin;\r
3031                                     }\r
3032                                     scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"};\r
3033                                     scope.tooltipFlag = true;\r
3034                                 }, 0);\r
3035                             }\r
3036 \r
3037                             //Show Grid Line on Over\r
3038                             function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, attr) {\r
3039                                 var dataLength;\r
3040                                 dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length;\r
3041                                 for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {\r
3042                                     var bar = drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar");\r
3043                                     if (bar[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
3044                               "#xGridLine" + i).style("stroke", stackBarChartConfig.gridLineColor);\r
3045                                     }\r
3046                                 }\r
3047                             }\r
3048 \r
3049                             //Hide Grid Line\r
3050                             function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, attr) {\r
3051                                 var dataLength;\r
3052                                 dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length;\r
3053                                 for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {\r
3054                                     var bar = drawBarChart.selectAll(".bar");\r
3055                                     if (bar[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
3056                               "#xGridLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent");\r
3057                                     }\r
3058                                 }\r
3059                             }\r
3060                             scope.refreshChart = false;\r
3061                         });\r
3062                     }\r
3063                 };\r
3064             }])\r
3065         .filter('filterInput', function () {\r
3066             return function (input) {\r
3067                 return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase();\r
3068             };\r
3069         });\r
3070 angular.module('att.charts.stackedareachart', ['att.charts.utilities'])\r
3071         .constant("stackChartConfig",\r
3072                 {\r
3073                     "chartcolor": ["#9966FF", "#E68A2E", "#4DDB4D"],\r
3074                     "gridLineColor": "#808080",\r
3075                     "lineCurveType": 'linear',\r
3076                     "yAxisMaxTicks": 4,\r
3077                     "chartHeight": "200",\r
3078                     "shapes": ['circle', 'rect', 'triangle'],\r
3079                     "shapeSize": [3, 5, 6],\r
3080                     "chartOpacity": 0.6,\r
3081                     "yearLabelPos": {"x": 8, "y": -5},\r
3082                     "tooltipTopMargin": 100,\r
3083                     "tooltipLeftMargin": 42,\r
3084                     "yAxisUnitRange": 500000,\r
3085                     "margin": {\r
3086                         top: 30,\r
3087                         right: 80,\r
3088                         bottom: 30,\r
3089                         left: 52\r
3090                     }\r
3091                 })\r
3092         .directive('stackedAreaChart', ['stackChartConfig','$extendObj','$timeout', function (stackChartConfig,$extendObj,$timeout) {\r
3093                 return {\r
3094                     restrict: 'A',\r
3095                     scope: {\r
3096                         chartData: '=',\r
3097                         legendRequired: "=",\r
3098                         refreshChart: "=",\r
3099                         chartConfig: "="\r
3100                     },\r
3101                     templateUrl: "template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html",\r
3102                     replace: true,\r
3103                     controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {\r
3104                             var extendDeep = function extendDeep(dst) {\r
3105                               angular.forEach(arguments, function(obj) {\r
3106                                 if (obj !== dst) {\r
3107                                   angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) {\r
3108                                     if (dst[key] && dst[key].constructor && dst[key].constructor === Object) {\r
3109                                       extendDeep(dst[key], value);\r
3110                                     } else {\r
3111                                       dst[key] = value;\r
3112                                     }     \r
3113                                   });   \r
3114                                 }\r
3115                               });\r
3116                               return dst;\r
3117                             };\r
3118                             if (angular.isDefined($scope.chartConfig)) {\r
3119                                 stackChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackChartConfig, $scope.chartConfig);\r
3120                             }\r
3121                             $scope.chartID = $;\r
3122                             $scope.legendColors = stackChartConfig.chartcolor;\r
3123                             $scope.legendTooltipColors = angular.copy(stackChartConfig.chartcolor).reverse();\r
3124                             $scope.addLegendColor = function (id) {\r
3125                                 var bgColor = null;\r
3126                                 switch (id) {\r
3127                                     case 0:\r
3128                                         bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id], "border-radius": "100%"};\r
3129                                         break;\r
3130                                     case 1:\r
3131                                         bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendColors[id]};\r
3132                                         break;\r
3133                                     case 2:\r
3134                                         bgColor = {"width": "0", "height": "0", "border-left": "8px solid transparent", "border-right": "8px solid transparent", "border-bottom-style": "solid", "border-bottom-width": "8px", "border-bottom-color": $scope.legendColors[id]};\r
3135                                         break;\r
3136                                 }\r
3137                                 return bgColor;\r
3138                             };\r
3139                             $scope.addToolTipLegendColor = function (id) {\r
3140                                 var bgColor = null;\r
3141                                 switch (id) {\r
3142                                     case 2:\r
3143                                         bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id], "border-radius": "100%"};\r
3144                                         break;\r
3145                                     case 1:\r
3146                                         bgColor = {"background-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id]};\r
3147                                         break;\r
3148                                     case 0:\r
3149                                         bgColor = {"width": "0", "height": "0", "border-left": "6px solid transparent", "border-right": "6px solid transparent", "border-bottom-style": "solid", "border-bottom-width": "12px", "border-bottom-color": $scope.legendTooltipColors[id]};\r
3150                                         break;\r
3151                                 }\r
3152                                 return bgColor;\r
3153                             };\r
3154                         }],\r
3155                     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {\r
3156                         scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
3157                         var dataObj, idx = 0, xAxisTicks, margin = stackChartConfig.margin,\r
3158                                 width = parseInt(attrs.chartWidth, 10),\r
3159                                 height = stackChartConfig.chartHeight,\r
3160                                 parseDate = d3.time.format("%d-%b-%Y").parse,\r
3161                                 tooltipFormat = d3.time.format("%B-%Y"),\r
3162                                 labelFormat = d3.time.format("%Y");\r
3163                         attrs.$observe('legendRequired', function (val) {\r
3164                             if (val === 'true') {\r
3165                                 scope.showLegend = true;\r
3166                             }\r
3167                             else {\r
3168                                 scope.showLegend = false;\r
3169                             }\r
3170                         });\r
3171                         scope.$watch('refreshChart', function (value) {\r
3172                             if (value === false) {\r
3173                                 return;\r
3174                             }\r
3175                             if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartConfig)) {\r
3176                                 stackChartConfig = $extendObj.extendDeep(stackChartConfig, scope.chartConfig);\r
3177                             }\r
3178                   "svg#" +;\r
3179                             d3.selectAll("svg#" + + " > *").remove();\r
3180                             d3.selectAll("div#stackChartContainer" + " > div").remove();\r
3181                             if (scope.chartData[0].values.length === 0) {\r
3182                                 scope.refreshChart = false;\r
3183                                 return;\r
3184                             }\r
3185 \r
3186                             var xMonth = [], yValue = [], tempData = [], tooltipData = {}, yearArr = {}, yearLabel = '', isSingleMonth = false, singleMonthName, currencyFormat = 'K';\r
3187 \r
3188                             //X-Axis Range        \r
3189                             var xRange = d3.time.scale()\r
3190                                     .range([0, width]);\r
3191 \r
3192                             //Y-Axis Range \r
3193                             var yRange = d3.scale.linear()\r
3194                                     .range([height, 0]);\r
3195 \r
3196                             dataObj = scope.chartData;\r
3197 \r
3198                             //  On selecting same month in From and To dropdowns, User should be getting graph                            \r
3199                             if (dataObj[0].values.length === 1) {\r
3200                                 isSingleMonth = true;\r
3201                                 dataObj.forEach(function (data) {\r
3202                                     var tmp1 = "01-" + data.values[0].month;\r
3203                                     var tmp = parseDate(tmp1);\r
3204                                     singleMonthName = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1];\r
3205                                     tmp.setMonth(tmp.getMonth() + 1);\r
3206                                     var nextMonth = tmp.toString().split(" ")[1] + "-" + tmp.getFullYear();\r
3207                                     data.values.push({month: nextMonth, value: data.values[0].value});\r
3208                                 });\r
3209                             }\r
3210 \r
3211                             dataObj.forEach(function (data) {\r
3212                                 var obj = data.values;\r
3213                                 xAxisTicks = obj.length;\r
3214                                 obj.forEach(function (d) {\r
3215                                     var tmp = "01-" + d.month;\r
3216                                     d.numericMonth = parseDate(tmp);\r
3217                                     yValue.push({'value': +d.value});\r
3218                                     d.value = +d.value;\r
3219                                     xMonth.push({'numericMonth': d.numericMonth});\r
3220                                     if (d.value > stackChartConfig.yAxisUnitRange) {\r
3221                                         currencyFormat = 'M';\r
3222                                     }\r
3223                                 });\r
3224                             });\r
3225 \r
3226                             //ToolTip Data\r
3227                             for (var z = 0; z < dataObj.length; z++) {\r
3228                                 var tempSeries = dataObj[z].series;\r
3229                                 for (var j = 0; j < dataObj[z].values.length; j++) {\r
3230                                     var months = dataObj[z].values[j].month;\r
3231                                     var tempVal = dataObj[z].values[j].value;\r
3232                                     tempData.push({"month": months, "series": tempSeries, "value": tempVal});\r
3233                                 }\r
3234                             }\r
3235                             for (var k = 0; k < tempData.length; k++) {\r
3236                                 var seriesName = tempData[k].series;\r
3237                                 var seriesVal = tempData[k].value;\r
3238                                 var tempObj = tooltipData[tempData[k].month];\r
3239                                 if (!(tempObj)) {\r
3240                                     tempObj = [];\r
3241                                     tooltipData[tempData[k].month] = tempObj;\r
3242                                 }\r
3243                                 tempObj.push({seriesName: seriesName, seriesVal: seriesVal});\r
3244                             }\r
3245                             for (var d in tooltipData) {\r
3246                                 var tooltipObj = tooltipData[d];\r
3247                                 var temp = 0, monthTotalVal = 0;\r
3248                                 for (var y = 0; y < tooltipObj.length; y++) {\r
3249                                     temp = parseFloat(tooltipObj[y].seriesVal);\r
3250                                     monthTotalVal = monthTotalVal + temp;\r
3251                                     tooltipObj['total'] = monthTotalVal;\r
3252                                 }\r
3253                             }\r
3254                             var yDomainData = [],yAxisData = [],yTicksData = [];\r
3255                             for (var month in tooltipData) {\r
3256                                 yDomainData.push({"total": tooltipData[month].total});\r
3257                             }\r
3258                            \r
3259                             //Format yAxis Labels\r
3260                             var formatCurrency = function (d) {\r
3261                                 if (currencyFormat === 'M') {\r
3262                                     return "$" + d / 1000000 + "M";\r
3263                                 } else {\r
3264                                     return "$" + d / 1000 + "K";\r
3265                                 }\r
3266                             };\r
3267                             \r
3268                             //X-Axis Domain  \r
3269                             xRange.domain(d3.extent(xMonth, function (d) {\r
3270                                 return d.numericMonth;\r
3271                             }));\r
3272                             \r
3273                             for (var b = 0; b < yDomainData.length; b++) {\r
3274                                 var val = Math.round(parseInt(yDomainData[b].total, 10) / stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks);\r
3275                                 var Calc = Math.ceil((val / Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1))) * (stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks) * Math.pow(10, ("" + val).length - 1);\r
3276                                 yAxisData.push({'yAxisVal': Calc});\r
3277                             }\r
3278  \r
3279                             //Y-Axis Domain\r
3280                             yRange.domain([0, d3.max(yAxisData, function (d) {\r
3281                                     return (d.yAxisVal);\r
3282                                 })]);\r
3283  \r
3284                             var yTick = d3.max(yAxisData, function (d) {\r
3285                                 return d.yAxisVal;\r
3286                             });\r
3287  \r
3288                             yTick = yTick / stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks;\r
3289                             for (var c = 0; c <= stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks; c++) {\r
3290                                 yTicksData.push(yTick * c);\r
3291                             }\r
3292                             \r
3293                             var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xRange).orient("bottom").tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months);\r
3294                             var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yTicksData).ticks(stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickFormat(formatCurrency);\r
3295                             var yAxisGrid = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRange).orient("left").tickValues(yTicksData).ticks(stackChartConfig.yAxisMaxTicks).tickSize(-width, 0, 0);                            \r
3296 \r
3297                             //Calculate values for Stack\r
3298                             var stack = d3.layout.stack()\r
3299                                     .values(function (d) {\r
3300                                         return d.values;\r
3301                                     })\r
3302                                     .x(function (d) {\r
3303                                         return d.numericMonth;\r
3304                                     })\r
3305                                     .y(function (d) {\r
3306                                         return d.value;\r
3307                                     });\r
3308 \r
3309                             //Draw Area  \r
3310                             var area = d3.svg.area()\r
3311                                     .x(function (d) {\r
3312                                         return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
3313                                     })\r
3314                                     .y0(function (d) {\r
3315                                         return yRange(d.y0);\r
3316                                     })\r
3317                                     .y1(function (d) {\r
3318                                         return yRange(d.y0 + d.y);\r
3319                                     }).interpolate(stackChartConfig.lineCurveType);\r
3320 \r
3321                             //Plot Chart\r
3322                             var drawChart ="#stackChartContainer")\r
3323                                     .append("svg")\r
3324                                     .attr("id",\r
3325                                     .data(dataObj)\r
3326                                     .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)\r
3327                                     .attr("height", parseInt(height, 10) + parseInt(, 10) + parseInt(margin.bottom, 10))\r
3328                                     .append("g")\r
3329                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");\r
3330 \r
3331                             //Draw X Axis        \r
3332                             drawChart.append("g")\r
3333                                     .attr("class", "x axis")\r
3334                                     .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")\r
3335                                     .call(xAxis);\r
3336 \r
3337                             //Plot Area for multiple Stacks\r
3338                             drawChart.selectAll(".layer")\r
3339                                     .data(stack(dataObj))\r
3340                                     .enter().append("path")\r
3341                                     .attr("class", "layer")\r
3342                                     .attr("d", function (d) {\r
3343                                         return area(d.values);\r
3344                                     }).style("fill", function (d, i) {\r
3345                                 return scope.legendColors[i];\r
3346                             }).style("opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity).style("stroke", "#ddd").append("title")\r
3347                                     .text(function (d) {\r
3348                                         return d.series;\r
3349                                     });\r
3350 \r
3351                             //Draw dual Y axis on change of Year\r
3352                             var yAxisObj = dataObj[0].values, yAxisIdx = 0;\r
3353                             for (var i = 0; i < yAxisObj.length; i++) {\r
3354                                 var tmpObj = [];\r
3355                                 tmpObj.push({"year": labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth), "transform": xRange(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)});\r
3356                                 if (!yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)]) {\r
3357                                     yearArr[labelFormat(yAxisObj[i].numericMonth)] = tmpObj;\r
3358                                 }\r
3359                             }\r
3360                             for (var key in yearArr) {\r
3361                                 var obj = yearArr[key];\r
3362                                 var yAxisNodes = drawChart.append("g")\r
3363                                         .attr("class", "y axis").attr("id", yAxisId(yAxisIdx))\r
3364                                         .attr("transform", "translate(" + obj[0].transform + ",0)")\r
3365                                         .call(yAxis);\r
3366 \r
3367                                 yAxisNodes.selectAll("text").attr('class', 'ticktext');\r
3368                                 //Append Year Label \r
3369                                 yAxisNodes.append("text")\r
3370                                         .attr("transform", "rotate(0)")\r
3371                                         .attr("y", stackChartConfig.yearLabelPos.y)\r
3372                                         .attr("x", stackChartConfig.yearLabelPos.x)\r
3373                                         .text(obj[0].year).attr("class", "yearLabel");\r
3374                                 yAxisIdx++;\r
3375                             }\r
3376 \r
3377                             //Remove next year Y axis in case of single Month selection\r
3378                             if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3379                       "#yAxisId1").remove();\r
3380                             }\r
3381 \r
3382                             function yAxisId(yAxisIdx) {\r
3383                                 return ("yAxisId" + yAxisIdx);\r
3384                             }\r
3385 \r
3386                             //function to select first element\r
3387                             d3.selection.prototype.first = function () {\r
3388                                 return[0][0]);\r
3389                             };\r
3390 \r
3391                             //Remove minimum value label form Y Axis\r
3392                             var tickLabels ="#yAxisId0").selectAll('.ticktext');\r
3393                             tickLabels.first().remove();\r
3394                   "#yAxisId1").selectAll('.ticktext').remove();\r
3395 \r
3396                             if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3397                                 drawChart.selectAll('.x.axis').selectAll('.tick').selectAll('text')[1][0].textContent = singleMonthName;\r
3398                             }\r
3399 \r
3400                             //Append Data Points         \r
3401                             for (var x = 0; x < dataObj.length; x++) {\r
3402                                 drawChart.append('g').attr('id', "pathId" + x).attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)");\r
3403                                 if (idx >= stackChartConfig.shapes.length) {\r
3404                                     idx = 0;\r
3405                                 }\r
3406                                 var shape = stackChartConfig.shapes[idx], shapeToAppend;\r
3407                                 if (shape == 'rect' || shape == 'triangle') {\r
3408                                     shapeToAppend = 'polygon';\r
3409                                 }\r
3410                                 else {\r
3411                                     shapeToAppend = 'circle';\r
3412                                 }\r
3413 \r
3414                                 var newDataObj;\r
3415                                 if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3416                                     newDataObj = dataObj[x].values.slice(0, 1);\r
3417                                 } else {\r
3418                                     newDataObj = dataObj[x].values;\r
3419                                 }\r
3420 \r
3421                                 var dataPoints ='#pathId' + x).selectAll(shapeToAppend)\r
3422                                         .data(newDataObj)\r
3423                                         .enter()\r
3424                                         .append(shapeToAppend)\r
3425                                         .attr('class', shape);\r
3426                                 drawShapes(shape, dataPoints);\r
3427                                 idx++;\r
3428                             }\r
3429 \r
3430                             //Fill color in dataPoints\r
3431                             for (var a = 0; a <= dataObj.length; a++) {\r
3432                                 var Dots = drawChart.selectAll('.' + stackChartConfig.shapes[a]);\r
3433                                 Dots.attr('fill', scope.legendColors[a]);\r
3434                             }\r
3435 \r
3436                             //function to draw multiple shapes for Data Points\r
3437                             function drawShapes(shape, dataPoints) {\r
3438                                 switch (shape) {\r
3439                                     case 'circle':\r
3440                                         var circle = dataPoints.attr("cx", function (d) {\r
3441                                             return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
3442                                         }).attr("cy", function (d) {\r
3443                                             return yRange(d.y + d.y0);\r
3444                                         }).attr("r", stackChartConfig.shapeSize[0]).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
3445                                             show_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
3446                                             var offsetX = Math.ceil("cx"));\r
3447                                             var offsetY = Math.round("cy"));\r
3448                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3449                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3450                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3451                                             mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
3452                                         }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
3453                                             hide_tooltip_grid_line("cx"), "circle", "cx");\r
3454                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3455                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3456                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3457                                             scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
3458                                             scope.$apply();\r
3459                                         });\r
3460                                         circle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
3461                                             var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month];\r
3462                                             return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d));\r
3463                                         });\r
3464                                         break;\r
3465                                     case 'rect':\r
3466                                         var rect = dataPoints.attr("points", function (d) {\r
3467                                             var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10);\r
3468                                             x = x + (stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1] / 2);\r
3469                                             var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10);\r
3470                                             y = y - (stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1] / 2);\r
3471                                             var x1 = parseInt((x - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1]), 10);\r
3472                                             var y1 = y;\r
3473                                             var x2 = x1;\r
3474                                             var y2 = parseInt((y1 + stackChartConfig.shapeSize[1]), 10);\r
3475                                             var x3 = x;\r
3476                                             var y3 = y2;\r
3477                                             var tmp = x2 + "," + y2 + " " + x3 + "," + y3 + " " + x + "," + y + " " + x1 + "," + y1;\r
3478                                             return tmp;\r
3479                                         }).attr('x', function (d) {\r
3480                                             return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
3481                                         }).attr('y', function (d) {\r
3482                                             return yRange(d.y + d.y0);\r
3483                                         }).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
3484                                             show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x");\r
3485                                             var offsetX = Math.ceil("x"));\r
3486                                             var offsetY = Math.round("y"));\r
3487                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3488                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3489                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3490                                             mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
3491                                         }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
3492                                             hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "rect", "x");\r
3493                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3494                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3495                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3496                                             scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
3497                                             scope.$apply();\r
3498                                         });\r
3499                                         rect.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
3500                                             var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month];\r
3501                                             return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d));\r
3502                                         });\r
3503                                         break;\r
3504                                     case 'triangle':\r
3505                                         var triangle = dataPoints.attr("points", function (d) {\r
3506                                             var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10);\r
3507                                             var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10);\r
3508                                             var x1 = parseInt((x - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10);\r
3509                                             var y1 = parseInt((y - stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10);\r
3510                                             var x2 = parseInt((x + stackChartConfig.shapeSize[2]), 10);\r
3511                                             var y2 = y1;\r
3512                                             var tmp = x1 + "," + y1 + " " + x + "," + y + " " + x2 + "," + y2;\r
3513                                             return tmp;\r
3514                                         }).attr("transform", function (d) {\r
3515                                             var x = parseInt(xRange(d.numericMonth), 10);\r
3516                                             var y = parseInt(yRange(d.y + d.y0), 10);\r
3517                                             y = y - 2;\r
3518                                             var tmp = "rotate(180," + x + "," + y + ")";\r
3519                                             return tmp;\r
3520                                         }).attr('x', function (d) {\r
3521                                             return xRange(d.numericMonth);\r
3522                                         }).attr('y', function (d) {\r
3523                                             return yRange(d.y + d.y0);\r
3524                                         }).on("mouseover", function (d) {\r
3525                                             show_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "triangle", "x");\r
3526                                             var offsetX = Math.ceil("x"));\r
3527                                             var offsetY = Math.round("y"));\r
3528                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3529                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3530                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", stackChartConfig.chartOpacity);\r
3531                                             mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY);\r
3532                                         }).on("mouseout", function () {\r
3533                                             hide_tooltip_grid_line("x"), "triangle", "x");\r
3534                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "path").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3535                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "polygon").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3536                                             d3.selectAll('svg#' + + " " + "circle").style("fill-opacity", 1);\r
3537                                             scope.tooltipFlag = false;\r
3538                                             scope.$apply();\r
3539                                         });\r
3540                                         triangle.append('desc').append('title').text(function (d) {\r
3541                                             var nvdaObj = tooltipData[d.month];\r
3542                                             return (addTitle(nvdaObj, d));\r
3543                                         });\r
3544                                         break;\r
3545                                 }\r
3546                             }\r
3547 \r
3548                             //Draw Grid Lines\r
3549                             drawChart.append("g")\r
3550                                     .attr("class", "grid")\r
3551                                     .attr("id", "yStackGrid")\r
3552                                     .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")\r
3553                                     .call(yAxisGrid)\r
3554                                     .selectAll("text").remove();\r
3555 \r
3556                             // Draw the x Grid lines\r
3557                             drawChart.append("g")\r
3558                                     .attr("class", "grid")\r
3559                                     .attr("id", "xGrid")\r
3560                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + (isSingleMonth === true) * width / 2 + ",0)")\r
3561                                     .call(make_x_axis()\r
3562                                             .tickSize(-height, 0)\r
3563                                             .tickFormat(""));\r
3564 \r
3565                             // function for the x grid lines\r
3566                             function make_x_axis() {\r
3567                                 return d3.svg.axis()\r
3568                                         .scale(xRange)\r
3569                                         .orient("top")\r
3570                                         .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b')).ticks(d3.time.months);\r
3571                             }\r
3572 \r
3573                   "#xGrid").selectAll("line").style("stroke", "none");\r
3574                   "#xGrid").selectAll("line")\r
3575                                     .attr("id", function (d, i) {\r
3576                                         return ("xAxisLine" + i);\r
3577                                     });\r
3578                             //Add title for NVDA screen reader\r
3579                             function addTitle(nvdaObj, d) {\r
3580                                 var temp = "";\r
3581                                 for (var y = 0; y < nvdaObj.length; y++) {\r
3582                                     temp = temp + nvdaObj[y].seriesName + nvdaObj[y].seriesVal;\r
3583                                 }\r
3584                                 return (tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth) + "--" + temp + "Total Charges" +;\r
3585                             }\r
3586 \r
3587                             //Show Grid Lines on Mouse Hover        \r
3588                             function show_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) {\r
3589                                 try {\r
3590                                     var dataLength;\r
3591                                     if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3592                                         dataLength = 1;\r
3593                                     } else {\r
3594                                         dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length;\r
3595                                     }\r
3596 \r
3597                                     for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {\r
3598                                         var circle = drawChart.selectAll("." + shape);\r
3599                                         if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
3600                                   "#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", stackChartConfig.gridLineColor);\r
3601                                         }\r
3602                                     }\r
3603                                 } catch (e) {\r
3604                                 }\r
3605                             }\r
3606 \r
3607                             //Hide grid Lines\r
3608                             function hide_tooltip_grid_line(offsetX, shape, attr) {\r
3609                                 try {\r
3610                                     var dataLength;\r
3611                                     if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3612                                         dataLength = 1;\r
3613                                     } else {\r
3614                                         dataLength = scope.chartData[0].values.length;\r
3615                                     }\r
3616 \r
3617                                     for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {\r
3618                                         var circle = drawChart.selectAll("." + shape);\r
3619                                         if (circle[0][i].getAttribute(attr) === offsetX) {\r
3620                                   "#xAxisLine" + i).style("stroke", "transparent");\r
3621                                         }\r
3622                                     }\r
3623                                 } catch (e) {\r
3624                                 }\r
3625                             }\r
3626 \r
3627                             //MouseOver Event\r
3628                             function mouseOver(d, offsetX, offsetY) {\r
3629                                 for (var key in tooltipData) {\r
3630                                     if (key == d.month) {\r
3631                                         var data = angular.copy(tooltipData);\r
3632                                         scope.stackDataPoint = data[key].reverse();\r
3633                                         break;\r
3634                                     }\r
3635                                 }\r
3636                                 var tmp = 0, monthTotalVal = 0;\r
3637                                 for (var b = 0; b < scope.stackDataPoint.length; b++) {\r
3638                                     tmp = parseFloat(scope.stackDataPoint[b].seriesVal);\r
3639                                     monthTotalVal = monthTotalVal + tmp;\r
3640                                 }\r
3641                        = monthTotalVal;\r
3642                        = monthTotalVal;\r
3643                                 \r
3644                                 scope.monthPoint = {"xData": tooltipFormat(d.numericMonth).replace('-', ' ')};\r
3645                                 scope.$apply();\r
3646                                 $timeout(function(){\r
3647                                   offsetY = offsetY - stackChartConfig.tooltipTopMargin;\r
3648                                 var tooltipEl = element.children().eq(2);\r
3649                                 var tooltipWidth = tooltipEl[0].offsetWidth;\r
3650                                 if (isSingleMonth) {\r
3651                                     offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth/2) + stackChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin + (width / 2);\r
3652                                 } else {\r
3653                                     offsetX = offsetX - (tooltipWidth/2) + stackChartConfig.tooltipLeftMargin;\r
3654                                 }  \r
3655                                 scope.tooltipStyle = {"left": offsetX + "px", "top": offsetY + "px"};    \r
3656                                 scope.tooltipFlag = true;    \r
3657                                 },0);\r
3658                                 \r
3659 \r
3660                                 \r
3661                                 \r
3662                             }\r
3663                             //fix for removing upper text if it is below to year label\r
3664 //                            try {\r
3665 //                                var lastTickPostion = drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('.tick')[0].length - 1;\r
3666 //                                var lastGridPos ="#yStackGrid").selectAll('.tick')[0].length - 1;\r
3667 //                                var val = drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('.tick')[0][lastTickPostion].attributes.transform.value.split(',')[1].split(')')[0];\r
3668 //                                if (val < 20) {\r
3669 //                                    drawChart.selectAll('#yAxisId0').selectAll('text')[0][lastTickPostion - 1].remove();\r
3670 //                          "#yStackGrid").selectAll('.tick')[0][lastGridPos].remove();\r
3671 //                                }\r
3672 //                            } catch (e) {\r
3673 //                            }\r
3674                             scope.refreshChart = false;\r
3675                         });\r
3676                     }\r
3677                 };\r
3678             }])\r
3679         .filter('filterInput', function () {\r
3680             return function (input) {\r
3681                 return input.replace(/ +/g, "").toLowerCase();\r
3682             };\r
3683         });\r
3684 angular.module("template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3685   $templateCache.put("template/areachartD3/attAreaChartD3.html",\r
3686     "<div class=\"areaChartD3\">\n" +\r
3687     "    <ul class=\"legendsList\" ng-show=\"showLegend\">\n" +\r
3688     "        <li ng-repeat=\"label in legendLabel\" id=\"{{label.series|filterInput}}\">\n" +\r
3689     "            <i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\"></i>{{label.series}}\n" +\r
3690     "        </li>\n" +\r
3691     "    </ul>\n" +\r
3692     "    <div id=\"areaChartContainer\">\n" +\r
3693     "    </div>\n" +\r
3694     "    <div ng-class=\"{'tooltip--on': tooltipFlag,'tooltip': !tooltipFlag}\" ng-style=\"tooltipStyle\">\n" +\r
3695     "        <span class=\"title\">{{dataPoint.xData}}</span>\n" +\r
3696     "        <p>\n" +\r
3697     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor(1)\"></i>Available</span>\n" +\r
3698     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{dataPoint.dataAvailable}} <span>{{dataPoint.usageDataType}}</span></span>\n" +\r
3699     "        </p>\n" +\r
3700     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>          \n" +\r
3701     "        <p>\n" +\r
3702     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor(0)\"></i>Used</span>\n" +\r
3703     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{dataPoint.dataUsed}} <span>{{dataPoint.availableDataType}}</span></span>\n" +\r
3704     "        </p>\n" +\r
3705     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3706     "        <p ng-show=\"overageFlag\">\n" +\r
3707     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor(2)\"></i>Overage</span> \n" +\r
3708     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{dataPoint.overage}}</span>\n" +\r
3709     "        </p>\n" +\r
3710     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3711     "        <p ng-show=\"underageFlag\">\n" +\r
3712     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\">Buffer</span> \n" +\r
3713     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{dataPoint.underage}}</span>\n" +\r
3714     "        </p>\n" +\r
3715     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3716     "        <span class=\"tooltipArrow\"></span>\n" +\r
3717     "    </div>\n" +\r
3718     "</div>");\r
3719 }]);\r
3720 \r
3721 angular.module("template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3722   $templateCache.put("template/barchartD3/attBarChartD3.html",\r
3723     "<div class=\"barChartD3\">\n" +\r
3724     "    <div id=\"barChartContainer\">\n" +\r
3725     "        <span class=\"tooltip\" ng-class=\"{'tooltip--on': tooltipFlag}\" ng-show=\"tooltipFlag\" ng-style=\"tooltipStyle\">\n" +\r
3726     "            <span class=\"title\">{{}}</span>\n" +\r
3727     "            <span><span class=\"alignText\">Wireless number</span><span style=\"float:right\">{{dataPoint.phoneNumber}}</span></span>\n" +\r
3728     "            <span><span class=\"alignText\">Charges</span><span style=\"float:right\">{{dataPoint.charges}}</span></span>\n" +\r
3729     "            <span class=\"tooltipArrow\"></span>\n" +\r
3730     "        </span>\n" +\r
3731     "    </div>\n" +\r
3732     "</div>");\r
3733 }]);\r
3734 \r
3735 angular.module("template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3736   $templateCache.put("template/coschartD3/attCosd3Chart.html",\r
3737     "<div class=\"attCosd3Chart\">\n" +\r
3738     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'top' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3739     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3740     "            <li ng-style=\"addLegendColor()\">\n" +\r
3741     "                <div>\n" +\r
3742     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{LegendLabel}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{LegendCategory}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{cosval}})</span>\n" +\r
3743     "                </div>\n" +\r
3744     "            </li>\n" +\r
3745     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3746     "    </div>\n" +\r
3747     "    <div id={{chartID}} class=\"cosd3Container\"></div>\n" +\r
3748     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'bottom' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3749     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3750     "            <li ng-style=\"addLegendColor()\">\n" +\r
3751     "                <div>\n" +\r
3752     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{LegendLabel}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{LegendCategory}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{cosval}})</span>\n" +\r
3753     "                </div>\n" +\r
3754     "            </li>\n" +\r
3755     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3756     "    </div>\n" +\r
3757     "</div>");\r
3758 }]);\r
3759 \r
3760 angular.module("template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3761   $templateCache.put("template/coschartwithbarD3/attCosBarD3Chart.html",\r
3762     "<div class=\"attCosWithBard3Chart\">\n" +\r
3763     "    <div id={{chartID}} class=\"cosd3Container\"></div>\n" +\r
3764     "    <div id={{snickrbarId}} class=\"snickrBar\" ng-if=\"barRequired\"></div>\n" +\r
3765     "</div>");\r
3766 }]);\r
3767 \r
3768 angular.module("template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3769   $templateCache.put("template/cosmultichartD3/attCosmultid3Chart.html",\r
3770     "<div class=\"attCosmultid3Chart\">\n" +\r
3771     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'top' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3772     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3773     "          <li ng-repeat=\"item in chartData\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index,item)\" chart-legend-id=\"{{}}\">\n" +\r
3774     "                <div>\n" +\r
3775     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{item.category}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{item.value}}%)</span>\n" +\r
3776     "                </div>\n" +\r
3777     "            </li>\n" +\r
3778     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3779     "    </div>\n" +\r
3780     "    <div id={{chartID}} class=\"cosmultid3Container\"></div>\n" +\r
3781     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'bottom' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3782     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3783     "            <li ng-repeat=\"item in chartData\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index,item)\" chart-legend-id=\"{{}}\">\n" +\r
3784     "                <div>\n" +\r
3785     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{item.category}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{item.value}}%)</span>\n" +\r
3786     "                </div>\n" +\r
3787     "            </li>\n" +\r
3788     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3789     "    </div>\n" +\r
3790     "</div>");\r
3791 }]);\r
3792 \r
3793 angular.module("template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3794   $templateCache.put("template/donutD3/attDonutd3Chart.html",\r
3795     "<div class=\"attDonutd3Chart\">\n" +\r
3796     "    <div id={{chartID}} class=\"chartContainer\" ng-class=\"addStyle('chartContainer')\"></div>\n" +\r
3797     "    <div ng-show=\"legendRequired\" chartLegend class=\"chartLegend\" ng-class=\"addStyle('chartLegend')\">\n" +\r
3798     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3799     "            <li ng-repeat=\"item in chartData\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index,item)\" chart-legend-id=\"{{|filterData}}\" ng-mouseover=\"legendMouseOver(item,$index,$event)\" ng-mouseleave=\"legendMouseLeave(item,$index,$event)\" ng-class=\"LegendClass\" ng-click=\"legendclickcallback({ , value:item.value})\">\n" +\r
3800     "                <div ng-class=\"{'emptyticket-category': item.value ===0}\" >\n" +\r
3801     "                    <span class=\"legendItemName\">{{}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{item.value}})</span>\n" +\r
3802     "                </div>\n" +\r
3803     "            </li>\n" +\r
3804     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3805     "    </div>\n" +\r
3806     "    <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n" +\r
3807     "</div>");\r
3808 }]);\r
3809 \r
3810 angular.module("template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3811   $templateCache.put("template/donutFusion/attDonutfusionChart.html",\r
3812     "<div class=\"attDonutfusionChart\">\n" +\r
3813     "    <div id=\"donutFusionChart\" chartContainer class=\"chartContainer\" ng-style=\"addStyle('chartContainer')\"></div>\n" +\r
3814     "    <div ng-show=\"legendRequired\" chartLegend class=\"chartLegend\" ng-style=\"addStyle('chartLegend')\">\n" +\r
3815     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3816     "            <li ng-repeat=\"item in chartData\" ng-show=\"item.value > 0\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\">\n" +\r
3817     "                <div chart-legend-id=\"{{|filterData}}_fusion\">\n" +\r
3818     "                    <span class=\"legendItemName\">{{}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{item.value}})</span>\n" +\r
3819     "                </div>\n" +\r
3820     "            </li>\n" +\r
3821     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3822     "    </div>\n" +\r
3823     "    <div style=\"clear: both;\">\n" +\r
3824     "    </div>\n" +\r
3825     "</div>    ");\r
3826 }]);\r
3827 \r
3828 angular.module("template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3829   $templateCache.put("template/horseshoeD3/attHorseshoeD3Chart.html",\r
3830     "<div class=\"attHorseshoed3Chart\">\n" +\r
3831     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'top' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3832     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3833     "            <li ng-style=\"addLegendColor()\">\n" +\r
3834     "                <div>\n" +\r
3835     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{LegendLabel}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{LegendCategory}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{guageVal}})</span>\n" +\r
3836     "                </div>\n" +\r
3837     "            </li>\n" +\r
3838     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3839     "    </div>\n" +\r
3840     "    <div class=\"horseshoed3Container\"></div>\n" +\r
3841     "    <div class=\"chartLegend\" ng-if=\"legendPosition == 'bottom' && legendRequired\">\n" +\r
3842     "        <ul>\n" +\r
3843     "            <li ng-style=\"addLegendColor()\">\n" +\r
3844     "                <div>\n" +\r
3845     "                    <span class=\"LegendLabel\">{{LegendLabel}}</span> <span class=\"LegendCategory\">{{LegendCategory}}</span> <span class=\"legendItemValue\">({{guageVal}})</span>\n" +\r
3846     "                </div>\n" +\r
3847     "            </li>\n" +\r
3848     "        </ul>\n" +\r
3849     "    </div>\n" +\r
3850     "</div>");\r
3851 }]);\r
3852 \r
3853 angular.module("template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3854   $templateCache.put("template/stackedBarchart/stackedBarchart.html",\r
3855     "<div class=\"stackedBarChart\">\n" +\r
3856     "    <ul class=\"legendsList\" ng-show=\"showLegend\">\n" +\r
3857     "        <li ng-repeat=\"label in chartData\" id=\"{{label.series|filterInput}}\">\n" +\r
3858     "            <i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\"></i>{{label.series}}\n" +\r
3859     "        </li>\n" +\r
3860     "    </ul>\n" +\r
3861     "    <div id=\"stackBarChartContainer\"></div>\n" +\r
3862     "    <div ng-class=\"{'tooltip--on': tooltipFlag,'tooltip': !tooltipFlag}\" ng-style=\"tooltipStyle\">\n" +\r
3863     "        <span class=\"title\">{{monthPoint.xData}}</span>\n" +\r
3864     "        <div ng-repeat=\"label in stackDataPoint\">\n" +\r
3865     "            <p>\n" +\r
3866     "                <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon-stackedchart\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\"></i>{{label.seriesName}}</span>\n" +\r
3867     "                <span class=\"alignRight\">{{label.seriesVal| number:0}}</span>\n" +\r
3868     "            </p> \n" +\r
3869     "\n" +\r
3870     "            <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3871     "        </div>\n" +\r
3872     "        <p>\n" +\r
3873     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon-stackedchart\"></i>Retainability percentage</span>\n" +\r
3874     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{stackDataPoint.seriesPer}}</span>\n" +\r
3875     "\n" +\r
3876     "        </p>\n" +\r
3877     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3878     "        <span class=\"tooltipArrow\"></span>\n" +\r
3879     "    </div>\n" +\r
3880     "</div>");\r
3881 }]);\r
3882 \r
3883 angular.module("template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {\r
3884   $templateCache.put("template/stackedareachart/stackedAreaChart.html",\r
3885     "<div class=\"stackedAreaChart\">\n" +\r
3886     "    <ul class=\"legendsList\" ng-show=\"showLegend\">\n" +\r
3887     "        <li ng-repeat=\"label in chartData\" id=\"{{label.series|filterInput}}\">\n" +\r
3888     "            <i class=\"legend-icon\" ng-style=\"addLegendColor($index)\"></i>{{label.series}}\n" +\r
3889     "        </li>\n" +\r
3890     "    </ul>\n" +\r
3891     "    <div id=\"stackChartContainer\"></div>\n" +\r
3892     "    <div ng-class=\"{'tooltip--on': tooltipFlag,'tooltip': !tooltipFlag}\" ng-style=\"tooltipStyle\">\n" +\r
3893     "        <span class=\"title\">{{monthPoint.xData}}</span>\n" +\r
3894     "        <div ng-repeat=\"label in stackDataPoint\">\n" +\r
3895     "            <p>\n" +\r
3896     "                <span class=\"alignLeft\"><i class=\"legend-icon-stackedchart\" ng-style=\"addToolTipLegendColor($index)\"></i>{{label.seriesName}}</span>\n" +\r
3897     "                <span class=\"alignRight\">{{label.seriesVal| currency}}</span>\n" +\r
3898     "            </p>\n" +\r
3899     "            <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>  \n" +\r
3900     "        </div>\n" +\r
3901     "        <p>\n" +\r
3902     "            <span class=\"alignLeft\">Total charges</span>\n" +\r
3903     "            <span class=\"alignRight\">{{| currency}}</span>\n" +\r
3904     "        </p>\n" +\r
3905     "        <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n" +\r
3906     "        <span class=\"tooltipArrow\"></span>\n" +\r
3907     "    </div>\n" +\r
3908     "</div>");\r
3909 }]);\r