Implement 'Update Service by importing Tosca Model'-story
[sdc.git] / docs / openapi / openapi-sdce-7.json
1 {
2   "openapi" : "3.0.1",
3   "info" : {
4     "contact" : {
5       "email" : "",
6       "name" : "ONAP",
7       "url" : ""
8     },
9     "description" : "SDC API for retrieval for service models (SDCE-7)",
10     "license" : {
11       "name" : "Apache 2.0",
12       "url" : ""
13     },
14     "title" : "SPC API: SDCE-7",
15     "version" : "1.0"
16   },
17   "servers" : [ {
18     "description" : "SDCE-7 APIs",
19     "url" : "/sdc"
20   } ],
21   "paths" : {
22     "/v1/catalog/abstract/service/serviceUUID/{uuid}/copy" : {
23       "post" : {
24         "description" : "Copy a new service based on the existing service",
25         "operationId" : "copyExistService",
26         "parameters" : [ {
27           "description" : "The user id",
28           "in" : "header",
29           "name" : "USER_ID",
30           "required" : true,
31           "schema" : {
32             "type" : "string"
33           }
34         }, {
35           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
36           "in" : "header",
37           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
38           "schema" : {
39             "type" : "string"
40           }
41         }, {
42           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
43           "in" : "header",
44           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
45           "required" : true,
46           "schema" : {
47             "type" : "string"
48           }
49         }, {
50           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
51           "in" : "header",
52           "name" : "Accept",
53           "schema" : {
54             "type" : "string"
55           }
56         }, {
57           "description" : "The username and password",
58           "in" : "header",
59           "name" : "Authorization",
60           "required" : true,
61           "schema" : {
62             "type" : "string"
63           }
64         }, {
65           "description" : "The requested asset uuid",
66           "in" : "path",
67           "name" : "uuid",
68           "required" : true,
69           "schema" : {
70             "type" : "string"
71           }
72         } ],
73         "responses" : {
74           "200" : {
75             "content" : {
76               "application/json" : {
77                 "schema" : {
78                   "type" : "array",
79                   "items" : {
80                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AbstractTemplateInfo"
81                   }
82                 }
83               }
84             },
85             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and list of Catalog Assets Metadata is returned"
86           },
87           "400" : {
88             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
89           },
90           "401" : {
91             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
92           },
93           "403" : {
94             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
95           },
96           "404" : {
97             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
98           },
99           "405" : {
100             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
101           },
102           "409" : {
103             "description" : "Service already exist"
104           },
105           "500" : {
106             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
107           }
108         },
109         "servers" : [ {
110           "url" : "/sdc",
111           "variables" : { }
112         } ],
113         "summary" : "Return whether the copy service is successful",
114         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
115       }
116     },
117     "/v1/catalog/abstract/service/serviceUUID/{uuid}/status" : {
118       "get" : {
119         "description" : "Fetch abstract status of service",
120         "operationId" : "getServiceAbstractStatus",
121         "parameters" : [ {
122           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
123           "in" : "header",
124           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
125           "schema" : {
126             "type" : "string"
127           }
128         }, {
129           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
130           "in" : "header",
131           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
132           "required" : true,
133           "schema" : {
134             "type" : "string"
135           }
136         }, {
137           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
138           "in" : "header",
139           "name" : "Accept",
140           "schema" : {
141             "type" : "string"
142           }
143         }, {
144           "description" : "The username and password",
145           "in" : "header",
146           "name" : "Authorization",
147           "required" : true,
148           "schema" : {
149             "type" : "string"
150           }
151         }, {
152           "description" : "The requested asset uuid",
153           "in" : "path",
154           "name" : "uuid",
155           "required" : true,
156           "schema" : {
157             "type" : "string"
158           }
159         } ],
160         "responses" : {
161           "200" : {
162             "content" : {
163               "application/json" : {
164                 "schema" : {
165                   "type" : "array",
166                   "items" : {
167                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AbstractTemplateInfo"
168                   }
169                 }
170               }
171             },
172             "description" : "The check result of whether the service is an abstract service is returned"
173           },
174           "400" : {
175             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
176           },
177           "401" : {
178             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
179           },
180           "403" : {
181             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
182           },
183           "404" : {
184             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
185           },
186           "405" : {
187             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
188           },
189           "500" : {
190             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
191           }
192         },
193         "servers" : [ {
194           "url" : "/sdc",
195           "variables" : { }
196         } ],
197         "summary" : "Return whether the service is a virtual service",
198         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
199       }
200     },
201     "/v1/catalog/services/{serviceName}/{serviceVersion}/artifacts/{artifactName}" : {
202       "get" : {
203         "description" : "Download service artifact",
204         "operationId" : "downloadServiceArtifact",
205         "parameters" : [ {
206           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
207           "in" : "header",
208           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
209           "schema" : {
210             "type" : "string"
211           }
212         }, {
213           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
214           "in" : "header",
215           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
216           "required" : true,
217           "schema" : {
218             "type" : "string"
219           }
220         }, {
221           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
222           "in" : "header",
223           "name" : "Accept",
224           "schema" : {
225             "type" : "string"
226           }
227         }, {
228           "description" : "The username and password",
229           "in" : "header",
230           "name" : "Authorization",
231           "required" : true,
232           "schema" : {
233             "type" : "string"
234           }
235         }, {
236           "in" : "path",
237           "name" : "serviceName",
238           "required" : true,
239           "schema" : {
240             "type" : "string"
241           }
242         }, {
243           "in" : "path",
244           "name" : "serviceVersion",
245           "required" : true,
246           "schema" : {
247             "type" : "string"
248           }
249         }, {
250           "in" : "path",
251           "name" : "artifactName",
252           "required" : true,
253           "schema" : {
254             "type" : "string"
255           }
256         } ],
257         "responses" : {
258           "200" : {
259             "content" : {
260               "application/octet-stream" : {
261                 "schema" : {
262                   "type" : "array",
263                   "items" : {
264                     "type" : "string"
265                   }
266                 }
267               }
268             },
269             "description" : "The artifact is found and streamed."
270           },
271           "400" : {
272             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
273           },
274           "401" : {
275             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
276           },
277           "403" : {
278             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
279           },
280           "404" : {
281             "description" : "Specified artifact is  not found - SVC4505"
282           },
283           "405" : {
284             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
285           },
286           "500" : {
287             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
288           },
289           "default" : {
290             "content" : {
291               "application/octet-stream" : {
292                 "schema" : {
293                   "type" : "array",
294                   "items" : {
295                     "type" : "string"
296                   }
297                 }
298               }
299             },
300             "description" : "default response"
301           }
302         },
303         "servers" : [ {
304           "url" : "/sdc",
305           "variables" : { }
306         } ],
307         "summary" : "Returns downloaded artifact",
308         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
309       }
310     },
311     "/v1/catalog/services/{serviceName}/{serviceVersion}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceName}/artifacts/{artifactName}" : {
312       "get" : {
313         "description" : "Download resource instance artifact",
314         "operationId" : "downloadResourceInstanceArtifactByName",
315         "parameters" : [ {
316           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
317           "in" : "header",
318           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
319           "schema" : {
320             "type" : "string"
321           }
322         }, {
323           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
324           "in" : "header",
325           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
326           "required" : true,
327           "schema" : {
328             "type" : "string"
329           }
330         }, {
331           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
332           "in" : "header",
333           "name" : "Accept",
334           "schema" : {
335             "type" : "string"
336           }
337         }, {
338           "description" : "The username and password",
339           "in" : "header",
340           "name" : "Authorization",
341           "required" : true,
342           "schema" : {
343             "type" : "string"
344           }
345         }, {
346           "in" : "path",
347           "name" : "serviceName",
348           "required" : true,
349           "schema" : {
350             "type" : "string"
351           }
352         }, {
353           "in" : "path",
354           "name" : "serviceVersion",
355           "required" : true,
356           "schema" : {
357             "type" : "string"
358           }
359         }, {
360           "in" : "path",
361           "name" : "resourceInstanceName",
362           "required" : true,
363           "schema" : {
364             "type" : "string"
365           }
366         }, {
367           "in" : "path",
368           "name" : "artifactName",
369           "required" : true,
370           "schema" : {
371             "type" : "string"
372           }
373         } ],
374         "responses" : {
375           "200" : {
376             "content" : {
377               "application/octet-stream" : {
378                 "schema" : {
379                   "type" : "array",
380                   "items" : {
381                     "type" : "string"
382                   }
383                 }
384               }
385             },
386             "description" : "The artifact is found and streamed."
387           },
388           "400" : {
389             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
390           },
391           "401" : {
392             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
393           },
394           "403" : {
395             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
396           },
397           "404" : {
398             "description" : "Specified artifact is  not found - SVC4505"
399           },
400           "405" : {
401             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
402           },
403           "500" : {
404             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
405           },
406           "default" : {
407             "content" : {
408               "application/octet-stream" : {
409                 "schema" : {
410                   "type" : "array",
411                   "items" : {
412                     "type" : "string"
413                   }
414                 }
415               }
416             },
417             "description" : "default response"
418           }
419         },
420         "servers" : [ {
421           "url" : "/sdc",
422           "variables" : { }
423         } ],
424         "summary" : "Returns downloaded artifact",
425         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
426       }
427     },
428     "/v1/catalog/services/{serviceName}/{serviceVersion}/resources/{resourceName}/{resourceVersion}/artifacts/{artifactName}" : {
429       "get" : {
430         "description" : "Download resource artifact",
431         "operationId" : "downloadResourceArtifact",
432         "parameters" : [ {
433           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
434           "in" : "header",
435           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
436           "schema" : {
437             "type" : "string"
438           }
439         }, {
440           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
441           "in" : "header",
442           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
443           "required" : true,
444           "schema" : {
445             "type" : "string"
446           }
447         }, {
448           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
449           "in" : "header",
450           "name" : "Accept",
451           "schema" : {
452             "type" : "string"
453           }
454         }, {
455           "description" : "The username and password",
456           "in" : "header",
457           "name" : "Authorization",
458           "required" : true,
459           "schema" : {
460             "type" : "string"
461           }
462         }, {
463           "in" : "path",
464           "name" : "serviceName",
465           "required" : true,
466           "schema" : {
467             "type" : "string"
468           }
469         }, {
470           "in" : "path",
471           "name" : "serviceVersion",
472           "required" : true,
473           "schema" : {
474             "type" : "string"
475           }
476         }, {
477           "in" : "path",
478           "name" : "resourceName",
479           "required" : true,
480           "schema" : {
481             "type" : "string"
482           }
483         }, {
484           "in" : "path",
485           "name" : "resourceVersion",
486           "required" : true,
487           "schema" : {
488             "type" : "string"
489           }
490         }, {
491           "in" : "path",
492           "name" : "artifactName",
493           "required" : true,
494           "schema" : {
495             "type" : "string"
496           }
497         } ],
498         "responses" : {
499           "200" : {
500             "content" : {
501               "application/octet-stream" : {
502                 "schema" : {
503                   "type" : "array",
504                   "items" : {
505                     "type" : "string"
506                   }
507                 }
508               }
509             },
510             "description" : "The artifact is found and streamed."
511           },
512           "400" : {
513             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
514           },
515           "401" : {
516             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
517           },
518           "403" : {
519             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
520           },
521           "404" : {
522             "description" : "Specified artifact is  not found - SVC4505"
523           },
524           "405" : {
525             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
526           },
527           "500" : {
528             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
529           },
530           "default" : {
531             "content" : {
532               "application/octet-stream" : {
533                 "schema" : {
534                   "type" : "array",
535                   "items" : {
536                     "type" : "string"
537                   }
538                 }
539               }
540             },
541             "description" : "default response"
542           }
543         },
544         "servers" : [ {
545           "url" : "/sdc",
546           "variables" : { }
547         } ],
548         "summary" : "Returns downloaded artifact",
549         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
550       }
551     },
552     "/v1/catalog/services/{serviceUUID}/distribution/{opEnvId}/activate" : {
553       "post" : {
554         "description" : "activate a service",
555         "operationId" : "activateServiceExternal",
556         "parameters" : [ {
557           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
558           "in" : "header",
559           "name" : "Content-Type",
560           "required" : true,
561           "schema" : {
562             "type" : "string"
563           }
564         }, {
565           "description" : "The user id",
566           "in" : "header",
567           "name" : "USER_ID",
568           "required" : true,
569           "schema" : {
570             "type" : "string"
571           }
572         }, {
573           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
574           "in" : "header",
575           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
576           "schema" : {
577             "type" : "string"
578           }
579         }, {
580           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
581           "in" : "header",
582           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
583           "required" : true,
584           "schema" : {
585             "type" : "string"
586           }
587         }, {
588           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
589           "in" : "header",
590           "name" : "Accept",
591           "schema" : {
592             "type" : "string"
593           }
594         }, {
595           "description" : "The username and password",
596           "in" : "header",
597           "name" : "Authorization",
598           "required" : true,
599           "schema" : {
600             "type" : "string"
601           }
602         }, {
603           "description" : "The serviceUUid to activate",
604           "in" : "path",
605           "name" : "serviceUUID",
606           "required" : true,
607           "schema" : {
608             "type" : "string"
609           }
610         }, {
611           "description" : "The operational environment on which to activate the service on",
612           "in" : "path",
613           "name" : "opEnvId",
614           "required" : true,
615           "schema" : {
616             "type" : "string"
617           }
618         } ],
619         "requestBody" : {
620           "content" : {
621             "application/json" : {
622               "schema" : {
623                 "type" : "string"
624               }
625             }
626           }
627         },
628         "responses" : {
629           "202" : {
630             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and required service may be distributed"
631           },
632           "400" : {
633             "description" : "The resource name is missing in the request body - SVC4062"
634           },
635           "401" : {
636             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
637           },
638           "403" : {
639             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
640           },
641           "404" : {
642             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
643           },
644           "405" : {
645             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
646           },
647           "409" : {
648             "description" : "Service state is invalid for this action"
649           },
650           "500" : {
651             "description" : "The request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
652           },
653           "502" : {
654             "description" : "The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server"
655           }
656         },
657         "servers" : [ {
658           "url" : "/sdc",
659           "variables" : { }
660         } ],
661         "summary" : "Activates a service",
662         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
663       }
664     },
665     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}" : {
666       "get" : {
667         "description" : "Fetch list of assets",
668         "operationId" : "getAssetListExternal",
669         "parameters" : [ {
670           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
671           "in" : "header",
672           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
673           "schema" : {
674             "type" : "string"
675           }
676         }, {
677           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
678           "in" : "header",
679           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
680           "required" : true,
681           "schema" : {
682             "type" : "string"
683           }
684         }, {
685           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
686           "in" : "header",
687           "name" : "Accept",
688           "schema" : {
689             "type" : "string"
690           }
691         }, {
692           "description" : "The username and password",
693           "in" : "header",
694           "name" : "Authorization",
695           "required" : true,
696           "schema" : {
697             "type" : "string"
698           }
699         }, {
700           "description" : "The requested asset type",
701           "in" : "path",
702           "name" : "assetType",
703           "required" : true,
704           "schema" : {
705             "type" : "string",
706             "enum" : [ "resources", "services" ]
707           }
708         }, {
709           "description" : "The category to filter the result set on",
710           "in" : "query",
711           "name" : "category",
712           "schema" : {
713             "type" : "string"
714           }
715         }, {
716           "description" : "The sub category to filter the result set on. Only applicable when assetType = resources",
717           "in" : "query",
718           "name" : "subCategory",
719           "schema" : {
720             "type" : "string"
721           }
722         }, {
723           "description" : "The distribution status to filter the result set on",
724           "in" : "query",
725           "name" : "distributionStatus",
726           "schema" : {
727             "type" : "string"
728           }
729         }, {
730           "description" : "The resource type to filter the result set on. Only applicable when assetType = resources",
731           "in" : "query",
732           "name" : "resourceType",
733           "schema" : {
734             "type" : "string"
735           }
736         }, {
737           "description" : "Additional metadata keys to include in the response, not all keys are supported.\nSupported keys: lastUpdateDate, creationDate, description, uniqueId and category specific metadata keys",
738           "in" : "query",
739           "name" : "include",
740           "schema" : {
741             "type" : "array",
742             "items" : {
743               "type" : "string"
744             }
745           }
746         }, {
747           "description" : "The version(s) to filter the result set on\nSyntax: /services?version=(highestMatchingVersionOnly|lessThan|greaterThan|equals)(:=)(value)",
748           "examples" : {
749             "An example request to get all services with version equal 2.0" : {
750               "description" : "An example request to get all services with version equal 2.0",
751               "value" : "equals:2.0"
752             },
753             "An example request to get all services with version greater than 1.1" : {
754               "description" : "An example request to get all services with version greater than 1.1",
755               "value" : "greaterThan:1.1"
756             },
757             "An example request to get all services with version less than 2.1" : {
758               "description" : "An example request to get all services with version less than 2.1",
759               "value" : "lessThan:2.1"
760             },
761             "An example request to get each service with highest version" : {
762               "description" : "An example request to get each service with highest version",
763               "value" : "highestMatchingVersionOnly:true"
764             }
765           },
766           "in" : "query",
767           "name" : "version",
768           "schema" : {
769             "type" : "string"
770           }
771         }, {
772           "description" : "The keys of the metadata to include in the entries in the result set. Only applicable when assetType = services\nOnly category specific metadata keys are supported\nSyntax: /services?metadata=<KEY1>(:=)<VALUE1>&metadata=<KEY2>(:=)<VALUE2> ...",
773           "examples" : {
774             "An example request to get all services matching following Category Specific Metadata condition 'ETSI Version=3.3.1'" : {
775               "description" : "An example request to get all services matching following Category Specific Metadata condition 'ETSI Version=3.3.1'",
776               "value" : "ETSI Version:3.3.1"
777             }
778           },
779           "in" : "query",
780           "name" : "metadata",
781           "schema" : {
782             "type" : "array",
783             "items" : {
784               "type" : "string"
785             }
786           }
787         } ],
788         "responses" : {
789           "200" : {
790             "content" : {
791               "application/json" : {
792                 "schema" : {
793                   "type" : "array",
794                   "items" : {
795                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AssetMetadata"
796                   }
797                 }
798               }
799             },
800             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and list of Catalog Assets Metadata is returned"
801           },
802           "400" : {
803             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
804           },
805           "401" : {
806             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
807           },
808           "403" : {
809             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
810           },
811           "405" : {
812             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
813           },
814           "500" : {
815             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
816           }
817         },
818         "servers" : [ {
819           "url" : "/sdc",
820           "variables" : { }
821         } ],
822         "summary" : "Returns list of assets",
823         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
824       },
825       "post" : {
826         "description" : "creates an asset (resource or service)",
827         "operationId" : "createComponentExternal",
828         "parameters" : [ {
829           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
830           "in" : "header",
831           "name" : "Content-Type",
832           "required" : true,
833           "schema" : {
834             "type" : "string"
835           }
836         }, {
837           "description" : "The user id",
838           "in" : "header",
839           "name" : "USER_ID",
840           "required" : true,
841           "schema" : {
842             "type" : "string"
843           }
844         }, {
845           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
846           "in" : "header",
847           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
848           "schema" : {
849             "type" : "string"
850           }
851         }, {
852           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
853           "in" : "header",
854           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
855           "required" : true,
856           "schema" : {
857             "type" : "string"
858           }
859         }, {
860           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
861           "in" : "header",
862           "name" : "Accept",
863           "schema" : {
864             "type" : "string"
865           }
866         }, {
867           "description" : "The username and password",
868           "in" : "header",
869           "name" : "Authorization",
870           "required" : true,
871           "schema" : {
872             "type" : "string"
873           }
874         }, {
875           "description" : "The requested asset type",
876           "in" : "path",
877           "name" : "assetType",
878           "required" : true,
879           "schema" : {
880             "type" : "string",
881             "enum" : [ "resources, services" ]
882           }
883         } ],
884         "responses" : {
885           "200" : {
886             "content" : {
887               "application/json" : {
888                 "schema" : {
889                   "type" : "array",
890                   "items" : {
891                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Resource"
892                   }
893                 }
894               }
895             },
896             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and Asset created"
897           },
898           "400" : {
899             "description" : "Invalid Content. Missing PROJECT_CODE number - SVC4129"
900           },
901           "401" : {
902             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
903           },
904           "403" : {
905             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
906           },
907           "404" : {
908             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
909           },
910           "405" : {
911             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
912           },
913           "409" : {
914             "description" : "Error: %1 (Service) with name '%2' already exists. - SVC4050"
915           },
916           "500" : {
917             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
918           }
919         },
920         "servers" : [ {
921           "url" : "/sdc",
922           "variables" : { }
923         } ],
924         "summary" : "Creates an asset (resource or service)",
925         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
926       }
927     },
928     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/artifacts" : {
929       "post" : {
930         "description" : "uploads of artifact to a resource or service",
931         "operationId" : "uploadArtifact",
932         "parameters" : [ {
933           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
934           "in" : "header",
935           "name" : "Content-Type",
936           "required" : true,
937           "schema" : {
938             "type" : "string"
939           }
940         }, {
941           "description" : "The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body",
942           "in" : "header",
943           "name" : "Content-MD5",
944           "required" : true,
945           "schema" : {
946             "type" : "string"
947           }
948         }, {
949           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
950           "in" : "header",
951           "name" : "USER_ID",
952           "required" : true,
953           "schema" : {
954             "type" : "string"
955           }
956         }, {
957           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
958           "in" : "header",
959           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
960           "schema" : {
961             "type" : "string"
962           }
963         }, {
964           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
965           "in" : "header",
966           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
967           "required" : true,
968           "schema" : {
969             "type" : "string"
970           }
971         }, {
972           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
973           "in" : "header",
974           "name" : "Accept",
975           "schema" : {
976             "type" : "string"
977           }
978         }, {
979           "description" : "The username and password",
980           "in" : "header",
981           "name" : "Authorization",
982           "required" : true,
983           "schema" : {
984             "type" : "string"
985           }
986         }, {
987           "description" : "The requested asset type",
988           "in" : "path",
989           "name" : "assetType",
990           "required" : true,
991           "schema" : {
992             "type" : "string",
993             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
994           }
995         }, {
996           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
997           "in" : "path",
998           "name" : "uuid",
999           "required" : true,
1000           "schema" : {
1001             "type" : "string"
1002           }
1003         } ],
1004         "responses" : {
1005           "200" : {
1006             "content" : {
1007               "application/json" : {
1008                 "schema" : {
1009                   "type" : "array",
1010                   "items" : {
1011                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
1012                   }
1013                 }
1014               }
1015             },
1016             "description" : "Artifact uploaded"
1017           },
1018           "400" : {
1019             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
1020           },
1021           "401" : {
1022             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1023           },
1024           "403" : {
1025             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
1026           },
1027           "404" : {
1028             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
1029           },
1030           "405" : {
1031             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1032           },
1033           "500" : {
1034             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1035           }
1036         },
1037         "servers" : [ {
1038           "url" : "/sdc",
1039           "variables" : { }
1040         } ],
1041         "summary" : "uploads of artifact to a resource or service",
1042         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1043       }
1044     },
1045     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}" : {
1046       "delete" : {
1047         "description" : "deletes an artifact of a resource or service",
1048         "operationId" : "deleteArtifact",
1049         "parameters" : [ {
1050           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
1051           "in" : "header",
1052           "name" : "USER_ID",
1053           "required" : true,
1054           "schema" : {
1055             "type" : "string"
1056           }
1057         }, {
1058           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1059           "in" : "header",
1060           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1061           "schema" : {
1062             "type" : "string"
1063           }
1064         }, {
1065           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1066           "in" : "header",
1067           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1068           "required" : true,
1069           "schema" : {
1070             "type" : "string"
1071           }
1072         }, {
1073           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1074           "in" : "header",
1075           "name" : "Accept",
1076           "schema" : {
1077             "type" : "string"
1078           }
1079         }, {
1080           "description" : "The username and password",
1081           "in" : "header",
1082           "name" : "Authorization",
1083           "required" : true,
1084           "schema" : {
1085             "type" : "string"
1086           }
1087         }, {
1088           "description" : "The requested asset type",
1089           "in" : "path",
1090           "name" : "assetType",
1091           "required" : true,
1092           "schema" : {
1093             "type" : "string",
1094             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
1095           }
1096         }, {
1097           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
1098           "in" : "path",
1099           "name" : "uuid",
1100           "required" : true,
1101           "schema" : {
1102             "type" : "string"
1103           }
1104         }, {
1105           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
1106           "in" : "path",
1107           "name" : "artifactUUID",
1108           "required" : true,
1109           "schema" : {
1110             "type" : "string"
1111           }
1112         } ],
1113         "responses" : {
1114           "200" : {
1115             "content" : {
1116               "application/json" : {
1117                 "schema" : {
1118                   "type" : "array",
1119                   "items" : {
1120                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
1121                   }
1122                 }
1123               }
1124             },
1125             "description" : "Artifact deleted"
1126           },
1127           "400" : {
1128             "description" : "Artifact name is missing in input - SVC4128"
1129           },
1130           "401" : {
1131             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1132           },
1133           "403" : {
1134             "description" : "Asset is being edited by different user. Only one user can checkout and edit an asset on given time. The asset will be available for checkout after the other user will checkin the asset - SVC4086"
1135           },
1136           "404" : {
1137             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
1138           },
1139           "405" : {
1140             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1141           },
1142           "409" : {
1143             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
1144           },
1145           "500" : {
1146             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1147           },
1148           "default" : {
1149             "content" : {
1150               "application/json" : {
1151                 "schema" : {
1152                   "type" : "array",
1153                   "items" : {
1154                     "type" : "object",
1155                     "properties" : {
1156                       "allowedMethods" : {
1157                         "type" : "array",
1158                         "items" : {
1159                           "type" : "string"
1160                         },
1161                         "uniqueItems" : true
1162                       },
1163                       "cookies" : {
1164                         "type" : "object",
1165                         "additionalProperties" : {
1166                           "type" : "object",
1167                           "properties" : {
1168                             "comment" : {
1169                               "type" : "string"
1170                             },
1171                             "domain" : {
1172                               "type" : "string"
1173                             },
1174                             "expiry" : {
1175                               "type" : "string",
1176                               "format" : "date-time"
1177                             },
1178                             "httpOnly" : {
1179                               "type" : "boolean"
1180                             },
1181                             "maxAge" : {
1182                               "type" : "integer",
1183                               "format" : "int32"
1184                             },
1185                             "name" : {
1186                               "type" : "string"
1187                             },
1188                             "path" : {
1189                               "type" : "string"
1190                             },
1191                             "secure" : {
1192                               "type" : "boolean"
1193                             },
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1195                               "type" : "string"
1196                             },
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1198                               "type" : "integer",
1199                               "format" : "int32"
1200                             }
1201                           }
1202                         }
1203                       },
1204                       "date" : {
1205                         "type" : "string",
1206                         "format" : "date-time"
1207                       },
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1210                       },
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1215                             "type" : "string"
1216                           },
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1218                             "type" : "boolean"
1219                           }
1220                         }
1221                       },
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1228                           }
1229                         }
1230                       },
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1236                           },
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1238                             "type" : "string"
1239                           },
1240                           "displayLanguage" : {
1241                             "type" : "string"
1242                           },
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1245                           },
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1248                           },
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1251                           },
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1256                             },
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1258                           },
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1261                           },
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1263                             "type" : "string"
1264                           },
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1266                             "type" : "string"
1267                           },
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1270                           },
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1275                             },
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1277                           },
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1282                             },
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1284                           },
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1287                           }
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1293                       },
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1311                             },
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1320                             },
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1323                             },
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1327                             },
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1350                           },
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1353                           },
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1356                           },
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1359                           }
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1371                       "status" : {
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1374                       },
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1379                             "type" : "string",
1380                             "enum" : [ "INFORMATIONAL", "SUCCESSFUL", "REDIRECTION", "CLIENT_ERROR", "SERVER_ERROR", "OTHER" ]
1381                           },
1382                           "reasonPhrase" : {
1383                             "type" : "string"
1384                           },
1385                           "statusCode" : {
1386                             "type" : "integer",
1387                             "format" : "int32"
1388                           }
1389                         }
1390                       },
1391                       "stringHeaders" : {
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1397                           }
1398                         }
1399                       }
1400                     }
1401                   }
1402                 }
1403               }
1404             },
1405             "description" : "default response"
1406           }
1407         },
1408         "servers" : [ {
1409           "url" : "/sdc",
1410           "variables" : { }
1411         } ],
1412         "summary" : "deletes an artifact of a resource or service",
1413         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1414       },
1415       "get" : {
1416         "description" : "Download component artifact",
1417         "operationId" : "downloadComponentArtifact",
1418         "parameters" : [ {
1419           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
1420           "in" : "header",
1421           "name" : "USER_ID",
1422           "required" : true,
1423           "schema" : {
1424             "type" : "string"
1425           }
1426         }, {
1427           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1428           "in" : "header",
1429           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1430           "schema" : {
1431             "type" : "string"
1432           }
1433         }, {
1434           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1435           "in" : "header",
1436           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1437           "required" : true,
1438           "schema" : {
1439             "type" : "string"
1440           }
1441         }, {
1442           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1443           "in" : "header",
1444           "name" : "Accept",
1445           "schema" : {
1446             "type" : "string"
1447           }
1448         }, {
1449           "description" : "The username and password",
1450           "in" : "header",
1451           "name" : "Authorization",
1452           "required" : true,
1453           "schema" : {
1454             "type" : "string"
1455           }
1456         }, {
1457           "description" : "The requested asset type",
1458           "in" : "path",
1459           "name" : "assetType",
1460           "required" : true,
1461           "schema" : {
1462             "type" : "string",
1463             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
1464           }
1465         }, {
1466           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
1467           "in" : "path",
1468           "name" : "uuid",
1469           "required" : true,
1470           "schema" : {
1471             "type" : "string"
1472           }
1473         }, {
1474           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
1475           "in" : "path",
1476           "name" : "artifactUUID",
1477           "required" : true,
1478           "schema" : {
1479             "type" : "string"
1480           }
1481         } ],
1482         "responses" : {
1483           "200" : {
1484             "content" : {
1485               "application/octet-stream" : {
1486                 "schema" : {
1487                   "type" : "array",
1488                   "items" : {
1489                     "type" : "string"
1490                   }
1491                 }
1492               }
1493             },
1494             "description" : "Artifact downloaded"
1495           },
1496           "400" : {
1497             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
1498           },
1499           "401" : {
1500             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1501           },
1502           "403" : {
1503             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
1504           },
1505           "404" : {
1506             "description" : "Artifact was not found - SVC4505"
1507           },
1508           "405" : {
1509             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1510           },
1511           "500" : {
1512             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1513           }
1514         },
1515         "servers" : [ {
1516           "url" : "/sdc",
1517           "variables" : { }
1518         } ],
1519         "summary" : "Returns downloaded artifact",
1520         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1521       },
1522       "post" : {
1523         "description" : "updates an artifact on a resource or service",
1524         "operationId" : "updateArtifact",
1525         "parameters" : [ {
1526           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
1527           "in" : "header",
1528           "name" : "Content-Type",
1529           "required" : true,
1530           "schema" : {
1531             "type" : "string"
1532           }
1533         }, {
1534           "description" : "The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body",
1535           "in" : "header",
1536           "name" : "Content-MD5",
1537           "required" : true,
1538           "schema" : {
1539             "type" : "string"
1540           }
1541         }, {
1542           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
1543           "in" : "header",
1544           "name" : "USER_ID",
1545           "required" : true,
1546           "schema" : {
1547             "type" : "string"
1548           }
1549         }, {
1550           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1551           "in" : "header",
1552           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1553           "schema" : {
1554             "type" : "string"
1555           }
1556         }, {
1557           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1558           "in" : "header",
1559           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1560           "required" : true,
1561           "schema" : {
1562             "type" : "string"
1563           }
1564         }, {
1565           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1566           "in" : "header",
1567           "name" : "Accept",
1568           "schema" : {
1569             "type" : "string"
1570           }
1571         }, {
1572           "description" : "The username and password",
1573           "in" : "header",
1574           "name" : "Authorization",
1575           "required" : true,
1576           "schema" : {
1577             "type" : "string"
1578           }
1579         }, {
1580           "description" : "The requested asset type",
1581           "in" : "path",
1582           "name" : "assetType",
1583           "required" : true,
1584           "schema" : {
1585             "type" : "string",
1586             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
1587           }
1588         }, {
1589           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
1590           "in" : "path",
1591           "name" : "uuid",
1592           "required" : true,
1593           "schema" : {
1594             "type" : "string"
1595           }
1596         }, {
1597           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
1598           "in" : "path",
1599           "name" : "artifactUUID",
1600           "required" : true,
1601           "schema" : {
1602             "type" : "string"
1603           }
1604         } ],
1605         "responses" : {
1606           "200" : {
1607             "content" : {
1608               "application/json" : {
1609                 "schema" : {
1610                   "type" : "array",
1611                   "items" : {
1612                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
1613                   }
1614                 }
1615               }
1616             },
1617             "description" : "Artifact updated"
1618           },
1619           "400" : {
1620             "description" : "Artifact name is missing in input - SVC4128"
1621           },
1622           "401" : {
1623             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1624           },
1625           "403" : {
1626             "description" : "Asset is being edited by different user. Only one user can checkout and edit an asset on given time. The asset will be available for checkout after the other user will checkin the asset - SVC4086"
1627           },
1628           "404" : {
1629             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
1630           },
1631           "405" : {
1632             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1633           },
1634           "409" : {
1635             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
1636           },
1637           "500" : {
1638             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1639           }
1640         },
1641         "servers" : [ {
1642           "url" : "/sdc",
1643           "variables" : { }
1644         } ],
1645         "summary" : "uploads of artifact to a resource or service",
1646         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1647       }
1648     },
1649     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/interfaces/{interfaceUUID}/operations/{operationUUID}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}" : {
1650       "post" : {
1651         "description" : "uploads of artifact to VF operation workflow",
1652         "operationId" : "uploadInterfaceOperationArtifact",
1653         "parameters" : [ {
1654           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
1655           "in" : "header",
1656           "name" : "Content-Type",
1657           "required" : true,
1658           "schema" : {
1659             "type" : "string"
1660           }
1661         }, {
1662           "description" : "The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body",
1663           "in" : "header",
1664           "name" : "Content-MD5",
1665           "required" : true,
1666           "schema" : {
1667             "type" : "string"
1668           }
1669         }, {
1670           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
1671           "in" : "header",
1672           "name" : "USER_ID",
1673           "required" : true,
1674           "schema" : {
1675             "type" : "string"
1676           }
1677         }, {
1678           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1679           "in" : "header",
1680           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1681           "schema" : {
1682             "type" : "string"
1683           }
1684         }, {
1685           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1686           "in" : "header",
1687           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1688           "required" : true,
1689           "schema" : {
1690             "type" : "string"
1691           }
1692         }, {
1693           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1694           "in" : "header",
1695           "name" : "Accept",
1696           "schema" : {
1697             "type" : "string"
1698           }
1699         }, {
1700           "description" : "The username and password",
1701           "in" : "header",
1702           "name" : "Authorization",
1703           "required" : true,
1704           "schema" : {
1705             "type" : "string"
1706           }
1707         }, {
1708           "description" : "Asset type",
1709           "in" : "path",
1710           "name" : "assetType",
1711           "required" : true,
1712           "schema" : {
1713             "type" : "string"
1714           }
1715         }, {
1716           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
1717           "in" : "path",
1718           "name" : "uuid",
1719           "required" : true,
1720           "schema" : {
1721             "type" : "string"
1722           }
1723         }, {
1724           "description" : "The uuid of the interface",
1725           "in" : "path",
1726           "name" : "interfaceUUID",
1727           "required" : true,
1728           "schema" : {
1729             "type" : "string"
1730           }
1731         }, {
1732           "description" : "The uuid of the operation",
1733           "in" : "path",
1734           "name" : "operationUUID",
1735           "required" : true,
1736           "schema" : {
1737             "type" : "string"
1738           }
1739         }, {
1740           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact",
1741           "in" : "path",
1742           "name" : "artifactUUID",
1743           "required" : true,
1744           "schema" : {
1745             "type" : "string"
1746           }
1747         } ],
1748         "responses" : {
1749           "200" : {
1750             "content" : {
1751               "application/json" : {
1752                 "schema" : {
1753                   "type" : "array",
1754                   "items" : {
1755                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
1756                   }
1757                 }
1758               }
1759             },
1760             "description" : "Artifact uploaded"
1761           },
1762           "400" : {
1763             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
1764           },
1765           "401" : {
1766             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1767           },
1768           "403" : {
1769             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
1770           },
1771           "404" : {
1772             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
1773           },
1774           "405" : {
1775             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1776           },
1777           "500" : {
1778             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1779           }
1780         },
1781         "servers" : [ {
1782           "url" : "/sdc",
1783           "variables" : { }
1784         } ],
1785         "summary" : "uploads of artifact to VF operation workflow",
1786         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1787       }
1788     },
1789     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/lifecycleState/{lifecycleOperation}" : {
1790       "post" : {
1791         "description" : "Change Resource lifecycle State",
1792         "operationId" : "changeResourceStateExternal",
1793         "parameters" : [ {
1794           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
1795           "in" : "header",
1796           "name" : "Content-Type",
1797           "required" : true,
1798           "schema" : {
1799             "type" : "string"
1800           }
1801         }, {
1802           "description" : "The user id",
1803           "in" : "header",
1804           "name" : "USER_ID",
1805           "required" : true,
1806           "schema" : {
1807             "type" : "string"
1808           }
1809         }, {
1810           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1811           "in" : "header",
1812           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1813           "schema" : {
1814             "type" : "string"
1815           }
1816         }, {
1817           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1818           "in" : "header",
1819           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1820           "required" : true,
1821           "schema" : {
1822             "type" : "string"
1823           }
1824         }, {
1825           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1826           "in" : "header",
1827           "name" : "Accept",
1828           "schema" : {
1829             "type" : "string"
1830           }
1831         }, {
1832           "description" : "The username and password",
1833           "in" : "header",
1834           "name" : "Authorization",
1835           "required" : true,
1836           "schema" : {
1837             "type" : "string"
1838           }
1839         }, {
1840           "in" : "path",
1841           "name" : "lifecycleOperation",
1842           "required" : true,
1843           "schema" : {
1844             "type" : "string",
1845             "enum" : [ "checkout, checkin" ]
1846           }
1847         }, {
1848           "description" : "id of component to be changed",
1849           "in" : "path",
1850           "name" : "uuid",
1851           "required" : true,
1852           "schema" : {
1853             "type" : "string"
1854           }
1855         }, {
1856           "description" : "validValues: resources / services ",
1857           "in" : "path",
1858           "name" : "assetType",
1859           "required" : true,
1860           "schema" : {
1861             "type" : "string",
1862             "enum" : [ "resources", "services" ]
1863           }
1864         } ],
1865         "responses" : {
1866           "200" : {
1867             "content" : {
1868               "application/json" : {
1869                 "schema" : {
1870                   "type" : "array",
1871                   "items" : {
1872                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AssetMetadata"
1873                   }
1874                 }
1875               }
1876             },
1877             "description" : "Resource state changed"
1878           },
1879           "400" : {
1880             "description" : "Missing X-ECOMP-InstanceID HTTP header - POL5001"
1881           },
1882           "401" : {
1883             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1884           },
1885           "403" : {
1886             "description" : "Asset is being edited by different user. Only one user can checkout and edit an asset on given time. The asset will be available for checkout after the other user will checkin the asset - SVC4080"
1887           },
1888           "404" : {
1889             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
1890           },
1891           "405" : {
1892             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1893           },
1894           "500" : {
1895             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1896           }
1897         },
1898         "servers" : [ {
1899           "url" : "/sdc",
1900           "variables" : { }
1901         } ],
1902         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1903       }
1904     },
1905     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/metadata" : {
1906       "get" : {
1907         "description" : "Detailed metadata of asset by uuid",
1908         "operationId" : "getAssetSpecificMetadataByUuidExternal",
1909         "parameters" : [ {
1910           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
1911           "in" : "header",
1912           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
1913           "schema" : {
1914             "type" : "string"
1915           }
1916         }, {
1917           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
1918           "in" : "header",
1919           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
1920           "required" : true,
1921           "schema" : {
1922             "type" : "string"
1923           }
1924         }, {
1925           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
1926           "in" : "header",
1927           "name" : "Accept",
1928           "schema" : {
1929             "type" : "string"
1930           }
1931         }, {
1932           "description" : "The username and password",
1933           "in" : "header",
1934           "name" : "Authorization",
1935           "required" : true,
1936           "schema" : {
1937             "type" : "string"
1938           }
1939         }, {
1940           "description" : "The requested asset type",
1941           "in" : "path",
1942           "name" : "assetType",
1943           "required" : true,
1944           "schema" : {
1945             "type" : "string",
1946             "enum" : [ "resources", "services" ]
1947           }
1948         }, {
1949           "description" : "The requested asset uuid",
1950           "in" : "path",
1951           "name" : "uuid",
1952           "required" : true,
1953           "schema" : {
1954             "type" : "string"
1955           }
1956         } ],
1957         "responses" : {
1958           "200" : {
1959             "content" : {
1960               "application/json" : {
1961                 "schema" : {
1962                   "type" : "array",
1963                   "items" : {
1964                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AssetMetadata"
1965                   }
1966                 }
1967               }
1968             },
1969             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and list of Catalog Assets Metadata is returned"
1970           },
1971           "400" : {
1972             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
1973           },
1974           "401" : {
1975             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
1976           },
1977           "403" : {
1978             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
1979           },
1980           "404" : {
1981             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
1982           },
1983           "405" : {
1984             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
1985           },
1986           "500" : {
1987             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
1988           }
1989         },
1990         "servers" : [ {
1991           "url" : "/sdc",
1992           "variables" : { }
1993         } ],
1994         "summary" : "Returns detailed metadata of an asset by uuid",
1995         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
1996       }
1997     },
1998     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{componentInstanceName}/externalReferences/{objectType}" : {
1999       "post" : {
2000         "operationId" : "addComponentInstanceExternalRef",
2001         "parameters" : [ {
2002           "in" : "path",
2003           "name" : "assetType",
2004           "required" : true,
2005           "schema" : {
2006             "type" : "string"
2007           }
2008         }, {
2009           "in" : "path",
2010           "name" : "uuid",
2011           "required" : true,
2012           "schema" : {
2013             "type" : "string"
2014           }
2015         }, {
2016           "in" : "path",
2017           "name" : "componentInstanceName",
2018           "required" : true,
2019           "schema" : {
2020             "type" : "string"
2021           }
2022         }, {
2023           "in" : "path",
2024           "name" : "objectType",
2025           "required" : true,
2026           "schema" : {
2027             "type" : "string"
2028           }
2029         }, {
2030           "in" : "header",
2031           "name" : "USER_ID",
2032           "schema" : {
2033             "type" : "string"
2034           }
2035         }, {
2036           "in" : "header",
2037           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2038           "schema" : {
2039             "type" : "string"
2040           }
2041         } ],
2042         "requestBody" : {
2043           "content" : {
2044             "application/json" : {
2045               "schema" : {
2046                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ExternalRefDTO"
2047               }
2048             }
2049           }
2050         },
2051         "responses" : {
2052           "default" : {
2053             "content" : {
2054               "application/json" : { }
2055             },
2056             "description" : "default response"
2057           }
2058         },
2059         "servers" : [ {
2060           "url" : "/sdc",
2061           "variables" : { }
2062         } ],
2063         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
2064       }
2065     },
2066     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{componentInstanceName}/externalReferences/{objectType}/{oldRefValue}" : {
2067       "put" : {
2068         "operationId" : "updateComponentInstanceReference",
2069         "parameters" : [ {
2070           "in" : "path",
2071           "name" : "assetType",
2072           "required" : true,
2073           "schema" : {
2074             "type" : "string"
2075           }
2076         }, {
2077           "in" : "path",
2078           "name" : "uuid",
2079           "required" : true,
2080           "schema" : {
2081             "type" : "string"
2082           }
2083         }, {
2084           "in" : "path",
2085           "name" : "componentInstanceName",
2086           "required" : true,
2087           "schema" : {
2088             "type" : "string"
2089           }
2090         }, {
2091           "in" : "path",
2092           "name" : "objectType",
2093           "required" : true,
2094           "schema" : {
2095             "type" : "string"
2096           }
2097         }, {
2098           "in" : "path",
2099           "name" : "oldRefValue",
2100           "required" : true,
2101           "schema" : {
2102             "type" : "string"
2103           }
2104         }, {
2105           "in" : "header",
2106           "name" : "USER_ID",
2107           "schema" : {
2108             "type" : "string"
2109           }
2110         }, {
2111           "in" : "header",
2112           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2113           "schema" : {
2114             "type" : "string"
2115           }
2116         } ],
2117         "requestBody" : {
2118           "content" : {
2119             "application/json" : {
2120               "schema" : {
2121                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ExternalRefDTO"
2122               }
2123             }
2124           }
2125         },
2126         "responses" : {
2127           "default" : {
2128             "content" : {
2129               "application/json" : { }
2130             },
2131             "description" : "default response"
2132           }
2133         },
2134         "servers" : [ {
2135           "url" : "/sdc",
2136           "variables" : { }
2137         } ],
2138         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
2139       }
2140     },
2141     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{componentInstanceName}/externalReferences/{objectType}/{reference}" : {
2142       "delete" : {
2143         "operationId" : "deleteComponentInstanceReference",
2144         "parameters" : [ {
2145           "in" : "path",
2146           "name" : "assetType",
2147           "required" : true,
2148           "schema" : {
2149             "type" : "string"
2150           }
2151         }, {
2152           "in" : "path",
2153           "name" : "uuid",
2154           "required" : true,
2155           "schema" : {
2156             "type" : "string"
2157           }
2158         }, {
2159           "in" : "path",
2160           "name" : "componentInstanceName",
2161           "required" : true,
2162           "schema" : {
2163             "type" : "string"
2164           }
2165         }, {
2166           "in" : "path",
2167           "name" : "objectType",
2168           "required" : true,
2169           "schema" : {
2170             "type" : "string"
2171           }
2172         }, {
2173           "in" : "path",
2174           "name" : "reference",
2175           "required" : true,
2176           "schema" : {
2177             "type" : "string"
2178           }
2179         }, {
2180           "in" : "header",
2181           "name" : "USER_ID",
2182           "schema" : {
2183             "type" : "string"
2184           }
2185         }, {
2186           "in" : "header",
2187           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2188           "schema" : {
2189             "type" : "string"
2190           }
2191         } ],
2192         "responses" : {
2193           "default" : {
2194             "content" : {
2195               "application/json" : { }
2196             },
2197             "description" : "default response"
2198           }
2199         },
2200         "servers" : [ {
2201           "url" : "/sdc",
2202           "variables" : { }
2203         } ],
2204         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
2205       }
2206     },
2207     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceName}/artifacts" : {
2208       "post" : {
2209         "description" : "uploads an artifact to a resource instance",
2210         "operationId" : "uploadArtifactToInstance",
2211         "parameters" : [ {
2212           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
2213           "in" : "header",
2214           "name" : "Content-Type",
2215           "required" : true,
2216           "schema" : {
2217             "type" : "string"
2218           }
2219         }, {
2220           "description" : "The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body",
2221           "in" : "header",
2222           "name" : "Content-MD5",
2223           "required" : true,
2224           "schema" : {
2225             "type" : "string"
2226           }
2227         }, {
2228           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
2229           "in" : "header",
2230           "name" : "USER_ID",
2231           "required" : true,
2232           "schema" : {
2233             "type" : "string"
2234           }
2235         }, {
2236           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
2237           "in" : "header",
2238           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
2239           "schema" : {
2240             "type" : "string"
2241           }
2242         }, {
2243           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
2244           "in" : "header",
2245           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2246           "required" : true,
2247           "schema" : {
2248             "type" : "string"
2249           }
2250         }, {
2251           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
2252           "in" : "header",
2253           "name" : "Accept",
2254           "schema" : {
2255             "type" : "string"
2256           }
2257         }, {
2258           "description" : "The username and password",
2259           "in" : "header",
2260           "name" : "Authorization",
2261           "required" : true,
2262           "schema" : {
2263             "type" : "string"
2264           }
2265         }, {
2266           "description" : "The requested asset type",
2267           "in" : "path",
2268           "name" : "assetType",
2269           "required" : true,
2270           "schema" : {
2271             "type" : "string",
2272             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
2273           }
2274         }, {
2275           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
2276           "in" : "path",
2277           "name" : "uuid",
2278           "required" : true,
2279           "schema" : {
2280             "type" : "string",
2281             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
2282           }
2283         }, {
2284           "description" : "The component instance name (as publishedin the response of the detailed query)",
2285           "in" : "path",
2286           "name" : "resourceInstanceName",
2287           "required" : true,
2288           "schema" : {
2289             "type" : "string"
2290           }
2291         } ],
2292         "responses" : {
2293           "200" : {
2294             "content" : {
2295               "application/json" : {
2296                 "schema" : {
2297                   "type" : "array",
2298                   "items" : {
2299                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
2300                   }
2301                 }
2302               }
2303             },
2304             "description" : "Artifact uploaded"
2305           },
2306           "400" : {
2307             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
2308           },
2309           "401" : {
2310             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
2311           },
2312           "403" : {
2313             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
2314           },
2315           "404" : {
2316             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
2317           },
2318           "405" : {
2319             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
2320           },
2321           "500" : {
2322             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
2323           }
2324         },
2325         "servers" : [ {
2326           "url" : "/sdc",
2327           "variables" : { }
2328         } ],
2329         "summary" : "uploads an artifact to a resource instance",
2330         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
2331       }
2332     },
2333     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/resourceInstances/{resourceInstanceName}/artifacts/{artifactUUID}" : {
2334       "delete" : {
2335         "description" : "deletes an artifact of a resource insatnce",
2336         "operationId" : "deleteArtifactOnResourceInstance",
2337         "parameters" : [ {
2338           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
2339           "in" : "header",
2340           "name" : "USER_ID",
2341           "required" : true,
2342           "schema" : {
2343             "type" : "string"
2344           }
2345         }, {
2346           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
2347           "in" : "header",
2348           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
2349           "schema" : {
2350             "type" : "string"
2351           }
2352         }, {
2353           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
2354           "in" : "header",
2355           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2356           "required" : true,
2357           "schema" : {
2358             "type" : "string"
2359           }
2360         }, {
2361           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
2362           "in" : "header",
2363           "name" : "Accept",
2364           "schema" : {
2365             "type" : "string"
2366           }
2367         }, {
2368           "description" : "The username and password",
2369           "in" : "header",
2370           "name" : "Authorization",
2371           "required" : true,
2372           "schema" : {
2373             "type" : "string"
2374           }
2375         }, {
2376           "description" : "The requested asset type",
2377           "in" : "path",
2378           "name" : "assetType",
2379           "required" : true,
2380           "schema" : {
2381             "type" : "string",
2382             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
2383           }
2384         }, {
2385           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
2386           "in" : "path",
2387           "name" : "uuid",
2388           "required" : true,
2389           "schema" : {
2390             "type" : "string"
2391           }
2392         }, {
2393           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
2394           "in" : "path",
2395           "name" : "artifactUUID",
2396           "required" : true,
2397           "schema" : {
2398             "type" : "string"
2399           }
2400         }, {
2401           "description" : "The component instance name (as publishedin the response of the detailed query)",
2402           "in" : "path",
2403           "name" : "resourceInstanceName",
2404           "required" : true,
2405           "schema" : {
2406             "type" : "string"
2407           }
2408         } ],
2409         "responses" : {
2410           "200" : {
2411             "content" : {
2412               "application/json" : {
2413                 "schema" : {
2414                   "type" : "array",
2415                   "items" : {
2416                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
2417                   }
2418                 }
2419               }
2420             },
2421             "description" : "Artifact deleted"
2422           },
2423           "400" : {
2424             "description" : "Artifact name is missing in input - SVC4128"
2425           },
2426           "401" : {
2427             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
2428           },
2429           "403" : {
2430             "description" : "Asset is being edited by different user. Only one user can checkout and edit an asset on given time. The asset will be available for checkout after the other user will checkin the asset - SVC4086"
2431           },
2432           "404" : {
2433             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
2434           },
2435           "405" : {
2436             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
2437           },
2438           "409" : {
2439             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
2440           },
2441           "500" : {
2442             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
2443           },
2444           "default" : {
2445             "content" : {
2446               "application/json" : {
2447                 "schema" : {
2448                   "type" : "array",
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2450                     "type" : "object",
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2453                         "type" : "array",
2454                         "items" : {
2455                           "type" : "string"
2456                         },
2457                         "uniqueItems" : true
2458                       },
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2460                         "type" : "object",
2461                         "additionalProperties" : {
2462                           "type" : "object",
2463                           "properties" : {
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2465                               "type" : "string"
2466                             },
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2468                               "type" : "string"
2469                             },
2470                             "expiry" : {
2471                               "type" : "string",
2472                               "format" : "date-time"
2473                             },
2474                             "httpOnly" : {
2475                               "type" : "boolean"
2476                             },
2477                             "maxAge" : {
2478                               "type" : "integer",
2479                               "format" : "int32"
2480                             },
2481                             "name" : {
2482                               "type" : "string"
2483                             },
2484                             "path" : {
2485                               "type" : "string"
2486                             },
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2488                               "type" : "boolean"
2489                             },
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2491                               "type" : "string"
2492                             },
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2494                               "type" : "integer",
2495                               "format" : "int32"
2496                             }
2497                           }
2498                         }
2499                       },
2500                       "date" : {
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2502                         "format" : "date-time"
2503                       },
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2506                       },
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2511                             "type" : "string"
2512                           },
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2515                           }
2516                         }
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2524                           }
2525                         }
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2532                           },
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2534                             "type" : "string"
2535                           },
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2537                             "type" : "string"
2538                           },
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2541                           },
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2544                           },
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2547                           },
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2552                             },
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2557                           },
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2560                           },
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2563                           },
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2571                             },
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2578                             },
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2580                           },
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2583                           }
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2585                       },
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2589                       },
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2616                             },
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2619                             },
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2623                             },
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2646                           },
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2649                           },
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2652                           },
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2670                       },
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2675                             "type" : "string",
2676                             "enum" : [ "INFORMATIONAL", "SUCCESSFUL", "REDIRECTION", "CLIENT_ERROR", "SERVER_ERROR", "OTHER" ]
2677                           },
2678                           "reasonPhrase" : {
2679                             "type" : "string"
2680                           },
2681                           "statusCode" : {
2682                             "type" : "integer",
2683                             "format" : "int32"
2684                           }
2685                         }
2686                       },
2687                       "stringHeaders" : {
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2693                           }
2694                         }
2695                       }
2696                     }
2697                   }
2698                 }
2699               }
2700             },
2701             "description" : "default response"
2702           }
2703         },
2704         "servers" : [ {
2705           "url" : "/sdc",
2706           "variables" : { }
2707         } ],
2708         "summary" : "deletes an artifact of a resource insatnce",
2709         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
2710       },
2711       "get" : {
2712         "description" : "Download resource instance artifact",
2713         "operationId" : "downloadResourceInstanceArtifact",
2714         "parameters" : [ {
2715           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
2716           "in" : "header",
2717           "name" : "USER_ID",
2718           "required" : true,
2719           "schema" : {
2720             "type" : "string"
2721           }
2722         }, {
2723           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
2724           "in" : "header",
2725           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
2726           "schema" : {
2727             "type" : "string"
2728           }
2729         }, {
2730           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
2731           "in" : "header",
2732           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
2733           "required" : true,
2734           "schema" : {
2735             "type" : "string"
2736           }
2737         }, {
2738           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
2739           "in" : "header",
2740           "name" : "Accept",
2741           "schema" : {
2742             "type" : "string"
2743           }
2744         }, {
2745           "description" : "The username and password",
2746           "in" : "header",
2747           "name" : "Authorization",
2748           "required" : true,
2749           "schema" : {
2750             "type" : "string"
2751           }
2752         }, {
2753           "description" : "The requested asset type",
2754           "in" : "path",
2755           "name" : "assetType",
2756           "required" : true,
2757           "schema" : {
2758             "type" : "string"
2759           }
2760         }, {
2761           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
2762           "in" : "path",
2763           "name" : "uuid",
2764           "required" : true,
2765           "schema" : {
2766             "type" : "string"
2767           }
2768         }, {
2769           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
2770           "in" : "path",
2771           "name" : "artifactUUID",
2772           "required" : true,
2773           "schema" : {
2774             "type" : "string"
2775           }
2776         }, {
2777           "description" : "The component instance name (as publishedin the response of the detailed query)",
2778           "in" : "path",
2779           "name" : "resourceInstanceName",
2780           "required" : true,
2781           "schema" : {
2782             "type" : "string"
2783           }
2784         } ],
2785         "responses" : {
2786           "200" : {
2787             "content" : {
2788               "application/octet-stream" : {
2789                 "schema" : {
2790                   "type" : "array",
2791                   "items" : {
2792                     "type" : "string"
2793                   }
2794                 }
2795               }
2796             },
2797             "description" : "Artifact downloaded"
2798           },
2799           "400" : {
2800             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
2801           },
2802           "401" : {
2803             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
2804           },
2805           "403" : {
2806             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
2807           },
2808           "404" : {
2809             "description" : "Artifact was not found - SVC4505"
2810           },
2811           "405" : {
2812             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
2813           },
2814           "500" : {
2815             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
2816           },
2817           "default" : {
2818             "content" : {
2819               "application/octet-stream" : {
2820                 "schema" : {
2821                   "type" : "array",
2822                   "items" : {
2823                     "type" : "object",
2824                     "properties" : {
2825                       "allowedMethods" : {
2826                         "type" : "array",
2827                         "items" : {
2828                           "type" : "string"
2829                         },
2830                         "uniqueItems" : true
2831                       },
2832                       "cookies" : {
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2888                           }
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2980                             },
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3019                           },
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3022                           },
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3025                           },
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3028                           }
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3043                       },
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3048                             "type" : "string",
3049                             "enum" : [ "INFORMATIONAL", "SUCCESSFUL", "REDIRECTION", "CLIENT_ERROR", "SERVER_ERROR", "OTHER" ]
3050                           },
3051                           "reasonPhrase" : {
3052                             "type" : "string"
3053                           },
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3056                             "format" : "int32"
3057                           }
3058                         }
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3066                           }
3067                         }
3068                       }
3069                     }
3070                   }
3071                 }
3072               }
3073             },
3074             "description" : "default response"
3075           }
3076         },
3077         "servers" : [ {
3078           "url" : "/sdc",
3079           "variables" : { }
3080         } ],
3081         "summary" : "Returns downloaded artifact",
3082         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
3083       },
3084       "post" : {
3085         "description" : "updates an artifact on a resource instance",
3086         "operationId" : "updateArtifactOnResourceInstance",
3087         "parameters" : [ {
3088           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the request",
3089           "in" : "header",
3090           "name" : "Content-Type",
3091           "required" : true,
3092           "schema" : {
3093             "type" : "string"
3094           }
3095         }, {
3096           "description" : "The value for this header must be the MD5 checksum over the whole json body",
3097           "in" : "header",
3098           "name" : "Content-MD5",
3099           "required" : true,
3100           "schema" : {
3101             "type" : "string"
3102           }
3103         }, {
3104           "description" : "The user ID of the DCAE Designer. This user must also have Designer role in SDC",
3105           "in" : "header",
3106           "name" : "USER_ID",
3107           "required" : true,
3108           "schema" : {
3109             "type" : "string"
3110           }
3111         }, {
3112           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
3113           "in" : "header",
3114           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
3115           "schema" : {
3116             "type" : "string"
3117           }
3118         }, {
3119           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
3120           "in" : "header",
3121           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
3122           "required" : true,
3123           "schema" : {
3124             "type" : "string"
3125           }
3126         }, {
3127           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
3128           "in" : "header",
3129           "name" : "Accept",
3130           "schema" : {
3131             "type" : "string"
3132           }
3133         }, {
3134           "description" : "The username and password",
3135           "in" : "header",
3136           "name" : "Authorization",
3137           "required" : true,
3138           "schema" : {
3139             "type" : "string"
3140           }
3141         }, {
3142           "description" : "The requested asset type",
3143           "in" : "path",
3144           "name" : "assetType",
3145           "required" : true,
3146           "schema" : {
3147             "type" : "string",
3148             "enum" : [ "resources,services" ]
3149           }
3150         }, {
3151           "description" : "The uuid of the asset as published in the metadata",
3152           "in" : "path",
3153           "name" : "uuid",
3154           "required" : true,
3155           "schema" : {
3156             "type" : "string"
3157           }
3158         }, {
3159           "description" : "The uuid of the artifact as published in the asset detailed metadata or in the response of the upload / update operation",
3160           "in" : "path",
3161           "name" : "artifactUUID",
3162           "required" : true,
3163           "schema" : {
3164             "type" : "string"
3165           }
3166         }, {
3167           "description" : "The component instance name (as publishedin the response of the detailed query)",
3168           "in" : "path",
3169           "name" : "resourceInstanceName",
3170           "required" : true,
3171           "schema" : {
3172             "type" : "string"
3173           }
3174         } ],
3175         "responses" : {
3176           "200" : {
3177             "content" : {
3178               "application/json" : {
3179                 "schema" : {
3180                   "type" : "array",
3181                   "items" : {
3182                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ArtifactDefinition"
3183                   }
3184                 }
3185               }
3186             },
3187             "description" : "Artifact updated"
3188           },
3189           "400" : {
3190             "description" : "Artifact name is missing in input - SVC4128"
3191           },
3192           "401" : {
3193             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic  Authentication credentials - POL5002"
3194           },
3195           "403" : {
3196             "description" : "Asset is being edited by different user. Only one user can checkout and edit an asset on given time. The asset will be available for checkout after the other user will checkin the asset - SVC4086"
3197           },
3198           "404" : {
3199             "description" : "Specified resource is not found - SVC4063"
3200           },
3201           "405" : {
3202             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used (PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
3203           },
3204           "409" : {
3205             "description" : "Restricted Operation â€“ the user provided does not have role of Designer or the asset is being used by another designer - SVC4301"
3206           },
3207           "500" : {
3208             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
3209           }
3210         },
3211         "servers" : [ {
3212           "url" : "/sdc",
3213           "variables" : { }
3214         } ],
3215         "summary" : "uploads of artifact to a resource or service",
3216         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
3217       }
3218     },
3219     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/toscaModel" : {
3220       "get" : {
3221         "description" : "Fetch assets CSAR",
3222         "operationId" : "getToscaModelExternal",
3223         "parameters" : [ {
3224           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
3225           "in" : "header",
3226           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
3227           "schema" : {
3228             "type" : "string"
3229           }
3230         }, {
3231           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
3232           "in" : "header",
3233           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
3234           "required" : true,
3235           "schema" : {
3236             "type" : "string"
3237           }
3238         }, {
3239           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
3240           "in" : "header",
3241           "name" : "Accept",
3242           "schema" : {
3243             "type" : "string"
3244           }
3245         }, {
3246           "description" : "The username and password",
3247           "in" : "header",
3248           "name" : "Authorization",
3249           "required" : true,
3250           "schema" : {
3251             "type" : "string"
3252           }
3253         }, {
3254           "description" : "The requested asset type",
3255           "in" : "path",
3256           "name" : "assetType",
3257           "required" : true,
3258           "schema" : {
3259             "type" : "string",
3260             "enum" : [ "resources", "services" ]
3261           }
3262         }, {
3263           "description" : "The requested asset uuid",
3264           "in" : "path",
3265           "name" : "uuid",
3266           "required" : true,
3267           "schema" : {
3268             "type" : "string"
3269           }
3270         } ],
3271         "responses" : {
3272           "200" : {
3273             "content" : {
3274               "application/octet-stream" : {
3275                 "schema" : {
3276                   "type" : "array",
3277                   "items" : {
3278                     "type" : "string"
3279                   }
3280                 }
3281               }
3282             },
3283             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and list of Catalog Assets Metadata is returned"
3284           },
3285           "400" : {
3286             "description" : "Missing  'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
3287           },
3288           "401" : {
3289             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its Basic Authentication credentials - POL5002"
3290           },
3291           "403" : {
3292             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
3293           },
3294           "404" : {
3295             "description" : "Error: Requested '%1' (uuid) resource was not found - SVC4063"
3296           },
3297           "405" : {
3298             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed  :  Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
3299           },
3300           "500" : {
3301             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
3302           },
3303           "default" : {
3304             "content" : {
3305               "application/octet-stream" : {
3306                 "schema" : {
3307                   "type" : "array",
3308                   "items" : {
3309                     "type" : "string"
3310                   }
3311                 }
3312               }
3313             },
3314             "description" : "default response"
3315           }
3316         },
3317         "servers" : [ {
3318           "url" : "/sdc",
3319           "variables" : { }
3320         } ],
3321         "summary" : "Returns asset csar",
3322         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
3323       }
3324     },
3325     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/version/{version}/externalReferences/{objectType}" : {
3326       "get" : {
3327         "operationId" : "getAssetExternalRefByObjectType",
3328         "parameters" : [ {
3329           "in" : "path",
3330           "name" : "assetType",
3331           "required" : true,
3332           "schema" : {
3333             "type" : "string"
3334           }
3335         }, {
3336           "in" : "path",
3337           "name" : "uuid",
3338           "required" : true,
3339           "schema" : {
3340             "type" : "string"
3341           }
3342         }, {
3343           "in" : "path",
3344           "name" : "version",
3345           "required" : true,
3346           "schema" : {
3347             "type" : "string"
3348           }
3349         }, {
3350           "in" : "path",
3351           "name" : "objectType",
3352           "required" : true,
3353           "schema" : {
3354             "type" : "string"
3355           }
3356         }, {
3357           "in" : "header",
3358           "name" : "USER_ID",
3359           "schema" : {
3360             "type" : "string"
3361           }
3362         }, {
3363           "in" : "header",
3364           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
3365           "schema" : {
3366             "type" : "string"
3367           }
3368         } ],
3369         "responses" : {
3370           "default" : {
3371             "content" : {
3372               "application/json" : {
3373                 "schema" : {
3374                   "type" : "object",
3375                   "additionalProperties" : {
3376                     "type" : "array",
3377                     "items" : {
3378                       "type" : "string"
3379                     }
3380                   }
3381                 }
3382               }
3383             },
3384             "description" : "default response"
3385           }
3386         },
3387         "servers" : [ {
3388           "url" : "/sdc",
3389           "variables" : { }
3390         } ],
3391         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
3392       }
3393     },
3394     "/v1/catalog/{assetType}/{uuid}/version/{version}/resourceInstances/{componentInstanceName}/externalReferences/{objectType}" : {
3395       "get" : {
3396         "operationId" : "getComponentInstanceExternalRef",
3397         "parameters" : [ {
3398           "in" : "path",
3399           "name" : "assetType",
3400           "required" : true,
3401           "schema" : {
3402             "type" : "string"
3403           }
3404         }, {
3405           "in" : "path",
3406           "name" : "uuid",
3407           "required" : true,
3408           "schema" : {
3409             "type" : "string"
3410           }
3411         }, {
3412           "in" : "path",
3413           "name" : "version",
3414           "required" : true,
3415           "schema" : {
3416             "type" : "string"
3417           }
3418         }, {
3419           "in" : "path",
3420           "name" : "componentInstanceName",
3421           "required" : true,
3422           "schema" : {
3423             "type" : "string"
3424           }
3425         }, {
3426           "in" : "path",
3427           "name" : "objectType",
3428           "required" : true,
3429           "schema" : {
3430             "type" : "string"
3431           }
3432         }, {
3433           "in" : "header",
3434           "name" : "USER_ID",
3435           "schema" : {
3436             "type" : "string"
3437           }
3438         }, {
3439           "in" : "header",
3440           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
3441           "schema" : {
3442             "type" : "string"
3443           }
3444         } ],
3445         "responses" : {
3446           "default" : {
3447             "content" : {
3448               "application/json" : { }
3449             },
3450             "description" : "default response"
3451           }
3452         },
3453         "servers" : [ {
3454           "url" : "/sdc",
3455           "variables" : { }
3456         } ],
3457         "tags" : [ "SDCE-7 APIs" ]
3458       }
3459     },
3460     "/v1/distributionKafkaData" : {
3461       "get" : {
3462         "description" : "Kafka data",
3463         "operationId" : "getKafkaData",
3464         "parameters" : [ {
3465           "description" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID header",
3466           "in" : "header",
3467           "name" : "X-ECOMP-RequestID",
3468           "schema" : {
3469             "type" : "string"
3470           }
3471         }, {
3472           "description" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID header",
3473           "in" : "header",
3474           "name" : "X-ECOMP-InstanceID",
3475           "required" : true,
3476           "schema" : {
3477             "type" : "string"
3478           }
3479         }, {
3480           "description" : "Determines the format of the body of the response",
3481           "in" : "header",
3482           "name" : "Accept",
3483           "schema" : {
3484             "type" : "string"
3485           }
3486         }, {
3487           "description" : "The username and password",
3488           "in" : "header",
3489           "name" : "Authorization",
3490           "required" : true,
3491           "schema" : {
3492             "type" : "string"
3493           }
3494         } ],
3495         "responses" : {
3496           "200" : {
3497             "content" : {
3498               "application/json" : {
3499                 "schema" : {
3500                   "type" : "array",
3501                   "items" : {
3502                     "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/KafkaDataResponse"
3503                   }
3504                 }
3505               }
3506             },
3507             "description" : "ECOMP component is authenticated and kafka endpoint and topic list is returned"
3508           },
3509           "400" : {
3510             "description" : "Missing 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID'  HTTP header - POL5001"
3511           },
3512           "401" : {
3513             "description" : "ECOMP component  should authenticate itself  and  to  re-send  again  HTTP  request  with its credentials  for  Basic Authentication - POL5002"
3514           },
3515           "403" : {
3516             "description" : "ECOMP component is not authorized - POL5003"
3517           },
3518           "405" : {
3519             "description" : "Method  Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected) - POL4050"
3520           },
3521           "500" : {
3522             "description" : "The GET request failed either due to internal SDC problem or Cambria Service failure. ECOMP Component should continue the attempts to get the needed information - POL5000"
3523           }
3524         },
3525         "servers" : [ {
3526           "url" : "/sdc",
3527           "variables" : { }
3528         } ],
3529         "summary" : "return the kafka cluster and topic list",
3530         "tags" : [ "SDCE-6 APIs" ]
3531       }
3532     }
3533   },
3534   "components" : {
3535     "schemas" : {
3536       "AbstractResourceInfo" : {
3537         "type" : "object",
3538         "properties" : {
3539           "abstractResourceName" : {
3540             "type" : "string"
3541           },
3542           "abstractResourceUUid" : {
3543             "type" : "string"
3544           },
3545           "abstractResourceUniqueId" : {
3546             "type" : "string"
3547           },
3548           "componentInstancesRelations" : {
3549             "type" : "array",
3550             "items" : {
3551               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/RequirementCapabilityRelDef"
3552             }
3553           }
3554         }
3555       },
3556       "AbstractTemplateInfo" : {
3557         "type" : "object",
3558         "properties" : {
3559           "abstractResourceInfoList" : {
3560             "type" : "array",
3561             "items" : {
3562               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AbstractResourceInfo"
3563             }
3564           },
3565           "isAbstractTemplate" : {
3566             "type" : "boolean"
3567           },
3568           "serviceUUid" : {
3569             "type" : "string"
3570           },
3571           "serviceUniqueId" : {
3572             "type" : "string"
3573           }
3574         }
3575       },
3576       "AdditionalInfoParameterInfo" : {
3577         "type" : "object",
3578         "properties" : {
3579           "empty" : {
3580             "type" : "boolean"
3581           },
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3583             "type" : "string"
3584           },
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3586             "type" : "string"
3587           },
3588           "ownerIdIfEmpty" : {
3589             "type" : "string",
3590             "writeOnly" : true
3591           },
3592           "type" : {
3593             "type" : "string"
3594           },
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3596             "type" : "string"
3597           },
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3599             "type" : "string"
3600           },
3601           "version" : {
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3603           }
3604         }
3605       },
3606       "AdditionalInformationDefinition" : {
3607         "type" : "object",
3608         "properties" : {
3609           "creationTime" : {
3610             "type" : "integer",
3611             "format" : "int64"
3612           },
3613           "empty" : {
3614             "type" : "boolean"
3615           },
3616           "lastCreatedCounter" : {
3617             "type" : "integer",
3618             "format" : "int32"
3619           },
3620           "modificationTime" : {
3621             "type" : "integer",
3622             "format" : "int64"
3623           },
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3625             "type" : "string"
3626           },
3627           "ownerIdIfEmpty" : {
3628             "type" : "string",
3629             "writeOnly" : true
3630           },
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3632             "type" : "array",
3633             "items" : {
3634               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AdditionalInfoParameterInfo"
3635             }
3636           },
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3639           },
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3642           },
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3645           },
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3647             "type" : "string"
3648           }
3649         }
3650       },
3651       "Annotation" : {
3652         "type" : "object",
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3656           },
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3659           },
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3661             "type" : "array",
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3663               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PropertyDataDefinition"
3664             }
3665           },
3666           "type" : {
3667             "type" : "string"
3668           }
3669         }
3670       },
3671       "ArtifactDataDefinition" : {
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3673         "properties" : {
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3675             "type" : "string"
3676           },
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3679           },
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3681             "type" : "string"
3682           },
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3684             "type" : "string"
3685           },
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3689           },
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3692           },
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3695           },
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3697             "type" : "string"
3698           },
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3700             "type" : "string"
3701           },
3702           "artifactType" : {
3703             "type" : "string"
3704           },
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3706             "type" : "string"
3707           },
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3710           },
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3712             "type" : "integer",
3713             "format" : "int64"
3714           },
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3716             "type" : "string"
3717           },
3718           "description" : {
3719             "type" : "string"
3720           },
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3722             "type" : "boolean"
3723           },
3724           "empty" : {
3725             "type" : "boolean"
3726           },
3727           "esId" : {
3728             "type" : "string"
3729           },
3730           "generated" : {
3731             "type" : "boolean"
3732           },
3733           "generatedFromId" : {
3734             "type" : "string"
3735           },
3736           "heatEnvType" : {
3737             "type" : "boolean"
3738           },
3739           "heatParameters" : {
3740             "type" : "array",
3741             "items" : {
3742               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/HeatParameterDataDefinition"
3743             }
3744           },
3745           "heatParamsUpdateDate" : {
3746             "type" : "integer",
3747             "format" : "int64"
3748           },
3749           "isFromCsar" : {
3750             "type" : "boolean"
3751           },
3752           "lastUpdateDate" : {
3753             "type" : "integer",
3754             "format" : "int64"
3755           },
3756           "mandatory" : {
3757             "type" : "boolean"
3758           },
3759           "ownerId" : {
3760             "type" : "string"
3761           },
3762           "ownerIdIfEmpty" : {
3763             "type" : "string",
3764             "writeOnly" : true
3765           },
3766           "payloadUpdateDate" : {
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3768             "format" : "int64"
3769           },
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3771             "type" : "array",
3772             "items" : {
3773               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PropertyDataDefinition"
3774             }
3775           },
3776           "requiredArtifacts" : {
3777             "type" : "array",
3778             "items" : {
3779               "type" : "string"
3780             }
3781           },
3782           "serviceApi" : {
3783             "type" : "boolean"
3784           },
3785           "timeout" : {
3786             "type" : "integer",
3787             "format" : "int32"
3788           },
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3791           },
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3793             "type" : "string"
3794           },
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3796             "type" : "string"
3797           },
3798           "userIdCreator" : {
3799             "type" : "string"
3800           },
3801           "userIdLastUpdater" : {
3802             "type" : "string"
3803           },
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3805             "type" : "string"
3806           }
3807         }
3808       },
3809       "ArtifactDefinition" : {
3810         "type" : "object",
3811         "properties" : {
3812           "apiUrl" : {
3813             "type" : "string"
3814           },
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3816             "type" : "string"
3817           },
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3819             "type" : "string"
3820           },
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3822             "type" : "string"
3823           },
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3825             "type" : "string",
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3827           },
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3829             "type" : "string"
3830           },
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3832             "type" : "string"
3833           },
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3835             "type" : "string"
3836           },
3837           "artifactRepository" : {
3838             "type" : "string"
3839           },
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3841             "type" : "string"
3842           },
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3844             "type" : "string"
3845           },
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3847             "type" : "string"
3848           },
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3884             }
3885           },
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3889           },
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3936             }
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4014           },
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4023           },
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4032           },
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4830           },
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4833           },
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4961           },
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4966             }
4967           },
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4970           },
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4973           },
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4976           },
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4979           },
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4982           },
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4985           },
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4988           },
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4992           },
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5000             }
5001           },
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5005               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PropertyRule"
5006             }
5007           },
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5009             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SchemaDefinition"
5010           },
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5013           },
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5016           },
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5019           },
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5022           },
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5025           },
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5028           },
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5031           }
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5041             }
5042           },
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5045           },
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5048           },
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5053             }
5054           },
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5057           },
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5060           },
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5063           },
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5066           },
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5069           },
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5073               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GetInputValueDataDefinition"
5074             }
5075           },
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5077             "type" : "array",
5078             "items" : {
5079               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GetPolicyValueDataDefinition"
5080             }
5081           },
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5083             "type" : "boolean"
5084           },
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5087           },
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5090           },
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5093           },
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5096           },
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5099           },
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5102           },
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5105           },
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5114           },
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5117           },
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5120           },
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5124           },
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5127           },
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5130           },
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5133           },
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5137               "type" : "string"
5138             }
5139           },
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5143               "type" : "string"
5144             }
5145           },
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5148           },
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5151           },
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5156             }
5157           },
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5159             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SchemaDefinition"
5160           },
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5163           },
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5166           },
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5169           },
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5171             "type" : "string"
5172           },
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5177             }
5178           },
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5180             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ToscaFunction"
5181           },
5182           "toscaGetFunction" : {
5183             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ToscaGetFunctionDataDefinition"
5184           },
5185           "toscaGetFunctionType" : {
5186             "type" : "string",
5187             "enum" : [ "GET_INPUT", "GET_PROPERTY", "GET_ATTRIBUTE" ]
5188           },
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5190             "type" : "string"
5191           },
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5194           },
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5197           },
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5200           },
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5203           },
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5206           },
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5209           }
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5211       },
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5217           },
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5220           },
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5223           },
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5228             }
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5233           },
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5236           },
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5239           },
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5243           },
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5247           },
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5250           },
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5255             }
5256           }
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5266             }
5267           },
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5271           },
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5274           },
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5277           },
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5280           },
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5283           },
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5286           },
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5290           },
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5293           },
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5296           },
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5303           },
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5308             }
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5314             }
5315           },
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5318           },
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5321           },
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5324           }
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5334             }
5335           },
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5338           },
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5341           }
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5349           }
5350         }
5351       },
5352       "GetInputValueDataDefinition" : {
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5357           },
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5360           },
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5364           },
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5366             "type" : "string"
5367           },
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5370           },
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5372             "type" : "string"
5373           },
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5376           },
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5379           },
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5383           },
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5385             "type" : "string"
5386           },
5387           "type" : {
5388             "type" : "string"
5389           },
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5391             "type" : "string"
5392           }
5393         }
5394       },
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5400           },
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5403           },
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5406           },
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5410           },
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5413           },
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5416           },
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5419           },
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5422           },
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5426           },
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5429           },
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5432           }
5433         }
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5440           },
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5443           },
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5446           }
5447         }
5448       },
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5457           },
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5462             }
5463           },
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5470               }
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5479           },
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5482           },
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5485           },
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5488           },
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5497           },
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5500           },
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5503           },
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5506           },
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5515             }
5516           },
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5520           },
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5523           },
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5773             }
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5792           },
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6017           },
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6035           },
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6038           },
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6042           },
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6103           },
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6166           },
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6348           },
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6358           },
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6361           },
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6379           },
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6382           },
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6388           },
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6391           },
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6395           },
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6398           },
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6401           },
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6404           },
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6417           },
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6420           },
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6429           },
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6432           }
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6472           },
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6477             }
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6484           },
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6487           },
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6493           },
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6496           },
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6502           },
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6505           },
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6530           },
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6551           },
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6575           },
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6578           },
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6581           },
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6584           },
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6588           },
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6591           },
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6600           },
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6616             }
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6648             }
6649           },
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6654             }
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6658           },
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6728           },
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6734           },
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6740           },
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6743           },
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6746           },
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6750           },
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6753           },
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6756           },
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6759           },
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6782           },
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6785           }
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6796           },
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6808           },
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6811           },
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6814           },
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6819             }
6820           },
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6823           },
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6829           },
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6832           },
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6835           },
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6838           },
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6841           },
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6854           },
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6857           },
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6883           },
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6906             }
6907           },
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6912             }
6913           },
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6916           },
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6919           },
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6922           },
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6928           },
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6931           },
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6934           },
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6937           },
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6951             }
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6955           },
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6980           },
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6983           },
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7007           },
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7013           },
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7016           },
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7019           },
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7037           },
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7040           },
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7056           },
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7090           },
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7107             }
7108           },
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7113             }
7114           },
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7117           },
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7123           },
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7126           },
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7129           },
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7132           },
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7135           },
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7143             }
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7147           },
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7153           },
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7160           },
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7163           },
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7166           },
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7181           },
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7184           },
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7187           },
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7190           },
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7193           },
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7198             }
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7202           },
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7205           },
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7209           },
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7256           },
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7261             }
7262           },
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7267             }
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7271           },
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7277           },
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7283           },
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7335           },
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7338           },
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7341           },
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7344           },
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7347           },
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7356           },
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7359           },
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7363           },
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7366           },
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7369           },
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7389           },
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7393           },
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7399           },
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7403           },
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7406           },
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7486           },
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7489           },
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7530           },
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7695           },
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7722           },
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8307           },
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8309             "type" : "string"
8310           },
8311           "propertyPathFromSource" : {
8312             "type" : "array",
8313             "items" : {
8314               "type" : "string"
8315             }
8316           },
8317           "propertySource" : {
8318             "type" : "string",
8319             "enum" : [ "SELF", "INSTANCE" ]
8320           },
8321           "propertyUniqueId" : {
8322             "type" : "string"
8323           },
8324           "sourceName" : {
8325             "type" : "string"
8326           },
8327           "sourceUniqueId" : {
8328             "type" : "string"
8329           },
8330           "toscaIndexList" : {
8331             "type" : "array",
8332             "items" : {
8333               "type" : "object"
8334             }
8335           },
8336           "type" : {
8337             "type" : "string",
8338             "enum" : [ "GET_INPUT", "GET_PROPERTY", "GET_ATTRIBUTE", "CONCAT", "CUSTOM", "YAML", "STRING" ]
8339           }
8340         }
8341       }
8342     }
8343   }
8344 }