Enable user to create new resource dictionary with json
[ccsdk/cds.git] / cds-ui / designer-client / src / app / modules / feature-modules / resource-dictionary / resource-dictionary-creation / resource-dictionary-creation.component.html
1 <!--/*
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26                 <h2 class="col m-0 pb-0">
27                     <ul class="breadcrumb-header">
28                         <li><a routerLink="/resource-dictionary">Resource Dictionary</a></li>
29                         <i class="fa fa-angle-right ml-2 mr-2"></i>
30                         <li>Dictionary Name</li>
31                     </ul>
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36             <div class="container card creat-card col-11">
37                 <div class="single-line-model customKeyTitle">
38                     <h5 class="label-name w-100 ">
39                         Dictionary Name
40                     </h5>
41                     <!-- <label class="label-name"></label> -->
42                     <span>Last modified {{createDate}} by me</span>
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49                     <a class="action-button" (click)="createDictionary()">
50                         <i class="icon-save-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i>
51                         <span>Save</span>
52                     </a>
53                     <a href="#" class="action-button" (click)="goBackToDashBorad()">
54                         <i class="icon-discard-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i>
55                         <span>Discard Changes</span>
56                     </a>
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59                         <span>Clone</span>
60                     </a>
61                     <a href="#" class="action-button delete">
62                         <i class="icon-delete-sm" aria-hidden="true"></i>
63                         <span>Delete</span>
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71                                 href="#nav-metadata" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-metadata" aria-selected="false"
72                                 autofocus #nameit (focusout)="saveDictionaryToStore()">METADATA</a>
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100                                                     aria-labelledby="nav-source-tab">
101                                                     <app-sources-template></app-sources-template>
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108                                     aria-labelledby="nav-editor-tab">
109                                     <div class="card creat-card">
110                                         <div class="editor-container">
111                                             <app-dictionary-editor></app-dictionary-editor>
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