[vfc/nfvo/lcm.git] / docs / platform / APIs / NSLCM_API / nslcm_SOL005_api.json
1 swagger: '2.0'
2 info:
3   version: 1.0.0
4   title: ONAP VFC Network Service Lifecycle Management API
5   description: VFC Network Service Lifecycle Management Rest API.
6   contact:
7     name: ONAP VFC team
8     email: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
9     url: 'https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/vfc/nfvo/lcm'
10 basePath: /
11 schemes:
12   - http
13   - https
14 consumes:
15   - application/json
16 produces:
17   - application/json
18 paths:
19   /api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances:
20     get:
21       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_list
22       description: ''
23       parameters: []
24       responses:
25         '200':
26           description: ''
27           schema:
28             description: NS instances
29             type: array
30             items:
31               $ref: '#/definitions/NsInstance'
32         '500':
33           description: Inner error
34       tags:
35         - api
36     post:
37       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_create
38       description: ''
39       parameters:
40         - name: data
41           in: body
42           required: true
43           schema:
44             $ref: '#/definitions/CreateNsRequest'
45       responses:
46         '201':
47           description: ''
48           schema:
49             $ref: '#/definitions/NsInstance'
50         '500':
51           description: Inner error
52       tags:
53         - api
54     parameters: []
55   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}':
56     get:
57       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_read
58       description: ''
59       parameters: []
60       responses:
61         '200':
62           description: ''
63           schema:
64             $ref: '#/definitions/NsInstance'
65         '500':
66           description: Inner error
67       tags:
68         - api
69     delete:
70       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_delete
71       description: ''
72       parameters: []
73       responses:
74         '204':
75           description: HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
76       tags:
77         - api
78     parameters:
79       - name: ns_instance_id
80         in: path
81         required: true
82         type: string
83   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}/heal':
84     post:
85       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_heal_create
86       description: ''
87       parameters:
88         - name: data
89           in: body
90           required: true
91           schema:
92             $ref: '#/definitions/HealNsReq'
93       responses:
94         '202':
95           description: HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
96         '500':
97           description: ''
98           schema:
99             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
100       tags:
101         - api
102     parameters:
103       - name: ns_instance_id
104         in: path
105         required: true
106         type: string
107   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}/instantiate':
108     post:
109       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_instantiate_create
110       description: ''
111       parameters:
112         - name: data
113           in: body
114           required: true
115           schema:
116             $ref: '#/definitions/InstantNsReq'
117       responses:
118         '202':
119           description: HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
120         '500':
121           description: ''
122           schema:
123             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
124       tags:
125         - api
126     parameters:
127       - name: ns_instance_id
128         in: path
129         required: true
130         type: string
131   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}/scale':
132     post:
133       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_scale_create
134       description: ''
135       parameters:
136         - name: data
137           in: body
138           required: true
139           schema:
140             $ref: '#/definitions/ManualScaleNsReq'
141       responses:
142         '202':
143           description: HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
144         '500':
145           description: ''
146           schema:
147             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
148       tags:
149         - api
150     parameters:
151       - name: ns_instance_id
152         in: path
153         required: true
154         type: string
155   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}/terminate':
156     post:
157       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_terminate_create
158       description: ''
159       parameters:
160         - name: data
161           in: body
162           required: true
163           schema:
164             $ref: '#/definitions/TerminateNsReq'
165       responses:
166         '202':
167           description: HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
168         '500':
169           description: ''
170           schema:
171             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
172       tags:
173         - api
174     parameters:
175       - name: ns_instance_id
176         in: path
177         required: true
178         type: string
179   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances/{ns_instance_id}/update':
180     post:
181       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_instances_update_create
182       description: ''
183       parameters:
184         - name: data
185           in: body
186           required: true
187           schema:
188             $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateNsReq'
189       responses:
190         '202':
191           description: HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
192         '500':
193           description: ''
194           schema:
195             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
196       tags:
197         - api
198     parameters:
199       - name: ns_instance_id
200         in: path
201         required: true
202         type: string
203   /api/nslcm/v1/ns_lcm_op_occs:
204     get:
205       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_lcm_op_occs_list
206       description: ''
207       parameters: []
208       responses:
209         '200':
210           description: ''
211           schema:
212             type: array
213             items:
214               $ref: '#/definitions/NSLCMOpOcc'
215         '400':
216           description: ''
217           schema:
218             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
219         '500':
220           description: ''
221           schema:
222             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
223       tags:
224         - api
225     parameters: []
226   '/api/nslcm/v1/ns_lcm_op_occs/{lcmopoccid}':
227     get:
228       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_lcm_op_occs_read
229       description: ''
230       parameters: []
231       responses:
232         '200':
233           description: ''
234           schema:
235             $ref: '#/definitions/NSLCMOpOcc'
236         '500':
237           description: ''
238           schema:
239             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
240       tags:
241         - api
242     parameters:
243       - name: lcmopoccid
244         in: path
245         required: true
246         type: string
247   /api/nslcm/v1/subscriptions:
248     get:
249       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_subscriptions_list
250       description: ''
251       parameters: []
252       responses:
253         '200':
254           description: ''
255           schema:
256             type: array
257             items:
258               $ref: '#/definitions/LccnSubscription'
259         '400':
260           description: ''
261           schema:
262             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
263         '500':
264           description: ''
265           schema:
266             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
267       tags:
268         - api
269     post:
270       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_subscriptions_create
271       description: ''
272       parameters:
273         - name: data
274           in: body
275           required: true
276           schema:
277             $ref: '#/definitions/LccnSubscriptionRequest'
278       responses:
279         '201':
280           description: ''
281           schema:
282             $ref: '#/definitions/LccnSubscription'
283         '303':
284           description: ''
285           schema:
286             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
287         '500':
288           description: ''
289           schema:
290             $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
291       tags:
292         - api
293     parameters: []
294   /api/nslcm/v1/ns/placevnf:
295     post:
296       operationId: api_nslcm_v1_ns_placevnf_create
297       description: ''
298       parameters:
299         - name: data
300           in: body
301           required: true
302           schema:
303             $ref: '#/definitions/PlaceVnfReq'
304       responses:
305         '201':
306           description: ''
307           schema:
308             $ref: '#/definitions/PlaceVnfReq'
309       tags:
310         - api
311     parameters: []
312   /api/nslcm/v2/grants:
313     post:
314       operationId: api_nslcm_v2_grants_create
315       description: ''
316       parameters:
317         - name: data
318           in: body
319           required: true
320           schema:
321             $ref: '#/definitions/GrantRequest'
322       responses:
323         '201':
324           description: ''
325           schema:
326             $ref: '#/definitions/Grant'
327         '500':
328           description: Inner error
329       tags:
330         - api
331     parameters: []
332   '/api/nslcm/v2/ns/{vnfmId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/Notify':
333     get:
334       operationId: api_nslcm_v2_ns_vnfs_Notify_list
335       description: ''
336       parameters: []
337       responses:
338         '204':
339           description: The notification endpoint was tested successfully.
340         '500':
341           description: Inner error
342       tags:
343         - api
344     post:
345       operationId: api_nslcm_v2_ns_vnfs_Notify_create
346       description: ''
347       parameters:
348         - name: data
349           in: body
350           required: true
351           schema:
352             $ref: '#/definitions/VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification'
353       responses:
354         '204':
355           description: The notification was delivered successfully.
356         '500':
357           description: Inner error
358       tags:
359         - api
360     parameters:
361       - name: vnfInstanceId
362         in: path
363         required: true
364         type: string
365       - name: vnfmId
366         in: path
367         required: true
368         type: string
369 definitions:
370   JobHistory:
371     description: History of job
372     required:
373       - status
374       - progress
375       - responseId
376     type: object
377     properties:
378       status:
379         title: Status
380         description: Status of job
381         type: string
382       progress:
383         title: Progress
384         description: Progress of job
385         type: string
386       statusDescription:
387         title: Statusdescription
388         description: Description of job
389         type: string
390       errorCode:
391         title: Errorcode
392         description: Error code of job
393         type: string
394       responseId:
395         title: Responseid
396         description: Response index of job
397         type: string
398   JobDescriptor:
399     title: Responsedescriptor
400     description: Descriptor of job
401     required:
402       - status
403       - progress
404       - responseId
405       - responseHistoryList
406     type: object
407     properties:
408       status:
409         title: Status
410         description: Status of job
411         type: string
412       progress:
413         title: Progress
414         description: Progress of job
415         type: integer
416       statusDescription:
417         title: Statusdescription
418         description: Description of job
419         type: string
420       errorCode:
421         title: Errorcode
422         description: Error code of job
423         type: string
424       responseId:
425         title: Responseid
426         description: Response index of job
427         type: string
428       responseHistoryList:
429         description: History of job
430         type: array
431         items:
432           $ref: '#/definitions/JobHistory'
433   JobQueryResp:
434     required:
435       - jobId
436     type: object
437     properties:
438       jobId:
439         title: Jobid
440         description: UUID of job
441         type: string
442       responseDescriptor:
443         $ref: '#/definitions/JobDescriptor'
444   JobUpdReq:
445     required:
446       - progress
447     type: object
448     properties:
449       progress:
450         title: Progress
451         description: Progress of job
452         type: string
453       desc:
454         title: Desc
455         description: Desc of job
456         type: string
457       errcode:
458         title: Errcode
459         description: Error code of job
460         type: string
461   JobUpdResp:
462     required:
463       - result
464     type: object
465     properties:
466       result:
467         title: Result
468         description: Result of job update
469         type: string
470       msg:
471         title: Msg
472         description: Detail of job update
473         type: string
474   RecordCount:
475     required:
476       - count
477     type: object
478     properties:
479       count:
480         title: Count
481         description: Count of record
482         type: string
483   _VnfInst:
484     description: VNF instances
485     required:
486       - vnfInstanceId
487     type: object
488     properties:
489       vnfInstanceId:
490         title: Vnfinstanceid
491         description: ID of VNF instance
492         type: string
493       vnfInstanceName:
494         title: Vnfinstancename
495         description: Name of VNF instance
496         type: string
497       vnfdId:
498         title: Vnfdid
499         description: ID of VNFD
500         type: string
501   PnfInstance:
502     description: PNF instances
503     required:
504       - pnfId
505       - pnfName
506       - pnfdId
507       - pnfProfileId
508     type: object
509     properties:
510       pnfId:
511         title: Pnfid
512         description: Identifier of the PNF.
513         type: string
514       pnfName:
515         title: Pnfname
516         description: Name of the PNF.
517         type: string
518       pnfdId:
519         title: Pnfdid
520         description: Identifier of the PNFD on which the PNF is based.
521         type: string
522       pnfdInfoId:
523         title: Pnfdinfoid
524         description: Identifier of the PNFD information object related to this PNF.
525         type: string
526       pnfProfileId:
527         title: Pnfprofileid
528         description: Identifier of the related PnfProfile in the NSD on which the PNF is based.
529         type: string
530       cpInfo:
531         title: Cpinfo
532         description: Information on the external CP of the PNF.
533         type: string
534   _CpInstInfo:
535     description: Related CP instances
536     required:
537       - cpInstanceId
538     type: object
539     properties:
540       cpInstanceId:
541         title: Cpinstanceid
542         description: ID of CP instance
543         type: string
544       cpInstanceName:
545         title: Cpinstancename
546         description: Name of CP instance
547         type: string
548       cpdId:
549         title: Cpdid
550         description: ID of CPD
551         type: string
552   _VlInst:
553     description: VL instances
554     required:
555       - vlInstanceId
556       - relatedCpInstanceId
557     type: object
558     properties:
559       vlInstanceId:
560         title: Vlinstanceid
561         description: ID of VL instance
562         type: string
563       vlInstanceName:
564         title: Vlinstancename
565         description: Name of VL instance
566         type: string
567       vldId:
568         title: Vldid
569         description: ID of VLD
570         type: string
571       relatedCpInstanceId:
572         description: Related CP instances
573         type: array
574         items:
575           $ref: '#/definitions/_CpInstInfo'
576   _VnffgInst:
577     description: VNFFG instances
578     required:
579       - vnffgInstanceId
580     type: object
581     properties:
582       vnffgInstanceId:
583         title: Vnffginstanceid
584         description: ID of VNFFG instance
585         type: string
586       vnfdId:
587         title: Vnfdid
588         description: ID of VNFD
589         type: string
590       pnfId:
591         title: Pnfid
592         description: ID of PNF
593         type: string
594       virtualLinkId:
595         title: Virtuallinkid
596         description: ID of virtual link
597         type: string
598       cpdId:
599         title: Cpdid
600         description: ID of CPD
601         type: string
602       nfp:
603         title: Nfp
604         description: nfp
605         type: string
606   _QueryNsResp:
607     description: NS instances
608     required:
609       - nsInstanceId
610       - nsdId
611     type: object
612     properties:
613       nsInstanceId:
614         title: Nsinstanceid
615         description: ID of NS instance
616         type: string
617       nsName:
618         title: Nsname
619         description: Name of NS instance
620         type: string
621       description:
622         title: Description
623         description: Description of NS instance
624         type: string
625       nsdId:
626         title: Nsdid
627         description: ID of NSD
628         type: string
629       vnfInfo:
630         description: VNF instances
631         type: array
632         items:
633           $ref: '#/definitions/_VnfInst'
634       pnfInfo:
635         description: PNF instances
636         type: array
637         items:
638           $ref: '#/definitions/PnfInstance'
639       vlInfo:
640         description: VL instances
641         type: array
642         items:
643           $ref: '#/definitions/_VlInst'
644       vnffgInfo:
645         description: VNFFG instances
646         type: array
647         items:
648           $ref: '#/definitions/_VnffgInst'
649       nsState:
650         title: Nsstate
651         description: State of NS instance
652         type: string
653   _Context:
654     title: Context
655     description: Context of NS
656     type: object
657     properties:
658       globalCustomerId:
659         title: Globalcustomerid
660         description: Global customer ID
661         type: string
662       serviceType:
663         title: Servicetype
664         description: Service type
665         type: string
666   _CreateNsReq:
667     type: object
668     properties:
669       csarId:
670         title: Csarid
671         description: Package ID of NS
672         type: string
673       nsName:
674         title: Nsname
675         description: Name of NS
676         type: string
677       description:
678         title: Description
679         description: Description of NS
680         type: string
681       context:
682         $ref: '#/definitions/_Context'
683   _CreateNsResp:
684     required:
685       - nsInstanceId
686     type: object
687     properties:
688       nsInstanceId:
689         title: Nsinstanceid
690         description: ID of NS instance
691         type: string
692   CreateFlowCla:
693     type: object
694     properties:
695       fpinstid:
696         title: Fpinstid
697         description: ID of FP instance
698         type: string
699       context:
700         title: Context
701         description: Context of NS instance
702         type: string
703   CreatePortChain:
704     type: object
705     properties:
706       fpinstid:
707         title: Fpinstid
708         description: ID of FP instance
709         type: string
710       context:
711         title: Context
712         description: Context of NS instance
713         type: string
714   CreatePortPairGp:
715     type: object
716     properties:
717       fpinstid:
718         title: Fpinstid
719         description: ID of FP instance
720         type: string
721       context:
722         title: Context
723         description: Context of NS instance
724         type: string
725       nsinstanceid:
726         title: Nsinstanceid
727         description: ID of NS instance
728         type: string
729   ResourceChange:
730     description: Add resources
731     required:
732       - type
733     type: object
734     properties:
735       type:
736         title: Type
737         description: Change Type
738         type: string
739         enum:
740           - VDU
741       resourceDefinitionId:
742         title: Resourcedefinitionid
743         description: Identifier of resource
744         type: string
745       vdu:
746         title: Vdu
747         description: Identifier identifier of VDU
748         type: string
749   GrantVnfReq:
750     required:
751       - vnfInstanceId
752       - lifecycleOperation
753       - addResource
754       - removeResource
755     type: object
756     properties:
757       vnfInstanceId:
758         title: Vnfinstanceid
759         description: ID of VNF instance
760         type: string
761       vnfDescriptorId:
762         title: Vnfdescriptorid
763         description: ID of VNF Descriptor
764         type: string
765       lifecycleOperation:
766         title: Lifecycleoperation
767         description: Lifecycle Operation
768         type: string
769         enum:
770           - Terminate
771           - Instantiate
772           - Scalein
773           - Scaleout
774           - Scaledown
775           - Scaleup
776           - Heal
777       jobId:
778         title: Jobid
779         description: ID of Job
780         type: string
781       addResource:
782         description: Add resources
783         type: array
784         items:
785           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceChange'
786       removeResource:
787         description: Remove resources
788         type: array
789         items:
790           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceChange'
791       additionalParam:
792         title: Additionalparam
793         description: 'Additional parameters passed to the NFVO, specific to the VNF and the LCM operation. The currently interpreted keys are the following: vimId'
794         type: object
795         additionalProperties:
796           description: Additional parameters
797           type: string
798   Accessinfo:
799     title: Accessinfo
800     description: Access Info
801     required:
802       - tenant
803     type: object
804     properties:
805       tenant:
806         title: Tenant
807         description: Name of tenant
808         type: string
809   Vim:
810     title: Vim
811     description: VIM Info
812     required:
813       - vimid
814     type: object
815     properties:
816       vimid:
817         title: Vimid
818         description: ID of VIM
819         type: string
820       accessinfo:
821         $ref: '#/definitions/Accessinfo'
822       accessInfo:
823         $ref: '#/definitions/Accessinfo'
824   GrantVnfResp:
825     required:
826       - vim
827     type: object
828     properties:
829       vnfInstanceId:
830         title: Vnfinstanceid
831         description: ID of VNF instance
832         type: string
833       vim:
834         $ref: '#/definitions/Vim'
835   ScaleVnfData:
836     title: Scalevnfdata
837     description: Scale data
838     required:
839       - type
840     type: object
841     properties:
842       type:
843         title: Type
844         description: Direction of the scaling
845         type: string
846         enum:
847           - SCALE_IN
848           - SCALE_OUT
849       aspectId:
850         title: Aspectid
851         description: Aspect ID of the VNF that is requested to be scaled
852         type: string
853       numberOfSteps:
854         title: Numberofsteps
855         description: Number of scaling steps to be executed as part of this ScaleVnf operation
856         type: string
857       additionalParam:
858         title: Additionalparam
859         description: 'Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the scaling process, specific to the VNF being scaled'
860         type: object
861         additionalProperties:
862           description: Additional parameters
863           type: string
864   ScaleVnfReq:
865     required:
866       - scaleVnfData
867     type: object
868     properties:
869       scaleVnfData:
870         $ref: '#/definitions/ScaleVnfData'
871   ScaleVnfResp:
872     required:
873       - jobId
874     type: object
875     properties:
876       jobId:
877         title: Jobid
878         description: ID of Job
879         type: string
880   Candidate:
881     title: Solution
882     description: The Placement Solution
883     required:
884       - identifierType
885       - identifiers
886     type: object
887     properties:
888       identifierType:
889         title: Identifiertype
890         description: The type of a candidate
891         type: string
892         enum:
893           - serviceInstanceId
894           - vnfName
895           - cloudRegionId
896           - vimId
897       identifiers:
898         description: A list of identifiers
899         type: array
900         items:
901           description: One identifier
902           type: string
903       cloudOwner:
904         title: Cloudowner
905         description: The name of a cloud owner. Only required if identifier Type is cloudRegionId
906         type: string
907   AssignmentInfo:
908     description: Additonal information related to a candidate
909     required:
910       - key
911       - value
912     type: object
913     properties:
914       key:
915         title: Key
916         description: Any attribute Key needed
917         type: string
918       value:
919         title: Value
920         description: Attribute value for that key
921         type: string
922   PlacementSolution:
923     description: A list of placement solutions
924     required:
925       - resourceModuleName
926       - serviceResourceId
927       - solution
928     type: object
929     properties:
930       resourceModuleName:
931         title: Resourcemodulename
932         description: Name of Resource as defined in the Service Model
933         type: string
934       serviceResourceId:
935         title: Serviceresourceid
936         description: Resource Id defined in the Service Model
937         type: string
938       solution:
939         $ref: '#/definitions/Candidate'
940       assignmentInfo:
941         description: Additonal information related to a candidate
942         type: array
943         items:
944           $ref: '#/definitions/AssignmentInfo'
945   LicenseSolution:
946     description: A list of License Solutions
947     required:
948       - resourceModuleName
949       - serviceResourceId
950       - entitlementPoolUUID
951       - licenseKeyGroupUUID
952       - entitlementPoolInvariantUUID
953       - licenseKeyGroupInvariantUUID
954     type: object
955     properties:
956       resourceModuleName:
957         title: Resourcemodulename
958         description: Name of Resource as defined in the Service Model
959         type: string
960       serviceResourceId:
961         title: Serviceresourceid
962         description: Resource Id defined in the Service Model
963         type: string
964       entitlementPoolUUID:
965         description: A list of entitlementPoolUUIDs
966         type: array
967         items:
968           description: entitlementPoolUUID
969           type: string
970       licenseKeyGroupUUID:
971         description: A list of licenseKeyGroupUUID
972         type: array
973         items:
974           description: licenseKeyGroupUUID
975           type: string
976       entitlementPoolInvariantUUID:
977         description: A list of entitlementPoolInvariantUUIDs
978         type: array
979         items:
980           description: entitlementPoolInvariantUUID
981           type: string
982       licenseKeyGroupInvariantUUID:
983         description: A list of licenseKeyGroupInvariantUUID
984         type: array
985         items:
986           description: licenseKeyGroupInvariantUUID
987           type: string
988   Solution:
989     title: Solutions
990     description: Request Solutions
991     required:
992       - placementSolutions
993     type: object
994     properties:
995       placementSolutions:
996         description: A list of Placement Solutions
997         type: array
998         items:
999           description: A list of Placement Solutions
1000           type: array
1001           items:
1002             $ref: '#/definitions/PlacementSolution'
1003       licenseSolutions:
1004         description: A list of License Solutions
1005         type: array
1006         items:
1007           $ref: '#/definitions/LicenseSolution'
1008   PlaceVnfReq:
1009     required:
1010       - requestId
1011       - transactionId
1012       - requestStatus
1013       - solutions
1014     type: object
1015     properties:
1016       requestId:
1017         title: Requestid
1018         description: ID of Homing Request
1019         type: string
1020       transactionId:
1021         title: Transactionid
1022         description: ID of Homing Transaction
1023         type: string
1024       statusMessage:
1025         title: Statusmessage
1026         description: Status Message of Request
1027         type: string
1028       requestStatus:
1029         title: Requeststatus
1030         description: The Status of a Request
1031         type: string
1032         enum:
1033           - completed
1034           - failed
1035           - pending
1036       solutions:
1037         $ref: '#/definitions/Solution'
1038   CreateSfcInstReq:
1039     required:
1040       - fpindex
1041     type: object
1042     properties:
1043       fpindex:
1044         title: Fpindex
1045         description: Index of FP
1046         type: string
1047       nsInstanceId:
1048         title: Nsinstanceid
1049         description: ID of NS instance
1050         type: string
1051       context:
1052         title: Context
1053         description: Context of NS instance
1054         type: string
1055       sdnControllerId:
1056         title: Sdncontrollerid
1057         description: ID of SDN controller
1058         type: string
1059   CreateSfcInstResp:
1060     required:
1061       - fpinstid
1062     type: object
1063     properties:
1064       fpinstid:
1065         title: Fpinstid
1066         description: ID of FP instance
1067         type: string
1068   CreateSfcReq:
1069     required:
1070       - fpindex
1071     type: object
1072     properties:
1073       fpindex:
1074         title: Fpindex
1075         description: Index of FP
1076         type: string
1077       nsInstanceId:
1078         title: Nsinstanceid
1079         description: ID of NS instance
1080         type: string
1081       context:
1082         title: Context
1083         description: Context of NS instance
1084         type: string
1085       sdnControllerId:
1086         title: Sdncontrollerid
1087         description: ID of SDN controller
1088         type: string
1089   CreateSfcResp:
1090     required:
1091       - jobId
1092       - sfcInstId
1093     type: object
1094     properties:
1095       jobId:
1096         title: Jobid
1097         description: ID of job
1098         type: string
1099       sfcInstId:
1100         title: Sfcinstid
1101         description: ID of SFC instance
1102         type: string
1103   GetSfcResp:
1104     required:
1105       - sfcInstId
1106       - sfcName
1107       - sfcStatus
1108     type: object
1109     properties:
1110       sfcInstId:
1111         title: Sfcinstid
1112         description: ID of SFC instance
1113         type: string
1114       sfcName:
1115         title: Sfcname
1116         description: Name of SFC instance
1117         type: string
1118       sfcStatus:
1119         title: Sfcstatus
1120         description: Status of SFC instance
1121         type: string
1122   DeleteSfcResp:
1123     required:
1124       - result
1125     type: object
1126     properties:
1127       result:
1128         title: Result
1129         description: 'Delete SFC result(0: success, 1: failed)'
1130         type: string
1131       detail:
1132         title: Detail
1133         description: Result detail
1134         type: string
1135   TerminateVnfReq:
1136     type: object
1137     properties:
1138       terminationType:
1139         title: Terminationtype
1140         description: Termination Type
1141         type: string
1142       gracefulTerminationTimeout:
1143         title: Gracefulterminationtimeout
1144         description: Graceful Termination Timeout
1145         type: string
1146   TerminateVnfResp:
1147     required:
1148       - jobId
1149     type: object
1150     properties:
1151       jobId:
1152         title: Jobid
1153         description: ID of Job
1154         type: string
1155   CreateVlReq:
1156     required:
1157       - vlIndex
1158     type: object
1159     properties:
1160       vlIndex:
1161         title: Vlindex
1162         description: Index of VL instance
1163         type: string
1164       nsInstanceId:
1165         title: Nsinstanceid
1166         description: ID of NS instance
1167         type: string
1168       context:
1169         title: Context
1170         description: Context of VL instance
1171         type: string
1172       additionalParamForNs:
1173         title: Additionalparamforns
1174         description: Additional param for NS
1175         type: string
1176   CreateVlResp:
1177     required:
1178       - result
1179       - vlId
1180     type: object
1181     properties:
1182       result:
1183         title: Result
1184         description: 'VL create result(0: success, 1: failed)'
1185         type: integer
1186       detail:
1187         title: Detail
1188         description: Detail of result
1189         type: string
1190       vlId:
1191         title: Vlid
1192         description: ID of VL instance
1193         type: string
1194   GetVlResp:
1195     type: object
1196     properties:
1197       vlId:
1198         title: Vlid
1199         description: ID of VL instance
1200         type: string
1201       vlName:
1202         title: Vlname
1203         description: Name of VL instance
1204         type: string
1205       vlStatus:
1206         title: Vlstatus
1207         description: Status of VL instance
1208         type: string
1209   DeleteVlResp:
1210     required:
1211       - result
1212     type: object
1213     properties:
1214       result:
1215         title: Result
1216         description: 'VL delete result(0: success)'
1217         type: integer
1218       detail:
1219         title: Detail
1220         description: Detail of result
1221         type: string
1222   InstVnfReq:
1223     required:
1224       - vnfIndex
1225       - nsInstanceId
1226     type: object
1227     properties:
1228       vnfIndex:
1229         title: Vnfindex
1230         description: Index of VNF
1231         type: string
1232       nsInstanceId:
1233         title: Nsinstanceid
1234         description: ID of NS instance
1235         type: string
1236       additionalParamForVnf:
1237         title: Additionalparamforvnf
1238         description: Additional param for VNF
1239         type: string
1240   InstVnfResp:
1241     required:
1242       - vnfInstId
1243       - jobId
1244     type: object
1245     properties:
1246       vnfInstId:
1247         title: Vnfinstid
1248         description: ID of VNF instance
1249         type: string
1250       jobId:
1251         title: Jobid
1252         description: ID of Job
1253         type: string
1254   VnfVms:
1255     description: VMs of VNF
1256     required:
1257       - vmID
1258     type: object
1259     properties:
1260       vmID:
1261         title: Vmid
1262         description: ID of VM
1263         type: string
1264       vmName:
1265         title: Vmname
1266         description: Name of VM
1267         type: string
1268   GetVnfResp:
1269     required:
1270       - vnfInstId
1271       - vnfName
1272       - vnfStatus
1273       - vnfVms
1274     type: object
1275     properties:
1276       vnfInstId:
1277         title: Vnfinstid
1278         description: ID of VNF instance
1279         type: string
1280       vnfName:
1281         title: Vnfname
1282         description: Name of VNF instance
1283         type: string
1284       vnfStatus:
1285         title: Vnfstatus
1286         description: Status of VNF instance
1287         type: string
1288       vnfVms:
1289         description: VMs of VNF
1290         type: array
1291         items:
1292           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfVms'
1293   _ActionVm:
1294     title: Actionvminfo
1295     description: VM info of action
1296     type: object
1297     properties:
1298       vmid:
1299         title: Vmid
1300         description: ID of VM
1301         type: string
1302       vduid:
1303         title: Vduid
1304         description: ID of vdu
1305         type: string
1306       vmname:
1307         title: Vmname
1308         description: Name of VM
1309         type: string
1310   _HealNsAdditionalParams:
1311     title: Additionalparams
1312     description: Additional params of NS heal
1313     type: object
1314     properties:
1315       action:
1316         title: Action
1317         description: Action of NS heal
1318         type: string
1319       actionvminfo:
1320         $ref: '#/definitions/_ActionVm'
1321   _HealVnfData:
1322     title: Healvnfdata
1323     description: Data of heal VNF
1324     required:
1325       - vnfInstanceId
1326     type: object
1327     properties:
1328       vnfInstanceId:
1329         title: Vnfinstanceid
1330         description: ID of VNF Instance
1331         type: string
1332       cause:
1333         title: Cause
1334         description: Cause of NS heal
1335         type: string
1336       additionalParams:
1337         $ref: '#/definitions/_HealNsAdditionalParams'
1338   _HealNsData:
1339     title: Healnsdata
1340     description: Data of heal NS
1341     required:
1342       - degreeHealing
1343     type: object
1344     properties:
1345       degreeHealing:
1346         title: Degreehealing
1347         description: degree of healing
1348         type: string
1349         enum:
1350           - HEAL_RESTORE
1351           - HEAL_QOS
1352           - HEAL_RESET
1353           - PARTIAL_HEALING
1354       actionsHealing:
1355         description: A list of actions
1356         type: array
1357         items:
1358           description: One action
1359           type: string
1360       healScript:
1361         title: Healscript
1362         description: script of NS heal
1363         type: string
1364       additionalParamsforNs:
1365         title: Additionalparamsforns
1366         description: Addition params of NS heal
1367         type: string
1368   _HealNsReq:
1369     type: object
1370     properties:
1371       healVnfData:
1372         $ref: '#/definitions/_HealVnfData'
1373       healNsData:
1374         $ref: '#/definitions/_HealNsData'
1375   _NsOperateJob:
1376     required:
1377       - jobId
1378     type: object
1379     properties:
1380       jobId:
1381         title: Jobid
1382         description: ID of NS operate job
1383         type: string
1384   _VnfLocation:
1385     title: Locationconstraints
1386     description: Location constraint
1387     type: object
1388     properties:
1389       vimId:
1390         title: Vimid
1391         description: ID of VIM
1392         type: string
1393   _LocationConstraint:
1394     description: Location constraints
1395     type: object
1396     properties:
1397       vnfProfileId:
1398         title: Vnfprofileid
1399         description: ID of VNF profile
1400         type: string
1401       locationConstraints:
1402         $ref: '#/definitions/_VnfLocation'
1403   _AddressRange:
1404     title: Addressrange
1405     description: An IP address range to be used.
1406     required:
1407       - minAddress
1408       - maxAddress
1409     type: object
1410     properties:
1411       minAddress:
1412         title: Minaddress
1413         description: Lowest IP address belonging to the range.
1414         type: string
1415       maxAddress:
1416         title: Maxaddress
1417         description: Highest IP address belonging to the range.
1418         type: string
1419   _IpAddress:
1420     description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
1421     required:
1422       - type
1423     type: object
1424     properties:
1425       type:
1426         title: Type
1427         description: The type of the IP addresses.
1428         type: string
1429         enum:
1430           - IPV4
1431           - IPV6
1432       fixedAddresses:
1433         type: array
1434         items:
1435           description: Fixed addresses to assign.
1436           type: string
1437       numDynamicAddresses:
1438         title: Numdynamicaddresses
1439         description: Number of dynamic addresses to assign.
1440         type: integer
1441       addressRange:
1442         $ref: '#/definitions/_AddressRange'
1443       subnetId:
1444         title: Subnetid
1445         description: Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM.
1446         type: string
1447   _IpOverEthernet:
1448     title: Ipoverethernet
1449     description: IP addresses over Ethernet to assign to the extCP instance.
1450     type: object
1451     properties:
1452       macAddress:
1453         title: Macaddress
1454         description: MAC address.
1455         type: string
1456       ipAddresses:
1457         description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
1458         type: array
1459         items:
1460           $ref: '#/definitions/_IpAddress'
1461   _CpProtocolInfo:
1462     description: Address assigned for this CP
1463     required:
1464       - layerProtocol
1465     type: object
1466     properties:
1467       layerProtocol:
1468         title: Layerprotocol
1469         description: The identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s) associated to the network address information.
1470         type: string
1471         enum:
1472           - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
1473       ipOverEthernet:
1474         $ref: '#/definitions/_IpOverEthernet'
1475   _PnfExtCpData:
1476     description: Address assigned for the PNF external CP
1477     required:
1478       - cpProtocolData
1479     type: object
1480     properties:
1481       cpInstanceId:
1482         title: Cpinstanceid
1483         description: Identifier of the CP
1484         type: string
1485       cpdId:
1486         title: Cpdid
1487         description: Identifier of the Connection Point Descriptor
1488         type: string
1489       cpProtocolData:
1490         description: Address assigned for this CP
1491         type: array
1492         items:
1493           $ref: '#/definitions/_CpProtocolInfo'
1494   _AddPnfData:
1495     description: Information on the PNF
1496     required:
1497       - pnfId
1498       - pnfName
1499       - pnfdId
1500       - pnfProfileId
1501     type: object
1502     properties:
1503       pnfId:
1504         title: Pnfid
1505         description: Identifier of the PNF
1506         type: string
1507       pnfName:
1508         title: Pnfname
1509         description: Name of the PNF
1510         type: string
1511       pnfdId:
1512         title: Pnfdid
1513         description: Identifier of the PNFD
1514         type: string
1515       pnfProfileId:
1516         title: Pnfprofileid
1517         description: Identifier of related PnfProfile in the NSD
1518         type: string
1519       cpData:
1520         description: Address assigned for the PNF external CP
1521         type: array
1522         items:
1523           $ref: '#/definitions/_PnfExtCpData'
1524   _InstantNsReq:
1525     type: object
1526     properties:
1527       locationConstraints:
1528         description: Location constraints
1529         type: array
1530         items:
1531           $ref: '#/definitions/_LocationConstraint'
1532       additionalParamForNs:
1533         title: Additionalparamforns
1534         description: Additional param for NS
1535         type: object
1536         additionalProperties:
1537           description: KeyValue Pairs
1538           type: string
1539       addpnfData:
1540         description: Information on the PNF
1541         type: array
1542         items:
1543           $ref: '#/definitions/_AddPnfData'
1544   _InstNsPostDealReq:
1545     description: NS instant post deal
1546     required:
1547       - status
1548     type: object
1549     properties:
1550       status:
1551         title: Status
1552         description: Status of NS Inst
1553         type: string
1554   _ScaleNsBySteps:
1555     description: Scale NS by steps data
1556     required:
1557       - aspectId
1558       - numberOfSteps
1559       - scalingDirection
1560     type: object
1561     properties:
1562       aspectId:
1563         title: Aspectid
1564         description: ID of aspect
1565         type: string
1566       numberOfSteps:
1567         title: Numberofsteps
1568         description: Number of steps
1569         type: string
1570       scalingDirection:
1571         title: Scalingdirection
1572         description: Scaling direction
1573         type: string
1574   _ScaleNsData:
1575     description: Scale NS data
1576     required:
1577       - scaleNsByStepsData
1578     type: object
1579     properties:
1580       scaleNsByStepsData:
1581         description: Scale NS by steps data
1582         type: array
1583         items:
1584           $ref: '#/definitions/_ScaleNsBySteps'
1585   _ManualScaleNsReq:
1586     description: NS manual scale
1587     required:
1588       - scaleType
1589       - scaleNsData
1590     type: object
1591     properties:
1592       scaleType:
1593         title: Scaletype
1594         description: Type of NS Scale
1595         type: string
1596       scaleNsData:
1597         description: Scale NS data
1598         type: array
1599         items:
1600           $ref: '#/definitions/_ScaleNsData'
1601   _TerminateNsReq:
1602     type: object
1603     properties:
1604       terminationType:
1605         title: Terminationtype
1606         description: Type of NS termination
1607         type: string
1608       gracefulTerminationTimeout:
1609         title: Gracefulterminationtimeout
1610         description: Timeout of NS graceful termination
1611         type: string
1612   VnfInstanceData:
1613     description: Data of vnf instance
1614     required:
1615       - vnfInstanceId
1616     type: object
1617     properties:
1618       vnfInstanceId:
1619         title: Vnfinstanceid
1620         description: Specify the target NS instance where the VNF instances are moved to
1621         type: string
1622       vnfProfileId:
1623         title: Vnfprofileid
1624         description: Specify the VNF instance that is moved.
1625         type: string
1626   InstantiateVnfData:
1627     description: Data of vnf instance
1628     required:
1629       - vnfdId
1630       - vnfFlavourId
1631     type: object
1632     properties:
1633       vnfdId:
1634         title: Vnfdid
1635         description: 'Information sufficient to identify the VNFD which defines the VNF to be instantiated. '
1636         type: string
1637       vnfFlavourId:
1638         title: Vnfflavourid
1639         description: Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour to be instantiated.
1640         type: string
1641       vnfInstantiationLevelId:
1642         title: Vnfinstantiationlevelid
1643         description: 'Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to be instantiated. '
1644         type: string
1645       vnfInstanceName:
1646         title: Vnfinstancename
1647         description: Human-readable name of the VNF instance to be created.
1648         type: string
1649   AddressRange:
1650     title: Addressrange
1651     description: An IP address range to be used.
1652     required:
1653       - minAddress
1654       - maxAddress
1655     type: object
1656     properties:
1657       minAddress:
1658         title: Minaddress
1659         description: Lowest IP address belonging to the range.
1660         type: string
1661       maxAddress:
1662         title: Maxaddress
1663         description: Highest IP address belonging to the range.
1664         type: string
1665   IpAddressesDataSerialzier:
1666     description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
1667     required:
1668       - type
1669       - fixedAddresses
1670     type: object
1671     properties:
1672       type:
1673         title: Type
1674         description: The type of the IP addresses.
1675         type: string
1676         enum:
1677           - IPV4
1678           - IPV6
1679       fixedAddresses:
1680         type: array
1681         items:
1682           description: Fixed addresses to assign.
1683           type: string
1684       numDynamicAddresses:
1685         title: Numdynamicaddresses
1686         description: Number of dynamic addresses to assign.
1687         type: integer
1688       addressRange:
1689         $ref: '#/definitions/AddressRange'
1690       subnetId:
1691         title: Subnetid
1692         description: Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM.
1693         type: string
1694   IpOverEthernetAddressData:
1695     title: Ipoverethernet
1696     description: Network address data for IP over Ethernetto assign to the extCP instance.
1697     type: object
1698     properties:
1699       macAddress:
1700         title: Macaddress
1701         description: Mac address
1702         type: string
1703       ipAddresses:
1704         description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
1705         type: array
1706         items:
1707           $ref: '#/definitions/IpAddressesDataSerialzier'
1708   CpProtocolData:
1709     description: This type represents network protocol data.
1710     required:
1711       - layerProtocol
1712     type: object
1713     properties:
1714       layerProtocol:
1715         title: Layerprotocol
1716         description: Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s)
1717         type: string
1718         enum:
1719           - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
1720       ipOverEthernet:
1721         $ref: '#/definitions/IpOverEthernetAddressData'
1722   VnfExtCpConfig:
1723     description: Config of vnf ext cp
1724     type: object
1725     properties:
1726       cpInstanceId:
1727         title: Cpinstanceid
1728         description: Identifier of the external CP instance to which this set of configuration parameters is requested to be applied.
1729         type: string
1730       linkPortId:
1731         title: Linkportid
1732         description: Identifier of a pre-conFigured link port to which the external CP will be associated.
1733         type: string
1734       cpProtocolData:
1735         description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL
1736         type: array
1737         items:
1738           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolData'
1739   VnfExtCpData:
1740     description: External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL.
1741     required:
1742       - cpdId
1743     type: object
1744     properties:
1745       cpdId:
1746         title: Cpdid
1747         description: The identifier of the CPD in the VNFD.
1748         type: string
1749       cpConfig:
1750         description: List of instance data that need to be conFigured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD.
1751         type: array
1752         items:
1753           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfExtCpConfig'
1754   ResourceHandle:
1755     title: Resourcehandle
1756     description: Identifier(s) of the virtualised network resource(s) realizing the VL instance
1757     required:
1758       - resourceId
1759     type: object
1760     properties:
1761       vimConnectionId:
1762         title: Vimconnectionid
1763         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to manage the resource.
1764         type: string
1765         maxLength: 255
1766       resourceProviderId:
1767         title: Resourceproviderid
1768         description: Identifier of the entity responsible for the management of the resource.
1769         type: string
1770         maxLength: 255
1771       resourceId:
1772         title: Resourceid
1773         description: Identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.
1774         type: string
1775         maxLength: 255
1776       vimLevelResourceType:
1777         title: Vimlevelresourcetype
1778         description: 'String, type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.'
1779         type: string
1780         maxLength: 255
1781   ExtLinkPortData:
1782     description: This type represents an externallyprovided link port to be used to connect a VNF external connection point to an external VL
1783     required:
1784       - id
1785       - resourceHandle
1786     type: object
1787     properties:
1788       id:
1789         title: Id
1790         description: Provided by the entity that has created the link port
1791         type: string
1792       resourceHandle:
1793         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
1794   ExtVirtualLinkData:
1795     description: This type represents an external VL
1796     required:
1797       - resourceId
1798     type: object
1799     properties:
1800       extVirtualLinkId:
1801         title: Extvirtuallinkid
1802         description: 'The identifier of the external VL instance, if provided. '
1803         type: string
1804       vimId:
1805         title: Vimid
1806         description: Identifier of the VIM that manages this resource.
1807         type: string
1808       resourceProviderId:
1809         title: Resourceproviderid
1810         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource.
1811         type: string
1812       resourceId:
1813         title: Resourceid
1814         description: The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.
1815         type: string
1816       extCps:
1817         type: array
1818         items:
1819           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfExtCpData'
1820       extLinkPorts:
1821         description: 'Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL. '
1822         type: array
1823         items:
1824           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtLinkPortData'
1825   ExtManagedVirtualLinkData:
1826     description: This type represents an externally-managed internalVL.
1827     required:
1828       - virtualLinkDescId
1829       - resourceId
1830     type: object
1831     properties:
1832       extManagedVirtualLinkId:
1833         title: Extmanagedvirtuallinkid
1834         description: 'The identifier of the externally-managed internal VL instance,if provided.'
1835         type: string
1836       virtualLinkDescId:
1837         title: Virtuallinkdescid
1838         description: The identifier of the VLD in the VNFD for this VL.
1839         type: string
1840       vimId:
1841         title: Vimid
1842         description: Identifier of the VIMthat manage this resource.
1843         type: string
1844       resourceProviderId:
1845         title: Resourceproviderid
1846         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management ofthis resource.
1847         type: string
1848       resourceId:
1849         title: Resourceid
1850         description: The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM orthe resource provider.
1851         type: string
1852   ChangeVnfFlavourDataSerizlizer:
1853     description: The type represents the information that is requested to be changed deployment flavour for an existing VNF instance.
1854     required:
1855       - vnfInstanceId
1856       - newFlavourId
1857     type: object
1858     properties:
1859       vnfInstanceId:
1860         title: Vnfinstanceid
1861         description: Identifier of the VNF instance to be modified.
1862         type: string
1863       newFlavourId:
1864         title: Newflavourid
1865         description: Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour to be instantiated.
1866         type: string
1867       instantiationLevelId:
1868         title: Instantiationlevelid
1869         description: Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to be instantiated.
1870         type: string
1871       extVirtualLinks:
1872         description: Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
1873         type: array
1874         items:
1875           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData'
1876       extManagedVirtualLinks:
1877         description: Information about internal VLs that are managed by NFVO
1878         type: array
1879         items:
1880           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData'
1881       additionalParams:
1882         title: Additionalparams
1883         description: Additional input parameters for the flavour change process
1884         type: string
1885   OperationalStates:
1886     title: Changestateto
1887     description: The desired operational state to change the VNF to.
1888     required:
1889       - OperationalStates
1890     type: object
1891     properties:
1892       OperationalStates:
1893         title: Operationalstates
1894         description: State of operation
1895         type: string
1896         enum:
1897           - STARTED
1898           - STOPPED
1899   StopType:
1900     title: Stoptype
1901     description: It signals whether forceful or graceful stop is requested.
1902     required:
1903       - StopType
1904     type: object
1905     properties:
1906       StopType:
1907         title: Stoptype
1908         description: Type of stop
1909         type: string
1910         enum:
1911           - FORCEFUL
1912           - GRACEFUL
1913   OperateVnfData:
1914     description: This type represents a VNF instance for which the operational state needs to be changed and the requested new state
1915     required:
1916       - vnfInstanceId
1917       - changeStateTo
1918     type: object
1919     properties:
1920       vnfInstanceId:
1921         title: Vnfinstanceid
1922         description: Identifier of the VNF instance.
1923         type: string
1924       changeStateTo:
1925         $ref: '#/definitions/OperationalStates'
1926       stopType:
1927         $ref: '#/definitions/StopType'
1928       gracefulStopTimeout:
1929         title: Gracefulstoptimeout
1930         description: The time interval to wait for the VNF to be taken out ofservice during graceful stop.
1931         type: string
1932   ModifyVnfInfoData:
1933     description: 'This type represents the information that is requested to be modified for a VNF instance. '
1934     required:
1935       - vnfInstanceId
1936       - vnfPkgId
1937     type: object
1938     properties:
1939       vnfInstanceId:
1940         title: Vnfinstanceid
1941         description: Identifier of the VNF instance.
1942         type: string
1943         format: uuid
1944       vnfInstanceName:
1945         title: Vnfinstancename
1946         description: 'New value of the ''vnfInstanceName'' attribute in ''VnfInstance'', or ''null'' to remove the attribute.'
1947         type: string
1948         maxLength: 255
1949       vnfInstanceDescription:
1950         title: Vnfinstancedescription
1951         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the ''vnfInstanceDescription'' attribute in ''VnfInstance'''
1952         type: string
1953       vnfPkgId:
1954         title: Vnfpkgid
1955         description: New value of the 'vnfPkgId' attribute in 'VnfInstance' The value 'null' is not permitted..
1956         type: string
1957         format: uuid
1958       vnfConfigurableProperties:
1959         title: Vnfconfigurableproperties
1960         description: 'Modifications to entries in the ''vnfConfigurableProperties'' list, as defined below this Table.'
1961         type: object
1962         additionalProperties:
1963           description: KeyValue Pairs
1964           type: string
1965       metaData:
1966         title: Metadata
1967         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of certain ''metadata'' attribute in ''vnfInstance''.'
1968         type: object
1969         additionalProperties:
1970           description: KeyValue Pairs
1971           type: string
1972       extensions:
1973         title: Extensions
1974         description: 'If present,this attribute signals modifications of certain ''extensions'' attribute in ''vnfInstance''.'
1975         type: object
1976         additionalProperties:
1977           description: KeyValue Pairs
1978           type: string
1979   ChangeExtVnfConnectivityData:
1980     description: This type describes the information invoked bythe NFVO to change the external VNF connectivity information maintained by the VNFM.
1981     required:
1982       - vnfInstanceId
1983     type: object
1984     properties:
1985       vnfInstanceId:
1986         title: Vnfinstanceid
1987         description: Identifier of the VNF instance.
1988         type: string
1989       extVirtualLinks:
1990         description: Information about external VLs to change
1991         type: array
1992         items:
1993           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData'
1994       additionalParams:
1995         title: Additionalparams
1996         description: Additional parameters passed by the OSS as input to the external connectivity change process
1997         type: string
1998   SapData:
1999     description: This type represents the information related to a SAP of a NS
2000     required:
2001       - sapdId
2002       - sapName
2003       - description
2004     type: object
2005     properties:
2006       sapdId:
2007         title: Sapdid
2008         description: Reference to the SAPD for this SAP.
2009         type: string
2010       sapName:
2011         title: Sapname
2012         description: Human readable name for the SAP.
2013         type: string
2014       description:
2015         title: Description
2016         description: 'Human readable description for the SAP. '
2017         type: string
2018       sapProtocolData:
2019         description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the SAP.
2020         type: array
2021         items:
2022           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolData'
2023   AssocNewNsdVersionData:
2024     title: Assocnewnsdversiondata
2025     description: Specify the new NSD to be used for the NS instance.
2026     required:
2027       - newNsdId
2028     type: object
2029     properties:
2030       newNsdId:
2031         title: Newnsdid
2032         description: 'Identifier of the new NSD version that is to be associated to the NS instance. '
2033         type: string
2034   MoveVnfInstanceData:
2035     required:
2036       - targetNsInstanceId
2037     type: object
2038     properties:
2039       targetNsInstanceId:
2040         title: Targetnsinstanceid
2041         description: Specify the target NS instance where the VNF instances are moved to.
2042         type: string
2043       vnfInstanceId:
2044         title: Vnfinstanceid
2045         description: Specify the VNF instance that is moved.
2046         type: string
2047   NsCpHandle:
2048     description: This type represents an identifier of the CP or SAP instance.
2049     type: object
2050     properties:
2051       vnfInstanceId:
2052         title: Vnfinstanceid
2053         description: Identifier of the VNF instance associated to the CPinstance.
2054         type: string
2055       vnfExtCpInstanceId:
2056         title: Vnfextcpinstanceid
2057         description: Identifier of the VNF external CP instance in thescope of the VNF instance.
2058         type: string
2059       pnfInfoId:
2060         title: Pnfinfoid
2061         description: Identifier of the PNF instance associated to the CPinstance.
2062         type: string
2063       pnfExtCpInstanceId:
2064         title: Pnfextcpinstanceid
2065         description: Identifier of the PNF external CP instance in thescope of the PNF.
2066         type: string
2067       nsInstanceId:
2068         title: Nsinstanceid
2069         description: Identifier of the NS instance associated to the SAPinstance
2070         type: string
2071       nsSapInstanceId:
2072         title: Nssapinstanceid
2073         description: Identifier of the SAP instance in the scope of the NSinstance.
2074         type: string
2075   Mask:
2076     description: Indicates values of specific bits in a frame
2077     required:
2078       - startingPoint
2079       - length
2080       - value
2081     type: object
2082     properties:
2083       startingPoint:
2084         title: Startingpoint
2085         description: Indicates the offset between the last bit of the sourcemac address and the first bit of the sequence of bitsto be matched.
2086         type: string
2087       length:
2088         title: Length
2089         description: Indicates the number of bits to be matched
2090         type: string
2091       value:
2092         title: Value
2093         description: Provide the sequence of bit values to be matched.
2094         type: string
2095   NfpRule:
2096     title: Nfprule
2097     description: NFP classification and selection rule.
2098     type: object
2099     properties:
2100       etherDestinationAddress:
2101         title: Etherdestinationaddress
2102         description: Indicates a destination Mac address
2103         type: string
2104       etherSourceAddress:
2105         title: Ethersourceaddress
2106         description: Indicates a source Mac address
2107         type: string
2108       etherType:
2109         title: Ethertype
2110         description: Indicates the protocol carried over the Ethernet layer
2111         type: string
2112         enum:
2113           - IPV4
2114           - IPV6
2115       vlanTag:
2116         description: ndicates a VLAN identifier in an IEEE 802.1Q-2014 tag
2117         type: array
2118         items:
2119           type: string
2120       protocol:
2121         title: Protocol
2122         description: 'Indicates the L4 protocol, For IPv4 [7] this corresponds tothe field called Protocol to identifythe next level protocol'
2123         type: string
2124         enum:
2125           - TCP
2126           - UDP
2127           - ICMP
2128       dscp:
2129         title: Dscp
2130         description: 'For IPv4 [7] a string of 0 and 1 digits that corresponds to the6-bit Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field of theIP header.'
2131         type: string
2132       sourcePortRange:
2133         title: Sourceportrange
2134         description: Indicates a range of source ports
2135         type: string
2136       destinationPortRange:
2137         title: Destinationportrange
2138         description: Indicates a range of destination ports
2139         type: string
2140       sourceIpAddressPrefix:
2141         title: Sourceipaddressprefix
2142         description: Indicates the source IP address range in CIDRformat.
2143         type: string
2144       destinationIpAddressPrefix:
2145         title: Destinationipaddressprefix
2146         description: Indicates the destination IP address rangein CIDRformat.
2147         type: string
2148       extendedCriteria:
2149         description: Indicates values of specific bits in a frame
2150         type: array
2151         items:
2152           $ref: '#/definitions/Mask'
2153   NfpData:
2154     description: 'This type contains information used to create or modify NFP instance parameters for the updateof an existing VNFFG instance. '
2155     type: object
2156     properties:
2157       nfpInfoId:
2158         title: Nfpinfoid
2159         description: Identifier of the NFP to be modified.
2160         type: string
2161       nfpName:
2162         title: Nfpname
2163         description: Human readable name for the NFP.
2164         type: string
2165       description:
2166         title: Description
2167         description: Human readable description for the NFP
2168         type: string
2169       nsCpHandle:
2170         description: HanIdentifier(s) of the CPs and SAPs which the NFP passes by.
2171         type: array
2172         items:
2173           $ref: '#/definitions/NsCpHandle'
2174       nfpRule:
2175         $ref: '#/definitions/NfpRule'
2176   UpdateVnffgData:
2177     description: This type specifies the parameters used for the update of an existing VNFFG instance.
2178     required:
2179       - vnffgInfoId
2180     type: object
2181     properties:
2182       vnffgInfoId:
2183         title: Vnffginfoid
2184         description: Identifier of an existing VNFFG to be updated for the NS Instance.
2185         type: string
2186       nfp:
2187         description: nfp
2188         type: array
2189         items:
2190           $ref: '#/definitions/NfpData'
2191       nfpInfoId:
2192         description: Identifier(s) of the NFP to be deleted from a given VNFFG.
2193         type: array
2194         items:
2195           type: string
2196   ChangeNsFlavourData:
2197     title: Changensflavourdata
2198     description: Specifies the new DF to be applied to the NS instance
2199     required:
2200       - newNsFlavourId
2201     type: object
2202     properties:
2203       newNsFlavourId:
2204         title: Newnsflavourid
2205         description: Identifier of the new NS DF to apply to this NS instance.
2206         type: string
2207       instantiationLevelId:
2208         title: Instantiationlevelid
2209         description: Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to be instantiated.
2210         type: string
2211   IdentifierInPnf:
2212     title: Cpinstancei16
2213     description: Identifier of the CP. Shall be present for existing CP.
2214     required:
2215       - IdentifierInPnf
2216     type: object
2217     properties:
2218       IdentifierInPnf:
2219         description: An Identifier that is unique within respect to a PNF.
2220         type: object
2221         properties: {}
2222   IdentifierInNsd:
2223     title: Cpdid
2224     description: Identifier of the Connection Point Descriptor (CPD) for this CP
2225     required:
2226       - IdentifierInNsd
2227     type: object
2228     properties:
2229       IdentifierInNsd:
2230         description: An identifier that is unique within a NS descriptor
2231         type: object
2232         properties: {}
2233   PnfExtCpData:
2234     description: 'Address assigned for the PNF external CP(s). '
2235     type: object
2236     properties:
2237       cpInstanceI16:
2238         $ref: '#/definitions/IdentifierInPnf'
2239       cpdId:
2240         $ref: '#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd'
2241       cpProtocolData:
2242         description: Address assigned for this CP.
2243         type: array
2244         items:
2245           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolData'
2246   AddPnfData:
2247     description: Serializer data of add pnf
2248     required:
2249       - pnfId
2250       - pnfName
2251       - pnfdId
2252       - pnfProfileId
2253     type: object
2254     properties:
2255       pnfId:
2256         title: Pnfid
2257         description: Identifier of the PNF.
2258         type: string
2259       pnfName:
2260         title: Pnfname
2261         description: Name of the PNF.
2262         type: string
2263       pnfdId:
2264         title: Pnfdid
2265         description: Identifier of the PNFD on which the PNF is based.
2266         type: string
2267       pnfProfileId:
2268         title: Pnfprofileid
2269         description: Identifier of related PnfProfile in the NSD on which the PNF is based.
2270         type: string
2271       cpData:
2272         description: 'Address assigned for the PNF external CP(s). '
2273         type: array
2274         items:
2275           $ref: '#/definitions/PnfExtCpData'
2276   ModifyPnfData:
2277     description: This type specifies an PNF to be modified in the NS instance.
2278     required:
2279       - pnfId
2280     type: object
2281     properties:
2282       pnfId:
2283         title: Pnfid
2284         description: Identifier of the PNF.
2285         type: string
2286       pnfName:
2287         title: Pnfname
2288         description: Name of the PNF
2289         type: string
2290       cpData:
2291         description: Address assigned for the PNF external CP(s).
2292         type: array
2293         items:
2294           $ref: '#/definitions/PnfExtCpData'
2295   DateTime:
2296     title: Updatetime
2297     description: Timestamp indicating the update time of the NS
2298     required:
2299       - DateTime
2300     type: object
2301     properties:
2302       DateTime:
2303         description: Date-time stamp.
2304         type: object
2305         properties: {}
2306   UpdateNsReq:
2307     required:
2308       - updateType
2309     type: object
2310     properties:
2311       updateType:
2312         title: Updatetype
2313         description: The type of update.
2314         type: string
2315         enum:
2316           - ADD_VNF
2317           - REMOVE_VNF
2318           - INSTANTIATE_VNF
2319           - CHANGE_VNF_DF
2320           - OPERATE_VNF
2323           - REMOVE_SAP
2324           - ADD_NESTED_NS
2325           - REMOVE_NESTED_NS
2326           - ASSOC_NEW_NSD_VERSION
2327           - MOVE_VNF
2328           - ADD_VNFFG
2329           - REMOVE_VNFFG
2330           - UPDATE_VNFFG
2331           - CHANGE_NS_DF
2332           - ADD_PNF
2333           - MODIFY_PNF
2334           - REMOVE_PNF
2335       addVnfInstance:
2336         description: Identifies an existing VNF instance to be added to the NS instance.
2337         type: array
2338         items:
2339           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInstanceData'
2340       removeVnfInstanceId:
2341         description: Identifies an existing VNF instance to be removed from the NS instance.
2342         type: array
2343         items:
2344           type: string
2345       instantiateVnfData:
2346         description: Identifies the new VNF to be instantiated.
2347         type: array
2348         items:
2349           $ref: '#/definitions/InstantiateVnfData'
2350       changeVnfFlavourData:
2351         description: Identifies the new DF of the VNF instance to be changed to.
2352         type: array
2353         items:
2354           $ref: '#/definitions/ChangeVnfFlavourDataSerizlizer'
2355       operateVnfData:
2356         description: This type represents a VNF instance for which the operational state needs to be changed and the requested new state.
2357         type: array
2358         items:
2359           $ref: '#/definitions/OperateVnfData'
2360       modifyVnfInfoData:
2361         description: 'This type represents the information that is requested to be modified for a VNF instance. '
2362         type: array
2363         items:
2364           $ref: '#/definitions/ModifyVnfInfoData'
2365       changeExtVnfConnectivityData:
2366         description: Specifies the new external connectivity data of theVNF instance to be changed
2367         type: array
2368         items:
2369           $ref: '#/definitions/ChangeExtVnfConnectivityData'
2370       addSap:
2371         description: Identifies a new SAP to be added to the NS instance.
2372         type: array
2373         items:
2374           $ref: '#/definitions/SapData'
2375       removeSapId:
2376         description: The identifier an existing SAP to be removed from the NS instance
2377         type: array
2378         items:
2379           type: string
2380       addNestedNsId:
2381         description: The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be added to the NS instance
2382         type: array
2383         items:
2384           type: string
2385       removeNestedNsId:
2386         description: The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be removed from the NS instance.
2387         type: array
2388         items:
2389           type: string
2390       assocNewNsdVersionData:
2391         $ref: '#/definitions/AssocNewNsdVersionData'
2392       moveVnfInstanceData:
2393         description: Specify existing VNF instance to be moved from one NS instance to another NS instance
2394         type: array
2395         items:
2396           $ref: '#/definitions/MoveVnfInstanceData'
2397       addVnffg:
2398         description: The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be added to the NS instance.
2399         type: array
2400         items:
2401           type: string
2402       removeVnffgId:
2403         description: The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be removed from the NS instance
2404         type: array
2405         items:
2406           type: string
2407       updateVnffg:
2408         description: Specify the new VNFFG Information data to be updated for a VNFFG of the NS Instance
2409         type: array
2410         items:
2411           $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateVnffgData'
2412       changeNsFlavourData:
2413         $ref: '#/definitions/ChangeNsFlavourData'
2414       addPnfData:
2415         description: Specifies the PNF to be added into the NS instance.
2416         type: array
2417         items:
2418           $ref: '#/definitions/AddPnfData'
2419       modifyPnfData:
2420         description: Specifies the PNF to be modified in the NS instance.
2421         type: array
2422         items:
2423           $ref: '#/definitions/ModifyPnfData'
2424       removePnfId:
2425         description: Identifier of the PNF to be deleted from the NS instance.
2426         type: array
2427         items:
2428           type: string
2429       updateTime:
2430         $ref: '#/definitions/DateTime'
2431   AffectedVnfcLcm:
2432     description: Affected VNFC
2433     required:
2434       - changeType
2435     type: object
2436     properties:
2437       vnfcInstanceId:
2438         title: Vnfcinstanceid
2439         description: ID of VNFC instance
2440         type: string
2441       vduId:
2442         title: Vduid
2443         description: ID of VDU in VNFD
2444         type: string
2445       changeType:
2446         title: Changetype
2447         description: Type of Change
2448         type: string
2449         enum:
2450           - added
2451           - removed
2452           - modified
2453       vimId:
2454         title: Vimid
2455         description: ID of VIM
2456         type: string
2457       vmId:
2458         title: Vmid
2459         description: ID of virtual machine
2460         type: string
2461       vmName:
2462         title: Vmname
2463         description: Name of virtual machine
2464         type: string
2465   NetworkResource:
2466     title: Networkresource
2467     description: Network Resource
2468     required:
2469       - resourceType
2470     type: object
2471     properties:
2472       resourceType:
2473         title: Resourcetype
2474         description: Type of Resource
2475         type: string
2476         enum:
2477           - network
2478           - port
2479       resourceId:
2480         title: Resourceid
2481         description: ID of network resource
2482         type: string
2483       resourceName:
2484         title: Resourcename
2485         description: Name of network resource
2486         type: string
2487   AffectedVirtualLinkLcm:
2488     description: Affected VL
2489     required:
2490       - changeType
2491     type: object
2492     properties:
2493       vlInstanceId:
2494         title: Vlinstanceid
2495         description: ID of VL instance
2496         type: string
2497       vldId:
2498         title: Vldid
2499         description: ID of VLD in VNFD
2500         type: string
2501       changeType:
2502         title: Changetype
2503         description: Type of Change
2504         type: string
2505         enum:
2506           - added
2507           - removed
2508           - modified
2509       networkResource:
2510         $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkResource'
2511   PortResource:
2512     title: Portresource
2513     description: Port Resource
2514     type: object
2515     properties:
2516       vimId:
2517         title: Vimid
2518         description: ID of VIM
2519         type: string
2520       resourceId:
2521         title: Resourceid
2522         description: ID of Resource
2523         type: string
2524       resourceName:
2525         title: Resourcename
2526         description: Name of Resource
2527         type: string
2528       tenant:
2529         title: Tenant
2530         description: ID of Tenant
2531         type: string
2532       ipAddress:
2533         title: Ipaddress
2534         description: IP address of port
2535         type: string
2536       macAddress:
2537         title: Macaddress
2538         description: MAC address of port
2539         type: string
2540       instId:
2541         title: Instid
2542         description: Instance id of server to which the port is attached to
2543         type: string
2544   AffectedCp:
2545     description: Affected CP
2546     required:
2547       - changeType
2548     type: object
2549     properties:
2550       changeType:
2551         title: Changetype
2552         description: Type of Change
2553         type: string
2554         enum:
2555           - added
2556           - removed
2557           - modified
2558       virtualLinkInstanceId:
2559         title: Virtuallinkinstanceid
2560         description: ID of VL instance
2561         type: string
2562       cpInstanceId:
2563         title: Cpinstanceid
2564         description: ID of CP instance
2565         type: string
2566       cpdId:
2567         title: Cpdid
2568         description: ID of CPD in VNFD
2569         type: string
2570       ownerType:
2571         title: Ownertype
2572         description: Type of Owner
2573         type: string
2574       ownerId:
2575         title: Ownerid
2576         description: ID of Owner
2577         type: string
2578       portResource:
2579         $ref: '#/definitions/PortResource'
2580   AffectedVirtualStorageLcm:
2581     description: Affected Virtual Storage(Not supported)
2582     type: object
2583     properties: {}
2584   NotifyLcmReq:
2585     required:
2586       - status
2587       - operation
2588       - affectedVnfc
2589       - affectedVl
2590       - affectedCp
2591       - affectedVirtualStorage
2592     type: object
2593     properties:
2594       status:
2595         title: Status
2596         description: Status of operation
2597         type: string
2598         enum:
2599           - result
2600           - start
2601       operation:
2602         title: Operation
2603         description: Lifecycle Operation
2604         type: string
2605         enum:
2606           - Terminate
2607           - Instantiate
2608           - Scalein
2609           - Scaleout
2610           - Scaledown
2611           - Scaleup
2612           - Heal
2613       jobId:
2614         title: Jobid
2615         description: ID of Job
2616         type: string
2617       vnfdmodule:
2618         title: Vnfdmodule
2619         description: VNFD Module
2620         type: string
2621       affectedVnfc:
2622         description: Affected VNFC
2623         type: array
2624         items:
2625           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVnfcLcm'
2626       affectedVl:
2627         description: Affected VL
2628         type: array
2629         items:
2630           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVirtualLinkLcm'
2631       affectedCp:
2632         description: Affected CP
2633         type: array
2634         items:
2635           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedCp'
2636       affectedVirtualStorage:
2637         description: Affected Virtual Storage(Not supported)
2638         type: array
2639         items:
2640           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVirtualStorageLcm'
2641   VnfScaleInfo:
2642     description: 'Scale status of the VNF, one entry per aspect. Represents for every scaling aspect how big the VNF has been scaled w.r.t. that aspect.'
2643     required:
2644       - aspectlId
2645       - scaleLevel
2646     type: object
2647     properties:
2648       aspectlId:
2649         description: The scaling aspect
2650         type: object
2651         properties: {}
2652       scaleLevel:
2653         description: The scale level for that aspect
2654         type: object
2655         properties: {}
2656   IpAddressesInfoSerialzier:
2657     description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
2658     required:
2659       - type
2660     type: object
2661     properties:
2662       type:
2663         title: Type
2664         description: The type of the IP addresses.
2665         type: string
2666         enum:
2667           - IPV4
2668           - IPV6
2669       addresses:
2670         description: An IPV4 or IPV6 address
2671         type: array
2672         items:
2673           type: string
2674       isDynamic:
2675         title: Isdynamic
2676         description: 'Indicates whether this set of addresses was assigned dynamically (true) or based on address information provided as input from the API consumer (false). '
2677         type: boolean
2678       addressRange:
2679         $ref: '#/definitions/AddressRange'
2680       subnetId:
2681         title: Subnetid
2682         description: 'Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM. '
2683         type: string
2684   IpOverEthernetAddressInfo:
2685     title: Ipoverethernet
2686     description: Network address data for IP over Ethernetto assign to the extCP instance.
2687     type: object
2688     properties:
2689       macAddress:
2690         title: Macaddress
2691         description: Mac address
2692         type: string
2693       ipAddresses:
2694         description: List of IP addresses to assign to the extCP instance.
2695         type: array
2696         items:
2697           $ref: '#/definitions/IpAddressesInfoSerialzier'
2698   CpProtocolInfo:
2699     description: Network protocol information for this CP.
2700     required:
2701       - layerProtocol
2702     type: object
2703     properties:
2704       layerProtocol:
2705         title: Layerprotocol
2706         description: Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s)
2707         type: string
2708         enum:
2709           - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
2710       ipOverEthernet:
2711         $ref: '#/definitions/IpOverEthernetAddressInfo'
2712   VnfExtCpInfo:
2713     description: Information about the external CPs exposed by the VNF instance.
2714     required:
2715       - id
2716       - cpdId
2717     type: object
2718     properties:
2719       id:
2720         title: Id
2721         description: Identifier of the external CP instance and the related information instance.
2722         type: string
2723         maxLength: 255
2724       cpdId:
2725         title: Cpdid
2726         description: 'Identifier of the external CPD, VnfExtCpd, in the VNFD.'
2727         type: string
2728         maxLength: 255
2729       cpProtocolInfo:
2730         description: Network protocol information for this CP.
2731         type: array
2732         items:
2733           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolInfo'
2734       extLinkPortId:
2735         title: Extlinkportid
2736         description: Identifier of the extLinkPortInfo structure inside the extVirtualLinkInfo structure.
2737         type: string
2738         maxLength: 255
2739   ExtlinkPortInfo:
2740     description: Link ports of this VL.
2741     required:
2742       - id
2743       - resourceHandle
2744     type: object
2745     properties:
2746       id:
2747         title: Id
2748         description: Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.
2749         type: string
2750         maxLength: 255
2751       resourceHandle:
2752         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2753       cpInstanceId:
2754         title: Cpinstanceid
2755         description: Identifier of the external CP of the VNFconnected to this link port.
2756         type: string
2757         maxLength: 255
2758   ExtVirtualLinkInfo:
2759     description: Information about the external VLs the VNF instance is connected to.
2760     required:
2761       - id
2762       - resourceHandle
2763     type: object
2764     properties:
2765       id:
2766         title: Id
2767         description: Identifier of the external VL and the related external VL information instance.
2768         type: string
2769         maxLength: 255
2770       resourceHandle:
2771         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2772       extlinkPorts:
2773         description: Link ports of this VL.
2774         type: array
2775         items:
2776           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtlinkPortInfo'
2777   VnfLinkPortInfo:
2778     description: 'VnfLinkPortInfo, Link ports of this VL.'
2779     required:
2780       - id
2781       - resourceHandle
2782     type: object
2783     properties:
2784       id:
2785         title: Id
2786         description: Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.
2787         type: string
2788         maxLength: 255
2789       resourceHandle:
2790         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2791       cpInstanceId:
2792         title: Cpinstanceid
2793         description: 'When the link port is used for external connectivity by the VNF, this attribute represents the identifier of the external CP of the VNF to be connected to this link port.'
2794         type: string
2795         maxLength: 255
2796       cpInstanceType:
2797         title: Cpinstancetype
2798         description: Type of the CP instance that is identified by cpInstanceId.
2799         type: string
2800         enum:
2801           - VNFC_CP
2802           - EXT_CP
2803   ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo:
2804     description: Information about the externally-managed inner VLs of the VNF instance.
2805     required:
2806       - id
2807       - vnfVirtualLinkDescId
2808       - networkResource
2809     type: object
2810     properties:
2811       id:
2812         title: Id
2813         description: Identifier of the externally-managed inner VL and the related externally-managed VL information instance.
2814         type: string
2815         maxLength: 255
2816       vnfVirtualLinkDescId:
2817         title: Vnfvirtuallinkdescid
2818         description: Identifier of the VNF Virtual Link Descriptor (VLD) in the VNFD.
2819         type: string
2820         maxLength: 255
2821       networkResource:
2822         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2823       vnfLinkPorts:
2824         description: 'VnfLinkPortInfo, Link ports of this VL.'
2825         type: array
2826         items:
2827           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfLinkPortInfo'
2828   VnfcCpInfo:
2829     description: CPs of the VNFC instance. Shall be present when that particular CP of the VNFC instance is associated to an external CP of the VNF instance.
2830     required:
2831       - id
2832       - cpdId
2833       - vnfLinkPortId
2834     type: object
2835     properties:
2836       id:
2837         title: Id
2838         description: Identifier of the external CP instance and the related information instance.
2839         type: string
2840         maxLength: 255
2841       cpdId:
2842         title: Cpdid
2843         description: 'Identifier of the external CPD, VnfExtCpd, in the VNFD.'
2844         type: string
2845         maxLength: 255
2846       vnfExtCpId:
2847         title: Vnfextcpid
2848         description: 'When the VNFC CP is exposed as external CP of the VNF, the identifier of this external VNF CP.'
2849         type: string
2850         maxLength: 255
2851       cpProtocolInfo:
2852         description: Network protocol information for this CP.
2853         type: array
2854         items:
2855           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolInfo'
2856       vnfLinkPortId:
2857         title: Vnflinkportid
2858         description: Identifier of the vnfLinkPorts structure in the vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo structure.
2859         type: string
2860         maxLength: 255
2861   VnfcResourceInfo:
2862     description: Information about the virtualised compute and storage resources used by the VNFCs of the VNF instance.
2863     required:
2864       - computeResource
2865     type: object
2866     properties:
2867       id:
2868         title: Id
2869         description: Identifier of this VnfcResourceInfo instance.
2870         type: string
2871         maxLength: 255
2872       vduId:
2873         title: Vduid
2874         description: Reference to the applicable VDU in the VNFD.
2875         type: string
2876         maxLength: 255
2877       computeResource:
2878         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2879       storageResourceIds:
2880         description: References to the VirtualStorage resources. The value refers to a VirtualStorageResourceInfo item in the VnfInstance.
2881         type: array
2882         items:
2883           description: Identifier In Vnf
2884           type: string
2885       reservationId:
2886         title: Reservationid
2887         description: The reservation identifier applicable to the resource.
2888         type: string
2889         maxLength: 255
2890       vnfcCpInfo:
2891         description: CPs of the VNFC instance. Shall be present when that particular CP of the VNFC instance is associated to an external CP of the VNF instance.
2892         type: array
2893         items:
2894           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfcCpInfo'
2895       metadata:
2896         title: Metadata
2897         description: Metadata about this resource.
2898         type: object
2899         additionalProperties:
2900           description: KeyValue Pairs
2901           type: string
2902   VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo:
2903     description: Information about the virtualised network resources used by the VLs of the VNF instance.
2904     required:
2905       - id
2906       - virtualLinkDescId
2907       - networkResource
2908     type: object
2909     properties:
2910       id:
2911         title: Id
2912         description: Identifier of this VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo instance.
2913         type: string
2914         maxLength: 255
2915       virtualLinkDescId:
2916         title: Virtuallinkdescid
2917         description: Identifier of the VNF Virtual Link Descriptor (VLD) in the VNFD.
2918         type: string
2919         maxLength: 255
2920       networkResource:
2921         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2922       reservationId:
2923         title: Reservationid
2924         description: The reservation identifier applicable to the resource.
2925         type: string
2926         maxLength: 255
2927       vnfLinkPorts:
2928         description: Links ports of this VL. Shall be present when the linkPort is used for external connectivity by the VNF
2929         type: array
2930         items:
2931           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfLinkPortInfo'
2932       metadata:
2933         title: Metadata
2934         description: Metadata about this resource.
2935         type: object
2936         additionalProperties:
2937           description: KeyValue Pairs
2938           type: string
2939   VirtualStorageResourceInfo:
2940     description: Information about the virtualised storage resources used as storage for the VNF instance.
2941     required:
2942       - id
2943       - storageResource
2944     type: object
2945     properties:
2946       id:
2947         title: Id
2948         description: Identifier of this VirtualStorageResourceInfo instance.
2949         type: string
2950         maxLength: 255
2951       virtualStorageDescId:
2952         title: Virtualstoragedescid
2953         description: Identifier of the VirtualStorageDesc in the VNFD.
2954         type: string
2955         maxLength: 255
2956       storageResource:
2957         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
2958       reservationId:
2959         title: Reservationid
2960         description: The reservation identifier applicable to the resource.
2961         type: string
2962         maxLength: 255
2963       metadata:
2964         title: Metadata
2965         description: Metadata about this resource.
2966         type: object
2967         additionalProperties:
2968           description: KeyValue Pairs
2969           type: string
2970   InstantiatedVnfInfo:
2971     title: Instantiatedvnfinfo
2972     description: Information specific to an instantiated VNF instance. This attribute shall be present if the instantiateState attribute value is INSTANTIATED
2973     required:
2974       - flavourId
2975       - vnfState
2976       - extCpInfo
2977     type: object
2978     properties:
2979       flavourId:
2980         title: Flavourid
2981         description: Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour applied to this VNF instance.
2982         type: string
2983         maxLength: 255
2984       vnfState:
2985         title: Vnfstate
2986         description: State of the VNF instance.
2987         type: string
2988         enum:
2989           - STARTED
2990           - STOPPED
2991       scaleStatus:
2992         description: 'Scale status of the VNF, one entry per aspect. Represents for every scaling aspect how big the VNF has been scaled w.r.t. that aspect.'
2993         type: array
2994         items:
2995           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfScaleInfo'
2996       extCpInfo:
2997         description: Information about the external CPs exposed by the VNF instance.
2998         type: array
2999         items:
3000           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfExtCpInfo'
3001       extVirtualLinkInfo:
3002         description: Information about the external VLs the VNF instance is connected to.
3003         type: array
3004         items:
3005           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo'
3006       extManagedVirtualLinkInfo:
3007         description: Information about the externally-managed inner VLs of the VNF instance.
3008         type: array
3009         items:
3010           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo'
3011       monitoringParameters:
3012         title: Monitoringparameters
3013         description: Active monitoring parameters.
3014         type: object
3015         additionalProperties:
3016           description: KeyValue Pairs
3017           type: string
3018       localizationLanguage:
3019         title: Localizationlanguage
3020         description: Information about localization language of the VNF.
3021         type: string
3022         maxLength: 255
3023       vnfcResourceInfo:
3024         description: Information about the virtualised compute and storage resources used by the VNFCs of the VNF instance.
3025         type: array
3026         items:
3027           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfcResourceInfo'
3028       vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo:
3029         description: Information about the virtualised network resources used by the VLs of the VNF instance.
3030         type: array
3031         items:
3032           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo'
3033       virtualStorageResourceInfo:
3034         description: Information about the virtualised storage resources used as storage for the VNF instance.
3035         type: array
3036         items:
3037           $ref: '#/definitions/VirtualStorageResourceInfo'
3038   Link:
3039     title: Href
3040     description: URI of this resource.
3041     required:
3042       - href
3043     type: object
3044     properties:
3045       href:
3046         title: Href
3047         description: URI of the referenced resource.
3048         type: string
3049   VnfInstanceLinks:
3050     title: ' links'
3051     description: Links to resources related to this resource.
3052     required:
3053       - href
3054     type: object
3055     properties:
3056       href:
3057         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3058       indicators:
3059         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3060       instantiate:
3061         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3062       termiante:
3063         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3064       scale:
3065         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3066       scaleToLevel:
3067         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3068       changeFlavour:
3069         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3070       heal:
3071         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3072       operate:
3073         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3074       changeExtConn:
3075         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3076   VnfInstance:
3077     description: Information on constituent VNF(s) of the NS instance.
3078     required:
3079       - id
3080       - vnfProvider
3081       - vnfdVersion
3082       - vnfPkgId
3083       - instantiationState
3084     type: object
3085     properties:
3086       id:
3087         title: Id
3088         description: Identifier of the VNF instance.
3089         type: string
3090         maxLength: 255
3091       vnfInstanceName:
3092         title: Vnfinstancename
3093         description: Name of the VNF instance.
3094         type: string
3095         maxLength: 255
3096       vnfInstanceDescription:
3097         title: Vnfinstancedescription
3098         description: Human-readable description of the VNF instance.
3099         type: string
3100       vnfdId:
3101         title: Vnfdid
3102         description: Identifier of the VNFD on which the VNF instance is based.
3103         type: string
3104         maxLength: 255
3105       vnfProvider:
3106         title: Vnfprovider
3107         description: Provider of the VNF and the VNFD.
3108         type: string
3109         maxLength: 255
3110       vnfProductName:
3111         title: Vnfproductname
3112         description: Name to identify the VNF Product.
3113         type: string
3114         maxLength: 255
3115       vnfSoftwareVersion:
3116         title: Vnfsoftwareversion
3117         description: Software version of the VNF.
3118         type: string
3119         maxLength: 255
3120       vnfdVersion:
3121         title: Vnfdversion
3122         description: Identifies the version of the VNFD.
3123         type: string
3124         maxLength: 255
3125       vnfPkgId:
3126         title: Vnfpkgid
3127         description: Identifier of information held by the NFVO about the specific VNF package on which the VNF is based. This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.
3128         type: string
3129         maxLength: 255
3130       vnfConfigurableProperties:
3131         title: Vnfconfigurableproperties
3132         description: Current values of the configurable properties of the VNF instance. Configurable properties referred in this attribute are declared in the VNFD
3133         type: object
3134         additionalProperties:
3135           description: KeyValue Pairs
3136           type: string
3137       vimId:
3138         description: Identifier set of a VIM that manages resources for the VNF instance.
3139         type: array
3140         items:
3141           description: Identifier of a VIM that manages resources for the VNF instance.
3142           type: string
3143       instantiationState:
3144         title: Instantiationstate
3145         description: The instantiation state of the VNF.
3146         type: string
3147         enum:
3148           - NOT_INSTANTIATED
3149           - INSTANTIATED
3150       instantiatedVnfInfo:
3151         $ref: '#/definitions/InstantiatedVnfInfo'
3152       metadata:
3153         title: Metadata
3154         description: Additional VNF-specific metadata describing the VNF instance. This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.
3155         type: object
3156         additionalProperties:
3157           description: KeyValue Pairs
3158           type: string
3159       extensions:
3160         title: Extensions
3161         description: 'VNF-specific attributes that affect the lifecycle management of this VNF instance by the VNFM, or the lifecycle management scripts. This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.'
3162         type: object
3163         additionalProperties:
3164           description: KeyValue Pairs
3165           type: string
3166       _links:
3167         $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInstanceLinks'
3168   PnfExtCpInfo:
3169     description: Information on the external CP of the PNF
3170     required:
3171       - cpInstanceId
3172       - cpdId
3173       - cpProtocolData
3174     type: object
3175     properties:
3176       cpInstanceId:
3177         title: Cpinstanceid
3178         description: Identifier of the CP in the scope of the PNF.
3179         type: string
3180       cpdId:
3181         title: Cpdid
3182         description: Identifier of (reference to) the Connection Point Descriptor(CPD) for this CP.
3183         type: string
3184       cpProtocolData:
3185         description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols onthe CP.
3186         type: array
3187         items:
3188           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolData'
3189   PnfInfo:
3190     description: Information on constituent PNF(s) of the NS instance.
3191     required:
3192       - pnfId
3193       - pnfName
3194       - pnfdId
3195       - pnfdInfoId
3196       - pnfProfileId
3197       - cpInfo
3198     type: object
3199     properties:
3200       pnfId:
3201         title: Pnfid
3202         description: Identifier of the PNF.
3203         type: string
3204       pnfName:
3205         title: Pnfname
3206         description: Name of the PNF.
3207         type: string
3208       pnfdId:
3209         title: Pnfdid
3210         description: Identifier of the PNFD on which the PNF is based.
3211         type: string
3212       pnfdInfoId:
3213         title: Pnfdinfoid
3214         description: Identifier of the PNFD information onject related to this PNF.
3215         type: string
3216       pnfProfileId:
3217         title: Pnfprofileid
3218         description: Identifier of the related PnfProfile in the NSD on which the PNF is based.
3219         type: string
3220       cpInfo:
3221         description: Information on the external CP of the PNF
3222         type: array
3223         items:
3224           $ref: '#/definitions/PnfExtCpInfo'
3225   NsLinkPortInfo:
3226     description: Link ports of this VL.
3227     required:
3228       - id
3229       - resourceHandle
3230     type: object
3231     properties:
3232       id:
3233         title: Id
3234         description: Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.
3235         type: string
3236         maxLength: 255
3237       resourceHandle:
3238         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
3239       cpInstanceId:
3240         title: Cpinstanceid
3241         description: Identifier of the external CP of the VNF connected to this link port. There shall be at most one link port associated with any external connection point instance.
3242         type: string
3243         maxLength: 255
3244   NsVirtualLinkInfo:
3245     description: Information on the VL(s) of the NS instance.
3246     required:
3247       - id
3248       - nsVirtualLinkDescId
3249       - nsVirtualLinkProfileId
3250       - resourceHandle
3251     type: object
3252     properties:
3253       id:
3254         title: Id
3255         description: Identifier of the VL instance.
3256         type: string
3257       nsVirtualLinkDescId:
3258         title: Nsvirtuallinkdescid
3259         description: Identifier of the VLD in the NSD.
3260         type: string
3261       nsVirtualLinkProfileId:
3262         title: Nsvirtuallinkprofileid
3263         description: Identifier of the VL profile in the NSD.
3264         type: string
3265       resourceHandle:
3266         description: Identifier(s) of the virtualised network resource(s) realizing the VL instance
3267         type: array
3268         items:
3269           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
3270       linkPort:
3271         description: Link ports of this VL.
3272         type: array
3273         items:
3274           $ref: '#/definitions/NsLinkPortInfo'
3275   NfpInfo:
3276     description: Information on the NFP instances.
3277     required:
3278       - id
3279       - description
3280       - nscpHandle
3281       - nfpRule
3282       - nfpState
3283     type: object
3284     properties:
3285       id:
3286         title: Id
3287         description: Identifier of this NFP instance.
3288         type: string
3289       nfpdId:
3290         title: Nfpdid
3291         description: Identifier of the NFPD used to instantiate this NFPinstance.
3292         type: string
3293       nfpName:
3294         title: Nfpname
3295         description: Human readable name for the NFP instance.
3296         type: string
3297       description:
3298         title: Description
3299         description: Human readable description for the NFP instance.
3300         type: string
3301       nscpHandle:
3302         description: Identifier(s) of the CPs and/or SAPs which the NFP passes by
3303         type: array
3304         items:
3305           $ref: '#/definitions/NsCpHandle'
3306       totalCp:
3307         title: Totalcp
3308         description: Total number of CP and SAP instances in this NFPinstance.
3309         type: string
3310       nfpRule:
3311         $ref: '#/definitions/NfpRule'
3312       nfpState:
3313         title: Nfpstate
3314         description: The state of the NFP instance.
3315         type: string
3316         enum:
3317           - ENABLED
3318           - DISABLED
3319   VnffgInfo:
3320     description: VNF Forward Graph Information.
3321     required:
3322       - id
3323       - vnffgdId
3324       - vnfInstanceId
3325       - nsVirtualLinkInfoId
3326       - nsCpHandle
3327       - nfpInfo
3328     type: object
3329     properties:
3330       id:
3331         title: Id
3332         description: Identifier of this VNFFG instance.
3333         type: string
3334       vnffgdId:
3335         title: Vnffgdid
3336         description: Identifier of the VNFFGD in the NSD.
3337         type: string
3338       vnfInstanceId:
3339         description: Identifier(s) of the constituent VNF instance(s) of thisVNFFG instance.
3340         type: array
3341         items:
3342           description: ID of vnf instance
3343           type: string
3344       pnfInfoId:
3345         description: Identifier(s) of the constituent PNF instance(s) of thisVNFFG instance
3346         type: array
3347         items:
3348           description: ID of pnf info
3349           type: string
3350       nsVirtualLinkInfoId:
3351         description: Identifier(s) of the constituent VL instance(s) ofthisVNFFG instance.
3352         type: array
3353         items:
3354           description: ID of ns virtual link info
3355           type: string
3356       nsCpHandle:
3357         description: Identifiers of the CP instances attached to the constituent VNFs and PNFs or the SAP instances of the VNFFG.
3358         type: array
3359         items:
3360           $ref: '#/definitions/NsCpHandle'
3361       nfpInfo:
3362         description: Information on the NFP instances.
3363         type: array
3364         items:
3365           $ref: '#/definitions/NfpInfo'
3366   SapInfo:
3367     description: Create data concerning the SAPs.
3368     required:
3369       - id
3370       - sapdId
3371       - sapName
3372       - description
3373     type: object
3374     properties:
3375       id:
3376         title: Id
3377         description: Identifier of the SAP instance.
3378         type: string
3379       sapdId:
3380         title: Sapdid
3381         description: Reference to the SAPD for this SAP.
3382         type: string
3383       sapName:
3384         title: Sapname
3385         description: Human readable name for the SAP.
3386         type: string
3387       description:
3388         title: Description
3389         description: 'Human readable description for the SAP. '
3390         type: string
3391       sapProtocolInfo:
3392         description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the SAP.
3393         type: array
3394         items:
3395           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolInfo'
3396   NsScaleInfo:
3397     description: Status of each NS scaling aspect declared in the applicable DF.
3398     required:
3399       - nsScalingAspectId
3400       - nsScaleLevelId
3401     type: object
3402     properties:
3403       nsScalingAspectId:
3404         title: Nsscalingaspectid
3405         description: Identifier of the NS scaling aspect.
3406         type: string
3407       nsScaleLevelId:
3408         title: Nsscalelevelid
3409         description: Identifier of the NS scale level.
3410         type: string
3411   AffinityOrAntiAffinityRule:
3412     description: Specifies additional affinity or anti-affinity constraint for the VNF instances to be instantiated as part of the NS instantiation.
3413     required:
3414       - vnfInstanceId
3415       - affinityOrAntiAffiinty
3416       - scope
3417     type: object
3418     properties:
3419       vnfdId:
3420         description: Identifier of the VNFD on which the VNF instance is based.
3421         type: array
3422         items:
3423           type: string
3424       vnfProfileId:
3425         description: Identifier of (Reference to) a vnfProfile defined in the NSD which the existing VNF instance shall be matched with.
3426         type: array
3427         items:
3428           type: string
3429       vnfInstanceId:
3430         description: Identifier of the existing VNF instance to be used in the NS.
3431         type: array
3432         items:
3433           type: string
3434       affinityOrAntiAffiinty:
3435         title: Affinityorantiaffiinty
3436         description: The type of the constraint.
3437         type: string
3438         enum:
3439           - AFFINITY
3440           - ANTI_AFFINITY
3441       scope:
3442         title: Scope
3443         description: Specifies the scope of the rule where the placement constraint applies.
3444         type: string
3445         enum:
3446           - NFVI_POP
3447           - ZONE
3448           - ZONE_GROUP
3449           - NFVI_NODE
3450   NsLink:
3451     title: ' links'
3452     description: The links of the NS instance.
3453     required:
3454       - self
3455     type: object
3456     properties:
3457       self:
3458         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3459       nestedNsInstances:
3460         description: Links to the nested NS instances of the present NS instance.
3461         type: array
3462         items:
3463           $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3464       instantiate:
3465         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3466       terminate:
3467         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3468       update:
3469         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3470       scale:
3471         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3472       heal:
3473         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
3474   NsInstance:
3475     description: NS instances
3476     required:
3477       - id
3478       - nsInstanceName
3479       - nsInstanceDescription
3480       - nsdId
3481       - nsdInfoId
3482       - nsState
3483       - _links
3484     type: object
3485     properties:
3486       id:
3487         title: Id
3488         description: Identifier of the NS instance.
3489         type: string
3490       nsInstanceName:
3491         title: Nsinstancename
3492         description: Human readable name of the NS instance.
3493         type: string
3494       nsInstanceDescription:
3495         title: Nsinstancedescription
3496         description: Human readable description of the NS instance.
3497         type: string
3498       nsdId:
3499         title: Nsdid
3500         description: Identifier of the NSD on which the NS instance is based.
3501         type: string
3502       nsdInfoId:
3503         title: Nsdinfoid
3504         description: Identifier of the NSD information object on which the NS instance is based.
3505         type: string
3506       flavourId:
3507         title: Flavourid
3508         description: Identifier of the NS deployment flavour applied to the NS instance.
3509         type: string
3510       vnfInstance:
3511         description: Information on constituent VNF(s) of the NS instance.
3512         type: array
3513         items:
3514           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInstance'
3515       pnfInfo:
3516         description: Information on constituent PNF(s) of the NS instance.
3517         type: array
3518         items:
3519           $ref: '#/definitions/PnfInfo'
3520       virtualLinkInfo:
3521         description: Information on the VL(s) of the NS instance.
3522         type: array
3523         items:
3524           $ref: '#/definitions/NsVirtualLinkInfo'
3525       vnffgInfo:
3526         description: VNF Forward Graph Information.
3527         type: array
3528         items:
3529           $ref: '#/definitions/VnffgInfo'
3530       sapInfo:
3531         description: Create data concerning the SAPs.
3532         type: array
3533         items:
3534           $ref: '#/definitions/SapInfo'
3535       nestedNsInstanceId:
3536         description: Identifier of the nested NS(s) of the NS instance.
3537         type: array
3538         items:
3539           type: string
3540       nsState:
3541         title: Nsstate
3542         description: The state of the NS instance.
3543         type: string
3544         enum:
3545           - NOT_INSTANTIATED
3546           - INSTANTIATED
3547       nsScaleStatus:
3548         description: Status of each NS scaling aspect declared in the applicable DF.
3549         type: array
3550         items:
3551           $ref: '#/definitions/NsScaleInfo'
3552       additionalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule:
3553         description: Specifies additional affinity or anti-affinity constraint for the VNF instances to be instantiated as part of the NS instantiation.
3554         type: array
3555         items:
3556           $ref: '#/definitions/AffinityOrAntiAffinityRule'
3557       _links:
3558         $ref: '#/definitions/NsLink'
3559   CreateNsRequest:
3560     required:
3561       - nsdId
3562       - nsName
3563       - nsDescription
3564     type: object
3565     properties:
3566       nsdId:
3567         title: Nsdid
3568         description: Identifier of the NSD that defines the NS instance to be created.
3569         type: string
3570       nsName:
3571         title: Nsname
3572         description: Name of NS
3573         type: string
3574       nsDescription:
3575         title: Nsdescription
3576         description: Description of NS
3577         type: string
3578   ActionVm:
3579     title: Actionvminfo
3580     description: VM info of action
3581     type: object
3582     properties:
3583       vmid:
3584         title: Vmid
3585         description: ID of VM
3586         type: string
3587       vduid:
3588         title: Vduid
3589         description: ID of vdu
3590         type: string
3591       vmname:
3592         title: Vmname
3593         description: Name of VM
3594         type: string
3595   HealNsAdditionalParams:
3596     description: KeyValue Pairs
3597     type: object
3598     properties:
3599       action:
3600         title: Action
3601         description: Action of NS heal
3602         type: string
3603       actionvminfo:
3604         $ref: '#/definitions/ActionVm'
3605   HealVnfData:
3606     description: Data of heal VNF
3607     required:
3608       - vnfInstanceId
3609     type: object
3610     properties:
3611       vnfInstanceId:
3612         title: Vnfinstanceid
3613         description: 'Identifies the VNF instance,'
3614         type: string
3615       cause:
3616         title: Cause
3617         description: Indicates the reason why a healing procedure is required
3618         type: string
3619       additionalParams:
3620         title: Additionalparams
3621         description: Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the healing process
3622         type: object
3623         additionalProperties:
3624           $ref: '#/definitions/HealNsAdditionalParams'
3625   HealNsData:
3626     title: Healnsdata
3627     description: Provides the information needed to heal an NS
3628     required:
3629       - degreeHealing
3630     type: object
3631     properties:
3632       degreeHealing:
3633         title: Degreehealing
3634         description: degree of healing
3635         type: string
3636         enum:
3637           - HEAL_RESTORE
3638           - HEAL_QOS
3639           - HEAL_RESET
3640           - PARTIAL_HEALING
3641       actionsHealing:
3642         description: A list of actions
3643         type: array
3644         items:
3645           description: One action
3646           type: string
3647       healScript:
3648         title: Healscript
3649         description: script of NS heal
3650         type: string
3651       additionalParamsforNs:
3652         title: Additionalparamsforns
3653         description: Addition params of NS heal
3654         type: string
3655   HealNsReq:
3656     type: object
3657     properties:
3658       healVnfData:
3659         description: Data of heal VNF
3660         type: array
3661         items:
3662           $ref: '#/definitions/HealVnfData'
3663       healNsData:
3664         $ref: '#/definitions/HealNsData'
3665   ProblemDetails:
3666     required:
3667       - status
3668       - detail
3669     type: object
3670     properties:
3671       type:
3672         title: Type
3673         description: 'A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies the problem type.'
3674         type: string
3675       title:
3676         title: Title
3677         description: 'A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.'
3678         type: string
3679       status:
3680         title: Status
3681         description: The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
3682         type: integer
3683       detail:
3684         title: Detail
3685         description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
3686         type: string
3687       instance:
3688         title: Instance
3689         description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
3690         type: string
3691       additional_details:
3692         description: 'Any number of additional attributes, as defined in a specification or by an implementation.'
3693         type: array
3694         items:
3695           type: string
3696   civicAddressElement:
3697     description: Zero or more elements comprising the civicaddress.
3698     required:
3699       - caType
3700       - caValue
3701     type: object
3702     properties:
3703       caType:
3704         title: Catype
3705         description: Describe the content type of caValue.
3706         type: string
3707       caValue:
3708         title: Cavalue
3709         description: Content of civic address element corresponding to theaType.
3710         type: string
3711   LocationConstraints:
3712     title: Locationconstraints
3713     description: Defines the location constraints for theVNF instance to be created based on theVNF profile.
3714     required:
3715       - countryCode
3716     type: object
3717     properties:
3718       countryCode:
3719         title: Countrycode
3720         description: 'The two-letter ISO 3166 [29] country code in capitalletters.'
3721         type: string
3722       civicAddressElement:
3723         description: Zero or more elements comprising the civicaddress.
3724         type: array
3725         items:
3726           $ref: '#/definitions/civicAddressElement'
3727   VnfLocationConstraint:
3728     description: Defines the location constraints for the VNF to be instantiated as part of the NS instantiation.
3729     type: object
3730     properties:
3731       vnfProfileId:
3732         title: Vnfprofileid
3733         description: ID of VNF profile
3734         type: string
3735       locationConstraints:
3736         $ref: '#/definitions/LocationConstraints'
3737   ParamsForVnf:
3738     description: Allows the OSS/BSS to provide additional parameter(s)per VNF instance
3739     required:
3740       - vnfProfileId
3741     type: object
3742     properties:
3743       vnfProfileId:
3744         title: Vnfprofileid
3745         description: Identifier of (reference to) a vnfProfile to which theadditional parameters apply
3746         type: string
3747       additionalParams:
3748         title: Additionalparams
3749         description: Content of civic address element corresponding to thecaType
3750         type: object
3751         additionalProperties:
3752           description: KeyValue Pairs
3753           type: string
3754   InstantNsReq:
3755     required:
3756       - nsFlavourId
3757     type: object
3758     properties:
3759       nsFlavourId:
3760         title: Nsflavourid
3761         description: Identifier of the NS deployment flavour to beinstantiated.
3762         type: string
3763       sapData:
3764         description: Create data concerning the SAPs of this NS
3765         type: array
3766         items:
3767           $ref: '#/definitions/SapData'
3768       addpnfData:
3769         description: Information on the PNF(s) that are part of this NS.
3770         type: array
3771         items:
3772           $ref: '#/definitions/AddPnfData'
3773       vnfInstanceData:
3774         description: Specify an existing VNF instance to be used in the NS.
3775         type: array
3776         items:
3777           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInstanceData'
3778       nestedNsInstanceId:
3779         description: Specify an existing NS instance to be used as a nested NS within the NS
3780         type: array
3781         items:
3782           type: string
3783       localizationLanguage:
3784         description: Defines the location constraints for the VNF to be instantiated as part of the NS instantiation.
3785         type: array
3786         items:
3787           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfLocationConstraint'
3788       additionalParamForNs:
3789         title: Additionalparamforns
3790         description: 'Allows the OSS/BSS to provide additional parameters at the NS level '
3791         type: object
3792         additionalProperties:
3793           description: KeyValue Pairs
3794           type: string
3795       additionalParamsForVnf:
3796         description: Allows the OSS/BSS to provide additional parameter(s)per VNF instance
3797         type: array
3798         items:
3799           $ref: '#/definitions/ParamsForVnf'
3800       startTime:
3801         title: Starttime
3802         description: Timestamp indicating the earliest time to instantiatethe NS.
3803         type: string
3804         format: date-time
3805       nsInstantiationLevelId:
3806         title: Nsinstantiationlevelid
3807         description: Identifies one of the NS instantiation levelsdeclared in the DF applicable to this NS instance
3808         type: string
3809       additionalAffinityOrAntiAffiniityRule:
3810         description: Specifies additional affinity or anti-affinity constraint for the VNF instances to be instantiated as part of the NS instantiation.
3811         type: array
3812         items:
3813           $ref: '#/definitions/AffinityOrAntiAffinityRule'
3814   ScaleNsByStepsData:
3815     title: Scalensbystepsdata
3816     description: The information used to scale an NS instance by one or more scaling steps
3817     required:
3818       - scalingDirection
3819       - aspectId
3820     type: object
3821     properties:
3822       scalingDirection:
3823         title: Scalingdirection
3824         description: The scaling direction
3825         type: string
3826         enum:
3827           - SCALE_IN
3828           - SCALE_OUT
3829       aspectId:
3830         title: Aspectid
3831         description: 'The aspect of the NS that is requested to be scaled, as declared in the NSD. '
3832         type: string
3833       numberOfSteps:
3834         title: Numberofsteps
3835         description: 'The number of scaling steps to be performed. Defaults to 1. '
3836         type: string
3837   ScaleNsToLevelData:
3838     title: Scalenstoleveldata
3839     description: 'The information used to scale an NS instance to a target size. '
3840     type: object
3841     properties:
3842       nsInstantiationLevel:
3843         title: Nsinstantiationlevel
3844         description: Identifier of the target NS instantiation level of the current DF to which the NS instance is requested to be scaled.
3845         type: string
3846       nsScaleInfo:
3847         description: For each NS scaling aspect of the current DF
3848         type: array
3849         items:
3850           $ref: '#/definitions/NsScaleInfo'
3851   ScaleNsData:
3852     description: Scale NS data
3853     type: object
3854     properties:
3855       vnfInstanceToBeAdded:
3856         description: 'An existing VNF instance to be added to the NS instance as part of the scaling operation. '
3857         type: array
3858         items:
3859           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInstanceData'
3860       vnfInstanceToBeRemoved:
3861         description: The VNF instance to be removed from the NS instance as part of the scaling operation
3862         type: array
3863         items:
3864           type: string
3865       scaleNsByStepsData:
3866         $ref: '#/definitions/ScaleNsByStepsData'
3867       scaleNsToLevelData:
3868         $ref: '#/definitions/ScaleNsToLevelData'
3869       additionalParamsForNs:
3870         title: Additionalparamsforns
3871         description: 'Allows the OSS/BSS to provide additional parameter(s) at the NS level necessary for the NS scaling '
3872         type: object
3873         additionalProperties:
3874           description: KeyValue Pairs
3875           type: string
3876       additionalParamsForVnf:
3877         description: Allows the OSS/BSS to provide additional parameter(s) per VNF instance
3878         type: array
3879         items:
3880           $ref: '#/definitions/ParamsForVnf'
3881       locationConstraints:
3882         description: The location constraints for the VNF to be instantiated as part of the NS scaling.
3883         type: array
3884         items:
3885           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfLocationConstraint'
3886   ManualScaleNsReq:
3887     description: NS Scale
3888     required:
3889       - scaleType
3890       - scaleNsData
3891     type: object
3892     properties:
3893       scaleType:
3894         title: Scaletype
3895         description: Type of NS Scale
3896         type: string
3897       scaleNsData:
3898         description: Scale NS data
3899         type: array
3900         items:
3901           $ref: '#/definitions/ScaleNsData'
3902   TerminateNsReq:
3903     type: object
3904     properties:
3905       terminationTime:
3906         title: Terminationtime
3907         description: Timestamp indicating the end time of the NS.
3908         type: string
3909   ChangedInfo:
3910     title: Changedinfo
3911     description: Links to resources related to this resource.
3912     type: object
3913     properties:
3914       changedVnfInfo:
3915         $ref: '#/definitions/ModifyVnfInfoData'
3916       changedExtConnectivity:
3917         $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo'
3918   AffectedVnfs:
3919     description: Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
3920     required:
3921       - vnfInstanceId
3922       - vnfdId
3923       - vnfProfileId
3924       - vnfName
3925       - changeType
3926       - changeResult
3927     type: object
3928     properties:
3929       vnfInstanceId:
3930         title: Vnfinstanceid
3931         description: Identifier of the VNF instance.
3932         type: string
3933         format: uuid
3934       vnfdId:
3935         title: Vnfdid
3936         description: Identifier of the VNFD of the VNF Instance..
3937         type: string
3938         format: uuid
3939       vnfProfileId:
3940         title: Vnfprofileid
3941         description: Identifier of the VNF profile of the NSD.
3942         type: string
3943         format: uuid
3944       vnfName:
3945         title: Vnfname
3946         description: Name of the VNF Instance.
3947         type: string
3948       changeType:
3949         title: Changetype
3950         description: Signals the type of change
3951         type: string
3952         enum:
3953           - ADD
3954           - REMOVE
3955           - INSTANTIATE
3956           - TERMINATE
3957           - SCALE
3958           - CHANGE_FLAVOUR
3959           - HEAL
3960           - OPERATE
3961           - MODIFY_INFORMATION
3963       changeResult:
3964         title: Changeresult
3965         description: Signals the type of change
3966         type: string
3967         enum:
3968           - COMPLETED
3969           - ROLLED_BACK
3970           - FAILED
3971       changedInfo:
3972         $ref: '#/definitions/ChangedInfo'
3973   AffectedPnfs:
3974     description: Information about the PNF instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
3975     required:
3976       - pnfId
3977       - pnfdId
3978       - pnfProfileId
3979       - pnfName
3980       - cpInstanceId
3981       - changeType
3982       - changeResult
3983     type: object
3984     properties:
3985       pnfId:
3986         title: Pnfid
3987         description: 'Identifier of the affected PNF. This identifier is allocated by the OSS/BSS. '
3988         type: string
3989         format: uuid
3990       pnfdId:
3991         title: Pnfdid
3992         description: Identifier of the PNFD on which the PNF is based.
3993         type: string
3994         format: uuid
3995       pnfProfileId:
3996         title: Pnfprofileid
3997         description: Identifier of the VNF profile of the NSD.
3998         type: string
3999         format: uuid
4000       pnfName:
4001         title: Pnfname
4002         description: Name of the PNF.
4003         type: string
4004       cpInstanceId:
4005         title: Cpinstanceid
4006         description: Identifier of the NS profile of the NSD.
4007         type: string
4008         format: uuid
4009       changeType:
4010         title: Changetype
4011         description: Signals the type of change
4012         type: string
4013         enum:
4014           - ADD
4015           - REMOVE
4016           - MODIFY
4017       changeResult:
4018         title: Changeresult
4019         description: Signals the type of change
4020         type: string
4021         enum:
4022           - COMPLETED
4023           - ROLLED_BACK
4024           - FAILED
4025   AffectedVLs:
4026     description: Information about the VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation
4027     required:
4028       - id
4029       - virtualLinkDescId
4030       - changeType
4031       - changeResult
4032     type: object
4033     properties:
4034       id:
4035         title: Id
4036         description: Identifier of the VL Instance.
4037         type: string
4038         format: uuid
4039       virtualLinkDescId:
4040         title: Virtuallinkdescid
4041         description: Identifier of the VLD in the NSD for this VL.
4042         type: string
4043         format: uuid
4044       changeType:
4045         title: Changetype
4046         description: Signals the type of change
4047         type: string
4048         enum:
4049           - ADD
4050           - DELETE
4051           - MODIFY
4052           - ADD_LINK_PORT
4053           - REMOVE_LINK_PORT
4054       changeResult:
4055         title: Changeresult
4056         description: Signals the result of change identified by the 'changeType' attribute.
4057         type: string
4058         enum:
4059           - COMPLETED
4060           - ROLLED_BACK
4061           - FAILED
4062   AffectedVnffgs:
4063     description: Information about the VNFFG instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4064     required:
4065       - vnffgInstanceId
4066       - vnffgdId
4067       - changeType
4068       - changeResult
4069     type: object
4070     properties:
4071       vnffgInstanceId:
4072         title: Vnffginstanceid
4073         description: Identifier of the VNFFG instance.
4074         type: string
4075         format: uuid
4076       vnffgdId:
4077         title: Vnffgdid
4078         description: Identifier of the VNFFGD of the VNFFG instance.
4079         type: string
4080         format: uuid
4081       changeType:
4082         title: Changetype
4083         description: Signals the type of change
4084         type: string
4085         enum:
4086           - ADD
4087           - REMOVE
4088           - MODIFY
4089       changeResult:
4090         title: Changeresult
4091         description: Signals the type of change
4092         type: string
4093         enum:
4094           - COMPLETED
4095           - ROLLED_BACK
4096           - FAILED
4097   AffectedNss:
4098     description: Information about the nested NS instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4099     required:
4100       - nsInstanceId
4101       - nsdId
4102       - changeType
4103       - changeResult
4104     type: object
4105     properties:
4106       nsInstanceId:
4107         title: Nsinstanceid
4108         description: Identifier of the nested NS instance.
4109         type: string
4110         format: uuid
4111       nsdId:
4112         title: Nsdid
4113         description: Identifier of the NSD of the nested NS instance.
4114         type: string
4115         format: uuid
4116       changeType:
4117         title: Changetype
4118         description: Signals the type of change
4119         type: string
4120         enum:
4121           - ADD
4122           - REMOVE
4123           - TERMINATE
4124           - SCALE
4125           - UPDATE
4126           - HEAL
4127       changeResult:
4128         title: Changeresult
4129         description: Signals the type of change
4130         type: string
4131         enum:
4132           - COMPLETED
4133           - ROLLED_BACK
4134           - FAILED
4135           - PARTIALLY_COMPLETED
4136   AffectedSaps:
4137     description: Information about the SAP instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4138     required:
4139       - sapInstanceId
4140       - sapdId
4141       - sapName
4142       - changeType
4143       - changeResult
4144     type: object
4145     properties:
4146       sapInstanceId:
4147         title: Sapinstanceid
4148         description: Identifier of the SAP instance.
4149         type: string
4150         format: uuid
4151       sapdId:
4152         title: Sapdid
4153         description: Identifier of the SAPD for this SAP.
4154         type: string
4155         format: uuid
4156       sapName:
4157         title: Sapname
4158         description: Human readable name for the SAP.
4159         type: string
4160       changeType:
4161         title: Changetype
4162         description: Signals the type of change
4163         type: string
4164         enum:
4165           - ADD
4166           - REMOVE
4167           - MODIFY
4168       changeResult:
4169         title: Changeresult
4170         description: Signals the type of change
4171         type: string
4172         enum:
4173           - COMPLETED
4174           - ROLLED_BACK
4175           - FAILED
4176   ResourceChanges:
4177     title: Resourcechanges
4178     description: 'It contains information about the cumulative changes to virtualised resources that were performed so far by the LCM operation since its start, if applicable.'
4179     type: object
4180     properties:
4181       affectedVnfs:
4182         description: Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4183         type: array
4184         items:
4185           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVnfs'
4186       affectedPnfs:
4187         description: Information about the PNF instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4188         type: array
4189         items:
4190           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedPnfs'
4191       affectedVls:
4192         description: Information about the VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation
4193         type: array
4194         items:
4195           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVLs'
4196       affectedVnffgs:
4197         description: Information about the VNFFG instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4198         type: array
4199         items:
4200           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVnffgs'
4201       affectedNss:
4202         description: Information about the nested NS instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4203         type: array
4204         items:
4205           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedNss'
4206       affectedSaps:
4207         description: Information about the SAP instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
4208         type: array
4209         items:
4210           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedSaps'
4211   LcmOpLink:
4212     title: ' links'
4213     description: Links to resources related to this resource.
4214     required:
4215       - self
4216       - nsInstance
4217     type: object
4218     properties:
4219       self:
4220         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4221       nsInstance:
4222         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4223       cancel:
4224         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4225       retry:
4226         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4227       rollback:
4228         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4229       fail:
4230         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4231   NSLCMOpOcc:
4232     required:
4233       - id
4234       - operationState
4235       - stateEnteredTime
4236       - startTime
4237       - nsInstanceId
4238       - operation
4239       - operationParams
4240       - isCancelPending
4241       - _links
4242     type: object
4243     properties:
4244       id:
4245         title: Id
4246         description: 'Identifier of this NS lifecycle management operation occurrence,'
4247         type: string
4248         maxLength: 255
4249       operationState:
4250         title: Operationstate
4251         description: 'The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. '
4252         type: string
4253         enum:
4254           - STARTING
4255           - PROCESSING
4256           - COMPLETED
4257           - FAILED_TEMP
4258           - FAILED
4259           - ROLLING_BACK
4260           - ROLLED_BACK
4261       stateEnteredTime:
4262         title: Stateenteredtime
4263         description: Date-time when the current state was entered.
4264         type: string
4265         maxLength: 50
4266       startTime:
4267         title: Starttime
4268         description: Date-time of the start of the operation.
4269         type: string
4270         maxLength: 50
4271       nsInstanceId:
4272         title: Nsinstanceid
4273         description: Identifier of the ns instance to which the operation applies
4274         type: string
4275         format: uuid
4276       operation:
4277         title: Operation
4278         description: The lifecycle management operation
4279         type: string
4280         enum:
4281           - INSTANTIATE
4282           - SCALE
4283           - TERMINATE
4284           - HEAL
4285           - UPDATE
4286       isAutomaticInvocation:
4287         title: Isautomaticinvocation
4288         description: Set to true if this NS LCM operation occurrence has been automatically triggered by the NFVO.
4289         type: boolean
4290         default: false
4291       operationParams:
4292         title: Operationparams
4293         description: 'Input parameters of the LCM operation. This attribute shall be formatted according to the request data type of the related LCM operation. The following mapping between operationType and the data type of this attribute shall apply: 1. INSTANTIATE: InstantiateVnfRequest 2. SCALE: ScaleVnfRequest 3. CHANGE_FLAVOUR: ChangeVnfFlavourRequest4. HEAL: HealVnfRequest 5. TERMINATE: TerminateVnfRequest '
4294         type: object
4295         additionalProperties:
4296           type: string
4297       isCancelPending:
4298         title: Iscancelpending
4299         description: 'If the NS LCM operation occurrence is in ''STARTING'' or ''PROCESSING'' or ''ROLLING_BACK'' state and the operation is being cancelled, this attribute shall be set to True. Otherwise, it shall be set to False.'
4300         type: boolean
4301       cancelMode:
4302         title: Cancelmode
4303         description: 'The mode of an ongoing cancellation. Shall be present when isCancelPending=true, and shall be None otherwise.'
4304         type: string
4305       error:
4306         $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
4307       resourceChanges:
4308         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceChanges'
4309       _links:
4310         $ref: '#/definitions/LcmOpLink'
4311   NsInstanceSubscriptionFilter:
4312     title: Nsinstancesubscriptionfilter
4313     description: Filter criteria to select NS instances about which to notify.
4314     type: object
4315     properties:
4316       nsdIds:
4317         description: 'If present, match NS instances that were created based on a NSD identified by one of the nsdId values listed in this attribute.'
4318         type: array
4319         items:
4320           type: string
4321           format: uuid
4322       vnfdIds:
4323         description: 'If present, match NS instances that contain VNF instances that were created based on identified by one of the vnfdId values listed in this attribute.'
4324         type: array
4325         items:
4326           type: string
4327           format: uuid
4328       pnfdIds:
4329         description: 'If present, match NS instances that contain PNFs that are represented by a PNFD identified by one of the pnfdId values listed in this attribute'
4330         type: array
4331         items:
4332           type: string
4333           format: uuid
4334       nsInstanceIds:
4335         description: 'If present, match NS instances with an instance identifier listed in this attribute'
4336         type: array
4337         items:
4338           type: string
4339           format: uuid
4340       nsInstanceNames:
4341         description: 'If present, match NS instances with a NS Instance Name listed in this attribute.'
4342         type: array
4343         items:
4344           type: string
4345           maxLength: 255
4346   LifeCycleChangeNotificationsFilter:
4347     title: Filter
4348     description: 'Filter settings for this subscription, to define the of all notifications this subscription relates to A particular notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter.'
4349     type: object
4350     properties:
4351       nsInstanceSubscriptionFilter:
4352         $ref: '#/definitions/NsInstanceSubscriptionFilter'
4353       notificationTypes:
4354         description: Match particular notification types
4355         type: array
4356         items:
4357           type: string
4358           enum:
4359             - NsLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification
4360             - NsIdentifierCreationNotification
4361             - NsIdentifierDeletionNotification
4362             - NsChangeNotification
4363       operationTypes:
4364         description: Match particular NS lifecycle operation types for the notification of type NsLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification.
4365         type: array
4366         items:
4367           type: string
4368           enum:
4369             - INSTANTIATE
4370             - SCALE
4371             - TERMINATE
4372             - HEAL
4373             - UPDATE
4374       operationStates:
4375         description: Match particular LCM operation state values as reported in notifications of type NsLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification.
4376         type: array
4377         items:
4378           type: string
4379           enum:
4380             - STARTING
4381             - PROCESSING
4382             - COMPLETED
4383             - FAILED_TEMP
4384             - FAILED
4385             - ROLLING_BACK
4386             - ROLLED_BACK
4387       nsComponentTypes:
4388         description: 'Match particular NS component types for the notification of type NsChangeNotification. '
4389         type: array
4390         items:
4391           type: string
4392           enum:
4393             - VNF
4394             - PNF
4395             - NS
4396       lcmOpNameImpactingNsComponent:
4397         description: 'Match particular LCM operation names for the notification of type NsChangeNotification. '
4398         type: array
4399         items:
4400           type: string
4401           enum:
4402             - VNF_INSTANTIATE
4403             - VNF_SCALE
4404             - VNF_SCALE_TO_LEVEL
4405             - VNF_CHANGE_FLAVOUR
4406             - VNF_TERMINATE
4407             - VNF_HEAL
4408             - VNF_OPERATE
4409             - VNF_CHANGE_EXT_CONN
4410             - VNF_MODIFY_INFO
4411             - NS_INSTANTIATE
4412             - NS_SCALE
4413             - NS_UPDATE
4414             - NS_TERMINATE
4415             - NS_HEAL
4416       lcmOpOccStatusImpactingNsComponent:
4417         description: Match particular LCM operation status values as reported in notifications of type NsChangeNotification.
4418         type: array
4419         items:
4420           type: string
4421           enum:
4422             - START
4423             - 'COMPLETED '
4424             - PARTIALLY_COMPLETED
4425             - FAILED
4426             - ROLLED_BACK
4427   LccnSubscriptionLink:
4428     title: ' links'
4429     description: Links to resources related to this resource.
4430     required:
4431       - self
4432     type: object
4433     properties:
4434       self:
4435         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4436   LccnSubscription:
4437     required:
4438       - id
4439       - callbackUri
4440       - _links
4441     type: object
4442     properties:
4443       id:
4444         title: Id
4445         description: Identifier of this subscription resource.
4446         type: string
4447         maxLength: 255
4448       callbackUri:
4449         title: Callbackuri
4450         description: The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
4451         type: string
4452         maxLength: 255
4453       filter:
4454         $ref: '#/definitions/LifeCycleChangeNotificationsFilter'
4455       _links:
4456         $ref: '#/definitions/LccnSubscriptionLink'
4457   BasicAuth:
4458     title: Paramsbasic
4459     description: Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC.
4460     type: object
4461     properties:
4462       userName:
4463         title: Username
4464         description: Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
4465         type: string
4466         maxLength: 255
4467       password:
4468         title: Password
4469         description: Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
4470         type: string
4471         maxLength: 255
4472   OAuthCredentials:
4473     title: Paramsoauth2clientcredentials
4474     description: Parameters for authentication/authorization using OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.
4475     type: object
4476     properties:
4477       clientId:
4478         title: Clientid
4479         description: Client identifier to be used in the access token request of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type.
4480         type: string
4481         maxLength: 255
4482       clientPassword:
4483         title: Clientpassword
4484         description: Client password to be used in the access token request of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type.
4485         type: string
4486         maxLength: 255
4487       tokenEndpoint:
4488         title: Tokenendpoint
4489         description: The token endpoint from which the access token can be obtained.
4490         type: string
4491         maxLength: 255
4492   SubscriptionAuthentication:
4493     title: Authentication
4494     description: 'Authentication parameters to conFigure the use of Authorization when sending notifications corresponding to this subscription, as defined in clause 4.5.3 This attribute shall only be present if the subscriber requires authorization of notifications.'
4495     required:
4496       - authType
4497     type: object
4498     properties:
4499       authType:
4500         description: Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization which the API consumer is willing to accept when receiving a notification.
4501         type: array
4502         items:
4503           type: string
4504           enum:
4505             - BASIC
4506             - OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
4507             - TLS_CERT
4508       paramsBasic:
4509         $ref: '#/definitions/BasicAuth'
4510       paramsOauth2ClientCredentials:
4511         $ref: '#/definitions/OAuthCredentials'
4512   LccnSubscriptionRequest:
4513     required:
4514       - callbackUri
4515     type: object
4516     properties:
4517       callbackUri:
4518         title: Callbackuri
4519         description: The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
4520         type: string
4521       filter:
4522         $ref: '#/definitions/LifeCycleChangeNotificationsFilter'
4523       authentication:
4524         $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionAuthentication'
4525   VimInfoResp:
4526     required:
4527       - vimId
4528       - name
4529       - url
4530       - userName
4531       - password
4532       - type
4533     type: object
4534     properties:
4535       vimId:
4536         title: Vimid
4537         description: ID of VIM
4538         type: string
4539       name:
4540         title: Name
4541         description: Name of VIM
4542         type: string
4543       url:
4544         title: Url
4545         description: Url of VIM
4546         type: string
4547       userName:
4548         title: Username
4549         description: User Name of VIM
4550         type: string
4551       password:
4552         title: Password
4553         description: Password of VIM
4554         type: string
4555       tenantId:
4556         title: Tenantid
4557         description: Tenant ID of VIM
4558         type: string
4559       tenant:
4560         title: Tenant
4561         description: Default Tenant of VIM
4562         type: string
4563       vendor:
4564         title: Vendor
4565         description: Vendor of VIM
4566         type: string
4567       version:
4568         title: Version
4569         description: Version of VIM
4570         type: string
4571       description:
4572         title: Description
4573         description: Description of VIM
4574         type: string
4575       domain:
4576         title: Domain
4577         description: Domain of VIM
4578         type: string
4579       type:
4580         title: Type
4581         description: Type of VIM
4582         type: string
4583       createTime:
4584         title: Createtime
4585         description: Create Time of VIM
4586         type: string
4587       sslCacert:
4588         title: Sslcacert
4589         description: SSL Cacert of VIM
4590         type: string
4591       sslInsecure:
4592         title: Sslinsecure
4593         description: SSL Insecure of VIM
4594         type: string
4595       status:
4596         title: Status
4597         description: Status of VIM
4598         type: string
4599   VnfmInfoResp:
4600     required:
4601       - vnfmId
4602       - name
4603       - type
4604       - vimId
4605     type: object
4606     properties:
4607       vnfmId:
4608         title: Vnfmid
4609         description: ID of VNFM
4610         type: string
4611       name:
4612         title: Name
4613         description: Name of VNFM
4614         type: string
4615       type:
4616         title: Type
4617         description: Type of VNFM
4618         type: string
4619       vimId:
4620         title: Vimid
4621         description: ID of VIM
4622         type: string
4623       vendor:
4624         title: Vendor
4625         description: Vendor of VNFM
4626         type: string
4627       version:
4628         title: Version
4629         description: Version of VNFM
4630         type: string
4631       description:
4632         title: Description
4633         description: Description of VNFM
4634         type: string
4635       certificateUrl:
4636         title: Certificateurl
4637         description: Certificate PEM of VNFM
4638         type: string
4639       url:
4640         title: Url
4641         description: url of VNFM
4642         type: string
4643       userName:
4644         title: Username
4645         description: User Name of VNFM
4646         type: string
4647       password:
4648         title: Password
4649         description: Password of VNFM
4650         type: string
4651       createTime:
4652         title: Createtime
4653         description: Create Time of VNFM
4654         type: string
4655   VerifyVnfReq:
4656     required:
4657       - PackageID
4658     type: object
4659     properties:
4660       PackageID:
4661         title: Packageid
4662         description: ID of Package
4663         type: string
4664   VerifyVnfResp:
4665     required:
4666       - jobId
4667     type: object
4668     properties:
4669       jobId:
4670         title: Jobid
4671         description: ID of Job
4672         type: string
4673   ResourceDefinition:
4674     description: List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be added by the LCM operation.
4675     required:
4676       - id
4677       - type
4678     type: object
4679     properties:
4680       id:
4681         title: Id
4682         description: 'Identifier of this ResourceDefinition, unique at least within the scope of the GrantRequest.'
4683         type: string
4684       type:
4685         title: Type
4686         description: Type of the resource definition referenced.
4687         type: string
4688         enum:
4689           - COMPUTE
4690           - VL
4691           - STORAGE
4692           - LINKPORT
4693       vduId:
4694         title: Vduid
4695         description: Reference to the related VDU in the VNFD applicable to this resource.
4696         type: string
4697       resourceTemplateId:
4698         title: Resourcetemplateid
4699         description: Reference to a resource template(such as VnfVirtualLinkDesc) in the VNFD.
4700         type: string
4701       resource:
4702         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
4703   ConstraintResourceRef:
4704     description: References to resources in the constraint rule.
4705     required:
4706       - idType
4707       - resourceId
4708     type: object
4709     properties:
4710       idType:
4711         title: Idtype
4712         description: The type of the identifier.
4713         type: string
4714         enum:
4715           - RES_MGMT
4716           - GRANT
4717       resourceId:
4718         title: Resourceid
4719         description: 'An actual resource-management-level identifier(idType=RES_MGMT), or an identifier that references a ResourceDefinition(idType=GRANT).'
4720         type: string
4721       vimConnectionId:
4722         title: Vimconnectionid
4723         type: string
4724       resourceProviderId:
4725         title: Resourceproviderid
4726         description: Identifier of the resource provider. It shall only be present when idType = RES_MGMT.
4727         type: string
4728   PlacementConstraint:
4729     description: Placement constraints that the VNFM may send to the NFVO in order to influence the resource placement decision.
4730     required:
4731       - affinityOrAntiAffinity
4732       - scope
4733     type: object
4734     properties:
4735       affinityOrAntiAffinity:
4736         title: Affinityorantiaffinity
4737         description: The type of the constraint.
4738         type: string
4739         enum:
4740           - AFFINITY
4741           - ANTI_AFFINITY
4742       scope:
4743         title: Scope
4744         description: The scope of the placement constraint indicating the category of the place where the constraint applies.
4745         type: string
4746         enum:
4747           - NFVI_POP
4748           - ZONE
4749           - ZONE_GROUP
4750           - NFVI_NODE
4751       resource:
4752         description: References to resources in the constraint rule.
4753         type: array
4754         items:
4755           $ref: '#/definitions/ConstraintResourceRef'
4756   VimConstraint:
4757     description: Used by the VNFM to require that multiple resources are managed through the same VIM connection.
4758     type: object
4759     properties:
4760       sameResourceGroup:
4761         title: Sameresourcegroup
4762         description: 'Set to true when the constraint applies not only to the same VIM connection, but also to the same infrastructure resource group.'
4763         type: boolean
4764       resource:
4765         description: References to resources in the constraint rule.
4766         type: array
4767         items:
4768           $ref: '#/definitions/ConstraintResourceRef'
4769   GrantRequestLinks:
4770     title: ' links'
4771     description: Links to resources related to this request.
4772     required:
4773       - vnfLcmOpOcc
4774       - vnfInstance
4775     type: object
4776     properties:
4777       vnfLcmOpOcc:
4778         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4779       vnfInstance:
4780         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
4781   GrantRequest:
4782     required:
4783       - vnfInstanceId
4784       - operation
4785       - isAutomaticInvocation
4786     type: object
4787     properties:
4788       vnfInstanceId:
4789         title: Vnfinstanceid
4790         description: Identifier of the VNF instance which this grant request is related to.
4791         type: string
4792       vnfLcmOpOccId:
4793         title: Vnflcmopoccid
4794         description: The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the GrantRequest.
4795         type: string
4796       vnfdId:
4797         title: Vnfdid
4798         description: Identifier of the VNFD that defines the VNF for which the LCM operation is to be granted.
4799         type: string
4800       flavourId:
4801         title: Flavourid
4802         description: Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour of the VNFD that defines the VNF for which the LCM operation is to be granted.
4803         type: string
4804       operation:
4805         title: Operation
4806         description: The lifecycle management operation for which granting is requested.
4807         type: string
4808         enum:
4809           - INSTANTIATE
4810           - SCALE
4811           - SCALE_TO_LEVEL
4812           - CHANGE_FLAVOUR
4813           - TERMINATE
4814           - HEAL
4815           - OPERATE
4816           - CHANGE_EXT_CONN
4817           - MODIFY_INFO
4818       isAutomaticInvocation:
4819         title: Isautomaticinvocation
4820         description: 'Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM, set to false otherwise.'
4821         type: boolean
4822       instantiationLevelId:
4823         title: Instantiationlevelid
4824         description: 'If operation=INSTANTIATE, the identifier of the instantiation level may be provided as an alternative way to define the resources to be added.'
4825         type: string
4826       addResources:
4827         description: List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be added by the LCM operation.
4828         type: array
4829         items:
4830           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceDefinition'
4831       tempResources:
4832         description: List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the LCM operation.
4833         type: array
4834         items:
4835           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceDefinition'
4836       removeResources:
4837         description: Provides the definitions of resources to be removed by the LCM operation.
4838         type: array
4839         items:
4840           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceDefinition'
4841       updateResources:
4842         description: Provides the definitions of resources to be modified by the LCM operation.
4843         type: array
4844         items:
4845           $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceDefinition'
4846       placementConstraints:
4847         description: Placement constraints that the VNFM may send to the NFVO in order to influence the resource placement decision.
4848         type: array
4849         items:
4850           $ref: '#/definitions/PlacementConstraint'
4851       vimConstraints:
4852         description: Used by the VNFM to require that multiple resources are managed through the same VIM connection.
4853         type: array
4854         items:
4855           $ref: '#/definitions/VimConstraint'
4856       additionalParams:
4857         title: Additionalparams
4858         description: Additional parameters passed by the VNFM.
4859         type: object
4860         additionalProperties:
4861           description: KeyValue Pairs
4862           type: string
4863       _links:
4864         $ref: '#/definitions/GrantRequestLinks'
4865   VimConnectionInfo:
4866     description: Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources.
4867     required:
4868       - id
4869     type: object
4870     properties:
4871       id:
4872         title: Id
4873         description: The identifier of the VIM Connection. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.
4874         type: string
4875       vimId:
4876         title: Vimid
4877         description: The identifier of the VIM instance. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.
4878         type: string
4879       vimType:
4880         title: Vimtype
4881         description: Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information.
4882         type: string
4883       interfaceInfo:
4884         title: Interfaceinfo
4885         description: Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM.
4886         type: object
4887         additionalProperties:
4888           description: Interface Info
4889           type: string
4890       accessInfo:
4891         title: Accessinfo
4892         description: Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM.
4893         type: object
4894         additionalProperties:
4895           description: Access Info
4896           type: string
4897       extra:
4898         title: Extra
4899         description: VIM type specific additional information.
4900         type: object
4901         additionalProperties:
4902           description: Extra
4903           type: string
4904   ZoneInfo:
4905     description: Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the VNFM.
4906     required:
4907       - id
4908     type: object
4909     properties:
4910       id:
4911         title: Id
4912         description: 'The identifier of this ZoneInfo instance, for the purpose of referencing it from other structures in the Grant structure.'
4913         type: string
4914       zoneId:
4915         title: Zoneid
4916         description: 'The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource management layer(typically, the VIM).'
4917         type: string
4918       vimConnectionId:
4919         title: Vimconnectionid
4920         description: Identifier of the connection to the VIM that manages the resource zone.
4921         type: string
4922       resourceProviderId:
4923         title: Resourceproviderid
4924         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management the resource zone.
4925         type: string
4926   ZoneGroupInfo:
4927     description: Information about groups of resource zones.
4928     type: object
4929     properties:
4930       zoneId:
4931         description: References of identifiers of ZoneInfo structures.
4932         type: array
4933         items:
4934           description: IdentifierLocal
4935           type: string
4936   GrantInfo:
4937     description: List of resources that are approved to be added.
4938     required:
4939       - resourceDefinitionId
4940     type: object
4941     properties:
4942       resourceDefinitionId:
4943         title: Resourcedefinitionid
4944         description: Identifier of the related ResourceDefinition from the related GrantRequest.
4945         type: string
4946       reservationId:
4947         title: Reservationid
4948         description: The reservation identifier applicable to the VNFC/VirtualLink/VirtualStorage.
4949         type: string
4950       vimConnectionId:
4951         title: Vimconnectionid
4952         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to be used to manage this resource.
4953         type: string
4954       resourceProviderId:
4955         title: Resourceproviderid
4956         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.
4957         type: string
4958       zoneId:
4959         title: Zoneid
4960         description: Reference to the identifier of the ZoneInfo in the Grant.
4961         type: string
4962       resourceGroupId:
4963         title: Resourcegroupid
4964         description: Identifier of the infrastructure resource group.
4965         type: string
4966   VimComputeResourceFlavour:
4967     description: Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.
4968     type: object
4969     properties:
4970       vimConnectionId:
4971         title: Vimconnectionid
4972         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in this structure.
4973         type: string
4974       resourceProviderId:
4975         title: Resourceproviderid
4976         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.
4977         type: string
4978       vnfdVirtualComputeDescId:
4979         title: Vnfdvirtualcomputedescid
4980         description: Identifier which references the virtual compute descriptor in the VNFD that maps to this flavour.
4981         type: string
4982       vimFlavourId:
4983         title: Vimflavourid
4984         description: Identifier of the compute resource flavour in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM).
4985         type: string
4986   VimSoftwareImage:
4987     description: Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and software images managed in the VIM.
4988     type: object
4989     properties:
4990       vimConnectionId:
4991         title: Vimconnectionid
4992         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in this structure.
4993         type: string
4994       resourceProviderId:
4995         title: Resourceproviderid
4996         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.
4997         type: string
4998       vnfdSoftwareImageId:
4999         title: Vnfdsoftwareimageid
5000         description: Identifier which references the software image descriptor in the VNFD.
5001         type: string
5002       vimSoftwareImageId:
5003         title: Vimsoftwareimageid
5004         description: Identifier of the software image in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM).
5005         type: string
5006   VimAssets:
5007     title: Vimassets
5008     description: Information about assets for the VNF that are managed by the NFVO in the VIM.
5009     type: object
5010     properties:
5011       computeResourceFlavours:
5012         description: Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.
5013         type: array
5014         items:
5015           $ref: '#/definitions/VimComputeResourceFlavour'
5016       softwareImages:
5017         description: Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and software images managed in the VIM.
5018         type: array
5019         items:
5020           $ref: '#/definitions/VimSoftwareImage'
5021   IpAddresse:
5022     description: List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance.
5023     required:
5024       - type
5025       - numDynamicAddresses
5026     type: object
5027     properties:
5028       type:
5029         title: Type
5030         description: The type of the IP addresses.
5031         type: string
5032         enum:
5033           - IPV4
5034           - IPV6
5035       fixedAddresses:
5036         description: Fixed addresses to assign.
5037         type: array
5038         items:
5039           description: IpAddress
5040           type: string
5041       numDynamicAddresses:
5042         title: Numdynamicaddresses
5043         description: Number of dynamic addresses to assign.
5044         type: integer
5045       addressRange:
5046         $ref: '#/definitions/AddressRange'
5047       subnetId:
5048         title: Subnetid
5049         description: Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM.
5050         type: string
5051   IpOverEthernetAddress:
5052     title: Ipoverethernet
5053     description: Network address data for IP over Ethernet to assign to the extCP instance.
5054     type: object
5055     properties:
5056       macAddress:
5057         title: Macaddress
5058         description: MAC address.
5059         type: string
5060       ipAddresses:
5061         description: List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance.
5062         type: array
5063         items:
5064           $ref: '#/definitions/IpAddresse'
5065   CpProtocolDataConfig:
5066     description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL.
5067     required:
5068       - layerProtocol
5069     type: object
5070     properties:
5071       layerProtocol:
5072         title: Layerprotocol
5073         description: Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s).
5074         type: string
5075         enum:
5076           - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
5077       ipOverEthernet:
5078         $ref: '#/definitions/IpOverEthernetAddress'
5079   VnfExtCpConfigData:
5080     description: List of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD.
5081     type: object
5082     properties:
5083       cpInstanceId:
5084         title: Cpinstanceid
5085         description: Identifier of the external CP instance to which this set of configuration parameters is requested to be applied.
5086         type: string
5087       linkPortId:
5088         title: Linkportid
5089         description: Identifier of a pre-configured link port to which the external CP will be associated.
5090         type: string
5091       cpProtocolData:
5092         description: Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL.
5093         type: array
5094         items:
5095           $ref: '#/definitions/CpProtocolDataConfig'
5096   VnfExtCp:
5097     description: External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL.
5098     required:
5099       - cpdId
5100     type: object
5101     properties:
5102       cpdId:
5103         title: Cpdid
5104         description: The identifier of the CPD in the VNFD.
5105         type: string
5106       cpConfig:
5107         description: List of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD.
5108         type: array
5109         items:
5110           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfExtCpConfigData'
5111   ExtLinkPort:
5112     description: Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL.
5113     required:
5114       - id
5115       - resourceHandle
5116     type: object
5117     properties:
5118       id:
5119         title: Id
5120         description: Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.
5121         type: string
5122       resourceHandle:
5123         title: Resourcehandle
5124         description: Reference to the virtualised resource realizing this link port.
5125         type: string
5126   ExtVirtualLink:
5127     description: Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
5128     required:
5129       - id
5130       - resourceId
5131     type: object
5132     properties:
5133       id:
5134         title: Id
5135         description: The identifier of the external VL instance.
5136         type: string
5137       vimConnectionId:
5138         title: Vimconnectionid
5139         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource.
5140         type: string
5141       resourceProviderId:
5142         title: Resourceproviderid
5143         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource.
5144         type: string
5145       resourceId:
5146         title: Resourceid
5147         description: The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.
5148         type: string
5149       extCps:
5150         description: External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL.
5151         type: array
5152         items:
5153           $ref: '#/definitions/VnfExtCp'
5154       extLinkPorts:
5155         description: Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL.
5156         type: array
5157         items:
5158           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtLinkPort'
5159   ExtManagedVirtualLink:
5160     description: Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM.
5161     required:
5162       - id
5163       - virtualLinkDescId
5164       - resourceId
5165     type: object
5166     properties:
5167       id:
5168         title: Id
5169         description: The identifier of the externally-managed internal VL instance.
5170         type: string
5171       virtualLinkDescId:
5172         title: Virtuallinkdescid
5173         description: The identifier of the VLD in the VNFD for this VL.
5174         type: string
5175       vimConnectionId:
5176         title: Vimconnectionid
5177         description: Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource.
5178         type: string
5179       resourceProviderId:
5180         title: Resourceproviderid
5181         description: Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource.
5182         type: string
5183       resourceId:
5184         title: Resourceid
5185         description: The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.
5186         type: string
5187   GrantLinks:
5188     title: ' links'
5189     description: Links to resources related to this resource.
5190     required:
5191       - self
5192       - vnfLcmOpOcc
5193       - vnfInstance
5194     type: object
5195     properties:
5196       self:
5197         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5198       vnfLcmOpOcc:
5199         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5200       vnfInstance:
5201         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5202   Grant:
5203     description: The grant was created successfully (synchronous mode).
5204     required:
5205       - id
5206       - vnfInstanceId
5207     type: object
5208     properties:
5209       id:
5210         title: Id
5211         description: Identifier of the grant.
5212         type: string
5213       vnfInstanceId:
5214         title: Vnfinstanceid
5215         description: Identifier of the related VNF instance.
5216         type: string
5217       vnfLcmOpOccId:
5218         title: Vnflcmopoccid
5219         description: Identifier of the related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence.
5220         type: string
5221       vimConnections:
5222         description: Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources.
5223         type: array
5224         items:
5225           $ref: '#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo'
5226       zones:
5227         description: Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the VNFM.
5228         type: array
5229         items:
5230           $ref: '#/definitions/ZoneInfo'
5231       zoneGroups:
5232         description: Information about groups of resource zones.
5233         type: array
5234         items:
5235           $ref: '#/definitions/ZoneGroupInfo'
5236       computeReservationId:
5237         title: Computereservationid
5238         description: Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the compute resource requirements.
5239         type: string
5240       networkReservationId:
5241         title: Networkreservationid
5242         description: Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the network resource requirements.
5243         type: string
5244       storageReservationId:
5245         title: Storagereservationid
5246         description: Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the storage resource requirements.
5247         type: string
5248       addResources:
5249         description: List of resources that are approved to be added.
5250         type: array
5251         items:
5252           $ref: '#/definitions/GrantInfo'
5253       tempResources:
5254         description: List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the lifecycle operation.
5255         type: array
5256         items:
5257           $ref: '#/definitions/GrantInfo'
5258       removeResources:
5259         description: List of resources that are approved to be removed.
5260         type: array
5261         items:
5262           $ref: '#/definitions/GrantInfo'
5263       updateResources:
5264         description: List of resources that are approved to be modified.
5265         type: array
5266         items:
5267           $ref: '#/definitions/GrantInfo'
5268       vimAssets:
5269         $ref: '#/definitions/VimAssets'
5270       extVirtualLinks:
5271         description: Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
5272         type: array
5273         items:
5274           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLink'
5275       extManagedVirtualLinks:
5276         description: Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM.
5277         type: array
5278         items:
5279           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLink'
5280       additionalParams:
5281         title: Additionalparams
5282         description: 'Additional parameters passed by the NFVO, specific to the VNF and the LCM operation.'
5283         type: object
5284         additionalProperties:
5285           description: KeyValue Pairs
5286           type: string
5287       _links:
5288         $ref: '#/definitions/GrantLinks'
5289   AffectedVnfc:
5290     description: Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5291     required:
5292       - id
5293       - vduId
5294       - changeType
5295       - computeResource
5296     type: object
5297     properties:
5298       id:
5299         title: Id
5300         description: Identifier of the Vnfc instance.
5301         type: string
5302       vduId:
5303         title: Vduid
5304         description: Identifier of the related VDU in the VNFD.
5305         type: string
5306       changeType:
5307         title: Changetype
5308         description: Signals the type of change.
5309         type: string
5310         enum:
5311           - ADDED
5312           - REMOVED
5313           - MODIFIED
5314           - TEMPORARY
5315       computeResource:
5316         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
5317       metadata:
5318         title: Metadata
5319         description: Metadata about this resource.
5320         type: object
5321         additionalProperties:
5322           description: KeyValue Pairs
5323           type: string
5324       affectedVnfcCpIds:
5325         description: Identifiers of CP(s) of the VNFC instance that were affected by the change.
5326         type: array
5327         items:
5328           description: Identifier In Vnf
5329           type: string
5330       addedStorageResourceIds:
5331         description: References to VirtualStorage resources that have been added.
5332         type: array
5333         items:
5334           description: Identifier In Vnf
5335           type: string
5336       removedStorageResourceIds:
5337         description: References to VirtualStorage resources that have been removed.
5338         type: array
5339         items:
5340           description: Identifier In Vnf
5341           type: string
5342   AffectedVirtualLink:
5343     description: Information about VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5344     required:
5345       - id
5346       - virtualLinkDescId
5347       - changeType
5348     type: object
5349     properties:
5350       id:
5351         title: Id
5352         description: Identifier of the virtual link instance.
5353         type: string
5354       virtualLinkDescId:
5355         title: Virtuallinkdescid
5356         description: Identifier of the related VLD in the VNFD.
5357         type: string
5358       changeType:
5359         title: Changetype
5360         description: Signals the type of change.
5361         type: string
5362         enum:
5363           - ADDED
5364           - REMOVED
5365           - MODIFIED
5366           - TEMPORARY
5367           - LINK_PORT_ADDED
5368           - LINK_PORT_REMOVED
5369       networkResource:
5370         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
5371       metadata:
5372         title: Metadata
5373         description: Metadata about this resource.
5374         type: object
5375         additionalProperties:
5376           description: KeyValue Pairs
5377           type: string
5378   AffectedVirtualStorage:
5379     description: Information about virtualised storage instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5380     required:
5381       - id
5382       - virtualStorageDescId
5383       - changeType
5384     type: object
5385     properties:
5386       id:
5387         title: Id
5388         description: Identifier of the storage instance.
5389         type: string
5390       virtualStorageDescId:
5391         title: Virtualstoragedescid
5392         description: Identifier of the related VirtualStorage descriptor in the VNFD.
5393         type: string
5394       changeType:
5395         title: Changetype
5396         description: Signals the type of change.
5397         type: string
5398         enum:
5399           - ADDED
5400           - REMOVED
5401           - MODIFIED
5402           - TEMPORARY
5403       storageResource:
5404         $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceHandle'
5405       metadata:
5406         title: Metadata
5407         description: Metadata about this resource.
5408         type: object
5409         additionalProperties:
5410           description: KeyValue Pairs
5411           type: string
5412   VnfInfoModifications:
5413     title: Changedinfo
5414     description: 'Information about the changed VNF instance information, including changed VNF configurable properties.'
5415     type: object
5416     properties:
5417       vnfInstanceName:
5418         title: Vnfinstancename
5419         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfInstanceName attribute in VnfInstance.'
5420         type: string
5421       vnfInstanceDescription:
5422         title: Vnfinstancedescription
5423         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfInstanceDescription attribute in VnfInstance.'
5424         type: string
5425       vnfConfigurableProperties:
5426         title: Vnfconfigurableproperties
5427         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfConfigurableProperties attribute in VnfInstance.'
5428         type: object
5429         additionalProperties:
5430           description: KeyValue Pairs
5431           type: string
5432       metadata:
5433         title: Metadata
5434         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the metadata attribute in VnfInstance.'
5435         type: object
5436         additionalProperties:
5437           description: KeyValue Pairs
5438           type: string
5439       extensions:
5440         title: Extensions
5441         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the extensions attribute in VnfInstance.'
5442         type: object
5443         additionalProperties:
5444           description: KeyValue Pairs
5445           type: string
5446       vimConnectionInfo:
5447         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vimConnectionInfo attribute in VnfInstance.'
5448         type: array
5449         items:
5450           $ref: '#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo'
5451       vnfPkgId:
5452         title: Vnfpkgid
5453         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfPkgId attribute in VnfInstance.'
5454         type: string
5455       vnfdId:
5456         title: Vnfdid
5457         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfdId attribute in VnfInstance.'
5458         type: string
5459       vnfProvider:
5460         title: Vnfprovider
5461         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfProvider attribute in VnfInstance.'
5462         type: string
5463       vnfProductName:
5464         title: Vnfproductname
5465         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfProductName attribute in VnfInstance.'
5466         type: string
5467       vnfSoftwareVersion:
5468         title: Vnfsoftwareversion
5469         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfSoftwareVersion attribute in VnfInstance.'
5470         type: string
5471       vnfdVersion:
5472         title: Vnfdversion
5473         description: 'If present, this attribute signals modifications of the vnfdVersion attribute in VnfInstance.'
5474         type: string
5475   LccnLinks:
5476     title: ' links'
5477     description: Links to resources related to this notification.
5478     required:
5479       - vnfInstance
5480       - subscription
5481     type: object
5482     properties:
5483       vnfInstance:
5484         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5485       subscription:
5486         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5487       vnfLcmOpOcc:
5488         $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
5489   VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification:
5490     description: A notification about lifecycle changes triggered by a VNF LCM operation occurrence.
5491     required:
5492       - id
5493       - notificationType
5494       - subscriptionId
5495       - timeStamp
5496       - notificationStatus
5497       - operationState
5498       - vnfInstanceId
5499       - operation
5500       - isAutomaticInvocation
5501       - vnfLcmOpOccId
5502     type: object
5503     properties:
5504       id:
5505         title: Id
5506         description: Identifier of this notification.
5507         type: string
5508       notificationType:
5509         title: Notificationtype
5510         description: Discriminator for the different notification types.
5511         type: string
5512         enum:
5513           - VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification
5514           - VnfIdentifierCreationNotification
5515           - VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification
5516       subscriptionId:
5517         title: Subscriptionid
5518         description: Identifier of the subscription that this notification relates to.
5519         type: string
5520       timeStamp:
5521         title: Timestamp
5522         description: Date-time of the generation of the notification.
5523         type: string
5524       notificationStatus:
5525         title: Notificationstatus
5526         description: Indicates whether this notification reports about the start of a lifecycle operation or the result of a lifecycle operation.
5527         type: string
5528         enum:
5529           - START
5530           - RESULT
5531       operationState:
5532         title: Operationstate
5533         description: The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence.
5534         type: string
5535         enum:
5536           - STARTING
5537           - PROCESSING
5538           - COMPLETED
5539           - FAILED_TEMP
5540           - FAILED
5541           - ROLLING_BACK
5542           - ROLLED_BACK
5543       vnfInstanceId:
5544         title: Vnfinstanceid
5545         description: The identifier of the VNF instance affected.
5546         type: string
5547       operation:
5548         title: Operation
5549         description: The lifecycle management operation.
5550         type: string
5551         enum:
5552           - INSTANTIATE
5553           - SCALE
5554           - SCALE_TO_LEVEL
5555           - CHANGE_FLAVOUR
5556           - TERMINATE
5557           - HEAL
5558           - OPERATE
5559           - CHANGE_EXT_CONN
5560           - MODIFY_INFO
5561       isAutomaticInvocation:
5562         title: Isautomaticinvocation
5563         description: Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM.
5564         type: boolean
5565       vnfLcmOpOccId:
5566         title: Vnflcmopoccid
5567         description: The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the notification.
5568         type: string
5569       affectedVnfcs:
5570         description: Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5571         type: array
5572         items:
5573           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVnfc'
5574       affectedVirtualLinks:
5575         description: Information about VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5576         type: array
5577         items:
5578           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVirtualLink'
5579       affectedVirtualStorages:
5580         description: Information about virtualised storage instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation.
5581         type: array
5582         items:
5583           $ref: '#/definitions/AffectedVirtualStorage'
5584       changedInfo:
5585         $ref: '#/definitions/VnfInfoModifications'
5586       changedExtConnectivity:
5587         description: Information about changed external connectivity.
5588         type: array
5589         items:
5590           $ref: '#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo'
5591       error:
5592         $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'
5593       _links:
5594         $ref: '#/definitions/LccnLinks'