Implement Attributes/Outputs FE
[sdc.git] / catalog-ui / src / app / ng2 / components / logic / outputs-table / outputs-table.component.html
1 <!--
2 ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
3 *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
4 *  ================================================================================
5 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *
10 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 *  limitations under the License.
15 *
16 *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
17 *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
18 -->
20 <div class="output-attributes-table">
21   <loader [display]="isLoading" [size]="'large'" [relative]="true"></loader>
22   <div class="table-header">
23     <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-name" (click)="sort('name')">Output Name
24       <span *ngIf="sortBy === 'name'" class="table-header-sort-arrow"
25             [ngClass]="{'down': reverse, 'up':!reverse}"></span>
26     </div>
27     <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-instance" (click)="sort('instanceUniqueId')">From
28       Instance
29       <span *ngIf="sortBy === 'instanceUniqueId'" class="table-header-sort-arrow"
30             [ngClass]="{'down': reverse, 'up':!reverse}"></span>
31     </div>
32     <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-type" (click)="sort('type')">Type
33       <span *ngIf="sortBy === 'type'" class="table-header-sort-arrow"
34             [ngClass]="{'down': reverse, 'up':!reverse}">
35             </span>
36     </div>
37     <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-required" (click)="sort('required')"
38          *ngIf="componentType == 'SERVICE'">
39       <span tooltip="Required in Runtime" tooltipDelay="400">Req. in RT</span>
40     </div>
41     <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-value">Value</div>
42   </div>
43   <div class="table-body">
44     <div class="no-data" *ngIf="!outputs || !outputs.length">No data to display</div>
45     <div>
46       <div class="table-row" *ngFor="let output of outputs">
47         <!-- attribute Name -->
48         <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-name">
49           <div class="output-inner-cell-div">
50             <span class="attribute-name" tooltip="{{}}">{{}}</span>
51           </div>
52           <span *ngIf="output.description"
53                 class="attribute-description-icon sprite-new show-desc"
54                 tooltip="{{output.description}}" tooltipDelay="0"></span>
55         </div>
56         <!-- From Instance -->
57         <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-instance">
58           <div class="output-inner-cell-div"
59                tooltip="{{instanceNamesMap[output.instanceUniqueId]?.name}}">
60             <span>{{instanceNamesMap[output.instanceUniqueId]?.name}}</span>
61           </div>
62         </div>
63         <!-- Type -->
64         <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-type">
65           <div class="output-inner-cell-div" tooltip="{{output.type | contentAfterLastDot}}">
66             <span>{{output.type | contentAfterLastDot}}</span>
67           </div>
68         </div>
69         <!-- Required in runtime -->
70         <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-required" *ngIf="componentType == 'SERVICE'">
71           <sdc-checkbox [(checked)]="output.required"
72                         (checkedChange)="onRequiredChanged(output, $event)"
73                         [disabled]="readonly"></sdc-checkbox>
74         </div>
75         <!-- Value -->
76         <div class="table-cell col-output-attribute-value output-value-col"
77              [class.inner-table-container]="!output.isSimpleType">
78           <dynamic-element class="value-output"
79                            *ngIf="checkInstanceFeAttributesMapIsFilled() && output.isSimpleType"
80                            pattern="null"
81                            [value]="output.value"
82                            [type]="'string'"
83                            [name]=""
84                            (elementChanged)="onOutputChanged(output, $event)"
85                            [readonly]="true"
86                            [testId]="'output-' +"
87                            [constraints]="getConstraints(output)">
88           </dynamic-element>
89           <div class="delete-button-container">
90             <span *ngIf="output.instanceUniqueId && !readonly" class="sprite-new delete-btn"
91                   (click)="openDeleteModal(output)"></span>
92           </div>
93         </div>
94       </div>
95     </div>
96   </div>
97 </div>