1 .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
2 .. International License.
3 .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
4 .. Copyright 2018-2020 Amdocs, Bell Canada, Orange, Samsung
8 .. _Curated applications for Kubernetes: https://github.com/kubernetes/charts
9 .. _Services: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/
10 .. _ReplicaSet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/
11 .. _StatefulSet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/
12 .. _Helm Documentation: https://docs.helm.sh/helm/
13 .. _Helm: https://docs.helm.sh/
14 .. _Kubernetes: https://Kubernetes.io/
15 .. _Kubernetes LoadBalancer: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer
21 The ONAP Operations Manager (OOM) provide the ability to manage the entire
22 life-cycle of an ONAP installation, from the initial deployment to final
23 decommissioning. This guide provides instructions for users of ONAP to
24 use the Kubernetes_/Helm_ system as a complete ONAP management system.
26 This guide provides many examples of Helm command line operations. For a
27 complete description of these commands please refer to the `Helm
30 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-medium.png
33 The following sections describe the life-cycle operations:
35 - Deploy_ - with built-in component dependency management
36 - Configure_ - unified configuration across all ONAP components
37 - Monitor_ - real-time health monitoring feeding to a Consul UI and Kubernetes
38 - Heal_- failed ONAP containers are recreated automatically
39 - Scale_ - cluster ONAP services to enable seamless scaling
40 - Upgrade_ - change-out containers or configuration with little or no service
42 - Delete_ - cleanup individual containers or entire deployments
44 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Deploy.png
50 The OOM team with assistance from the ONAP project teams, have built a
51 comprehensive set of Helm charts, yaml files very similar to TOSCA files, that
52 describe the composition of each of the ONAP components and the relationship
53 within and between components. Using this model Helm is able to deploy all of
54 ONAP with a few simple commands.
58 Your environment must have the Kubernetes `kubectl` with Cert-Manager
59 and Helm setup as a one time activity.
63 Enter the following to install kubectl (on Ubuntu, there are slight differences
64 on other O/Ss), the Kubernetes command line interface used to manage a
67 > curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.19.11/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
69 > sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
72 Paste kubectl config from Rancher (see the :ref:`cloud-setup-guide-label` for
73 alternative Kubernetes environment setups) into the `~/.kube/config` file.
75 Verify that the Kubernetes config is correct::
77 > kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
79 At this point you should see Kubernetes pods running.
83 Details on how to install Cert-Manager can be found
84 :doc:`here <oom_setup_paas>`.
88 Helm is used by OOM for package and configuration management. To install Helm,
91 > wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
92 > tar -zxvf helm-v3.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
93 > sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
95 Verify the Helm version with::
100 ---------------------
101 Once kubectl and Helm are setup, one needs to setup a local Helm server to
102 server up the ONAP charts::
104 > helm install osn/onap
107 The osn repo is not currently available so creation of a local repository is
110 Helm is able to use charts served up from a repository and comes setup with a
111 default CNCF provided `Curated applications for Kubernetes`_ repository called
112 stable which should be removed to avoid confusion::
114 > helm repo remove stable
116 .. To setup the Open Source Networking Nexus repository for helm enter::
117 .. > helm repo add osn 'https://nexus3.onap.org:10001/helm/helm-repo-in-nexus/master/'
119 To prepare your system for an installation of ONAP, you'll need to::
121 > git clone -b guilin --recurse-submodules -j2 http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom
125 To install a local Helm server::
127 > curl -LO https://s3.amazonaws.com/chartmuseum/release/latest/bin/linux/amd64/chartmuseum
128 > chmod +x ./chartmuseum
129 > mv ./chartmuseum /usr/local/bin
131 To setup a local Helm server to server up the ONAP charts::
133 > mkdir -p ~/helm3-storage
134 > chartmuseum --storage local --storage-local-rootdir ~/helm3-storage -port 8879 &
136 Note the port number that is listed and use it in the Helm repo add as
139 > helm repo add local
141 To get a list of all of the available Helm chart repositories::
145 local
147 Then build your local Helm repository::
152 Sets the helm binary to be used. The default value use helm from PATH
154 The Helm search command reads through all of the repositories configured on the
155 system, and looks for matches::
157 > helm search repo local
159 local/appc 2.0.0 Application Controller
160 local/clamp 2.0.0 ONAP Clamp
161 local/common 2.0.0 Common templates for inclusion in other charts
162 local/onap 2.0.0 Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP)
163 local/robot 2.0.0 A helm Chart for kubernetes-ONAP Robot
164 local/so 2.0.0 ONAP Service Orchestrator
166 In any case, setup of the Helm repository is a one time activity.
168 Next, install Helm Plugins required to deploy the ONAP release::
170 > cp -R ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.local/share/helm/plugins
172 Once the repo is setup, installation of ONAP can be done with a single
175 > helm deploy development local/onap --namespace onap --set global.masterPassword=password
177 This will install ONAP from a local repository in a 'development' Helm release.
178 As described below, to override the default configuration values provided by
179 OOM, an environment file can be provided on the command line as follows::
183 > helm deploy development local/onap --namespace onap -f overrides.yaml --set global.masterPassword=password
186 Refer the Configure_ section on how to update overrides.yaml and values.yaml
188 To get a summary of the status of all of the pods (containers) running in your
191 > kubectl get pods --namespace onap -o=wide
194 The Kubernetes namespace concept allows for multiple instances of a component
195 (such as all of ONAP) to co-exist with other components in the same
196 Kubernetes cluster by isolating them entirely. Namespaces share only the
197 hosts that form the cluster thus providing isolation between production and
198 development systems as an example.
201 The Helm `--name` option refers to a release name and not a Kubernetes namespace.
204 To install a specific version of a single ONAP component (`so` in this example)
205 with the given release name enter::
207 > helm deploy so onap/so --version 9.0.0 --set global.masterPassword=password --set global.flavor=unlimited --namespace onap
210 The dependent components should be installed for component being installed
213 To display details of a specific resource or group of resources type::
215 > kubectl describe pod so-1071802958-6twbl
217 where the pod identifier refers to the auto-generated pod identifier.
219 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Configure.png
225 Each project within ONAP has its own configuration data generally consisting
226 of: environment variables, configuration files, and database initial values.
227 Many technologies are used across the projects resulting in significant
228 operational complexity and an inability to apply global parameters across the
229 entire ONAP deployment. OOM solves this problem by introducing a common
230 configuration technology, Helm charts, that provide a hierarchical
231 configuration with the ability to override values with higher
232 level charts or command line options.
234 The structure of the configuration of ONAP is shown in the following diagram.
235 Note that key/value pairs of a parent will always take precedence over those
236 of a child. Also note that values set on the command line have the highest
244 oValues [label="values.yaml"]
245 demo [label="onap-demo.yaml"]
246 prod [label="onap-production.yaml"]
247 oReq [label="requirements.yaml"]
248 soValues [label="values.yaml"]
249 soReq [label="requirements.yaml"]
250 mdValues [label="values.yaml"]
253 oResources [label="resources"]
257 oResources -> environments
270 The top level onap/values.yaml file contains the values required to be set
271 before deploying ONAP. Here is the contents of this file:
273 .. include:: ../kubernetes/onap/values.yaml
276 One may wish to create a value file that is specific to a given deployment such
277 that it can be differentiated from other deployments. For example, a
278 onap-development.yaml file may create a minimal environment for development
279 while onap-production.yaml might describe a production deployment that operates
280 independently of the developer version.
282 For example, if the production OpenStack instance was different from a
283 developer's instance, the onap-production.yaml file may contain a different
284 value for the vnfDeployment/openstack/oam_network_cidr key as shown below.
290 apps: consul msb mso message-router sdnc vid robot portal policy appc aai
291 sdc dcaegen2 log cli multicloud clamp vnfsdk aaf kube2msb
292 dataRootDir: /dockerdata-nfs
294 # docker repositories
296 onap: nexus3.onap.org:10001
299 filebeat: docker.elastic.co
304 # vnf deployment environment
307 ubuntu_14_image: "Ubuntu_14.04.5_LTS"
308 public_net_id: "e8f51956-00dd-4425-af36-045716781ffc"
309 oam_network_id: "d4769dfb-c9e4-4f72-b3d6-1d18f4ac4ee6"
310 oam_subnet_id: "191f7580-acf6-4c2b-8ec0-ba7d99b3bc4e"
311 oam_network_cidr: ""
315 To deploy ONAP with this environment file, enter::
317 > helm deploy local/onap -n onap -f onap/resources/environments/onap-production.yaml --set global.masterPassword=password
319 .. include:: environments_onap_demo.yaml
322 When deploying all of ONAP a requirements.yaml file control which and what
323 version of the ONAP components are included. Here is an excerpt of this
328 # Referencing a named repo called 'local'.
329 # Can add this repo by running commands like:
331 # > helm repo add local
337 condition: so.enabled
340 The ~ operator in the `so` version value indicates that the latest "8.X.X"
341 version of `so` shall be used thus allowing the chart to allow for minor
342 upgrades that don't impact the so API; hence, version 8.0.1 will be installed
345 The onap/resources/environment/dev.yaml (see the excerpt below) enables
346 for fine grained control on what components are included as part of this
347 deployment. By changing this `so` line to `enabled: false` the `so` component
348 will not be deployed. If this change is part of an upgrade the existing `so`
349 component will be shut down. Other `so` parameters and even `so` child values
350 can be modified, for example the `so`'s `liveness` probe could be disabled
351 (which is not recommended as this change would disable auto-healing of `so`).
355 #################################################################
356 # Global configuration overrides.
358 # These overrides will affect all helm charts (ie. applications)
359 # that are listed below and are 'enabled'.
360 #################################################################
364 #################################################################
365 # Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications)
366 # to customize the ONAP deployment.
367 #################################################################
371 so: # Service Orchestrator
377 # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
378 # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
383 Accessing the ONAP Portal using OOM and a Kubernetes Cluster
384 ------------------------------------------------------------
386 The ONAP deployment created by OOM operates in a private IP network that isn't
387 publicly accessible (i.e. OpenStack VMs with private internal network) which
388 blocks access to the ONAP Portal. To enable direct access to this Portal from a
389 user's own environment (a laptop etc.) the portal application's port 8989 is
390 exposed through a `Kubernetes LoadBalancer`_ object.
392 Typically, to be able to access the Kubernetes nodes publicly a public address
393 is assigned. In OpenStack this is a floating IP address.
395 When the `portal-app` chart is deployed a Kubernetes service is created that
396 instantiates a load balancer. The LB chooses the private interface of one of
397 the nodes as in the example below ( is private to the K8s cluster only).
398 Then to be able to access the portal on port 8989 from outside the K8s &
399 OpenStack environment, the user needs to assign/get the floating IP address that
400 corresponds to the private IP as follows::
402 > kubectl -n onap get services|grep "portal-app"
403 portal-app LoadBalancer 8989:30215/TCP,8006:30213/TCP,8010:30214/TCP 1d app=portal-app,release=dev
406 In this example, use the private address as a key find the
407 corresponding public address which in this example is If you're
408 using OpenStack you'll do the lookup with the horizon GUI or the OpenStack CLI
409 for your tenant (openstack server list). That IP is then used in your
410 `/etc/hosts` to map the fixed DNS aliases required by the ONAP Portal as shown
413 portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org
414 vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org
415 sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org
416 sdc.workflow.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org
417 sdc.dcae.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org
418 portal-sdk.simpledemo.onap.org
419 policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org
420 aai.api.sparky.simpledemo.onap.org
421 cli.api.simpledemo.onap.org
422 msb.api.discovery.simpledemo.onap.org
423 msb.api.simpledemo.onap.org
424 clamp.api.simpledemo.onap.org
425 so.api.simpledemo.onap.org
426 sdc.workflow.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org
428 Ensure you've disabled any proxy settings the browser you are using to access
429 the portal and then simply access now the new ssl-encrypted URL:
430 ``https://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30225/ONAPPORTAL/login.htm``
433 Using the HTTPS based Portal URL the Browser needs to be configured to accept
434 unsecure credentials.
435 Additionally when opening an Application inside the Portal, the Browser
436 might block the content, which requires to disable the blocking and reloading
440 Besides the ONAP Portal the Components can deliver additional user interfaces,
441 please check the Component specific documentation.
445 | Alternatives Considered:
447 - Kubernetes port forwarding was considered but discarded as it would
448 require the end user to run a script that opens up port forwarding tunnels
449 to each of the pods that provides a portal application widget.
451 - Reverting to a VNC server similar to what was deployed in the Amsterdam
452 release was also considered but there were many issues with resolution,
453 lack of volume mount, /etc/hosts dynamic update, file upload that were
454 a tall order to solve in time for the Beijing release.
458 - If you are not using floating IPs in your Kubernetes deployment and
459 directly attaching a public IP address (i.e. by using your public provider
460 network) to your K8S Node VMs' network interface, then the output of
461 'kubectl -n onap get services | grep "portal-app"'
462 will show your public IP instead of the private network's IP. Therefore,
463 you can grab this public IP directly (as compared to trying to find the
464 floating IP first) and map this IP in /etc/hosts.
466 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Monitor.png
472 All highly available systems include at least one facility to monitor the
473 health of components within the system. Such health monitors are often used as
474 inputs to distributed coordination systems (such as etcd, Zookeeper, or Consul)
475 and monitoring systems (such as Nagios or Zabbix). OOM provides two mechanisms
476 to monitor the real-time health of an ONAP deployment:
478 - a Consul GUI for a human operator or downstream monitoring systems and
479 Kubernetes liveness probes that enable automatic healing of failed
481 - a set of liveness probes which feed into the Kubernetes manager which
482 are described in the Heal section.
484 Within ONAP, Consul is the monitoring system of choice and deployed by OOM in
487 - a three-way, centralized Consul server cluster is deployed as a highly
488 available monitor of all of the ONAP components, and
489 - a number of Consul agents.
491 The Consul server provides a user interface that allows a user to graphically
492 view the current health status of all of the ONAP components for which agents
493 have been created - a sample from the ONAP Integration labs follows:
495 .. figure:: consulHealth.png
498 To see the real-time health of a deployment go to: ``http://<kubernetes IP>:30270/ui/``
499 where a GUI much like the following will be found:
502 If Consul GUI is not accessible, you can refer this
503 `kubectl port-forward <https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/port-forward-access-application-cluster/>`_ method to access an application
505 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Heal.png
511 The ONAP deployment is defined by Helm charts as mentioned earlier. These Helm
512 charts are also used to implement automatic recoverability of ONAP components
513 when individual components fail. Once ONAP is deployed, a "liveness" probe
514 starts checking the health of the components after a specified startup time.
516 Should a liveness probe indicate a failed container it will be terminated and a
517 replacement will be started in its place - containers are ephemeral. Should the
518 deployment specification indicate that there are one or more dependencies to
519 this container or component (for example a dependency on a database) the
520 dependency will be satisfied before the replacement container/component is
521 started. This mechanism ensures that, after a failure, all of the ONAP
522 components restart successfully.
524 To test healing, the following command can be used to delete a pod::
526 > kubectl delete pod [pod name] -n [pod namespace]
528 One could then use the following command to monitor the pods and observe the
529 pod being terminated and the service being automatically healed with the
530 creation of a replacement pod::
532 > kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
534 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Scale.png
540 Many of the ONAP components are horizontally scalable which allows them to
541 adapt to expected offered load. During the Beijing release scaling is static,
542 that is during deployment or upgrade a cluster size is defined and this cluster
543 will be maintained even in the presence of faults. The parameter that controls
544 the cluster size of a given component is found in the values.yaml file for that
545 component. Here is an excerpt that shows this parameter:
549 # default number of instances
552 In order to change the size of a cluster, an operator could use a helm upgrade
553 (described in detail in the next section) as follows::
555 > helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]
557 The RELEASE argument can be obtained from the following command::
561 Below is the example for the same::
565 dev 1 Wed Oct 14 13:49:52 2020 DEPLOYED onap-9.0.0 Istanbul onap
566 dev-cassandra 5 Thu Oct 15 14:45:34 2020 DEPLOYED cassandra-9.0.0 onap
567 dev-contrib 1 Wed Oct 14 13:52:53 2020 DEPLOYED contrib-9.0.0 onap
568 dev-mariadb-galera 1 Wed Oct 14 13:55:56 2020 DEPLOYED mariadb-galera-9.0.0 onap
570 Here the Name column shows the RELEASE NAME, In our case we want to try the
571 scale operation on cassandra, thus the RELEASE NAME would be dev-cassandra.
573 Now we need to obtain the chart name for cassandra. Use the below
574 command to get the chart name::
576 > helm search cassandra
578 Below is the example for the same::
580 > helm search cassandra
582 local/cassandra 9.0.0 ONAP cassandra
583 local/portal-cassandra 9.0.0 Portal cassandra
584 local/aaf-cass 9.0.0 ONAP AAF cassandra
585 local/sdc-cs 9.0.0 ONAP Service Design and Creation Cassandra
587 Here the Name column shows the chart name. As we want to try the scale
588 operation for cassandra, thus the corresponding chart name is local/cassandra
591 Now we have both the command's arguments, thus we can perform the
592 scale operation for cassandra as follows::
594 > helm upgrade dev-cassandra local/cassandra --set replicaCount=3
596 Using this command we can scale up or scale down the cassandra db instances.
599 The ONAP components use Kubernetes provided facilities to build clustered,
600 highly available systems including: Services_ with load-balancers, ReplicaSet_,
601 and StatefulSet_. Some of the open-source projects used by the ONAP components
602 directly support clustered configurations, for example ODL and MariaDB Galera.
604 The Kubernetes Services_ abstraction to provide a consistent access point for
605 each of the ONAP components, independent of the pod or container architecture
606 of that component. For example, SDN-C uses OpenDaylight clustering with a
607 default cluster size of three but uses a Kubernetes service to and change the
608 number of pods in this abstract this cluster from the other ONAP components
609 such that the cluster could change size and this change is isolated from the
610 other ONAP components by the load-balancer implemented in the ODL service
613 A ReplicaSet_ is a construct that is used to describe the desired state of the
614 cluster. For example 'replicas: 3' indicates to Kubernetes that a cluster of 3
615 instances is the desired state. Should one of the members of the cluster fail,
616 a new member will be automatically started to replace it.
618 Some of the ONAP components many need a more deterministic deployment; for
619 example to enable intra-cluster communication. For these applications the
620 component can be deployed as a Kubernetes StatefulSet_ which will maintain a
621 persistent identifier for the pods and thus a stable network id for the pods.
622 For example: the pod names might be web-0, web-1, web-{N-1} for N 'web' pods
623 with corresponding DNS entries such that intra service communication is simple
624 even if the pods are physically distributed across multiple nodes. An example
625 of how these capabilities can be used is described in the Running Consul on
628 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Upgrade.png
634 Helm has built-in capabilities to enable the upgrade of pods without causing a
635 loss of the service being provided by that pod or pods (if configured as a
636 cluster). As described in the OOM Developer's Guide, ONAP components provide
637 an abstracted 'service' end point with the pods or containers providing this
638 service hidden from other ONAP components by a load balancer. This capability
639 is used during upgrades to allow a pod with a new image to be added to the
640 service before removing the pod with the old image. This 'make before break'
641 capability ensures minimal downtime.
643 Prior to doing an upgrade, determine of the status of the deployed charts::
647 so 1 Mon Feb 5 10:05:22 2020 DEPLOYED so-9.0.0 onap
649 When upgrading a cluster a parameter controls the minimum size of the cluster
650 during the upgrade while another parameter controls the maximum number of nodes
651 in the cluster. For example, SNDC configured as a 3-way ODL cluster might
652 require that during the upgrade no fewer than 2 pods are available at all times
653 to provide service while no more than 5 pods are ever deployed across the two
654 versions at any one time to avoid depleting the cluster of resources. In this
655 scenario, the SDNC cluster would start with 3 old pods then Kubernetes may add
656 a new pod (3 old, 1 new), delete one old (2 old, 1 new), add two new pods (2
657 old, 3 new) and finally delete the 2 old pods (3 new). During this sequence
658 the constraints of the minimum of two pods and maximum of five would be
659 maintained while providing service the whole time.
661 Initiation of an upgrade is triggered by changes in the Helm charts. For
662 example, if the image specified for one of the pods in the SDNC deployment
663 specification were to change (i.e. point to a new Docker image in the nexus3
664 repository - commonly through the change of a deployment variable), the
665 sequence of events described in the previous paragraph would be initiated.
667 For example, to upgrade a container by changing configuration, specifically an
670 > helm upgrade so onap/so --version 8.0.1 --set enableDebug=true
672 Issuing this command will result in the appropriate container being stopped by
673 Kubernetes and replaced with a new container with the new environment value.
675 To upgrade a component to a new version with a new configuration file enter::
677 > helm upgrade so onap/so --version 8.0.1 -f environments/demo.yaml
679 To fetch release history enter::
683 1 Mon Feb 5 10:05:22 2020 SUPERSEDED so-8.0.0 Install complete
684 2 Mon Feb 5 10:10:55 2020 DEPLOYED so-9.0.0 Upgrade complete
686 Unfortunately, not all upgrades are successful. In recognition of this the
687 lineup of pods within an ONAP deployment is tagged such that an administrator
688 may force the ONAP deployment back to the previously tagged configuration or to
689 a specific configuration, say to jump back two steps if an incompatibility
690 between two ONAP components is discovered after the two individual upgrades
693 This rollback functionality gives the administrator confidence that in the
694 unfortunate circumstance of a failed upgrade the system can be rapidly brought
695 back to a known good state. This process of rolling upgrades while under
696 service is illustrated in this short YouTube video showing a Zero Downtime
697 Upgrade of a web application while under a 10 million transaction per second
700 For example, to roll-back back to previous system revision enter::
706 1 Mon Feb 5 10:05:22 2020 SUPERSEDED so-8.0.0 Install complete
707 2 Mon Feb 5 10:10:55 2020 SUPERSEDED so-9.0.0 Upgrade complete
708 3 Mon Feb 5 10:14:32 2020 DEPLOYED so-8.0.0 Rollback to 1
712 The description field can be overridden to document actions taken or include
715 Many of the ONAP components contain their own databases which are used to
716 record configuration or state information. The schemas of these databases may
717 change from version to version in such a way that data stored within the
718 database needs to be migrated between versions. If such a migration script is
719 available it can be invoked during the upgrade (or rollback) by Container
720 Lifecycle Hooks. Two such hooks are available, PostStart and PreStop, which
721 containers can access by registering a handler against one or both. Note that
722 it is the responsibility of the ONAP component owners to implement the hook
723 handlers - which could be a shell script or a call to a specific container HTTP
724 endpoint - following the guidelines listed on the Kubernetes site. Lifecycle
725 hooks are not restricted to database migration or even upgrades but can be used
726 anywhere specific operations need to be taken during lifecycle operations.
728 OOM uses Helm K8S package manager to deploy ONAP components. Each component is
729 arranged in a packaging format called a chart - a collection of files that
730 describe a set of k8s resources. Helm allows for rolling upgrades of the ONAP
731 component deployed. To upgrade a component Helm release you will need an
732 updated Helm chart. The chart might have modified, deleted or added values,
733 deployment yamls, and more. To get the release name use::
737 To easily upgrade the release use::
739 > helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART]
741 To roll back to a previous release version use::
743 > helm rollback [flags] [RELEASE] [REVISION]
745 For example, to upgrade the onap-so helm release to the latest SO container
748 - Edit so values.yaml which is part of the chart
749 - Change "so: nexus3.onap.org:10001/openecomp/so:v1.1.1" to
750 "so: nexus3.onap.org:10001/openecomp/so:v1.1.2"
751 - From the chart location run::
753 > helm upgrade onap-so
755 The previous so pod will be terminated and a new so pod with an updated so
756 container will be created.
758 .. figure:: oomLogoV2-Delete.png
764 Existing deployments can be partially or fully removed once they are no longer
765 needed. To minimize errors it is recommended that before deleting components
766 from a running deployment the operator perform a 'dry-run' to display exactly
767 what will happen with a given command prior to actually deleting anything.
770 > helm undeploy onap --dry-run
772 will display the outcome of deleting the 'onap' release from the
774 To completely delete a release and remove it from the internal store enter::
778 Once complete undeploy is done then delete the namespace as well
779 using following command::
781 > kubectl delete namespace <name of namespace>
784 You need to provide the namespace name which you used during deployment,
785 below is the example::
787 > kubectl delete namespace onap
789 One can also remove individual components from a deployment by changing the
790 ONAP configuration values. For example, to remove `so` from a running
793 > helm undeploy onap-so
795 will remove `so` as the configuration indicates it's no longer part of the
796 deployment. This might be useful if a one wanted to replace just `so` by
797 installing a custom version.