Aligned attributes of CDS components
[ccsdk/cds.git] / components / model-catalog / definition-type / starter-type / node_type / component-config-snapshots-executor.json
1 {
2   "description": "This is Resource configuration snapshots Execution Component.",
3   "version": "1.0.0",
4   "attributes": {
5     "config-snapshot-status": {
6       "required": true,
7       "type": "string"
8     },
9     "config-snapshot-message": {
10       "required": true,
11       "type": "string"
12     },
13     "config-snapshot-value": {
14       "required": false,
15       "type": "string"
16     }
17   },
18   "capabilities": {
19     "component-node": {
20       "type": "tosca.capabilities.Node"
21     }
22   },
23   "interfaces": {
24     "ComponentConfigSnapshotsExecutor": {
25       "operations": {
26         "process": {
27           "inputs": {
28             "operation": {
29               "description": "Operation to perform: fetch, store, diff. (required)",
30               "required": true,
31               "type": "string",
32               "constraints": [
33                 {
34                   "valid_values": [
35                     "fetch",
36                     "store",
37                     "diff"
38                   ]
39                 }
40               ]
41             },
42             "resource-id": {
43               "description": "Identifier for the resource config to operate on. (required)",
44               "required": true,
45               "type": "string"
46             },
47             "resource-type": {
48               "description": "Type of the resource config to operate on, e.g. PNF, VNF, etc. (required)",
49               "required": true,
50               "type": "string"
51             },
52             "resource-status" : {
53               "description": "Status of the resource to fetch or store, either RUNNING or CANDIDATE. (optional)",
54               "required" : false,
55               "type" : "string",
56               "default": "RUNNING",
57               "constraints": [
58                 {
59                   "valid_values": [
60                     "RUNNING",
61                     "CANDIDATE"
62                   ]
63                 }
64               ]
65             },
66             "resource-snapshot": {
67               "description": "The resource config snapshot to store for the resource identified by id/type/status. (store operation only)",
68               "required": false,
69               "type": "string"
70             },
71             "diff-content-type": {
72               "description": "Specify the type of content expected, to perform comparison on. (diff operation only)",
73               "required": false,
74               "type": "string",
75               "constraints": [
76                 {
77                   "valid_values": [
78                     "xml",
79                     "json"
80                   ]
81                 }
82               ]
83             }
84           },
85           "outputs": {
86             "response-data": {
87               "description": "Execution Response Data.",
88               "required": false,
89               "type": "string"
90             },
91             "status": {
92               "description": "Status of the Component Execution ( success or failure )",
93               "required": true,
94               "type": "string"
95             }
96           }
97         }
98       }
99     }
100   },
101   "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
102 }