Update dcae doc for 3.0.1
[dcaegen2.git] / docs / sections / apis / swagger_vescollector.yaml
1 # ================================================================================
2 # Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
3 # ================================================================================
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 # ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
16 #
17 swagger: '2.0'
18 info:
19   version: 1.3.2
20   title: VES Collector
21   description: >
22     Virtual Event Streaming (VES) Collector is RESTful collector for processing
23     JSON messages. The collector verifies the source and validates the events
24     against VES schema before distributing to DMAAP MR topics
25   termsOfService: 'urn:tos'
26   contact: {}
27   license:
28     name: Apache 2.0
29     url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'
30 host: 'localhost:8080'
31 basePath: /
32 tags:
33   - name: basic-error-controller
34     description: Basic Error Controller
35   - name: ves-rest-controller
36     description: Ves Rest Controller
37 paths:
38   /:
39     get:
40       tags:
41         - ves-rest-controller
42       summary: mainPage
43       operationId: mainPageUsingGET
44       produces:
45         - '*/*'
46       responses:
47         '200':
48           description: OK
49           schema:
50             type: string
51         '401':
52           description: Unauthorized
53         '403':
54           description: Forbidden
55         '404':
56           description: Not Found
57   /error:
58     get:
59       tags:
60         - basic-error-controller
61       summary: errorHtml
62       operationId: errorHtmlUsingGET
63       produces:
64         - text/html
65       responses:
66         '200':
67           description: OK
68           schema:
69             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
70         '401':
71           description: Unauthorized
72         '403':
73           description: Forbidden
74         '404':
75           description: Not Found
76     head:
77       tags:
78         - basic-error-controller
79       summary: errorHtml
80       operationId: errorHtmlUsingHEAD
81       consumes:
82         - application/json
83       produces:
84         - text/html
85       responses:
86         '200':
87           description: OK
88           schema:
89             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
90         '204':
91           description: No Content
92         '401':
93           description: Unauthorized
94         '403':
95           description: Forbidden
96     post:
97       tags:
98         - basic-error-controller
99       summary: errorHtml
100       operationId: errorHtmlUsingPOST
101       consumes:
102         - application/json
103       produces:
104         - text/html
105       responses:
106         '200':
107           description: OK
108           schema:
109             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
110         '201':
111           description: Created
112         '401':
113           description: Unauthorized
114         '403':
115           description: Forbidden
116         '404':
117           description: Not Found
118     put:
119       tags:
120         - basic-error-controller
121       summary: errorHtml
122       operationId: errorHtmlUsingPUT
123       consumes:
124         - application/json
125       produces:
126         - text/html
127       responses:
128         '200':
129           description: OK
130           schema:
131             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
132         '201':
133           description: Created
134         '401':
135           description: Unauthorized
136         '403':
137           description: Forbidden
138         '404':
139           description: Not Found
140     delete:
141       tags:
142         - basic-error-controller
143       summary: errorHtml
144       operationId: errorHtmlUsingDELETE
145       produces:
146         - text/html
147       responses:
148         '200':
149           description: OK
150           schema:
151             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
152         '204':
153           description: No Content
154         '401':
155           description: Unauthorized
156         '403':
157           description: Forbidden
158     options:
159       tags:
160         - basic-error-controller
161       summary: errorHtml
162       operationId: errorHtmlUsingOPTIONS
163       consumes:
164         - application/json
165       produces:
166         - text/html
167       responses:
168         '200':
169           description: OK
170           schema:
171             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
172         '204':
173           description: No Content
174         '401':
175           description: Unauthorized
176         '403':
177           description: Forbidden
178     patch:
179       tags:
180         - basic-error-controller
181       summary: errorHtml
182       operationId: errorHtmlUsingPATCH
183       consumes:
184         - application/json
185       produces:
186         - text/html
187       responses:
188         '200':
189           description: OK
190           schema:
191             $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
192         '204':
193           description: No Content
194         '401':
195           description: Unauthorized
196         '403':
197           description: Forbidden
198   /eventListener/v1:
199     post:
200       tags:
201         - ves-rest-controller
202       summary: receiveEvent
203       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST
204       consumes:
205         - application/json
206       produces:
207         - '*/*'
208       parameters:
209         - in: body
210           name: jsonPayload
211           description: jsonPayload
212           required: true
213           schema:
214             type: string
215       responses:
216         '200':
217           description: OK
218           schema:
219             type: string
220         '201':
221           description: Created
222         '401':
223           description: Unauthorized
224         '403':
225           description: Forbidden
226         '404':
227           description: Not Found
228   /eventListener/v1/eventBatch:
229     post:
230       tags:
231         - ves-rest-controller
232       summary: receiveEvent
233       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_1
234       consumes:
235         - application/json
236       produces:
237         - '*/*'
238       parameters:
239         - in: body
240           name: jsonPayload
241           description: jsonPayload
242           required: true
243           schema:
244             type: string
245       responses:
246         '200':
247           description: OK
248           schema:
249             type: string
250         '201':
251           description: Created
252         '401':
253           description: Unauthorized
254         '403':
255           description: Forbidden
256         '404':
257           description: Not Found
258   /eventListener/v2:
259     post:
260       tags:
261         - ves-rest-controller
262       summary: receiveEvent
263       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_2
264       consumes:
265         - application/json
266       produces:
267         - '*/*'
268       parameters:
269         - in: body
270           name: jsonPayload
271           description: jsonPayload
272           required: true
273           schema:
274             type: string
275       responses:
276         '200':
277           description: OK
278           schema:
279             type: string
280         '201':
281           description: Created
282         '401':
283           description: Unauthorized
284         '403':
285           description: Forbidden
286         '404':
287           description: Not Found
288   /eventListener/v2/eventBatch:
289     post:
290       tags:
291         - ves-rest-controller
292       summary: receiveEvent
293       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_3
294       consumes:
295         - application/json
296       produces:
297         - '*/*'
298       parameters:
299         - in: body
300           name: jsonPayload
301           description: jsonPayload
302           required: true
303           schema:
304             type: string
305       responses:
306         '200':
307           description: OK
308           schema:
309             type: string
310         '201':
311           description: Created
312         '401':
313           description: Unauthorized
314         '403':
315           description: Forbidden
316         '404':
317           description: Not Found
318   /eventListener/v3:
319     post:
320       tags:
321         - ves-rest-controller
322       summary: receiveEvent
323       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_4
324       consumes:
325         - application/json
326       produces:
327         - '*/*'
328       parameters:
329         - in: body
330           name: jsonPayload
331           description: jsonPayload
332           required: true
333           schema:
334             type: string
335       responses:
336         '200':
337           description: OK
338           schema:
339             type: string
340         '201':
341           description: Created
342         '401':
343           description: Unauthorized
344         '403':
345           description: Forbidden
346         '404':
347           description: Not Found
348   /eventListener/v3/eventBatch:
349     post:
350       tags:
351         - ves-rest-controller
352       summary: receiveEvent
353       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_5
354       consumes:
355         - application/json
356       produces:
357         - '*/*'
358       parameters:
359         - in: body
360           name: jsonPayload
361           description: jsonPayload
362           required: true
363           schema:
364             type: string
365       responses:
366         '200':
367           description: OK
368           schema:
369             type: string
370         '201':
371           description: Created
372         '401':
373           description: Unauthorized
374         '403':
375           description: Forbidden
376         '404':
377           description: Not Found
378   /eventListener/v4:
379     post:
380       tags:
381         - ves-rest-controller
382       summary: receiveEvent
383       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_6
384       consumes:
385         - application/json
386       produces:
387         - '*/*'
388       parameters:
389         - in: body
390           name: jsonPayload
391           description: jsonPayload
392           required: true
393           schema:
394             type: string
395       responses:
396         '200':
397           description: OK
398           schema:
399             type: string
400         '201':
401           description: Created
402         '401':
403           description: Unauthorized
404         '403':
405           description: Forbidden
406         '404':
407           description: Not Found
408   /eventListener/v4/eventBatch:
409     post:
410       tags:
411         - ves-rest-controller
412       summary: receiveEvent
413       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_7
414       consumes:
415         - application/json
416       produces:
417         - '*/*'
418       parameters:
419         - in: body
420           name: jsonPayload
421           description: jsonPayload
422           required: true
423           schema:
424             type: string
425       responses:
426         '200':
427           description: OK
428           schema:
429             type: string
430         '201':
431           description: Created
432         '401':
433           description: Unauthorized
434         '403':
435           description: Forbidden
436         '404':
437           description: Not Found
438   /eventListener/v5:
439     post:
440       tags:
441         - ves-rest-controller
442       summary: receiveEvent
443       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_8
444       consumes:
445         - application/json
446       produces:
447         - '*/*'
448       parameters:
449         - in: body
450           name: jsonPayload
451           description: jsonPayload
452           required: true
453           schema:
454             type: string
455       responses:
456         '200':
457           description: OK
458           schema:
459             type: string
460         '201':
461           description: Created
462         '401':
463           description: Unauthorized
464         '403':
465           description: Forbidden
466         '404':
467           description: Not Found
468   /eventListener/v5/eventBatch:
469     post:
470       tags:
471         - ves-rest-controller
472       summary: receiveEvent
473       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_9
474       consumes:
475         - application/json
476       produces:
477         - '*/*'
478       parameters:
479         - in: body
480           name: jsonPayload
481           description: jsonPayload
482           required: true
483           schema:
484             type: string
485       responses:
486         '200':
487           description: OK
488           schema:
489             type: string
490         '201':
491           description: Created
492         '401':
493           description: Unauthorized
494         '403':
495           description: Forbidden
496         '404':
497           description: Not Found
498   /eventListener/v7:
499     post:
500       tags:
501         - ves-rest-controller
502       summary: receiveEvent
503       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_10
504       consumes:
505         - application/json
506       produces:
507         - '*/*'
508       parameters:
509         - in: body
510           name: jsonPayload
511           description: jsonPayload
512           required: true
513           schema:
514             type: string
515       responses:
516         '200':
517           description: OK
518           schema:
519             type: string
520         '201':
521           description: Created
522         '401':
523           description: Unauthorized
524         '403':
525           description: Forbidden
526         '404':
527           description: Not Found
528   /eventListener/v7/eventBatch:
529     post:
530       tags:
531         - ves-rest-controller
532       summary: receiveEvent
533       operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_11
534       consumes:
535         - application/json
536       produces:
537         - '*/*'
538       parameters:
539         - in: body
540           name: jsonPayload
541           description: jsonPayload
542           required: true
543           schema:
544             type: string
545       responses:
546         '200':
547           description: OK
548           schema:
549             type: string
550         '201':
551           description: Created
552         '401':
553           description: Unauthorized
554         '403':
555           description: Forbidden
556         '404':
557           description: Not Found
558 definitions:
559   ModelAndView:
560     type: object
561     properties:
562       empty:
563         type: boolean
564       model:
565         type: object
566       modelMap:
567         type: object
568         additionalProperties:
569           type: object
570       reference:
571         type: boolean
572       status:
573         type: string
574         enum:
575           - '100'
576           - '101'
577           - '102'
578           - '103'
579           - '200'
580           - '201'
581           - '202'
582           - '203'
583           - '204'
584           - '205'
585           - '206'
586           - '207'
587           - '208'
588           - '226'
589           - '300'
590           - '301'
591           - '302'
592           - '303'
593           - '304'
594           - '305'
595           - '307'
596           - '308'
597           - '400'
598           - '401'
599           - '402'
600           - '403'
601           - '404'
602           - '405'
603           - '406'
604           - '407'
605           - '408'
606           - '409'
607           - '410'
608           - '411'
609           - '412'
610           - '413'
611           - '414'
612           - '415'
613           - '416'
614           - '417'
615           - '418'
616           - '419'
617           - '420'
618           - '421'
619           - '422'
620           - '423'
621           - '424'
622           - '426'
623           - '428'
624           - '429'
625           - '431'
626           - '451'
627           - '500'
628           - '501'
629           - '502'
630           - '503'
631           - '504'
632           - '505'
633           - '506'
634           - '507'
635           - '508'
636           - '509'
637           - '510'
638           - '511'
639       view:
640         $ref: '#/definitions/View'
641       viewName:
642         type: string
643     title: ModelAndView
644   View:
645     type: object
646     properties:
647       contentType:
648         type: string
649     title: View