Create new release tag for osdf
[optf/osdf.git] / config / common_config.yaml
1 osdf_system:
2     libpath: /opt/app/osdf/libs
3     osdf_ports:
4         internal: 8699  # inside the Docker container, the app listens to this port
5         external: 8698  # clients use this port on DockerHost
6     osdf_ip_default:
7 #        # Important Note: At deployment time, we need to ensure the port mapping is done
8     #ssl_context: ['./ssl_certs/oof.crt', './ssl_certs/oof_new.key']
10 osdf_temp:  # special configuration required for "workarounds" or testing
11     local_policies:
12         global_disabled: True
13         local_placement_policies_enabled: True
14         placement_policy_dir_vcpe: "./test/policy-local-files/"
15         placement_policy_files_vcpe: # workaroud for policy platform glitches (or "work-arounds" for other components)
16             - Affinity_vCPE_1.json
17             #- Capacity_vGMuxInfra.json
18             #- Capacity_vG_1.json
19             - Distance_vG_1.json
20             - Distance_vGMuxInfra_1.json
21             - hpa_policy_vG_1.json
22             - hpa_policy_vGMuxInfra_1.json
23             - Placement_Optimization_1.json
24             - QueryPolicy_vCPE.json
25             - vnfPolicy_vG.json
26             - vnfPolicy_vGMuxInfra.json
27         placement_policy_dir_vfw: "./test/policy-local-files/"
28         placement_policy_files_vfw: # workaroud for policy platform glitches (or "work-arounds" for other components)
29             #- Capacity_vFW_1.json
30             - Distance_vFW_1.json
31             - hpa_policy_vFW_1.json
32             - Placement_Optimization_1.json
33             - QueryPolicy_vFW.json
34             - vnfPolicy_vFW.json
35         placement_policy_dir_vfw_td: "./test/policy-local-files/"
36         placement_policy_files_vfw_td:
37             - vnfPolicy_vFW_TD.json
38             - vnfPolicy_vPGN_TD.json
39             - affinity_vFW_TD.json
40             - QueryPolicy_vFW_TD.json
41 service_info:
42     vCPE:
43         vcpeHostName: requestParameters.vcpeHostName
44         e2eVpnKey: requestParameters.e2eVpnKey
45     vFW:
46         vcpeHostName: requestParameters.vcpeHostName
47         e2eVpnKey: requestParameters.e2eVpnKey
49 references:
50     service_name:
51         source: request
52         value: serviceInfo.serviceName
53     resource:
54         source: request
55         value: placementInfo.placementDemands.resourceModuleName
56     subscriber_role:
57         source: onap.policies.optimization.SubscriberPolicy
58         value:
60 policy_info:
61     prioritization_attributes:
62         policy_type:
63             - type
64         resources:
65             - properties.resources
66             - properties.objectiveParameter.parameterAttributes.resources
67         service_name:
68             -
70     placement:
71         policy_fetch: by_scope
72         policy_scope:
73             -
74                 scope:
75                     - OSDF_FRANKFURT
76                 geography:
77                     - US
78                 service:
79                     - get_param: service_name
80                 resources:
81                     - get_param: resource
82     #            -
83     #                - get_param: service_name
84     #                - get_param: subscriber_role
85     default:  # if no explicit service related information is needed
86         policy_fetch: by_name
87         policy_scope: none