noheat: deploy MetalLB, cert-manager and prometheus
[integration.git] / deployment / noheat / cluster-rke / ansible / create.yml
1 ---
2 - name: Install NFS
3   hosts: all
4   become: yes
5   roles:
6     - role: setup_nfs
7 - name: Set up bastion node for ONAP Docker registry
8   hosts: "nfs0"
9   become: yes
10   roles:
11     - role: create_bastion
12       destination: "{{ nexus }}"
13 - name: Add bastion information to the cluster nodes
14   hosts: all
15   become: yes
16   tasks:
17     - name: Add cluster hostnames to /etc/hosts file
18       lineinfile:
19         path: /etc/hosts
20         line: "{{ hostvars['nfs0']['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ item }}"
21       loop:
22         - ""
23 - name: Install Docker
24   become: yes
25   hosts: control,workers
26   roles:
27     - role: setup_docker
28 - name: Deploy k8s
29   hosts: operator0
30   roles:
31     - role: setup_k8s
32 - name: Download OOM
33   hosts: operator0
34   tasks:
35     - name: Clone OOM
36       git:
37         repo: ""
38         dest: "{{ oom_dir }}"
39         version: "master"
40 - name: Install Helm
41   hosts: operator0
42   roles:
43     - role: setup_helm
44 - name: Install metallb, cert-manager and prometheus
45   hosts: operator0
46   gather_facts: false
47   roles:
48     - role: deps