[cps.git] / cps-nf-proxy-rest / docs / openapi / components.yaml
1 components:
2   schemas:
3     ErrorMessage:
4       type: object
5       title: Error
6       properties:
7         status:
8           type: string
9         message:
10           type: string
11         details:
12           type: string
13     MultipartFile:
14       required:
15         - file
16       properties:
17         multipartFile:
18           type: string
19           description: multipartFile
20           format: binary
22   parameters:
23     cmHandleInPath:
24       name: cm-handle
25       in: path
26       description: The identifier for a network function, network element, subnetwork or any other cm object by managed NF-Proxy
27       required: true
28       schema:
29         type: string
30     xpathInQuery:
31       name: xpath
32       in: query
33       description: xpath
34       required: false
35       schema:
36         type: string
37         default: /
38     includeDescendantsOptionInQuery:
39       name: include-descendants
40       in: query
41       description: include-descendants
42       required: false
43       schema:
44         type: boolean
45         default: false
46     cpsPathInQuery:
47       name: cps-path
48       in: query
49       description: cps-path
50       required: false
51       schema:
52         type: string
53         default: /
56   responses:
57     NotFound:
58       description: The specified resource was not found
59       content:
60         application/json:
61           schema:
62             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
63     Unauthorized:
64       description: Unauthorized
65       content:
66         application/json:
67           schema:
68             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
69     Forbidden:
70       description: Forbidden
71       content:
72         application/json:
73           schema:
74             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
75     BadRequest:
76       description: Bad Request
77       content:
78         application/json:
79           schema:
80             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
81     Conflict:
82       description: Conflict
83       content:
84         application/json:
85           schema:
86             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
87     NotImplemented:
88       description: The given path has not been implemented
89       content:
90         application/json:
91           schema:
92             $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
93     Ok:
94       description: OK
95       content:
96         application/json:
97           schema:
98             type: object
99     Created:
100       description: Created
101       content:
102         text/plain:
103           schema:
104             type: string
105     NoContent:
106       description: No Content
107       content: {}