Merge "fix odlsli image for new base image"
[ccsdk/distribution.git] / dgbuilder / core_nodes / social / 91-irc.js
1 /**
2  * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  **/
17 module.exports = function(RED) {
18     "use strict";
19     var irc = require("irc");
21     // The Server Definition - this opens (and closes) the connection
22     function IRCServerNode(n) {
23         RED.nodes.createNode(this,n);
24         this.server = n.server;
25 =;
26         this.nickname = n.nickname;
27         this.lastseen = 0;
28         this.ircclient = null;
29         this.on("close", function() {
30             if (this.ircclient != null) {
31                 this.ircclient.removeAllListeners();
32                 this.ircclient.disconnect();
33             }
34         });
35     }
36     RED.nodes.registerType("irc-server",IRCServerNode);
39     // The Input Node
40     function IrcInNode(n) {
41         RED.nodes.createNode(this,n);
42         this.ircserver = n.ircserver;
43         this.serverConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.ircserver);
44 = ||;
45         var node = this;
46         if (node.serverConfig.ircclient === null) {
47             node.log("Connecting to "+node.serverConfig.server);
48             node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"connecting"});
49             node.serverConfig.ircclient = new irc.Client(node.serverConfig.server, node.serverConfig.nickname,{autoConnect:false,retryDelay:20000});
50             node.serverConfig.ircclient.setMaxListeners(0);
51             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('error', function(message) {
52                 node.log(JSON.stringify(message));
53             });
54             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('netError', function(message) {
55                 node.log(JSON.stringify("NET "+message));
56                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
57             });
58             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('connect', function() {
59                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
60             });
61             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('ping', function(server) {
62                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
63                 //node.log("PING "+JSON.stringify(server));
64             });
65             node.recon = setInterval( function() {
66                 //console.log("CHK ",(;
67                 if (( > 300000) {     // if more than 5 mins since last seen
68                     node.ircclient.send.apply(node.ircclient,["TIME"]);     // request time to check link
69                 }
70                 if (( > 400000) {     // If more than 6.5 mins
71                     node.serverConfig.ircclient.disconnect();
72                     node.serverConfig.ircclient.connect();
73                     node.log("reconnect");                                  // then retry
74                 }
75                 node.ircclient.send.apply(node.ircclient,["TIME"]); // request time to check link
76             }, 60000); // check every 1 min
77         }
78         else { node.status({text:""}); }
79         node.ircclient = node.serverConfig.ircclient;
81         node.ircclient.addListener('registered', function(message) {
82             //node.log(node.ircclient.nick+" ONLINE");
83             node.status({fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:"connected"});
84             node.ircclient.join(, function(data) {
85                 // node.log(data+" JOINED ";
86                 node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"joined"});
87             });
88         });
89         node.ircclient.addListener('message', function (from, to, message) {
90             //node.log(from + ' => ' + to + ' : ' + message);
91             if ( {
92                 var msg = { "topic":from, "from":from, "to":to, "payload":message };
93                 node.send([msg,null]);
94             }
95             //else { console.log(,to); }
96         });
97         node.ircclient.addListener('pm', function(from, message) {
98             //node.log("PM => "+from + ': ' + message);
99             var msg = { "topic":from, "from":from, "to":"PRIV", "payload":message };
100             node.send([msg,null]);
101         });
102         node.ircclient.addListener('join', function(channel, who) {
103             var msg = { "payload": { "type":"join", "who":who, "channel":channel } };
104             node.send([null,msg]);
105             //node.log(who+' has joined '+channel);
106         });
107         node.ircclient.addListener('invite', function(channel, from, message) {
108             var msg = { "payload": { "type":"invite", "who":from, "channel":channel, "message":message } };
109             node.send([null,msg]);
110             //node.log(from+' sent invite to '+channel+': '+message);
111         });
112         node.ircclient.addListener('part', function(channel, who, reason) {
113             var msg = { "payload": { "type":"part", "who":who, "channel":channel, "reason":reason } };
114             node.send([null,msg]);
115             //node.log(who+' has left '+channel+': '+reason);
116         });
117         node.ircclient.addListener('quit', function(nick, reason, channels, message) {
118             var msg = { "payload": { "type":"quit", "who":nick, "channel":channels, "reason":reason } };
119             node.send([null,msg]);
120             //node.log(nick+' has quit '+channels+': '+reason);
121         });
122         node.ircclient.addListener('kick', function(channel, who, by, reason) {
123             var msg = { "payload": { "type":"kick", "who":who, "channel":channel, "by":by, "reason":reason } };
124             node.send([null,msg]);
125             //node.log(who+' was kicked from '+channel+' by '+by+': '+reason);
126         });
127         node.ircclient.addListener('names', function (channel, nicks) {
128             var msg = { "payload": { "type": "names", "channel": channel, "names": nicks} };
129             node.send([null, msg]);
130         });
131         node.ircclient.addListener('raw', function (message) { // any message means we are alive
132             node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
133         });
134         node.on("close", function() {
135             node.ircclient.removeAllListeners();
136             if (node.recon) { clearInterval(node.recon); }
137         });
138     }
139     RED.nodes.registerType("irc in",IrcInNode);
142     // The Output Node
143     function IrcOutNode(n) {
144         RED.nodes.createNode(this,n);
145         this.sendFlag = n.sendObject;
146         this.ircserver = n.ircserver;
147         this.serverConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.ircserver);
148 = ||;
149         var node = this;
150         if (node.serverConfig.ircclient === null) {
151             node.log("connecting to "+node.serverConfig.server);
152             node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"connecting"});
153             node.serverConfig.ircclient = new irc.Client(node.serverConfig.server, node.serverConfig.nickname,{autoConnect:false,retryDelay:20000});
154             node.serverConfig.ircclient.setMaxListeners(0);
155             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('error', function(message) {
156                 node.log(JSON.stringify(message));
157             });
158             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('netError', function(message) {
159                 node.log(JSON.stringify("NET "+message));
160                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
161             });
162             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('connect', function() {
163                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
164             });
165             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('ping', function(server) {
166                 node.serverConfig.lastseen =;
167                 //node.log("PING "+JSON.stringify(server));
168             });
169             node.serverConfig.ircclient.addListener('raw', function (message) { // any message received means we are alive
170                 if (message.commandType === "reply") { node.serverConfig.lastseen =; }
171             });
172             node.recon = setInterval( function() {
173                 //console.log("CHK ",(;
174                 if (( > 300000) {     // if more than 5 mins since last seen
175                     node.ircclient.send.apply(node.ircclient,["TIME"]);     // request time to check link
176                 }
177                 if (( > 400000) {     // If more than 6.5 mins
178                     node.serverConfig.ircclient.disconnect();
179                     node.serverConfig.ircclient.connect();
180                     node.log("reconnect");                                  // then retry
181                 }
182                 node.ircclient.send.apply(node.ircclient,["TIME"]); // request time to check link
183             }, 60000); // check every 1 min
184             node.serverConfig.ircclient.connect();
185         }
186         else { node.status({text:""}); }
187         node.ircclient = node.serverConfig.ircclient;
189         node.ircclient.addListener('registered', function(message) {
190             node.log(node.ircclient.nick+" ONLINE");
191             node.status({fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:"connected"});
192             node.ircclient.join(, function(data) {
193                 //node.log(data+" JOINED ";
194                 node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"joined"});
195             });
196         });
198         node.on("input", function(msg) {
199             if ( msg.raw ) === '[object Array]') {
200                 node.log("RAW command:"+msg.raw);
201                 node.ircclient.send.apply(node.ircclient,msg.raw);
202                 //var m = msg.raw;
203                 //for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
204                     //if (typeof m[i] !== "string") { m[i] = ""; }
205                     //m[i] = m[i].replace(/"/g, "");
206                 //}
207                 //node.log("RAW command:"+m);
208                 //node.ircclient.send(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4],m[5],m[6],m[7],m[8],m[9]);
209             }
210             else {
211                 if (msg._topic) { delete msg._topic; }
212                 var ch =","); // split on , so we can send to multiple
213                 if (node.sendFlag == "true") { // override channels with msg.topic
214                     if ((msg.hasOwnProperty('topic'))&&(typeof msg.topic === "string")) {
215                         ch = msg.topic.split(","); // split on , so we can send to multiple
216                     }
217                     else { node.warn("msg.topic not set"); }
218                 }
219                 for (var c = 0; c < ch.length; c++) {
220                     if (node.sendFlag == "false") { // send whole message object to each channel
221                         node.ircclient.say(ch[c], JSON.stringify(msg));
222                     }
223                     else { // send just the payload to each channel
224                         if (typeof msg.payload === "object") { msg.payload = JSON.stringify(msg.payload); }
225                         node.ircclient.say(ch[c], msg.payload);
226                     }
227                 }
228             }
229         });
231         node.on("close", function() {
232             node.ircclient.removeAllListeners();
233             if (node.recon) { clearInterval(node.recon); }
234         });
235     }
236     RED.nodes.registerType("irc out",IrcOutNode);
237 }