Add stndDefined domain to HV-VES
[dcaegen2/collectors/hv-ves.git] / dpo / spec / hv-ves-collector.componentspec.json
1 {
2   "self": {
3     "version": "1.1.0",
4     "name": "dcae-hv-ves-collector",
5     "description": "Collector for receiving stream of High Volume VES events through socket interface",
6     "component_type": "docker"
7   },
8   "streams": {
9     "subscribes": [],
10     "publishes": [
11       {
12         "format": "hv-ves-event",
13         "version": "7.1.0",
14         "type": "kafka",
15         "config_key": "perf3gpp"
16       }
17     ]
18   },
19   "services": {
20     "calls": [],
21     "provides": []
22   },
23   "parameters": [
24     {
25       "name": "logLevel",
26       "value": "INFO",
27       "description": "The logging level used for collector classes",
28       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
29       "policy_editable": false,
30       "designer_editable": false
31     },
32     {
33       "name": "server.listenPort",
34       "value": 6061,
35       "description": "The container listen port",
36       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
37       "policy_editable": false,
38       "designer_editable": false
39     },
40     {
41       "name": "server.idleTimeoutSec",
42       "value": 300,
43       "description": "Maximum inactive time in seconds for client connections after which client can be disconnected",
44       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
45       "type": "number",
46       "policy_editable": false,
47       "designer_editable": false
48     },
49     {
50       "name": "cbs.firstRequestDelaySec",
51       "value": 10,
52       "description": "Delay in seconds after which the first CBS request will be made",
53       "sourced_at_deployment": false,
54       "policy_editable": false,
55       "designer_editable": false
56     },
57     {
58       "name": "cbs.requestIntervalSec",
59       "value": 5,
60       "description": "Interval in seconds of re-checking the CBS configuration",
61       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
62       "type": "number",
63       "policy_editable": false,
64       "designer_editable": false
65     },
66     {
67       "name": "security.sslDisable",
68       "value": false,
69       "description": "Should be set to true in order to disable client authentication and tunnel encryption",
70       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
71       "type": "boolean",
72       "policy_editable": false,
73       "designer_editable": false
74     },
75     {
76       "name": "security.keys.keyStoreFile",
77       "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/cert.jks",
78       "description": "Points to private key store file",
79       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
80       "policy_editable": false,
81       "designer_editable": false
82     },
83     {
84       "name": "security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile",
85       "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass",
86       "description": "File which contains password for the key store",
87       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
88       "policy_editable": false,
89       "designer_editable": false
90     },
91     {
92       "name": "security.keys.trustStoreFile",
93       "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.jks",
94       "description": "Points to trust store file which contains trusted client certificates and/or CAs",
95       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
96       "policy_editable": false,
97       "designer_editable": false
98     },
99     {
100       "name": "security.keys.trustStorePasswordFile",
101       "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.pass",
102       "description": "File which contains password for the trust store",
103       "sourced_at_deployment": true,
104       "policy_editable": false,
105       "designer_editable": false
106     }
107   ],
108   "auxilary": {
109     "healthcheck": {
110       "type": "script",
111       "interval": "15s",
112       "timeout": "2s",
113       "script": "/opt/ves-hv-collector/"
114     },
115     "log_info": {
116       "log_directory": "/var/log/ONAP/dcae-hv-ves-collector/"
117     },
118     "tls_info": {
119       "cert_directory": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/",
120       "use_tls": true,
121       "use_external_tls": false
122     },
123     "ports": [
124       "6060:6060",
125       "6061:6061"
126     ]
127   },
128   "artifacts": [
129     {
130       "type": "docker image",
131       "uri": ""
132     }
133   ]
134 }