[SDC-29] Amdocs OnBoard 1707 initial commit.
[sdc.git] / common / openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-lib / openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-core / src / test / resources / testWidgetinServiceTosca / VadtranDemo-template.yml
1 #_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2  #|                                                                         AT&T Proprietary (Restricted)                                                                                |
3  #|                                     Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s)                            |
4  #|                                          within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution                                                          |
5  #|_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
6 tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
7 metadata:
8   invariantUUID: 886d689d-351d-485a-829c-d86ec2dde4c4
9   UUID: 3d6e1e60-14ac-4665-83de-6e2c729f0222
10   name: vadtran_Demo
11   description: test
12   type: VF
13   category: Generic
14   subcategory: Database
15   resourceVendor: Test
16   resourceVendorRelease: '1.0'
17 imports:
18 - NeutronPort:
19     file: Neutronport-template.yml
20 - VadtranDemo.nodes.heat.vnf:
21     file: VadtrandemoNodesHeatVnf-template.yml
22 topology_template:
23   inputs:
24     pmaa_dpu_net_id:
25       type: string
26       default: bd3be094-ddf0-43b3-91e7-d424f09dd2b9
27       description: PMAA DPU network ID
28     pmaa_dpu_fixed_ip:
29       type: string
30       default:
31       description: PMAA fixed IP address for DPU network port
32     pmaa_flavor:
33       type: string
34       default: m1.medium
35       description: PMAA instance Flavor (RAM, DISK, vCPUs)
36     pmaa_image:
37       type: string
38       default: adtran_pmaa_ubuntu_multi
39       description: PMAA image for compute instance
40     pmaa_mgt_net_id:
41       type: string
42       default: 991cdd94-18ca-4bf8-a931-922a64500840
43       description: PMAA management network
44     vnf_id:
45       type: string
46       default: pmaa_vnf_id
47       description: PMAA unique ID
48     pmaa_availability_zone:
49       type: string
50       default: nova
51       description: PMAA availability zone ID to deploy the instance
52     vnf_name:
53       type: string
54       default: pmaa
55       description: PMAA vnf name
56     pmaa_dpu_cidr:
57       type: string
58       default:
59       description: PMAA DPU subnetwork CIDR address block
60     pmaa_dpu_subnet_id:
61       type: string
62       default: e848430b-e956-4b47-9cc8-f7a6ca2c790a
63       description: PMAA DPU subnetwork ID
64     pmaa_dpu_gateway:
65       type: string
66       default:
67       description: PMAA DPU subnetwork gateway IP address
68   node_templates:
69     pmaa_mgt_port:
70       type: org.openecomp.resource.cp.nodes.heat.network.neutron.Port
71       metadata:
72         invariantUUID: cba26d10-4613-4c82-9f9e-af95eaf959a3
73         UUID: 2606755b-d301-45c6-900e-ca676cc9f348
74         resourceCustomizationUUID: 6402d92d-0050-46a9-8202-f7a6ca2c790a
75         version: '1.0'
76         name: NeutronPort
77         description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types.
78         type: CP
79         category: Generic
80         subcategory: Network Elements
81       properties:
82         network:
83           get_input: pmaa_mgt_net_id
84       requirements:
85       - binding:
86           capability: tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable
87           node: pmaa_server_0
88           relationship: tosca.relationships.network.BindsTo
89     pmaa_dpu_port:
90       type: org.openecomp.resource.cp.nodes.heat.network.neutron.Port
91       metadata:
92         invariantUUID: cba26d10-4613-4c82-9f9e-af95eaf959a3
93         UUID: 2606755b-d301-45c6-900e-ca676cc9f348
94         resourceCustomizationUUID: 6402d92d-4613-4c82-9f9e-f7a6ca2c790a
95         version: '1.0'
96         name: NeutronPort
97         description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types.
98         type: CP
99         category: Generic
100         subcategory: Network Elements
101       properties:
102         fixed_ips:
103         - ip_address:
104             get_input: pmaa_dpu_fixed_ip
105         network:
106           get_input: pmaa_dpu_net_id
107       requirements:
108       - binding:
109           capability: tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable
110           node: pmaa_server_0
111           relationship: tosca.relationships.network.BindsTo
112     pmaa_server_0:
113       type: org.openecomp.resource.vfc.VadtranDemo.abstact.nodes.heat.vnf
114       metadata:
115         invariantUUID: 660310f4-8851-46d3-9cb7-9f1188b43aa7
116         UUID: 82150098-aead-4ae0-a3e0-d5273b4ab923
117         resourceCustomizationUUID: 6402d92d-8851-46d3-9cb7-f7a6ca2c790a
118         version: '1.0'
119         name: VadtranDemo.nodes.heat.vnf
120         description: Not reusable inner VFC
121         type: VFC
122         category: Generic
123         subcategory: Abstract
124       properties:
125         flavor:
126           get_input: pmaa_flavor
127         image:
128           get_input: pmaa_image
129         availability_zone:
130           get_input: pmaa_availability_zone
131         metadata:
132           pmaa.sb_nic:
133             address:
134               get_input: pmaa_dpu_fixed_ip
135             cidr:
136               get_input: pmaa_dpu_cidr
137             gateway:
138               get_input: pmaa_dpu_gateway
139         user_data_format:
140         name:
141           get_input: vnf_name
142   groups:
143     vadtran_Demo..base_adtran_pmaa_heat_04..module-0:
144       type: org.openecomp.groups.VfModule
145       metadata:
146         vfModuleModelName: vadtran_Demo..base_adtran_pmaa_heat_04..module-0
147         vfModuleModelInvariantUUID: d84f61c9-160a-44b6-a008-6caadbb6c612
148         vfModuleModelUUID: fbf41c77-a7ee-4203-ad6c-eeb8a4ad7178
149         vfModuleModelVersion: '1'
150       properties:
151         vf_module_type: Base
152         vf_module_description:
153         volume_group: false
154     base_adtran_pmaa_heat_04:
155       type: org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack
156       members:
157       - pmaa_mgt_port
158       - pmaa_dpu_port
159       - pmaa_server_0
160       metadata:
161         invariantUUID: d2e21beb-b7e4-44cf-bf6c-f8c8802fe532
162         UUID: c9d6f49a-6785-4693-a921-d980e4d11aa4
163         version: '1'
164         name: base_adtran_pmaa_heat_04
166   #_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
167  #|                                                                         AT&T Proprietary (Restricted)                                                                                |
168  #|                                     Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s)                            |
169  #|                                          within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution                                                          |
170  #|_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|