Fix bug
[sdc.git] / catalog-ui / configurations / menu.js
1 const SDC_MENU_CONFIG = {
2     "roles": {
3         "ADMIN": {
4             "title": "Admin's Workspace",
5         },
6         "DESIGNER": {
7             "title": "Designer's Workspace",
8             "dashboard": {
9                 "showCreateNew": true
10             },
11             "changeLifecycleStateButtons": {
12                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT": {
13                     "RESOURCE": {
14                         "certify": {
15                             "text": "Certify",
16                             "url": "lifecycleState/certify",
17                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/certify"
18                         },
19                         "checkIn": {
20                             "text": "Check in",
21                             "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN",
22                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN"
23                         },
24                         "deleteVersion": {
25                             "text": "Delete Version",
26                             "url": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT",
27                             "alertModal": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT"
28                         }
29                     },
30                     "SERVICE": {
31                         "certify": {
32                             "text": "Certify",
33                             "url": "lifecycleState/certify",
34                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/certify"
35                         },
36                         "checkIn": {
37                             "text": "Check in",
38                             "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN",
39                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN"
40                         },
41                         "deleteVersion": {
42                             "text": "Delete Version",
43                             "url": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT",
44                             "alertModal": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT"
45                         }
46                     }
48                 },
49                 "CERTIFIED": {
50                     "RESOURCE": {
51                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
52                     },
53                     "SERVICE": {
54                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
55                     }
56                 },
57                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN": {
58                     "RESOURCE": {
59                         "certify": {
60                             "text": "Certify",
61                             "url": "lifecycleState/certify",
62                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/certify"
63                         },
64                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
65                     },
66                     "SERVICE": {
67                         "certify": {
68                             "text": "Certify",
69                             "url": "lifecycleState/certify",
70                             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/certify"
71                         },
72                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
73                     }
74                 },
75                 "DISTRIBUTION_NOT_APPROVED": {
76                     "RESOURCE":{},
77                     "SERVICE": {
78                         "distribute": {
79                             "text": "Distribute",
80                             "url": "distribution/PROD/activate",
81                             "conformanceLevelModal": {
82                                 "url": "distribution-state/reject",
83                                 "confirmationModal": "distribution-state/reject"
84                             }
85                         },
86                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
87                     }
88                 },
89                 "DISTRIBUTED": {
90                     "RESOURCE":{},
91                     "SERVICE": {
92                         "redistribute": {
93                             "text": "Redistribute",
94                             "url": "distribution/PROD/activate",
95                             "conformanceLevelModal": {
96                                 "url": "distribution-state/reject",
97                                 "confirmationModal": "distribution-state/reject"
98                             }
99                         },
100                         "checkOut": {"text": "Check Out", "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT"}
101                     }
102                 }
103             },
104             "folder": [
105                 {"text": "Active Projects", "groupname": "IN_PROGRESS"},
106                 {"text": "Check Out", "group": "IN_PROGRESS", "state": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT"},
107                 {"text": "Check In", "group": "IN_PROGRESS", "state": "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN"},
108                 {"text": "Followed Projects", "groupname": "FOLLOWING"},
109                 {"text": "Certified", "group": "FOLLOWING", "state": "CERTIFIED"},
110                 {"text": "Distributed", "group": "FOLLOWING", "state": "DISTRIBUTED"}
111             ]
113         }
114     },
115     "confirmationMessages": {
116         "lifecycleState/CHECKIN": {
117             "showComment": true,
118             "title": "Check in confirmation",
119             "message": "Please add comment and confirm the check in."
120         },
121         "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT": {
122             "showComment": true,
123             "title": "Check out confirmation",
124             "message": "Please add comment and confirm the check out."
125         },
126         "lifecycleState/certify": {
127             "showComment": true,
128             "title": "Certification confirmation",
129             "message": "Please add comment and confirm test results."
130         },
131         "updateTemplate": {
132             "showComment": false,
133             "title": "Update Template Confirmation",
134             "message": "Modifying the Template might cause losing of previous information"
135         }
136     },
137     "alertMessages": {
138         "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT": {
139             "title": "Delete Version Confirmation",
140             "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this version?"
141         },
142         "exitWithoutSaving": {
143             "title": "Exit Without Saving Confirmation",
144             "message": "All unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?"
145         },
146         "upgradeInstance": {
147             "title": "Switch Versions",
148             "message": "Switching versions will erase service paths: %1. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
149         },
150         "deleteInstance": {"title": "Delete Confirmation", "message": "Are you sure you would like to delete %1?"},
151         "deleteInput": {"title": "Delete Confirmation", "message": "Are you sure you would like to delete %1?"},
152         "okButton": "OK"
153     },
154     "statuses": {
155         "inDesign": {
156             "name": "In Design",
157             "values": [
158                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT",
159                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN"
160             ]
161         },
162         "certified": {
163             "name": "Certified",
164             "values": ["CERTIFIED"]
165         },
166         "distributed": {
167             "name": "Distributed",
168             "values": ["DISTRIBUTED"]
169         }
170     },
171     "categoriesDictionary": {
172         "Mobility": "Application Layer 4+",
173         "Network L1-3": "Network Layer 2-3",
174         "Network L4": "Network Layer 4+",
175         "VoIP Call Control": "Application Layer 4+"
176     },
177     "catalogMenuItem": {
178         "DESIGNER": {
179             "states": {
180                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT": {
181                     "ANY": []
182                 },
183                 "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN": {
184                     "ANY": []
185                 },
186                 "CERTIFIED": {
187                     "ANY": []
188                 }
189             }
190         },
191         "OTHER": {
192             "states": {
193                 "ANY": {
194                     "ANY": []
195                 }
196             }
197         }
198     },
199     "LifeCycleStatuses": {
200         "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT": {"text": "In Design Check Out", "icon": "checkout-editable-status-icon"},
201         "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN": {"text": "In Design Check In", "icon": "checkin-status-icon "},
202         "CERTIFIED": {"text": "Certified", "icon": "checkin-status-icon "}
203     },
204     "DistributionStatuses": {
205         "DISTRIBUTION_NOT_APPROVED": {"text": "Waiting For Distribution"},
206         "DISTRIBUTED": {"text": "Distributed"}
207     },
208     "canvas_buttons": {
209         "checkIn": {
210             "text": "Check in",
211             "action": "changeLifecycleState",
212             "url": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN",
213             "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN"
214         },
215         "deleteVersion": {
216             "text": "Delete Version",
217             "action": "changeLifecycleState",
218             "url": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT",
219             "alertModal": "lifecycleState/UNDOCHECKOUT"
220         }
221     },
223     "component_workspace_menu_option": {
224         "VFC": [
225             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
226             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
227             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
228             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
229             {"text": "Properties", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": ""},
230             {"text": "Attributes", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.attributes"},
231             {"text": "Interfaces", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.interface-definition"},
232             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCap"},
233             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"}
234         ],
235         "VL": [
236             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
237             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
238             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
239             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
240             {"text": "Properties", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": ""},
241             {"text": "Attributes", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.attributes"},
242             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCap"},
243             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"}
244         ],
245         "CP": [
246             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
247             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
248             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
249             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
250             {"text": "Properties", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": ""},
251             {"text": "Attributes", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.attributes"},
252             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCap"},
253             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"}
254         ],
255         "VF": [
256             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
257             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
258             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
259             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
260             {"text": "Composition", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.composition.details"},
261             {"text": "Operation", "action":"onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.interface_operation"},
262             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"},
263             {"text": "Deployment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment"},
264             {"text": "Properties Assignment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.properties_assignment"},
265             {"text": "Attributes & Outputs", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.attributes_outputs"},
266             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCapEditable"}
267         ],
268         "PNF": [
269             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
270             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
271             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
272             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
273             {"text": "Composition", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.composition.details"},
274             {"text": "Operation", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.interface_operation"},
275             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"},
276             {"text": "Properties Assignment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.properties_assignment"},
277             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCapEditable"}
278         ],
279         "CR": [
280             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general"},
281             {"text": "Deployment Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment_artifacts"},
282             {"text": "Information Artifact", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.information_artifacts"},
283             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
284             {"text": "Composition", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.composition.details", "disabledCategories":["Partner Domain Service"]},
285             {"text": "Operation", "action":"onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.interface_operation"},
286             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"},
287             {"text": "Properties Assignment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.properties_assignment"},
288             {"text": "Req. & Capabilities", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.reqAndCapEditable"}
289         ],
290         "SERVICE": [
291             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.general", "hiddenCategories":["Partner Domain Service"]},
292             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.tosca_artifacts"},
293             {"text": "Composition", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.composition.details", "disabledCategories":["Partner Domain Service"]},
294             {"text": "Operation", "action":"onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.interface_operation"},
295             {"text": "Activity Log", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.activity_log"},
296             {"text": "Management Workflow", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.management_workflow"},
297             {"text": "Network Call Flow ", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.network_call_flow"},
298             {"text": "Distribution","action": "onMenuItemPressed","state": "workspace.distribution","disabledRoles": ["ADMIN"]},
299             {"text": "Deployment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.deployment"},
300             {"text": "Properties Assignment", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.properties_assignment"},
301             {"text": "Attributes & Outputs", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "workspace.attributes_outputs"}
302         ],
303         "DataType": [
304             {"text": "General", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "general"},
305             {"text": "Properties", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "properties"},
306             {"text": "TOSCA Artifacts", "action": "onMenuItemPressed", "state": "tosca_artifacts"}
307         ]
308     }
310 };
312 module.exports = SDC_MENU_CONFIG;