[policy/drools-applications.git] / controlloop / common / model-impl / events / src / main / resources / definitions.yaml
1 AAI:
2   type: object
3   properties:
4     AICVServerSelfLink:
5       type: string
6     VNF_NAME:
7       type: string
8     AICVMID:
9       type: string
10     AICTenantID:
11       type: string
12     LOC_ID:
13       type: string
14     in_maint:
15       type: boolean
16     AICIdentity:
17       type: string
18     Prov_status:
19       type: string
20     OAM_IPV4:
21       type: string
22     is_closed_loop_disabled:
23       type: boolean
24     VM_NAME:
25       type: string
26     OAM_IPV6:
27       type: string
28   required:
29     - AICVServerSelfLink
30     - AICIdentity
31     - is_closed_loop_disabled
32 ControlLoop:
33   type: object
34   description: Common fields for control loop events and notifications
35   properties:
36     closedLoopControlName:
37       type: string
38       description: A UNIQUE string identifying the Closed Loop ID this event is for. There are no semantics behind this string.
39     serviceInstance:
40       $ref: '../../../../sdc/src/main/resources/definitions.yaml#/serviceInstance'
41     resourceInstance:
42       $ref: '../../../../sdc/src/main/resources/definitions.yaml#/resourceInstance'
43     requestID:
44       type: string
45       description: This is required via ONAP Platform Logging Requirements.
46       pattern: /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}/
47     triggerID:
48       type: string
49       description: ID that maps back to Highland Park. Concatenation between eventID and firstEPOCH.
50     triggerSourceName:
51       type: string
52       description: pulled from eventSourceName of trigger H.P. alarm. The contents of this field should also be contained in the AAI Json sub-tag (see below).
53     closedLoopAlarmStart:
54       type: string
55       description: firstEpoch. UTC Timestamp when this event was detected by DCAE. Conform to ONAP Logging requirements.
56     closedLoopAlarmEnd:
57       type: string
58       description: lastEpoch.  UTC Timestamp when this event was detected as cleared by DCAE. Conform to ONAP Logging requirements.
59     closedLoopEventClient:
60       type: string
61       description: Open DCAE sub-system that detected the event and published this event message.
62     target:
63       type: string
64       description: The target entity that is being administered. This could be VM_NAME, VNF_NAME, etc. This should map to a field name in the AAI sub-tag shown below.
65     AAI:
66       $ref: '#/AAI'
67     from:
68       type: string
69     policyScope:
70       type: string
71     policyName:
72       type: string
73     policyVersion:
74       type: string
75   required:
76     - closedLoopControlName
77     - requestID
78     - triggerID
79     - triggerSourceName
80     - closedLoopAlarmStart
81     - closedLoopEventClient
82     - target
83     - AAI
84     - from
85     - policyScope
86     - policyName
87     - policyVersion
88 Event:
89   allOf:
90     - $ref: '#/ControlLoop'
91     - properties:
92       closedLoopEventStatus:
93         type: string
94         description: The status for the event within Open DCAE. A value of “ONSET” indicates the event has been encountered. “ABATED” indicates the event has been abated.
95         valid_values:
96           - ONSET
97           - ABATEMENT
98     - required:
99       - closedLoopEventStatus
100 Notification:
101     - $ref: '#/ControlLoop'
102     - properties:
103       notification:
104         type: string
105       notificationTime:
106         type: string
107       message:
108         type: string
109       OPS_CL_timer:
110         type: int
111     - required:
112       - notification
113       - notificationTime
114       - OPS_CL_timer