Add a configurable delay to the DMI stub
[cps.git] / csit / pylibs.txt
1 docker-py
2 ipaddr
3 netaddr
4 netifaces
5 pyhocon
6 requests
7 robotframework-httplibrary
8 robotframework-requests==0.9.3
9 robotframework-selenium2library==3.0.0
10 robotframework-extendedselenium2library
11 robotframework-sshlibrary
12 robotframework-confluentkafkalibrary
13 scapy
14 # Module jsonpath is needed by current AAA idmlite suite.
15 jsonpath-rw
16 # Modules for longevity framework robot library
17 elasticsearch
18 elasticsearch-dsl
19 # Module for pyangbind used by lispflowmapping project
20 pyangbind
21 # Module for iso8601 datetime format
22 isodate
23 # Module for TemplatedRequests.robot library
24 jmespath
25 # Module for backup-restore support library
26 jsonpatch
27 # odltools for extra debugging
28 odltools