[Docker Build] Updated Docker build
[portal.git] / ecomp-portal-FE-common / client / app / views / dashboard / dashboard.tpl.html
1 <!--\r
2   ================================================================================\r
3   ECOMP Portal\r
4   ================================================================================\r
5   Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property\r
6   ================================================================================\r
7   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
8   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
9   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
10   \r
11        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
12   \r
13   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
14   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
15   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
16   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
17   limitations under the License.\r
18   ================================================================================\r
19   -->\r
20 <div class="w-ecomp-dashboard-home" id="widgets">\r
21         <div class="dashboard-home-container" id="page-content">\r
22                 <div align="center" id="errorInfo"\r
23                         style="display: none; font-size: 12px; margin-left: 5px">\r
24                         <span style="color: red">You don't have a user account in that\r
25                                 application. Please ask the system administrator. </span>\r
26                 </div>\r
27                 <div class="portals-list" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">\r
28                         <div>\r
29                                 <div class="simulateGridHeader">\r
30                                         <span class="simulateGridHeaderTitle">Applications <span\r
31                                                 class="dashboardSortHeader">Sort by:</span></span>\r
32                                         <div style="float: right; margin: 7px 7px 7px 0px;"\r
33                                                 class="form-field" att-select="sort_options"\r
34                                                 ng-model="selectedSortType"\r
35                                                 id="sort-by-{{selectedSortType.value}}"\r
36                                                 ng-change="selectedSortTypeChanged(selectedSortType.value)"></div>\r
37                                 </div>\r
38                                 <div class="dashboard-boarder">\r
39                                         <div class="gridster-container override_background">\r
40                                                 <div ng-if="appsViewData.length==0">\r
41                                                         <div class="app-error-block">\r
42                                                                 <i class="icon-information full-linear-icon-information"\r
43                                                                         style="margin-left: 50%; font-size: 90px; color: black"></i> <br>\r
44                                                                 <div class="activity-error-msg1">\r
45                                                                         You do not have access to any application or function in ECOMP\r
46                                                                         Portal. <br> Please request access via <a\r
47                                                                                 href="https://mylogins.cso.att.com/index.cfm"\r
48                                                                                 target="_mylogins">MyLogins</a>.\r
49                                                                 </div>\r
50                                                         </div>\r
51                                                 </div>\r
52 \r
53                                                 <div ng-if="appsViewData.length>0" id="page-content"\r
54                                                         class="content" gridster="dashboard.gridsterAppOpts">\r
55                                                         <ul>\r
56                                                                 <li gridster-item="item" ng-repeat="item in appsViewData">\r
57                                                                         <div class="gridster-box" ng-if="item.addRemoveApps == null">\r
58                                                                                 <div class="gridster-box-header">\r
59                                                                                         <i class="icon-content-gridguide"></i>\r
60                                                                                         <h3 style="cursor: context-menu">{{item.headerText |\r
61                                                                                                 elipsis: 14}}</h3>\r
62                                                                                 </div>\r
63                                                                                 <div class="gridster-box-content"\r
64                                                                                         ng-style="{'cursor':'pointer',\r
65                                                                                         'background-image': 'url('+(item.imageLink)+')',\r
66                                                                                         'background-color':'white',\r
67                                                                                         'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',\r
68                                                                                         'background-size': '170px 130px'}"\r
69                                                                                         ng-click="dashboard.goToPortal(item);dashboard.auditLog(item)"\r
70                                                                                         ng-hide="users.isLoadingTable && !users.getUserAppsIsDone">\r
71                                                                                 </div>\r
72                                                                         </div>\r
73                                                                         <div class="gridster-box" ng-if="item.addRemoveApps">\r
74                                                                                 <div class="gridster-box-header" style="cursor: pointer;"\r
75                                                                                         ng-click="dashboard.goToCatalog()">\r
76                                                                                         <i class="icon-content-gridguide"></i>\r
77                                                                                         <h3>Select applications...</h3>\r
78 \r
79                                                                                 </div>\r
80                                                                                 <div class="gridster-box-content"\r
81                                                                                         ng-style="{'cursor':'pointer',\r
82                                                                                 'order': item.order, \r
83                                                                                 'text-align': 'center',\r
84                                                                                 'background-color':'white',\r
85                                                                                 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',\r
86                                                                                 'background-size': '170px 130px',\r
87                                                                                 'padding': '4px',\r
88                                                                                 'opacity': '1'}"\r
89                                                                                         ng-click="dashboard.goToCatalog()" class="gridsterContent">\r
90                                                                                         <label style="font-size: 12px;">Click\r
91                                                                                                 here to personalize <br> this applications page\r
92                                                                                         </label> <i class="icon-controls-add-maximize"\r
93                                                                                                 style="font-size: 80px; color: #067ab4"></i>\r
94                                                                                 </div>\r
95                                                                         </div>\r
96                                                                 </li>\r
97                                                         </ul>\r
98                                                 </div>\r
99 \r
100                                         </div>\r
101 \r
102                                 </div>\r
103                         </div>\r
104 \r
105                         <br> <br>\r
106 \r
107 \r
108                         <div style="font-family: Omnes-ECOMP-W02;"\r
109                                 ng-show=dashboard.isCommError>Failed to communicate with the\r
110                                 widget microservice.</div>\r
111                         \r
112                         <div id="widget-boarder" class="content" gridster="dashboard.gridsterWidgetOpts">\r
113                                 <ul>\r
114                                         <li gridster-item="widget" ng-repeat="widget in widgetsViewData">\r
115                                                 <div class="box">\r
116                                                         <div class="box-header">\r
117                                                         <i style="cursor:move;" class="icon-content-gridguide"></i>\r
118                                                                 <h3>{{ widget.headerText}}</h3>\r
119                                                                 <div class="box-header-btns pull-right"\r
120                                                                         ng-if="isAdminPortalAdmin == true" class="ng-scope">\r
121                                                                                 <a id="widgetHeaderBtns"\r
122                                                                                         class="widgetHeaderBtn widgetHeaderBtnPosition singleBtnBorder"\r
123                                                                                         ng-class="singleBtnBorder" alt="Settings"\r
124                                                                                         ng-mousedown="showImpResOption=!showImpResOption"\r
125                                                                                         ng-mouseleave="showImpResOption=false" title="Settings"\r
126                                                                                         ddh-accessibility-click="13,32" tabindex="0"><span\r
127                                                                                         style="color: #888;"><img\r
128                                                                                         ng-src="assets/images/generic.png"\r
129                                                                                         style="margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: 3px;" alt="..."\r
130                                                                                         aria-label="Tap or Click to move"\r
131                                                                                         src="assets/images/generic.png"></span></a>\r
132 \r
133                                                                                 <ul class="optionsMenu"\r
134                                                                                         style="display: block"\r
135                                                                                         ng-show="showImpResOption"\r
136                                                                                         ng-mouseenter="showImpResOption=true"\r
137                                                                                         ng-mouseleave="showImpResOption=false">\r
138                                                                                         <!-- ngIf: widget.duplicateAllowed -->\r
139                                                                                         <li ng-show="widget.widgetIdentifier != ''"\r
140                                                                                                 ng-click="editWidgetModalPopup(importResData, widget.widgetIdentifier);">\r
141                                                                                                 <a class="optionsMenuLink" href="javascript:void(0)"\r
142                                                                                                 ddh-accessibility-click="13,32">Edit</a>\r
143                                                                                         </li>\r
144                                                                                         \r
145                                                                                         <li\r
146                                                                                                 ng-click="editWidgetParameters(widget.widgetid);">\r
147                                                                                                 <a class="optionsMenuLink" href="javascript:void(0)"\r
148                                                                                                 ddh-accessibility-click="13,32">Parameters</a>\r
149                                                                                         </li>\r
150                                                                                         \r
151                                                                                         <!-- end ngIf: widget.duplicateAllowed  -->\r
152                                                                                 </ul>\r
153 \r
154                                                                 </div>\r
155                                                         </div>\r
156                                                         <div class="box-content">\r
157                                                         <div  dyn-attr="widget.attrb"></div>\r
158                                                         </div>\r
159                                                 </div>\r
160                                         </li>\r
161                                 </ul>\r
162                         </div>\r
163                         <div></div>\r
164                         <div class="gridster-container override_background">\r
165                                 <div id="dashboardAddWidgetPreference"\r
166                                         ng-style="{'cursor':'pointer'}"\r
167                                         ng-click="dashboard.goToWidgetCatLog()">\r
168                                         <i class="icon-controls-add-maximize"></i> Add Widget\r
169                                 </div>\r
170                                 &nbsp;\r
171                                 <div id="dashboardDefaultPreference" ng-style="{'cursor':'pointer'}"\r
172                                         ng-click="restoreSortSelected()">\r
173                                         <i class="icon-arrows-replay-restart"></i> Reset Widget Layout\r
174                                 </div>\r
175                         </div>\r
176                 </div>\r
177 \r
178         </div>\r
179 </div>\r